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URL: https://www.amazon.com/Credit-Card-Wallet-For-Men/dp/B09XS6BPVM
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Form Factor Bi-Fold, Slim Brand Vera Forma Leatherworks Special Feature Ultra
Slim, Includes Card Holders, Lightweight, 100% Real Full Grain Leather Material
100% Real Full Grain Leather Style Minimalist



   This fits your .
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 * HIGH END Credit Card WALLET Crafted From Italian Leather
 * I AM THE COMMODORE+, Slim Leather Bifold Wallet, by none other than Vera
   Forma Leatherworks. My leather comes from Italy and I am also made in Europe
   with quality in mind. I will serve you well and be your partner through thick
   and thin.
 * You can carry me on a daily basis or use me as a travel wallet for your
   credit cards, cash, etc... I have 6 card slots and a pocket for cash.
 * My Promise is that I will develop Rich Unique Patina over time. The Leather I
   am made from came from a legendary Italian tannery Conceria Il Ponte
 * I cost much less than you'd expect to spend for something so sturdy and
   reliable, but there are plenty of other benefits to mention!
   Leather Bifold wallet for men with taste



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     "Excellent quality and crafted as advertised."
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     Reviews mention:
     "This product is of excellent quality and functions perfectly."
 8.  Feedback
     GOIACII Slim Wallet for Men Genuine Leather RFID Blocking Trifold Wallet
     with 2 ID ...
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Package Dimensions 7.2 x 4.69 x 0.79 inches Item Weight 1.44 ounces Department
Unisex Adult Manufacturer Vera Forma Leatherworks ASIN B09XS6BPVM Country of
Origin Bosnia and Herzegovina Item model number MW-902_L Customer Reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars 205 ratings

4.5 out of 5 stars


Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here


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“The Commodore”, designed for the true enthusiast in mind. Quality of
craftsmanship, striking style and a minimal pocket feel. A footprint not much
larger than the size of a credit card, this slim & light cardholder won’t be
felt in your pockets. It will allow 6 cards. The idea behind this Bi-fold was to
create a slim, unique & minimal wallet to live inside your pocket, all while
providing an un-compromised user experience. Space for the Essentials, Quality
Craftsmanship & a Striking Design were the key points during the development.
The wallet is built on a rock solid foundation of the Italian Veg Tan Leather
and it will become the foundation of your Every Day Carry.The more this bi-fold
wallet is used, the better the leather will reflect the story of its character.
With the high wax content, this texture-rich leather will provide a pronounced
pull-up that speaks the story of its paces. Each bend, fold, crease or mark will
add to the narrative of its time spent serving you. It simply Ages Beautifully
Over Time. Yet with a bit of balm or oil, the scratches disappear. The dark dyed
edges create a dramatic falloff to separate the texture of the English Tan
coloured leather to the subtle, yet eye catching stitching. With time this
wallet will become a part of your history with each stretch and mark telling its
own story of the ages it has spent serving you; the respectful enthusiast.
Simply, let the leather Patina record and tell your Story. A wallet is an
intimate and personal item. I believe that for something to deserve a spot your
person or in your Every Day Carry, it needs to parallel your personal brand, be
a reflection of your character and provide unwavering function along the way.



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Amazon Customer
3.0 out of 5 stars Costs $50, can't hold $1
Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2021
All the other positive review points apply - it's quality leather, smells great,
will age nicely.But they really lean into the whole "minimalist" thing - it's so
small, it's unusable for me. 30-40% larger and it's a fantastic product, but the
pictures don't really show you how small the thing is.It literally cannot
contain any amount of cash (USD) without 2+ folds of the bill, so I returned
with disappointment.Ultimately on me, but READ THE MEASUREMENTS.
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Crackers Magoo
5.0 out of 5 stars Stunning example of quality and craftsmanship
Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
This is an outstanding minimalist wallet. I have used many simple bi-folds, some
of which were custom made and very expensive, and this is among my favorites
now. I don't foresee any of my old wallets coming back into the rotation.

Fit and finish are well done. The stitching is tight and consistent. And let's
not forget the wonderful aroma! of course, that is less of a concern when it's
sitting in my pocket. Nevertheless, I very much look forward to seeing this age
and become a truly unique piece for years to come.

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4 people found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing quality and design!
Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Fantastic design!! Upon inspection it is clear that absolutely stunning
craftsmanship and effort was put into this wallet. I am able to fit this in my
front pocket with room for my AirPods and some other stuff I carry with me
without being to noticeable. If anyone is looking for a slim, modern design
wallet with an emphasis on quality over quantity, then the Commodore is for you.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing quality and design!
Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2021
Fantastic design!! Upon inspection it is clear that absolutely stunning
craftsmanship and effort was put into this wallet. I am able to fit this in my
front pocket with room for my AirPods and some other stuff I carry with me
without being to noticeable. If anyone is looking for a slim, modern design
wallet with an emphasis on quality over quantity, then the Commodore is for you.
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Raphael E.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Wallet
Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
This is an extremely nice wallet made from genuine leather, and you can tell.
Definitely lives up to the name of a leather working company.

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One person found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful wallet!
Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Love this wallet... ages awesome.

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Almir K
5.0 out of 5 stars Quality, Quality and Quality
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
I had such a pleasant experience with this seller. Very professional, quick
response, and very fast delivery. The product: Minimalist Wallet, Men's Slim
Wallet I 100% Full Grain Leather is Real leather, and the quality of this
product is REAL.
I recommend this product from this AWESOME seller to everyone who wishes to buy
I am happy with my wallet and I will definitely purchase more of this as a
holiday/birthday presents for my friends and family.

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Walter Placek
5.0 out of 5 stars Size and design.
Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
This is a great wallet, the best of both worlds minimalist and style. The
texture of the leather is top notch, the edges were nicly finished and smooth,
the size is perfectly compact for almost any pocket. The pullup leather is going
to age beautifully.  Very well crafted and highly recommend.

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5.0 out of 5 stars Terrific Minimalist Wallet
Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
If you're looking for a terrific quality minimalist wallet, look no further. The
Commodore is well constructed with high quality leather and stitching. The
horween leather is the best I've seen and smells fantastic. What are you waiting
for? Buy it now while you still can!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Pure Class
Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Beautiful design and craftsmanship, fits atleast 6 cards without warping or
loosing it's shape and is a perfect size. Smells amazing too extremely happy
with the wallet. Definately reccommend!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Pure Class
Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2021
Beautiful design and craftsmanship, fits atleast 6 cards without warping or
loosing it's shape and is a perfect size. Smells amazing too extremely happy
with the wallet. Definately reccommend!
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Sid Scotchman
5.0 out of 5 stars Best minimalist wallet I ever used.
Reviewed in Canada on June 1, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Great wallet. Fits just the right amount of cards I need daily. Feels so
comfortable in my pocket. My only gripe was that I had to wait a couple days to
get it in the mail… need a good minimalist wallet? You should definitely check
this out.

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Sid Scotchman
5.0 out of 5 stars Best minimalist wallet I ever used.
Reviewed in Canada on June 1, 2021
Great wallet. Fits just the right amount of cards I need daily. Feels so
comfortable in my pocket. My only gripe was that I had to wait a couple days to
get it in the mail… need a good minimalist wallet? You should definitely check
this out.
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Nihad Hadzic
5.0 out of 5 stars Love my new wallet
Reviewed in Canada on May 18, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Love real leather
This mini wallet fits 8 of my cards no problem.
I love that it folds shut too so cards don’t fall out.
The stitching is top notch too.
Very classy looking and feels good in your hand to.

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Nihad Hadzic
5.0 out of 5 stars Love my new wallet
Reviewed in Canada on May 18, 2021
Love real leather
This mini wallet fits 8 of my cards no problem.
I love that it folds shut too so cards don’t fall out.
The stitching is top notch too.
Very classy looking and feels good in your hand to.
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One person found this helpful
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5.0 out of 5 stars Small form factor and awesome quality!
Reviewed in Canada on June 23, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
I have never had a wallet this small before so i wasn't too sure what to expect.
The shipping was very quick, the packaging was great and the first impression
was incredible. The smell of the leather, the beautiful patterns on the leather
and the quality of the item was far exceeding my expectations. After using this
for a few weeks now i can say that it is everything that i need out of a wallet,
i will be back for more Veraforma products in the future!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing Quality!!
Reviewed in Canada on June 20, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Everything about this product makes me glad I purchased it. I researched the
company website and learnt about the crafter which was very nice, looked at a
lot of photos of it and I figured that for the price, there must be a catch.
There was no catch! The price is extremely reasonable, the smell of the leather
when you take it out of the package is incredible, the way that the leather
shifts colors when you bend it is beautiful, it fits 4 cards perfectly ( I even
had six in it, but I only carry 4), the stitching is beautiful and it is so
small that it
Don't even notice it in my pocket until i need to pull it out. I really can't
say enough about this product, I absolutely love it and I will be buying some as
gifts for friends as well!

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5.0 out of 5 stars Finally a usable and minimalist wallet
Reviewed in Canada on October 19, 2021
Color: BrownSize: SmallVerified Purchase
Found this wallet after trying so many other alternatives. Around 10 cards and
one or two bills fit without making it visibly thicker, and without falling out
when you open it. No pointless "money clip", no magnets BS, just nicely crafted

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