tidewateratc.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://tidewateratc.com/
Effective URL: https://tidewateratc.com/
Submission Tags: @phish_report
Submission: On June 04 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

POST https://tidewateratc.com/Sys/Login

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      // The id of the reCAPTCHA widget is assigned to 'widgetId_QFpB82d'.
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        'sitekey': '6LfmM_UhAAAAAJSHT-BwkAlQgN0mMViOmaK7oEIV',
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Name: mc-embedded-subscribe-formPOST http://tidewateratc.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=55b4b56215f58352eca502f98&id=0eb6788ff3

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POST https://tidewateratc.com/Sys/Search

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Text Content

Log in
 * Home
 * Catalog
 * Join us
 * Schedule
 * Newsletter
    * Current Newsletter
    * Newsletter Archive

 * Documents
    * Activity Sign Up Form
    * Activity Sign Up Information
    * Guidelines for Minors
    * Emergency Data Form
    * Emergency Data Form Info
    * TATC Firearms Policy
    * TATC Flyer
    * TATC Brochure
    * TATC By-Laws
    * Board Minutes
    * In_Remembrance
    * Index of Educational Handouts
    * TATC Policy on COVID-19

 * Trail Maintenance
    * Activity Leadership Guide
    * Trail Maintenance Booklet
    * Leave No Trace (LNT) Booklet
    * Section Leader Report
    * Trail Maintenance Hazards
    * ATC JHA Library
    * Map to Sherando
    * Local Trail Crew Briefing Booklet
    * Trail Supervisor Manual
    * Saw Operations Guide
    * Understanding Complexity - USFS Sawyers
    * Five-Step Cutting Plan (OHLEC) (Draft)
    * USFS Saw Complexity Guide

 * Cabin
    * Cabin Schedule
    * Cabin Incentive Program
    * General Information
    * Cabin Rules
    * Cabin Release Form
    * Cabin Photos
    * Cabin Historical Articles
    * A Brief History

 * Timekeeping
    * TATC Internal Management & Admin
    * Federal Lands Trails & Admin
    * Outreach and Communications Events
    * Recreational Events and Activities
    * Local Maintenance and Administration
    * ATC Non-Trail Activities (VARO, SPM, etc.)
    * Cabin Maintenance & Administration
    * Corridor Monitoring
    * Social Events and Activities

 * Contacts
    * TATC Meetings
    * TATC Board

 * Links
 * Donations

Remember me
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Log in 

Log in


 * Home
 * Catalog
 * Join us
 * Schedule
 * Newsletter
    * Current Newsletter
    * Newsletter Archive

 * Documents
    * Activity Sign Up Form
    * Activity Sign Up Information
    * Guidelines for Minors
    * Emergency Data Form
    * Emergency Data Form Info
    * TATC Firearms Policy
    * TATC Flyer
    * TATC Brochure
    * TATC By-Laws
    * Board Minutes
    * In_Remembrance
    * Index of Educational Handouts
    * TATC Policy on COVID-19

 * Trail Maintenance
    * Activity Leadership Guide
    * Trail Maintenance Booklet
    * Leave No Trace (LNT) Booklet
    * Section Leader Report
    * Trail Maintenance Hazards
    * ATC JHA Library
    * Map to Sherando
    * Local Trail Crew Briefing Booklet
    * Trail Supervisor Manual
    * Saw Operations Guide
    * Understanding Complexity - USFS Sawyers
    * Five-Step Cutting Plan (OHLEC) (Draft)
    * USFS Saw Complexity Guide

 * Cabin
    * Cabin Schedule
    * Cabin Incentive Program
    * General Information
    * Cabin Rules
    * Cabin Release Form
    * Cabin Photos
    * Cabin Historical Articles
    * A Brief History

 * Timekeeping
    * TATC Internal Management & Admin
    * Federal Lands Trails & Admin
    * Outreach and Communications Events
    * Recreational Events and Activities
    * Local Maintenance and Administration
    * ATC Non-Trail Activities (VARO, SPM, etc.)
    * Cabin Maintenance & Administration
    * Corridor Monitoring
    * Social Events and Activities

 * Contacts
    * TATC Meetings
    * TATC Board

 * ≡
    * Links
    * Donations

The Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC) is an energetic group, open to
individuals and families, whose primary purpose is to maintain a 10+ mile
section of the Appalachian Trail (AT). The Club is centered in Norfolk, VA, and
draws membership from Hampton Roads and the surrounding areas. TATC maintains 23
miles of additional trails in the Blue Ridge Mountains, including the White
Rocks Falls Trail along the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Mau-Har Trail off of the
Appalachian Trail, and all the trails in the St. Mary’ Wilderness.  In the
Tidewater area, the club maintains trails in First Landing State Park, False
Cape State Park, New Quarter Park, and Sandy Bottom Nature Park.

In addition to trail maintenance, the TATC offers a wide range of outdoor
recreational activities, including backpacking, day hiking, canoeing, kayaking,
biking, car camping, white water rafting, skiing, rock climbing, rappelling,
nature watching, and of course, eating!  

TATC general meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month (except in
December). Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held at the Episcopal Church
of the Advent, 9629 Norfolk Ave, Norfolk, VA 23503. Visitors are always welcome.
For more information, write to: Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club, P.O. Box 8246,
Norfolk, VA 23503.

Subscribe to our mailing list
(enter email address)  

Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club Group Facebook Page

Join the new TATC Group Page on Facebook

Our new TATC group page allows anyone to post TATC related content (moderated). 

You are welcome to join the group and to post. Click this link to view our page.



Mountain Laurel in full bloom.

By Pete Burch




Newsletter - June 2024 - July 2024

"Trees 101" by Paul and Lori Heymann

2024 Tye River Ridge Runner Reports

TATC Activity List - April 10th Meeting

Guide to Solar Eclipse

TATC Activity List - March 13th Meeting

Sign up for the Konnarock Trail Crew

TATC Activity List - February 14th Meeting

Newsletter - February 2024 - March 2024

TATC Activity List - January 10th Meeting

Newsletter - December 2023 - January 2024

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

TATC Activity List - October 11th Meeting

Newsletter - October - November 2023

TATC Facebook Page

What 3 Words Presentation

Lee Lohman Virginia AT Volunteer of the Year 2023

Peregrine Falcons by Reese Lukei

Virginian-Pilot Article on TATC

TATC 50 Years - History Book - Standard Resolution (~97 MB)  

TATC 50 Years - History Book - Minimum Resolution (~13 MB)

Leading Local TATC Activities

TATC Food Storage Policy

The TATC Cabin is available for Rentals – contact Greg Hodges at
cabin@tidewateratc.com to reserve.

Link to Activity Sign Up Form

Cabin Incentive Program

 * Swingblade and Lopperfest I
   7 Jun 2024
   CCCKitchen at Sherando Lake - 96 Sherando Lake Rd, Lyndhurst, VA 22952
 * TATC General Membership Meeting
   12 Jun 2024 7:00 PM
   9629 Norfolk Ave Norfolk, Virginia 23503
 * First Landing State Park Trail Maintenance Workday
   20 Jun 2024 9:00 AM
   First Landing State Park
 * Cabin Maintenance and Orientation Weekend
   21 Jun 2024
   TATC Douglas Putman Memorial Cabin
 * West Neck Creek Clean-up
   22 Jun 2024 9:00 AM
   Dozier Bridge Kayak Launch, Virginia Beach 23453


The Board of Directors welcomes everyone as members or participants in our
events regardless of race, creed, ethnic origin, sexual orientation,
disabilities, or similar considerations.  The Board prohibits bigoted, abusive,
or impolite behavior or speech by anyone at any of our activities. If you
believe you have experienced such behavior or speech, contact the TATC President
at president@tidewateratc.com or any member of the Board of Directors
at https://tatc.wildapricot.org/TATC-Board immediately.

The U.S. Forest Service has a detailed Anti-Harassment policy that also applies
to volunteers.  TATC's Group Volunteer Service Agreement with the Forest Service
requires us to inform members of the Forest Service’s Harassment Reporting
Center number.  That number is (844) 815-8943.  The link to the USFS policy page
is https://www.fs.usda.gov/about-agency/anti-harassment-policy



Join us


The Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all
volunteer organization.  100% of your membership dues and donations go to
furthering the club's mission. 

Copyright 2024

Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club

P. O. B0x 8246

Norfolk, VA 23503 

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software

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