www.virginatlantic.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://virginatlantic.com/
Effective URL: https://www.virginatlantic.com/
Submission: On April 16 via manual from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

Name: loginFormPOST /login/loginPage

<form class="form-inline ng-star-inserted" method="POST" name="loginForm" ngnoform="" action="/login/loginPage"><input name="refreshURL" type="hidden" value="" class="ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid"><input name="login_fromApp" type="hidden"
    value="" class="ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid"><button class="login-btn btn btn-danger"> Log in </button></form>

Name: bookWidgetFormGET /flight-search/search

<form name="bookWidgetForm" ngc-error-handler="" novalidate="" class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-star-inserted" action="/flight-search/search" method="GET"><ngc-make-correction class="ng-tns-c1-2"><!----></ngc-make-correction>
  <div class="container booking-widget_container-mobile">
    <div class="form-row">
      <div class="col-lg-10 pl-xl-0 pl-xxl-0 p-0 pt-sm-3 safari-mob-padding">
        <div class="form-row"><!---->
          <div class="col-lg-4 text-center offset-md-2 col-md-8 offset-lg-0 pl-xl-0 pl-xxl-0 ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-star-inserted" formgroupname="airports">
            <div class="row">
              <a class="focusable-element from-container col-5 col-lg-4 col-sm-5 order-1 p-0 no-underline" aria-haspopup="true" href="javascript:void(0);" id="fromAirportName" ngc-airport-lookup-directive="" aria-describedby=""><span class="airport-code d-block">LHR</span><span class="sr-only">Departure Airport or City</span><span class="airport-desc">London Heathrow, United Kingdom</span><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" name="fromAirportCode" type="hidden" value="LHR"><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" name="fromCountryCode" type="hidden" value="GB"><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" name="fromCity" type="hidden" value="London Heathrow, United Kingdom"></a><a class="to-container col-5 col-lg-4 col-sm-5 order-3 p-0 no-underline" aria-haspopup="true" href="javascript:void(0);" id="toAirportName" ngc-airport-lookup-directive="" aria-describedby=""><span class="airport-code d-block">To</span><span class="sr-only">Destination Airport or City</span><span class="airport-desc">Where are you going?</span><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid" name="arrivalCity" type="hidden" value=""><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" name="toCountryCode" type="hidden" value=""><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" name="toCity" type="hidden" value="Where are you going?"></a>
              <div class="swap-container col-2 col-lg-3 col-sm-2 order-2 p-0"><a class="swapfield d-inline-block icon-swap" href="javascript:void(0);" role="button" title="Reverse origin and destination city or airport"><!----></a></div>
            <div class="row no-gutters"><ngc-validation-error-message class="col-lg-5 col-sm-5 error-message-padding"><!----></ngc-validation-error-message><ngc-validation-error-message
                class="col-lg-5 col-sm-5 offset-lg-2 offset-sm-2 error-message-padding"><!----></ngc-validation-error-message></div><ngc-validation-error-message class="ng-tns-c1-2"><!----></ngc-validation-error-message><input class="ng-tns-c1-2"
              id="invalidAirportCodes" name="invalidAirportCodes" type="hidden">
          <div class="col-sm-12 select_dropdown trip-type-container trip-element d-lg-block offset-md-2 col-md-8 offset-lg-0 book-element mb-3 mb-lg-0 select-container select-container-down-md col-lg-2 booking-element d-sm-none"><label
              class="sr-only" for="selectTripType" id="selectTripType-label"> Trip Type:, changes will reload the page </label><!----><select autorotateoption="true"
              class="drop-down first-control form-control ng-tns-c1-2 trip-type-dropdown ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid ng-star-inserted" customclassname="blue-theme" customloadingcheck="true" data-dluiselect="" id="selectTripType"
              name="selectTripType" openonenter="true" visiblelabel="false" aria-hidden="true" style="display:none"><!---->
              <option class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" value="ROUND_TRIP"> Round trip </option>
              <option class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" value="ONE_WAY"> One way </option>
              <option class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" value="MULTICITY"> Multi city </option>
            </select><!----><!----><span class="select-ui-element-wrapper blue-theme ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted"><span class="select-ui-wrapper ng-tns-c1-2" tabindex="0" style="width:2px" aria-labelledby="selectTripType-label"
                aria-describedby="selectTripType-val" aria-owns="selectTripType-desc" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false"><span class="select-ui-icon icon-Dropdown-caret ng-tns-c1-2"></span><span class="select-ui-text ng-tns-c1-2"
                  aria-live="assertive" aria-hidden="false" id="selectTripType-val">Round trip</span></span><span class="select-ui-optionList-wrapper ng-tns-c1-2">
                <ul class="select-ui-optionUL ng-tns-c1-2 hideOption" id="selectTripType-desc" style="width:2px; left:0; top:18px;" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true">
                  <li class="select-ui-optionList ng-tns-c1-2" id="ui-list-selectTripType0" tabindex="-1" data="0" role="option">Round trip</li>
                  <li class="select-ui-optionList ng-tns-c1-2" id="ui-list-selectTripType1" tabindex="-1" data="1" role="option">One way</li>
                  <li class="select-ui-optionList ng-tns-c1-2" id="ui-list-selectTripType2" tabindex="-1" data="2" role="option">Multi city</li>
              </span><span class="select-sr-only-wrapper sr-only ng-tns-c1-2"><span class="select-sr-only-value sr-only ng-tns-c1-2" role="status" aria-live="assertive"></span><span class="select-sr-only-state sr-only ng-tns-c1-2" role="status"
          <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-12 d-lg-block offset-md-2 col-md-8 offset-lg-0 book-element ng-tns-c1-2 booking-element d-sm-none ng-star-inserted"><date-selection-view class="ng-tns-c1-2" datefor="departureDate">
              <div class="travelDateSelectionView"><!---->
                <div class="form-group ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-star-inserted">
                  <div class="icon-addon"><input aria-required="true" autocomplete="off" caldefaultdateseparator="false" ngc-calendar="" placeholder="" type="text" readonly="true" tabindex="-1" class="form-control inputText calendarInput"
                    <div class="calendarMasterCont  calMedium">
                      <div class="SRInstructionCont sr-only" aria-live="assertive" role="status"></div>
                      <div class="calDispValueCont icon-Calendar  " tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-describedby="departureDate-error1" style="width:238px; height:49px" id="input_departureDate_1"><span
                          class="calDepartLabelCont" id="calDepartLabelCont"><span class="sr-only">Depart and Return Calendar Use enter to open, escape to close the calendar, page down for next month and page up for previous month, Depart date not
                            selected Return date not selected</span><span class="calenderDepartSpan" aria-hidden="true">Depart</span><input type="hidden" aria-hidden="true" formcontrolname="departureDate" value=""></span><span
                          class="calDateSeparator icon-line" style="display:inline" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="calReturnLabelCont" id="calReturnLabelCont" style="display:inline"><span class="sr-only" style="display:inline"></span><span
                            class="calenderReturnSpan calendar-placeholder" aria-hidden="true" style="display:inline">Return</span><input type="hidden" aria-hidden="true" style="display:inline" value=""></span></div>
                      <div class="calSRDepartReturnCont" aria-describedby="calSRDepartReturnLabelCont"><span class="sr-only" id="calSRDepartReturnLabelCont" aria-live="assertive"></span></div>
            </date-selection-view><ngc-validation-error-message class="ng-tns-c1-2"><!----></ngc-validation-error-message></div>
          <div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-3 d-lg-block offset-md-2 col-md-8 book-element booking-element select-container select-container-down-md passenger-booking-element offset-lg-0 d-sm-none"><label class="sr-only"
              for="passenger">Passenger</label><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><ngc-childpassenger class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted">
              <div class="vaPassenger pax-element-wrapper blue-theme" ngbdropdown="">
                <a aria-describedby="pax-info" aria-label="Passenger dropdown" class="pax-wrapper downArrow-icon" href="javascript:void(0)" id="passenger" ng-bind="totalCount" role="listbox"><span class="sr-only" id="pax-info"> Use enter to open this dropdown. Currently Selected 1 Adult,0 Young adult,0 Child0 Lap infant </span><div class="paxDetailDesc"><!----><span ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" class="ng-star-inserted">1 Adult</span><span ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" class="ng-star-inserted"></span><span ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" class="ng-star-inserted"></span><span ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" class="ng-star-inserted"></span></div><div class="paxCountDesc">1 passenger</div></a>
                <ul aria-labelledby="dropdownBasic1" class="paxList hideOption pax-optionUL" ngbdropdownmenu="" role="listbox" tabindex="0"><span class="sr-only" id="dropdownBasic1"> There are 4 types of passengers: Adults, Young adults, Children and
                    Lap infants. Controls for adding and removing each type of passengers are present </span>
                  <div class="close-pax float-right" tabindex="-1"><a aria-describedby="cloxepax" aria-label="passenger dropdown close" class="va-close-img" href="javascript:void(0)" role="button"></a><span class="sr-only" id="cloxepax"> Press enter
                      to close the passenger dropdown </span></div><!---->
                  <li role="option" class="pax-optionList pax-ADT ng-star-inserted">
                    <div class="float-left paxDetails">
                      <div class="paxTitle" tab-index="0">Adults</div>
                      <div class="pax-desc">
                        <div class="paxType-desc" tabindex="0" aria-describedby="ADT"> Age 16 and over <span class="sr-only" id="ADT"> Adults Age 16 and over, Currently Selected 1 Adult,0 Young adult,0 Child0 Lap infant </span></div><!---->
                    <div class="float-right paxCount">
                      <div class="remove-pax" role="button" tabindex="2"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" tabindex="-1" class="remove-img"><span class="sr-only"> Remove Adults passenger </span></a></div>
                      <div aria-live="assertive" class="paxNum" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount"> 1 <input type="hidden" id="ADT" name="paxTypes[0]" value="1"></div>
                      <div class="add-pax" role="button" tabindex="3"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" class="active-add-img"><span class="sr-only">Add Adults passenger</span></a></div>
                  <li role="option" class="pax-optionList pax-GBE ng-star-inserted">
                    <div class="float-left paxDetails">
                      <div class="paxTitle" tab-index="0">Young adults</div>
                      <div class="pax-desc">
                        <div class="paxType-desc" tabindex="0" aria-describedby="GBE"> Age 12 - 15 <span class="sr-only" id="GBE"> Young adults Age 12 - 15, Currently Selected 1 Adult,0 Young adult,0 Child0 Lap infant </span></div><!---->
                        <div class="paxType-toolTip ng-star-inserted">
                          <a aria-haspopup="true" class="va-child-tooltip-icon icon-help circle-outline" href="javascript:void(0);" ngc-help-modal-directive=""><span class="sr-only"> Press enter to open Young adults tooltip </span></a></div>
                    <div class="float-right paxCount">
                      <div class="remove-pax" role="button" tabindex="2"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" tabindex="-1" class="remove-img"><span class="sr-only"> Remove Young adults passenger </span></a></div>
                      <div aria-live="assertive" class="paxNum" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount"> 0 <input type="hidden" id="GBE" name="paxTypes[1]" value="0"></div>
                      <div class="add-pax" role="button" tabindex="3"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" class="active-add-img"><span class="sr-only">Add Young adults passenger</span></a></div>
                  <li role="option" class="pax-optionList pax-CNN ng-star-inserted">
                    <div class="float-left paxDetails">
                      <div class="paxTitle" tab-index="0">Children</div>
                      <div class="pax-desc">
                        <div class="paxType-desc" tabindex="0" aria-describedby="CNN"> Age 2-11 <span class="sr-only" id="CNN"> Children Age 2-11, Currently Selected 1 Adult,0 Young adult,0 Child0 Lap infant </span></div><!---->
                    <div class="float-right paxCount">
                      <div class="remove-pax" role="button" tabindex="2"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" tabindex="-1" class="remove-img"><span class="sr-only"> Remove Children passenger </span></a></div>
                      <div aria-live="assertive" class="paxNum" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount"> 0 <input type="hidden" id="CNN" name="paxTypes[2]" value="0"></div>
                      <div class="add-pax" role="button" tabindex="3"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" class="active-add-img"><span class="sr-only">Add Children passenger</span></a></div>
                  <li role="option" class="pax-optionList pax-INF ng-star-inserted">
                    <div class="float-left paxDetails">
                      <div class="paxTitle" tab-index="0">Lap infants</div>
                      <div class="pax-desc">
                        <div class="paxType-desc" tabindex="0" aria-describedby="INF"> Age up to 2 <span class="sr-only" id="INF"> Lap infants Age up to 2, Currently Selected 1 Adult,0 Young adult,0 Child0 Lap infant </span></div><!---->
                        <div class="paxType-toolTip ng-star-inserted">
                          <a aria-haspopup="true" class="va-child-tooltip-icon icon-help circle-outline" href="javascript:void(0);" ngc-help-modal-directive=""><span class="sr-only"> Press enter to open Lap infants tooltip </span></a></div>
                    <div class="float-right paxCount">
                      <div class="remove-pax" role="button" tabindex="2"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" tabindex="-1" class="remove-img"><span class="sr-only"> Remove Lap infants passenger </span></a></div>
                      <div aria-live="assertive" class="paxNum" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount"> 0 <input type="hidden" id="INF" name="paxTypes[3]" value="0"></div>
                      <div class="add-pax" role="button" tabindex="3"><a href="javascript:void(0)" ng-bind="pax.passengerCount" role="button" class="active-add-img"><span class="sr-only">Add Lap infants passenger</span></a></div>
            </ngc-childpassenger><!----><ngc-validation-error-message class="ng-tns-c1-2"><!----></ngc-validation-error-message></div>
        <div class="form-row align-items-center search-option-ribbon"><!----><ngc-search-options class="col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-10 p-0 pt-lg-3 pb-lg-3 offset-md-2 offset-lg-0 vs-search-option adv-search-options ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted">
              <legend class="sr-only ng-star-inserted"> Search options </legend>
              <div class="row booking-widget_search-checkbox-section ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid"><!---->
                <div class="d-none d-lg-block col-lg-2 searchOptionLabel ng-star-inserted"> Search options </div> ​ <!----> ​ <!----> ​ <!---->
                <div class="col-sm-auto col-md-6 checkbox-wrapper vs-flexCheckBox searchOptionCheckboxColumn modify-checkbox searchOptionActive d-flex ng-star-inserted">
                  <!----><a aria-haspopup="true" class="icon-help booking-help circle-outline searchOptionHelpIcon order-2 ng-star-inserted" draggable="false" href="javascript:void(0);" ngc-help-modal-directive=""><span class="sr-only">Show flexible tickets help</span></a><input
                    class="searchOptionChk order-1 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" id="refundableFlightsOnly" name="refundableFlightsOnly" type="checkbox"><label class="content icon-Checked booking-widget_checkbox-mobile searchOptionFilter"
                    for="refundableFlightsOnly"> Show flexible tickets </label></div> ​ <!---->
                <div class="col-sm-auto col-md-6 checkbox-wrapper vs-flexCheckBox searchOptionCheckboxColumn search-opt-flex-date modify-checkbox searchOptionActive ng-star-inserted"><input class="searchOptionChk ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid"
                    id="chkFlexDate" name="chkFlexDate" type="checkbox"><label class="content icon-Checked booking-widget_checkbox-mobile searchOptionFilter" for="chkFlexDate"> Show flexible dates </label></div><!----><!---->
          <div class="adv-search adv-search-label col-md-8 offset-lg-0 offset-md-2 text-lg-right text-sm-left d-lg-block my-lg-3 pl-md-0 col-lg-2 d-sm-none">
            <!----><a class="arrow-wht-expander icon-advsearchtriangle" href="javascript:void(0);" id="adv-search" aria-expanded="false"> Advanced search </a></div>
      <div class="pr-lg-0 pr-xl-0 col-lg-1 col-sm-6 text-right mt-lg-0 offset-sm-6 offset-md-6 col-md-4 offset-lg-0 offset-6 btn-submit-container book-submit-element d-lg-block d-sm-none"><!----><!----><button
          class="btn btn-danger rounded-circle btn-right-arrow icon-submitarrow circle-outline last-focusable-element ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" id="btn-book-submit" type="submit"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span></button></div>
  <div class="adv-search-container d-none ng-trigger ng-trigger-widgetState">
    <div class="container container-padding-x advance-search-container">
      <div class="form-row first-row px-3 px-lg-0 pl-0 pr-0 pl-sm-0 pr-sm-0"><!---->
        <div class="offset-lg-0 col-md-8 offset-md-2 radio-tabs-wrapper adv-search-item ng-tns-c1-2 col-lg-4 ng-star-inserted" style="">
          <fieldset class="ng-tns-c1-2">
            <legend class="label legend text-capitalize"><span class="ng-tns-c1-2" aria-hidden="true"> show price in </span><span class="sr-only">Show price in
                help</span><a class="show-pricein-help icon-help circle-outline" aria-haspopup="true" draggable="false" href="javascript:void(0);" ngc-help-modal-directive=""><span class="sr-only" aria-hidden="true"> Show price in help </span></a>
            </legend><input class="radio-tab ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" id="money" name="schedulePrice" type="radio" value="price"><label class="pl-sm-0" for="money" id="moneyLabel"><span class="">Money</span></label><input
              class="radio-tab ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" id="miles" name="schedulePrice" type="radio" value="miles"><label class="second-and-up" for="miles" id="milesLabel"><span class="">Points</span><!----></label><!----><span
              class="milesplusmoney_wrapper ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted"><input class="radio-tab ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" id="miles_plus_money" name="schedulePrice" type="radio" value="milesplusmoney"><label class="second-and-up"
                for="miles_plus_money" id="milesPlusMoneyLabel"><span class="sr-only"> selecting Miles plus cash will open the login page </span><span class="">Points plus money</span></label></span>
        <div class="col-lg-4 offset-lg-0 col-md-8 offset-md-2 meeting-code-wrapper best-fares-wrapper select-container select-container-down-md adv-search-item"><label class="d-block label text-capitalize" for="faresFor" id="faresFor-label"> show
            fares for: </label><!----><select class="dropdown form-control ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid ng-star-inserted" customclassname="blue-theme" customloadingcheck="true" data-dluiselect="" id="faresFor" name="faresFor"
            openonenter="true" visiblelabel="false" aria-hidden="true" style="display:none"><!---->
            <option class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" value="VSLT"> Economy </option>
            <option class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" value="VSPE"> Premium </option>
            <option class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" value="VSUP"> Upper Class </option>
          </select><!----><!----><!----><span class="select-ui-element-wrapper blue-theme ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" style=""><span class="select-ui-wrapper ng-tns-c1-2" tabindex="0" style="width:2px" aria-labelledby="faresFor-label"
              aria-describedby="faresFor-val" aria-owns="faresFor-desc" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false"><span class="select-ui-icon icon-Dropdown-caret ng-tns-c1-2"></span><span class="select-ui-text ng-tns-c1-2" aria-live="assertive"
                aria-hidden="false" id="faresFor-val">Economy</span></span><span class="select-ui-optionList-wrapper ng-tns-c1-2">
              <ul class="select-ui-optionUL ng-tns-c1-2 hideOption" id="faresFor-desc" style="width:2px; left:0; top:18px;" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true">
                <li class="select-ui-optionList ng-tns-c1-2" id="ui-list-faresFor0" tabindex="-1" data="0" role="option">Economy</li>
                <li class="select-ui-optionList ng-tns-c1-2" id="ui-list-faresFor1" tabindex="-1" data="1" role="option">Premium</li>
                <li class="select-ui-optionList ng-tns-c1-2" id="ui-list-faresFor2" tabindex="-1" data="2" role="option">Upper Class</li>
            </span><span class="select-sr-only-wrapper sr-only ng-tns-c1-2"><span class="select-sr-only-value sr-only ng-tns-c1-2" role="status" aria-live="assertive"></span><span class="select-sr-only-state sr-only ng-tns-c1-2" role="status"
        <div class="col-lg-3 offset-lg-0 col-md-8 offset-md-2 meeting-code-wrapper pl-lg-0 adv-search-item ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" style="">
          <a class="meeting-code-help icon-help circle-outline" aria-haspopup="true" draggable="false" href="javascript:void(0);" ngc-help-modal-directive=""><span class="sr-only">Enter your code help</span></a><label for="meetingCode"
            class="floatinglabel invisible ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted">Do you have a voucher or event code? (Optional)</label><input class="form-control pl-sm-1 pl-md-1 input-mobile-tab-class ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid"
            aria-describedby="meetingEventCodeMsgId" autocomplete="off" id="meetingCode" maxlength="5" name="meetingEventCode" ondrop="return false" type="text" placeholder="Enter your code (Optional)"><span class="ng-tns-c1-2 d-none"
            id="meetingEventCodeMsgId"> </span><ngc-validation-error-message class="ng-tns-c1-2"><!----></ngc-validation-error-message></div><!---->
      <div class="form-row second-row px-lg-0"><!----><!---->
        <div class="offset-lg-0 col-md-8 offset-md-2 checkbox-wrapper adv-search-item ng-tns-c1-2 col-lg-3 ng-star-inserted" style=""><input class="ng-tns-c1-2 advSearchExpanded ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" id="nearbyAirports"
            name="nearbyAirports" type="checkbox"><label class="content icon-Checked" for="nearbyAirports"> Nearby airports </label></div><!---->
        <div class="col-lg-2 offset-lg-0 col-sm-6 col-md-4 p-md-0 p-sm-0 adv-search-submit"><!----><!----><button
            class="btn btn-danger rounded-circle btn-right-arrow icon-submitarrow circle-outline float-right last-focusable-element ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted" id="btnSubmit" type="submit" style=""><span class="sr-only">Submit</span></button></div>
  <div class="form-row align-items-center mr-sm-0 ml-sm-0 ng-tns-c1-2 ng-star-inserted">
    <div class="pr-lg-0 pr-xl-0 d-lg-none book-expander text-center col-sm-12 offset-md-2 col-md-8 offset-lg-0"><a class="expand-container align-bottom d-inline-block" href="javascript:void(0); " role="button " title="Expand Book Widget "></a></div>
  </div><!----><input id="schedulePrice" name="schedulePrice" type="hidden" class="ng-tns-c1-2 ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid ng-star-inserted" value="[object Object]"><input class="ng-tns-c1-2" id="searchType" name="searchType" type="hidden"
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Grab a city break with unbeatable shopping. Fly daily with Virgin Atlantic
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The City of Angels might be famous for its Hollywood stars, but there’s much
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Barbados is the perfect place for a sun-soaked break. But look beyond the beach
and you'll find there's more to Barbados than you first thought.
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Beaches for days. Smiles for miles. So kick off your shoes and let your hair
down on this gem of an island. 
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With its diverse religious beliefs, stunning architecture and unforgettable
wildlife, India is endlessly fascinating.
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Check out our fabulous city escapes, and enjoy a few days (or more!) of
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We’ve announced a set of ambitious interim milestones to take Virgin Atlantic to
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The world’s first transatlantic flight flown on 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel
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