nhi.no Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://nhi.no/sykdommer/muskelskjelett/legg-ankel-fot/benutvekst-kalkaneus/?utm_source=sumome&utm_medium=email...
Submission: On October 12 via manual from SE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

Name: searchformGET /sok

<form action="/sok" class="searchbox" method="get" name="searchform"> <input type="search" class="autocomplete ui-autocomplete-input" name="q" placeholder="Søk i NHI.no" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" name="excludemedia" value="true">
  <button type="submit" value="Søk">
    <i class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Name: searchformGET /sok

<form action="/sok" class="searchbox" method="get" name="searchform"><input id="q" name="q" placeholder="Søk" type="search" value="" class="ui-autocomplete-input" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" name="excludemedia" value="true">
  <button type="submit" value="Søk">
    <i class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></i>

POST /Ticket/Send

<form action="/Ticket/Send" class="ticket-form" data-modal="ticket-modal" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="page-id" value="70216">
  <input type="hidden" name="page-name" value="Benutvekst kalkaneus">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="name">Navn</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Navn" value="">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="email">E-postadresse</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" id="email" placeholder="E-postadresse" value="">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="group-id">Hva gjelder din henvendelse?</label>
    <select id="group-id" class="form-control" name="group-id">
      <option value="114095479973" selected="selected">Generell henvendelse</option>
      <option value="114095483934">Tips til redaksjonen/innhold</option>
      <option value="114095558334">Problemer med annonser</option>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="subject">Emne</label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control" name="subject" id="subject" placeholder="Emne" value="">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="message">Melding</label>
    <textarea name="message" class="form-control" id="message" placeholder="Melding" rows="7"></textarea>
  <div class="form-group">
    <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lf2CBUUAAAAAHJLnqPAcxOkg9hKMA0-ybk55JPa">
      <div style="width: 304px; height: 78px;">
        <div><iframe title="reCAPTCHA" src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor?ar=1&amp;k=6Lf2CBUUAAAAAHJLnqPAcxOkg9hKMA0-ybk55JPa&amp;co=aHR0cHM6Ly9uaGkubm86NDQz&amp;hl=no&amp;v=qljbK_DTcvY1PzbR7IG69z1r&amp;size=normal&amp;cb=uxx5w0lncaid"
            width="304" height="78" role="presentation" name="a-atwzteegwbuv" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"></iframe>
        </div><textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response"
          style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid rgb(193, 193, 193); margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; display: none;"></textarea>
      </div><iframe style="display: none;"></iframe>
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Send</button>

Text Content

 * Samtykke
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 * Annonseinnstillinger
 * Om


Vi og partnerne våre behandler de personlige opplysningene dine, f.eks.
IP-nummeret ditt, ved å bruke teknologi som informasjonskapsler for å lagre og
få tilgang til informasjon på enheten din, sånn at vi kan tilby deg personlige
annonser og innhold samt annonse- og innholdsmåling, målgruppestatistikk og
produktutvikling. Du velger hvem som bruker dine data og i hvilke hensikter.

Hvis du gir oss lov, vil vi også gjerne:
 * Innhente informasjon om den geografiske beliggenheten din, som kan være
   nøyaktig innenfor flere meter
 * Identifisere enheten din ved å aktivt skanne den for bestemte
   karakteristikker (fingeravtrykk)

Under mer info kan du lese om hvordan dine personlige data behandles og hvordan
du kan velge hvordan de skal brukes. Du kan hele tiden endre eller trekke
tilbake ditt samtykke fra erklæringen om informasjonskapsler.

Vi benytter informasjonskapsler for å gi innhold og annonser et personlig preg,
for å levere sosiale mediefunksjoner og for å analysere trafikken vår. Ved å
klikke på “OK” godtar du informasjonskapsler på NHI.no.

Consent Selection




Vis detaljer
Nødvendig 15

Nødvendige informasjonskapsler benyttes for å gjøre nettsiden brukbar gjennom
grunnleggende funksjoner som sidenavigasjon og tilgang til sikre områder på
nettsiden. Nettsiden vil ikke fungere optimalt uten disse informasjonskapslene.

Lær mer om denne leverandøren
CookieConsentStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
rc::eThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
google_auto_fc_cmp_settingStores the user's cookie consent state for the current
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
CONSENTUsed to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the
cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for GDPR-compliance of the website.
Utløpsdato: 5954 dagerType: HTTP

Lær mer om denne leverandøren
ARRAffinitySameSite [x3]Used to distribute traffic to the website on several
servers in order to optimise response times.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.#Helps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
ARRAffinity [x2]Used to distribute traffic to the website on several servers in
order to optimise response times.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
ASP.NET_SessionIdPreserves the visitor's session state across page requests.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
TiPMixRegisters which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in
context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
x-ms-routing-nameRegisters which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is
used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Egenskaper 8

Preferanse-informasjonskapsler gjør at nettsiden husker valg du som bruker har
tatt om hvordan du ønsker at nettsiden skal oppføre seg eller se ut. Dette kan
for eksempel være ditt foretrukne språk, eller hvilken region du befinner deg i.

Lær mer om denne leverandøren
PHPSESSID [x2]Preserves user session state across page requests.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
langRemembers the user's selected language version of a website
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
__smTokenThis cookie is used to determine if the visitor is logged in or not.
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
__smVIDNecessary for the sign-up function on the website. This function is
provided by Sumo.com.
Utløpsdato: 29 dagerType: HTTP
__smSessionIdNecessary for the sign-up function on the website. This function is
provided by Sumo.com.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Utløpsdato: 30 årType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
__smScrollBoxShownFacilitates the sharing function on the website - The cookie
also allows websites to track and target the user with advertisement based on
the user's likes and shares.
Utløpsdato: 30 årType: HTTP
Statistikk 5

Statistikk-informasjonskapsler hjelper eiere av nettsiden til å forstå hvordan
besøkende kommuniserer med nettsiden. Dette gjøres ved å samle inn og rapportere
informasjon anonymt.

Lær mer om denne leverandøren
collectUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and
behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: Pixel
_gaRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the
visitor uses the website.
Utløpsdato: 2 årType: HTTP
_gidRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the
visitor uses the website.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
Utløpsdato: SessionType: Pixel
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
_gatUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rate
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Markedsføring 41

Markedsførings-informasjonskapsler brukes til å spore besøkende på nettsider.
Hensikten er å vise annonser som er relevante og engasjerende for den enkelte
bruker og dermed mer verdifull for utgivere og tredjeparts annonsører.

Lær mer om denne leverandøren
CUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.
Utløpsdato: 29 dagerType: HTTP
TPCUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.
Utløpsdato: 6 dagerType: HTTP
uidRegisters a unique user ID that recognises the user's browser when visiting
websites that use the same ad network. The purpose is to optimise display of ads
based on the user's movements and various ad providers' bids for displaying user
Utløpsdato: 2 månederType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
__kuidThis cookie is used to collect information on a visitor. This information
will become an ID string with information on a specific visitor – ID information
strings can be used to target groups with similar preferences, or can be used by
third-party domains or ad-exchanges.
Utløpsdato: 6 dagerType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
CMIDCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as
the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been
loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
CMPROCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to
present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the
number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
Utløpsdato: 3 månederType: HTTP
CMPSCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as
the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been
loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
Utløpsdato: 3 månederType: HTTP
CMSTCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as
the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been
loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
trUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real
time bidding from third party advertisers.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: Pixel
_fbpUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real
time bidding from third party advertisers.
Utløpsdato: 3 månederType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
DSIDUsed by Google DoubleClick for re-targeting, optimisation, reporting and
attribution of online adverts.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
IDEUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions
after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of
measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
test_cookieUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
rc::aThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
rc::cUsed in context with video-advertisement. The cookie limits the number of
times a visitor is shown the same advertisement-content. The cookie is also used
to ensure relevance of the video-advertisement to the specific visitor.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
goog_pem_modUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and
behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
google_experiment_mod#Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with
advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
Improve Digital
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
tuuidCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as
the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been
loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
Utløpsdato: 3 månederType: HTTP
tuuid_luContains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch.com to track the
visitor across multiple websites. This allows Bidswitch to optimize
advertisement relevance and ensure that the visitor does not see the same ads
multiple times.
Utløpsdato: 3 månederType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
bcookieUsed by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of
embedded services.
Utløpsdato: 2 årType: HTTP
lidcUsed by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of
embedded services.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
KADUSERCOOKIERegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during
return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to
allow targeted ads.
Utløpsdato: 3 månederType: HTTP
KTPCACOOKIERegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return
visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow
targeted ads.
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
csvNecessary for the implementation of the Reddit.com's share-button function.
Utløpsdato: 2 årType: HTTP
edgebucketEnables the visitor to share content from the website onto social
media platforms or websites.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
UIDCollects information of the user and his/her movement, such as timestamp for
visits, most recently loaded pages and IP address. The data is used by the
marketing research network, Scorecard Research, to analyse traffic patterns and
carry out surveys to help their clients better understand the customer's
Utløpsdato: 2 årType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
vuidCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages have
been read.
Utløpsdato: 2 årType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVETries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with
integrated YouTube videos.
Utløpsdato: 179 dagerType: HTTP
YSCRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user
has seen.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
yt.innertube::nextIdRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from
YouTube the user has seen.
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
yt.innertube::requestsRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos
from YouTube the user has seen.
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
yt-remote-cast-availableStores the user's video player preferences using
embedded YouTube video
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
yt-remote-cast-installedStores the user's video player preferences using
embedded YouTube video
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
yt-remote-connected-devicesStores the user's video player preferences using
embedded YouTube video
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
yt-remote-device-idStores the user's video player preferences using embedded
YouTube video
Utløpsdato: PersistentType: HTML
yt-remote-fast-check-periodStores the user's video player preferences using
embedded YouTube video
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
yt-remote-session-appStores the user's video player preferences using embedded
YouTube video
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
yt-remote-session-nameStores the user's video player preferences using embedded
YouTube video
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTML
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
__gadsUsed to register what ads have been displayed to the user.
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
__gpiCollects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This
information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
GoogleAdServingTestUsed to register what ads have been displayed to the user.
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Uklassifisert 5

Uklassifiserte informasjonskapsler er informasjonskapsler som vi er i ferd med å
klassifisere sammen med leverandørene av de enkelte informasjonskapsler.

Lær mer om denne leverandøren
Utløpsdato: 1 årType: HTTP
Utløpsdato: 1 dagType: HTTP
Utløpsdato: 179 dagerType: HTTP
Lær mer om denne leverandøren
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Utløpsdato: SessionType: HTTP
Samtykke på tvers av domener[#BULK_CONSENT_DOMAINS_COUNT#]
Liste over domener ditt samtykke gjelder for: [#BULK_CONSENT_DOMAINS#]
Cookie-erklæringen var sist oppdatert 12.09.21 av Cookiebot


We and our advertising partners process your personal data using technology such
as cookies in order to serve advertising, analyse our traffic and deliver
customised experiences for you. You have a choice in who uses your data and for
what purposes.
Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they
rely on their legitimate business interest. View our list of partners to see the
purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for and how you can object
to it.
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences
You can set your consent preferences and determine how you want your data to be
used based on the purposes below. Each purpose has a description so that you
know how we and our partners use your data. You can object to legitimate
interest processing per purpose.
Purposes10Accept all Reject all
Store and/or access information on a device
Vendors can:
 * Store and access information on the device such as cookies and device
   identifiers presented to a user.

Select basic ads
Legitimate Interest
To do basic ad selection vendors can:
 * Use real-time information about the context in which the ad will be shown, to
   show the ad, including information about the content and the device, such as:
   device type and capabilities, user agent, URL, IP address
 * Use a user’s non-precise geolocation data
 * Control the frequency of ads shown to a user.
 * Sequence the order in which ads are shown to a user.
 * Prevent an ad from serving in an unsuitable editorial (brand-unsafe) context
   Vendors cannot:
 * Create a personalised ads profile using this information for the selection of
   future ads without a separate legal basis to create a personalised ads
 * N.B. Non-precise means only an approximate location involving at least a
   radius of 500 meters is permitted.

Create a personalised ads profile
Legitimate Interest
To create a personalised ads profile vendors can:
 * Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests,
   demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for
   use in personalised advertising.
 * Combine this information with other information previously collected,
   including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for
   use in personalised advertising.

Select personalised ads
Legitimate Interest
To select personalised ads vendors can:
 * Select personalised ads based on a user profile or other historical user
   data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps,
   location, or demographic information.

Create a personalised content profile
Legitimate Interest
To create a personalised content profile vendors can:
 * Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests,
   visits to sites or apps, demographic information, or location, to create or
   edit a user profile for personalising content.
 * Combine this information with other information previously collected,
   including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for
   use in personalising content.

Select personalised content
Legitimate Interest
To select personalised content vendors can:
 * Select personalised content based on a user profile or other historical user
   data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps,
   location, or demographic information.

Measure ad performance
Legitimate Interest
To measure ad performance vendors can:
 * Measure whether and how ads were delivered to and interacted with by a user
 * Provide reporting about ads including their effectiveness and performance
 * Provide reporting about users who interacted with ads using data observed
   during the course of the user's interaction with that ad
 * Provide reporting to publishers about the ads displayed on their property
 * Measure whether an ad is serving in a suitable editorial environment
   (brand-safe) context
 * Determine the percentage of the ad that had the opportunity to be seen and
   the duration of that opportunity
 * Combine this information with other information previously collected,
   including from across websites and apps Vendors cannot: *Apply panel- or
   similarly-derived audience insights data to ad measurement data without a
   Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience insights (Purpose

Measure content performance
Legitimate Interest
To measure content performance vendors can:
 * Measure and report on how content was delivered to and interacted with by
 * Provide reporting, using directly measurable or known information, about
   users who interacted with the content
 * Combine this information with other information previously collected,
   including from across websites and apps. Vendors cannot:
 * Measure whether and how ads (including native ads) were delivered to and
   interacted with by a user.
 * Apply panel- or similarly derived audience insights data to ad measurement
   data without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience
   insights (Purpose 9)

Apply market research to generate audience insights
Legitimate Interest
To apply market research to generate audience insights vendors can:
 * Provide aggregate reporting to advertisers or their representatives about the
   audiences reached by their ads, through panel-based and similarly derived
 * Provide aggregate reporting to publishers about the audiences that were
   served or interacted with content and/or ads on their property by applying
   panel-based and similarly derived insights.
 * Associate offline data with an online user for the purposes of market
   research to generate audience insights if vendors have declared to match and
   combine offline data sources (Feature 1)
 * Combine this information with other information previously collected
   including from across websites and apps. Vendors cannot:
 * Measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that a specific user was
   served or interacted with, without a Legal Basis to measure ad performance.
 * Measure which content a specific user was served and how they interacted with
   it, without a Legal Basis to measure content performance.

Develop and improve products
Legitimate Interest
To develop new products and improve products vendors can:
 * Use information to improve their existing products with new features and to
   develop new products
 * Create new models and algorithms through machine learning Vendors cannot:
 * Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose
   under this purpose

Special Purposes2
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
To ensure security, prevent fraud and debug vendors can:
 * Ensure data are securely transmitted
 * Detect and prevent malicious, fraudulent, invalid, or illegal activity.
 * Ensure correct and efficient operation of systems and processes, including to
   monitor and enhance the performance of systems and processes engaged in
   permitted purposes Vendors cannot:
 * Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose
   under this purpose. Note: Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent
   fraud, and debug may include automatically-sent device characteristics for
   identification, precise geolocation data, and data obtained by actively
   scanning device characteristics for identification without separate
   disclosure and/or opt-in.

Technically deliver ads or content
To deliver information and respond to technical requests vendors can:
 * Use a user’s IP address to deliver an ad over the internet
 * Respond to a user’s interaction with an ad by sending the user to a landing
 * Use a user’s IP address to deliver content over the internet
 * Respond to a user’s interaction with content by sending the user to a landing
 * Use information about the device type and capabilities for delivering ads or
   content, for example, to deliver the right size ad creative or video file in
   a format supported by the device Vendors cannot:
 * Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose
   under this purpose

Se de nødvendige funksjonene som er aktivert for behandling av
personopplysninger og velg spesielle funksjoner separat.
Match and combine offline data sources
Vendors can:
 * Combine data obtained offline with data collected online in support of one or
   more Purposes or Special Purposes.

Link different devices
Vendors can:
 * Deterministically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user
   or household
 * Probabilistically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user
   or household
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification for probabilistic
   identification if users have allowed vendors to actively scan device
   characteristics for identification (Special Feature 2)

Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Vendors can:
 * Create an identifier using data collected automatically from a device for
   specific characteristics, e.g. IP address, user-agent string.
 * Use such an identifier to attempt to re-identify a device. Vendors cannot:
 * Create an identifier using data collected via actively scanning a device for
   specific characteristics, e.g. installed font or screen resolution without
   users’ separate opt-in to actively scanning device characteristics for
 * Use such an identifier to re-identify a device.

Special Features2Accept all Reject all
Use precise geolocation data
Vendors can:
 * Collect and process precise geolocation data in support of one or more
   purposes. N.B. Precise geolocation means that there are no restrictions on
   the precision of a user’s location; this can be accurate to within several

Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Vendors can:
 * Create an identifier using data collected via actively scanning a device for
   specific characteristics, e.g. installed fonts or screen resolution.
 * Use such an identifier to re-identify a device.

See the partners we work with below. Expand each one to see how they process
your data. You can object to legitimate interest processing per vendor.
Third Party Vendors790Accept all Reject all
: Tappx
Privacy policy: https://www.tappx.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

1020, Inc. dba Placecast and Ericsson Emodo
Privacy policy: https://www.emodoinc.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.1agency.de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

1plusX AG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.1plusx.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

2KDirect, Inc. (dba iPromote)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ipromote.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Privacy policy: https://www.33across.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

360e-com Sp. z o.o.
Privacy policy: https://www.clickonometrics.com/optout/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

3Q nexx GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://3q.video/de/datenschutz_und_richtlinien

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

42 Ads GmbH
Privacy policy: https://42ads.io/42privacy.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

6Sense Insights, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://6sense.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

7Hops.com Inc. (ZergNet)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://zergnet.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

A Million Ads Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.amillionads.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.we-are-adot.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://recreativ.com/policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Aarki, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://corp.aarki.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://aax.media/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 år 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Accorp Sp. z o.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.instytut-pollster.pl/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Active Agent (ADITION technologies AG)
Privacy policy: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AcuityAds Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://privacy.acuityads.com/corporate-privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.acxiom.com/about-us/privacy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ad Alliance GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.ad-alliance.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ad6media.fr/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adacado Technologies Inc. (DBA Adacado)
Privacy policy: https://adacado.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

adality GmbH
Privacy policy: https://adality.de/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adara.com/privacy-promise/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

adbalancer Werbeagentur GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adbalancer.com/datenschutz

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

adbility media GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adbility-media.com/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

ADCELL | Firstlead GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adcell.de/agb#sector_6

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

AdClear GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adclear.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 92 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdColony, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.adcolony.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AddApptr GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.addapptr.com/data-privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

AdDefend GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.addefend.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://addrelevance.be/cookie-statement-2/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adelaide Metrics Inc
Privacy policy: https://adelaidelift.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdElement Media Solutions Pvt Ltd
Privacy policy: http://adelement.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 352 dager 12 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adevinta Spain S.L.U.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adevinta.com/about/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdGear Technologies, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adgear.com/en/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://adhese.com/privacy-and-cookie-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adikteev.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ADITION technologies AG
Privacy policy: https://www.adition.com/en/privacy-platform

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adjust GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adjust.com/terms/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adkernel LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adkernel.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adlane LTD
Privacy policy: https://adlane.info/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adloox SA
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adloox.com/disclaimer

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adludio Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://adludio.com/privacypolicy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ADMAN - Phaistos Networks, S.A.
Privacy policy: https://www.adman.gr/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ADman Interactive SLU
Privacy policy: https://admanmedia.com/politica.html?setLng=es

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 38 år 134 dager 15 hours 6 minutes 40 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

adMarketplace, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.admarketplace.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 61 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdMaxim Inc.
Privacy policy: http://www.admaxim.com/admaxim-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Admedo Technology Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.admedo.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

admetrics GmbH
Privacy policy: https://admetrics.io/en/privacy_policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Admixer EU GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://admixer.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Admo.tv (Clickon)
Privacy policy: https://www.admo.tv/en/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 dager 8 hours 53 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adnami Aps
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adnami.io/privacy-policy-services

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

adnanny.com SLU
Privacy policy: https://adnanny.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adnuntius AS
Privacy policy: https://adnuntius.com/resources/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Adobe Advertising Cloud
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/experience-cloud.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adobe Audience Manager, Adobe Experience Platform
Privacy policy: https://www.adobe.com/privacy/policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adpone SL
Privacy policy: https://www.adpone.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://policy.openmobi.pl/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdQuiver Media SL
Privacy policy: https://adquiver.com/privacidad/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adrenalead.com/politique-de-protection-des-donnees/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 13 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

adrule mobile GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adrule.net/de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 364 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adserve.zone / Artworx AS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adserve.zone/adserveprivacypolicy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://adsocy.com/politica-de-privacidad-y-aviso-legal/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 18 dager 10 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adsolutions BV
Privacy policy: https://www.adsolutions.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdSpirit GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adspirit.de/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

adsquare GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.adsquare.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adssets AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adssets.com/policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.clickintext.com/about/charte-rgpd.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 364 dager 4 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdsWizz Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.adswizz.com/our-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adtarget Medya A.S.
Privacy policy: https://adtarget.com.tr/adtarget-privacy-policy-2020.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager 23 hours 53 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adtelligent Inc.
Privacy policy: https://adtelligent.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AdTheorent, Inc
Privacy policy: https://adtheorent.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 12 dager 4 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adtriba GmbH
Privacy policy: https://privacy.adtriba.com/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adtube AS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.adux.com/donnees-personnelles/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

advanced store GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.advanced-store.com/de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 68 år 35 dager 3 hours 14 minutes 7 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

ADventori SAS
Privacy policy: https://www.adventori.com/with-us/legal-notice/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.adverline.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adverticum cPlc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adverty AB (publ)
Privacy policy: https://adverty.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.adview.com/policy/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Advisible AB
Privacy policy: https://www.advisible.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.adways.com/privacy-policy?lang=en

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://adwmg.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Adxperience SAS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adxperience.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adyoulike.com/pages/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Adzymic Pte Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.adzymic.co/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AerServ LLC
Privacy policy: https://www.inmobi.com/privacy-policy-for-eea

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

agof - daily campaign facts
Privacy policy: https://www.agof.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

agof studies
Privacy policy: https://www.agof.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 1 dag
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AirGrid LTD
Privacy policy: https://airgid.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://allegro.pl/terms/attachment/5

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Alliance Gravity Data Media
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Alphalyr SAS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://alphalyr.fr/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Amazon Advertising
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Amnet GmbH
Privacy policy: https://mediaintelligence.de/privacy-policy.do

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Amobee Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.amobee.com/trust/gdpr/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://bealion.com/politica-de-cookies

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Aniview LTD
Privacy policy: https://www.aniview.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.antvoice.com/en/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 61 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Anzu Virtual Reality LTD
Privacy policy: https://anzu.io/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Apester Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://apester.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Appier PTE Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.appier.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

appTV Ltd.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.apptv.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Aptivio Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://aptiv.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 347 dager 5 hours 20 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Arcspire Limited
Privacy policy: https://public.arcspire.io/privacy.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adloop.co/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://arkeero.com/privacy-2/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.arkheus.fr/mentions-legales/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://armis.tech/en/armis-personal-data-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Arrivalist Co
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.arrivalist.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 365 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Artefact Deutschland GmbH
Privacy policy: https://aaa.artefact.com/privacy-policy.do

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Audience Network
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Audience Solutions S.A.
Privacy policy: https://audience-solutions.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Audience Trading Platform Ltd.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://atp.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AudienceProject Aps
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://privacy.audienceproject.com

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Audiencerate LTD
Privacy policy: https://www.audiencerate.com/data-ethics-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 15 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

AudienceRun corp
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.audiencerun.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Audiens S.r.l.
Privacy policy: https://www.audiens.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Audienzz AG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://audigent.com/platform-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

audio content & control GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.audio-cc.com/audiocc_privacy_policy.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.audiomob.io/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Automattic Ads
Privacy policy: https://automattic.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Avantis Video Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.avantisvideo.com/privacy-policy/

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Avocet Systems Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://avocet.io/privacy-portal

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.awin.com/gb/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Axel Springer Teaser Ad GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adup-tech.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Axiom Media Connect
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Axonix LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://axonix.com/privacy-cookie-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Azerion Holding B.V.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://azerion.com/business/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

B2B Media Group EMEA
Privacy policy: https://www.b2bmg.com/en/data-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Baidu USA
Privacy policy: https://www.mediago.io/policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

bam! interactive marketing GmbH
Privacy policy: https://bam-interactive.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bandsintown Amplified LLC
Privacy policy: https://corp.bandsintown.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bannerflow AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bannerflow.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Bannernow, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://bannernow.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Beachfront Media LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://beachfront.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Beaconspark Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.engageya.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

BeeswaxIO Corporation
Privacy policy: https://www.beeswax.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.beintoo.com/privacy-cookie-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

belboon GmbH
Privacy policy: https://belboon.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://beop.io/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Bertelsmann Data Service GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.bertelsmann.de/meta/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Betgenius Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.geniussports.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Better Banners A/S
Privacy policy: https://betterbanners.com/en/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 dager 22 hours 40 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Between Exchange
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://en.betweenx.com/pdata.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

BidBerry SRL
Privacy policy: https://www.bidberrymedia.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

BidMachine Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://explorestack.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bidstack Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.bidstack.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.bidswitch.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Bidtellect, Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bidtellect.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

BidTheatre AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bidtheatre.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bigabid Media ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bigabid.com/Legal/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.maximiles.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bit Q Holdings Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.rippll.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://bliink.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 16 hours 17 minutes 49 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Blingby LLC
Privacy policy: https://blingby.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Blis Media Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.blis.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Blockthrough, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://blockthrough.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 82 år 70 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.getblue.io/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Blue Billywig BV
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bluebillywig.com/privacy-statement/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bmind a Sales Maker Company, S.L.
Privacy policy: https://www.bmind.es/legal-notice/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bombora Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://bombora.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Bounce Exchange, Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bouncex.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Brand Advance Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.wearebrandadvance.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Brand Metrics Sweden AB
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 21 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Brave People Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://thebrave.io/private-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.bricks-co.com/confidentialite

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Brid Video DOO
Privacy policy: https://cms.brid.tv/pages/view/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bring! Labs AG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://getbring.com/en/legal/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

BritePool Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://britepool.com/gdpr-privacy-notice

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://gobrowsi.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

BSmartData GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.bsmartdata.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Bucksense Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.bucksense.com/platform-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag 46 minutes 40 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.businessclick.com/documents/regulamin_bc_2020.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.pangleglobal.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

CAKE Software, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://getcake.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 5 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Captify Technologies Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.captifytechnologies.com/privacy-notice/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 31 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Carbon (AI) Limited
Privacy policy: https://carbonrmp.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Caroda s.r.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.caroda.io/privacy-statement

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Cavai AS & UK
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://cav.ai/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Cazamba Serviços de Internet Ltda
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://cazamba.com/platform-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Cedato Technologies Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.cedato.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Celtra, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.celtra.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

CentralNic Poland sp. z o.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://voluumdsp.com/end-user-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Channel Pilot Solutions GmbH
Privacy policy: https://channelpilot.co.uk/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 minutes 30 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.channelsight.com/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://uzerly.fr/terms-and-conditions/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 182 dager 12 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Cint AB
Privacy policy: https://www.cint.com/participant-privacy-notice

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Clever Advertising, Lda.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://cleveradvertising.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Click Tech Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://en.yeahmobi.com/html/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Clinch Labs LTD
Privacy policy: https://clinch.co/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Clipcentric, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://clipcentric.com/privacy.bhtml

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Privacy policy: https://www.clipr.co/privacy-terms

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Cloud Technologies S.A.
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Cluep LLC
Privacy policy: https://cluep.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

CMI Marketing, Inc. d/b/a CafeMedia
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://cafemedia.com/publisher-advertising-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 358 dager 19 hours 6 minutes 40 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Collective Europe Ltd.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.collectiveuk.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Comcast International France SAS
Privacy policy: https://www.freewheel.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 182 dager 12 hours
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Commanders Act
Privacy policy: https://www.commandersact.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

communicationAds GmbH & Co. KG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.communicationads.net/aboutus/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Comscore B.V.
Privacy policy: https://www.scorecardresearch.com/privacy.aspx?newlanguage=1

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 355 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Confiant Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.confiant.com/privacy

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Connatix Native Exchange Inc.
Privacy policy: https://connatix.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager 2 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ConnectAd Realtime GmbH
Privacy policy: https://connectadrealtime.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Consumable, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://consumable.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Contact Impact GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://contactimpact.de/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 135 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Content Ignite
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.contentignite.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://converge-digital.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Converto AG
Privacy policy: https://www.converto.com/datenschutz-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Cookie Market LTD
Privacy policy: https://cookie.market/privacyPolicy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Crimtan Holdings Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://crimtan.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 36 dager 12 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Criteo SA
Privacy policy: https://www.criteo.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Crowdy News Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.crowdynews.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://privacy.cuebiq.com

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.videmob.com/privacy.html

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

cynapsis interactive GmbH
Privacy policy: https://cynapsis.de/impressum/index.html#datenschutz_d

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Czech Publisher Exchange z.s.p.o.
Privacy policy: https://www.cpex.cz/pro-uzivatele/ochrana-soukromi/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Dailymotion SA
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.dailymotion.com/legal/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Dataseat Ltd
Privacy policy: https://dataseat.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

dataXtrade GmbH
Privacy policy: https://dataxtrade.com/de/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

DeepIntent, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.deepintent.com/platform-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.definemedia.de/datenschutz-conative/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Delidatax SL
Privacy policy: https://www.delidatax.net/privacy.htm

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Delta Projects AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://deltaprojects.com/data-collection-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Demandbase, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.demandbase.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Dentsu Aegis Network Italia SpA
Privacy policy: https://www.dentsuaegisnetwork.com/it/it/policies/info-cookie

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Dentsu Denmark A/S
Privacy policy: https://www.dentsu.com/dk/dk/privatlivspolitik

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 dager 14 hours 24 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Dentsu London Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://privacy.metadsp.co.uk/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Deutsche Post AG
Privacy policy: https://www.deutschepost.de/de/c/consentric/datenschutz.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Dianomi ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.dianomi.com/legal/privacy.epl

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

digidip GmbH
Privacy policy: https://digidip.net/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Digiseg ApS
Privacy policy: https://digiseg.io/privacy-center/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Digital East GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.digitaleast.mobi/en/legal/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Digital Squad
Privacy policy: https://www.squadata.net/en/private-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://digitalaudience.io/legal/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 6 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

DIGITEKA Technologies
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ultimedia.com/POLICY.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 32 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Discover-Tech ltd
Privacy policy: https://discover-tech.io/dsp-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1000 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

district m inc.
Privacy policy: https://districtm.net/en/page/platforms-data-and-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

DistroScale, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.distroscale.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

diva-e products
Privacy policy: https://www.intelliad.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 100 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.adn.ai/fr/politique-confidentialite-adserver

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

DoubleVerify Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://doubleverify.com/privacy-notice/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Dugout Ltd
Privacy policy: https://dugout.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Duration Media, LLC.
Privacy policy: https://www.durationmedia.net/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://eu.dynadmic.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Dynamic 1001 GmbH
Privacy policy: https://dynamic-tracking.com/Datenschutz.aspx

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Dynata LLC
Privacy policy: https://www.opinionoutpost.co.uk/en-gb/policies/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

EASY Marketing GmbH
Privacy policy: https://easy-m.de/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

EASYmedia GmbH
Privacy policy: https://login.rtbmarket.com/gdpr

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

eBay Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.ebayinc.com/company/privacy-center/gdpr/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

EDGE NPD Sp. z o.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://abtshield.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2000 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Effiliation / Effinity
Privacy policy: https://inter.effiliation.com/politique-confidentialite.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.effiliation.com/politique-de-confidentialite/

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

eMarketingSolutions, Online Marketing S.L.
Privacy policy: https://emarketingsolutions.es/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Emerse Sverige AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.emerse.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

emetriq GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.emetriq.com/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

EMX Digital LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://emxdigital.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ensighten.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 5 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Epom Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://epom.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.epsilon.com/emea/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.ermes.ai/politique-de-confidentialite/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://sk.search.etargetnet.com/policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Eulerian Technologies
Privacy policy: https://www.eulerian.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Evolution Technologies Inc.
Privacy policy: https://e-volution.ai/privacy-policy-3/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Exactag GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.exactag.com/en/data-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Exit Bee Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.exitbee.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 minutes 5 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.exoclick.com/privacy-and-cookies-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 352 dager 14 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Experian Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.experian.co.uk/privacy/consumer-information-portal/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Exponential Interactive, Inc d/b/a VDX.tv
Privacy policy: https://vdx.tv/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Extreme Reach, Inc
Privacy policy: https://extremereach.com/privacy-policies/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Eyeota Pte Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.eyeota.com/privacy-center

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ezoic Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ezoic.com/terms/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select personalised content
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Factor Eleven GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.factor-eleven.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Fandom, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.fandom.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 182 dager 15 hours 20 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

FeedAd GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://feedad.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 12 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Fidelity Media
Privacy policy: https://fidelity-media.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Fido S.r.l
Privacy policy: https://www.fido.id/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Fiducia DLT Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.fiducia.eco/privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Fifty Technology Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://fifty.io/privacy-policy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Flashtalking, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.flashtalking.com/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Flexoffers.com, LLC
Privacy policy: https://www.flexoffers.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Footballco Media Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.goal.com/en-gb/legal/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Frameplay Corporation
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.frameplay.gg/terms

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Freshclip GmbH & Co. KG
Privacy policy: https://www.freshclip.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

FUNKE Digital GmbH
Privacy policy: https://funkedigital.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Fusio by S4M
Privacy policy: https://www.s4m.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 20 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.fyber.com/legal/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

G+J Electronic Media Sales GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.gujmedia.de/service/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.gadsme.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.gamned.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Gamoshi Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.gamoshi.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

GDMServices, Inc. d/b/a FiksuDSP
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://fiksu.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

GeistM Technologies LTD
Privacy policy: https://geistm.com/en/legal/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Gemius SA
Privacy policy: https://www.gemius.com/cookie-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.geoedge.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.geoprove.io/privacy

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://help.sensic.net/privacypolicy_en.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Glimpse Protocol Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.glimpseprotocol.io/vault-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Global Media & Entertainment Limited
Privacy policy: https://global.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 175 dager 16 minutes 40 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://legal.trendstream.net/non-panellist_privacy_policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 1 dag
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

glomex GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Go.pl sp. z o.o.
Privacy policy: https://go.pl/polityka-prywatnosci/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Goldbach Group AG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://goldbach.com/ch/de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Golden Bees
Privacy policy: https://www.goldenbees.fr/en/privacy-charter/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.goodeed.com/knowmore/privacypolicy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Good-Loop Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://doc.good-loop.com/policy/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Goodway Group, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://goodwaygroup.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Google Advertising Products
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

GP One GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.gsi-one.org/de/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Grabit Interactive Media Inc dba KERV Interctive
Privacy policy: https://kervit.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.graphinium.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 300 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

GroupM UK Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.groupm.com/privacy-notice

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

GumGum, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://gumgum.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://habu.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 300 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Haensel AMS GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://haensel-ams.com/data-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/93308573/full-legal

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Hashtag Labs Inc.
Privacy policy: https://hashtag-labs.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Havas Media (Artemis Alliance S.L.U.)
Privacy policy: https://havasmediagroup.com/data-protection-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.heimspiel.de/privacy-policy-iab-vendor/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Hillside (Sports) GP Limited
Privacy policy:

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Hindsight Technology Solutions, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://hindsightsolutions.net/terms-of-service/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Hivestack Inc.
Privacy policy: https://hivestack.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Hybrid Adtech GmbH
Privacy policy: https://hybrid.ai/data_protection_policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Hybrid Theory
Privacy policy: https://hybridtheory.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

HyperTV Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.hypertvx.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

I.R.V. D.O.O.
Privacy policy: https://www.contentexchange.me/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

ID5 Technology SAS
Privacy policy: https://id5.io/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://imonomy.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Impact Tech Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://impact.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 355 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://impact-plus.fr/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://impactify.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Improve Digital BV
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.improvedigital.com/platform-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Index Exchange, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.indexexchange.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 5 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.infiniamobile.com/avisopolitica.html#pri

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

INFOnline GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.infonline.de/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ingenious Technologies AG
Privacy policy: https://www.ingenioustechnologies.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

INIS sp. zo.o.
Privacy policy: https://www.inis.pl/polityka-prywatnosci

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

InMobi Pte Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.inmobi.com/privacy-policy-for-eea

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.innity.com/privacy-policy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 355 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Innovid Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.innovid.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 91 dager 6 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Inskin Media LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.inskinmedia.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 1 dag
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Inspired Mobile Limited
Privacy policy: https://byinspired.com/privacypolicy.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Insticator, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.insticator.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 355 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Instinctive, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://instinctive.io/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Instreamatic inc.
Privacy policy: https://instreamatic.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

InsurAds Technologies SA.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.insurads.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Integral Ad Science, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://integralads.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Internet BillBoard a.s.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ibillboard.com/en/privacy-information/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.invibes.com/terms

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

INVIDI technologies AB
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

IP Deutschland GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.ip.de/lp/impressum/datenschutz.cfm

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.iponweb.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://iprom.eu/privacy_policy/GDPR

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 91 dager 7 hours 27 minutes 11 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

iProspect GmbH
Privacy policy: https://inetpro.io/privacy-policyeng.do

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://iris.ipsos.com/site-centric-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Privacy policy: https://iqm.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 15 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

IVO Media Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ivo.io/privacy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Jaduda GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.jadudamobile.com/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Jampp LTD
Privacy policy: https://jampp.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Jellyfish France
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.jellyfish.com/fr-fr/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Jetpack Digital LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://jetpack.net/privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Jivox Corporation
Privacy policy: https://www.jivox.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

JS Web Production
Privacy policy: https://jswebproduction.com/vie-privee.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.jsdelivr.com/terms/privacy-policy-jsdelivr-net

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Justpremium BV
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://justpremium.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Justtag Sp. z o.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.justtag.com/POLITYKA_PRYWATNOSCI.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Kairion GmbH
Privacy policy: https://kairion.de/datenschutzbestimmungen/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Kairos Fire
Privacy policy: https://www.kairosfire.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Kameleoon SAS
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 15 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Kargo Global Inc.
Privacy policy: https://kargo.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://kayzen.io/data-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ketchup Adv Spa
Privacy policy: https://www.rematch.tech/cookiepolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.kmtx.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Kiosked Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://kiosked.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.knorex.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Kochava Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.kochava.com/support-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Konodrac S.L.
Privacy policy: https://konodrac.com/politica-privacidad/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Kubient Inc.
Privacy policy: https://kubient.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 360 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.kupona.de/dsgvo/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.kwanko.com/fr/rgpd/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

lead alliance GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.lead-alliance.net/dataprotection2

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Leadoo Marketing Technologies Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://leadoo.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

LeadsRx, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://leadsrx.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.leesten.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Lifesight Pte. Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://www.lifesight.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

LifeStreet Corporation
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://lifestreet.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Liftoff Mobile, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://liftoff.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised content profile

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

LiquidM Technology GmbH
Privacy policy: https://liquidm.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Listonic Sp. z o.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://listonic.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 35 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Little Big Data sp. z o.o.
Privacy policy: https://www.dataexchanger.pl/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 år 1 second
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Liveintent Inc.
Privacy policy: https://liveintent.com/services-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

LiveRamp, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://liveramp.fr/iab-transparency-consent-framework/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Livewrapped AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://livewrapped.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Localsensor B.V.
Privacy policy: https://www.localsensor.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Location Sciences AI Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://www.locationsciencesgroup.ai/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Longtail Ad Solutions, Inc dba JW Player
Privacy policy: https://www.jwplayer.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

LoopMe Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://loopme.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Lotame Solutions, inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 273 dager 18 hours
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Lucid Holdings, LLC
Privacy policy: https://luc.id/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://golucidity.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Luna Media Group LLC
Privacy policy: https://lunamedia.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 14 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mp-newmedia.com/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

M32 Connect Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://m32.media/privacy-cookie-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://delivered-by-madington.com/dat-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://madvertise.com/en/gdpr/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 120 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Maiden Marketing Pte Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.pokkt.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

mainADV Srl
Privacy policy: https://www.mainad.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

MairDumont Netletix GmbH&CoKG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Marfeel Solutions, SL
Privacy policy: https://www.marfeel.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Marfeel Solutions, SL (Compass)
Privacy policy: https://www.marfeel.com/docs/compass/privacy/policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Market Resource Partners LLC
Privacy policy: https://www.mrpfd.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Mars Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mars.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Mars Media Group
Privacy policy: https://pay-per-leads.com/terms

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Maximus Live LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://maximusx.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

McCann Discipline LTD
Privacy policy: https://www.primis.tech/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 14 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Media Square
Privacy policy: https://www.mediasquare.fr/e-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Media.net Advertising FZ-LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.media.net/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Media16 ltd
Privacy policy: https://media16.tv/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mediaforce LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Mediakeys Platform
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://drbanner.com/privacypolicy_en/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised content
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

MediaMath, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mediamath.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 28 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.mediametrie.fr/fr/gestion-des-cookies

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

mediarithmics SAS
Privacy policy: https://www.mediarithmics.com/en-us/content/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mediascore mbH
Privacy policy: https://mediascore.de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mediasmart Mobile S.L.
Privacy policy: https://mediasmart.io/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mediavine, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.mediavine.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 6 hours 40 minutes
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Meetrics GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.meetrics.com/en/data-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.mgid.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 68 år 35 dager 3 hours 14 minutes 6 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Miaozhen Information Technology Co. Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.miaozhen.com/en/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mindlytix SAS
Privacy policy: https://mindlytix.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 62 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

MindTake Research GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.mindtake.com/en/reppublika-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 93 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mintegral international limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mintegral.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://wearemiq.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 1 hour 6 minutes 40 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mirando GmbH & Co KG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mirando.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://missena.com/confidentialite/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://mountain.com/privacy-policy/#ref-sh

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

mobalo GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.mobalo.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mobfox US LLC
Privacy policy: https://www.mobfox.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 14 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mobile Professionals BV
Privacy policy: https://mobpro.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

MobileFuse LLC
Privacy policy: https://mobilefuse.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mobilewalla, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mobilewalla.com/business-services-privacy-policy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mobility-Ads GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://mobility-ads.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Mobkoi Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.mobkoi.com/Ad-Platform-Privacy-Policy.pdf

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.mobsuccess.com/en/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Moloco, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.molocoads.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Monet Engine Inc
Privacy policy: https://appmonet.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 31 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

MOVIads Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Privacy policy: https://moviads.pl/polityka-prywatnosci/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.muso.com/policies/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.mytraffic.io/en/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 106 dager 11 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

N Technologies Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://n.rich/privacy-notice

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 175 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Nano Interactive GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.nanointeractive.com/privacy-statement/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 182 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Natív Hirdetés Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://related.hu/adatkezeles/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Nativo, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.nativo.com/interest-based-ads

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

NC Audience Exchange, LLC (NewsIQ)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ncaudienceexchange.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Near Pte Ltd
Privacy policy: https://near.co/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Neodata Group srl
Privacy policy: https://www.neodatagroup.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Privacy policy: https://www.neory.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://affilae.com/en/privacy-cookie-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Netpoint Media GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.netpoint-media.de/technik/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 6 hours 40 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

NetSuccess, s.r.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.inres.sk/pp/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

netzeffekt GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.netzeffekt.de/en/imprint

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://web.neural.one/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

NeuStar, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.home.neustar/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Newsroom AI Ltd
Privacy policy: https://studio.nws.ai/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://nexd.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Next Media
Privacy policy: https://next14.com/media/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Next Media SRL
Privacy policy: https://next14.com/media/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

NextRoll, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.nextroll.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.nexx360.io/en/940-2/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Nielsen LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Nielsen Marketing Cloud
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 120 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

NoBid, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.nobid.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Norstat AS
Privacy policy: https://www.norstatpanel.com/en/data-protection

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Noster Finance S.L.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.finect.com/terminos-legales/politica-de-cookies

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 12 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://notify-group.com/en/mentions-legales/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours 1 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://static.now-services.de/privacy/index.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Nubo LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://api.recod3suite.com/privacypolicy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

NumberEight Technologies Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.numbereight.ai/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 91 dager 7 hours 40 minutes
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://numberly.com/en/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 16 hours 30 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Objective Partners BV
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Octaive Ltd.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.octaive.com/privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ogury Ltd.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ogury.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

On Device Research Limited
Privacy policy: https://s.on-device.com/privacyPolicy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

OnAudience Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.onaudience.com/internet-advertising-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

One Planet Only
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://oneplanetonly.com/files/PRIVACY%20POLICY.pdf

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 93 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

One Tech Group GmbH
Privacy policy: https://onetech.group/en/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.one-count.com/about/privacy-policy-terms/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Onesoon Limited t/a Adalyser
Privacy policy: https://adalyser.com/en/terms

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

OneTag Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.onetag.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 10 dager 17 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Onfocus (Adagio)
Privacy policy: https://adagio.io/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Online Advertising Network Sp. z o.o.
Privacy policy: https://www.oan.pl/en/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Online Media Solutions LTD (BDA: Brightcom)
Privacy policy: https://www.brightcom.com/privacy-policy/

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Online Solution
Privacy policy: https://adsafety.net/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Onnetwork Sp. z o.o.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.onnetwork.tv/pp_services.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

OpenWeb LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.openweb.com/legal-and-privacy/privacy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 9 år 187 dager 5 hours 20 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.openx.com/legal/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Opinary GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://opinary.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Opt Out Advertising B.V.
Privacy policy: https://optoutadvertising.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Opti Digital SAS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.optidigital.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Optomaton UG
Privacy policy: https://www.optomaton.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Oracle Data Cloud
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Oracle Data Cloud - Moat
Privacy policy:

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Orion Semantics
Privacy policy: https://static.orion-semantics.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.otto.de/shoppages/service/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Outbrain UK Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.outbrain.com/legal/privacy#privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

PaperG, Inc. dba Thunder Industries
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.makethunder.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Parrable, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.parrable.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 364 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Passendo Aps
Privacy policy: https://passendo.com/users-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://paypersale.ru/index/privacy#about

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 9 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Pelmorex Corp.
Privacy policy: https://www.eltiempo.com/politica-privacidad

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Performax.cz, s.r.o.
Privacy policy: https://reg.tiscali.cz/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Permodo GmbH
Privacy policy: https://permodo.com/de/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Permutive Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://permutive.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Permutive Technologies, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://permutive.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://persona.ly/privacy_dsp

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Pexi B.V.
Privacy policy: https://pexi.nl/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Piano Software Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.cxense.com/about-us/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Pinpoll GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.pinpoll.com/#data_protection_declaration

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Pixalate, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://pixalate.com/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

PixFuture Media Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.pixfuture.com/data-processing-agreement/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://piximedia.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 16 hours 18 minutes 18 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Placense Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.placense.com/privacy-notice

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Platform161 B.V.
Privacy policy: https://platform161.com/cookie-and-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Playbuzz Ltd (aka EX.CO)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://ex.co/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://playground.xyz/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Playrcart Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.playrcart.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

plista GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.plista.com/about/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

PML Innovative Media
Privacy policy: https://www.pmlatam.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Polar Mobile Group Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://privacy.polar.me

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

PowerLinks Media Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.powerlinks.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://powerspace.com/fr/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://docs.prebid.org/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://preciso.net/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.predic.io/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Pressboard Media Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.pressboardmedia.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Programatica de publicidad S.L.
Privacy policy: https://datmean.com/politica-privacidad/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Project Agora Ltd
Privacy policy: https://projectagora.com/privacy-policy/project-agora-platform/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ProSiebenSat.1 Digital Data GmbH
Privacy policy: https://7pass.de/datenschutzbestimmungen.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Protected Media LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.protected.media/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Proxi.cloud sp. z.o.o
Privacy policy: https://proxi.cloud/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.proxistore.com/common/en/cgv

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Pubfinity LLC
Privacy policy: https://pubfinity.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 10 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Publica LLC
Privacy policy: https://getpublica.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Publicis Media GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.publicismedia.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 5 år 1 dag 5 hours 6 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Publisher First, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://freestar.com/data-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

PubMatic, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://pubmatic.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

PubWise, LLLP
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://admin.pubwise.io/publisher/privacypolicy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Pulse Innovations Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.pulselive.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Pure Local Media GmbH
Privacy policy: https://purelocalmedia.de/?page_id=593

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Qriously Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.brandwatch.com/legal/qriously-privacy-notice/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Quality Media Network GmbH
Privacy policy: https://qualitymedianetwork.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Quantcast International Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.quantcast.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

QuantumCast digital GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.quantumcast-digital.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Quantyoo GmbH & Co. KG
Privacy policy: https://quantyoo.de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 20 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://quartermedia.de/daten/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Radio Net Media Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adtonos.com/service-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Rakuten Marketing LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Rapid Performance GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.gratisbasar.de/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 minutes 30 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

RDandX Group DMCC
Privacy policy: https://www.rdandx.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Reach Media GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.videoreach.com/about/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Readpeak Oy
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://readpeak.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Realeyes OU
Privacy policy: https://realview.realeyesit.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.realytics.io/platform-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Rebold Marketing & Communication SLU
Privacy policy: https://letsrebold.com/es/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Redbranch, Inc dba Fraudlogix
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.fraudlogix.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Reignn Platform Ltd
Privacy policy: https://reignn.com/user-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Relay42 Netherlands B.V.
Privacy policy: https://relay42.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 37 minutes 31 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

remerge GmbH
Privacy policy: https://remerge.io/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Remixd Media, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.remixd.com/privacy_policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Reppublika- The Research Toolbox GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.reppublika.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 93 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Research and Analysis of Media in Sweden AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www2.rampanel.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 dager 8 hours 53 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Resolution Media München GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.nonstoppartner.net

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Resono B.V.
Privacy policy: https://reso.no/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

respondi AG
Privacy policy: https://www.respondi.com/EN/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

retailAds GmbH & Co. KG
Privacy policy: https://www.retailads.net/ueberuns/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Revcontent, LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Reveal Mobile Inc
Privacy policy: https://revealmobile.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.revjet.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://revx.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Rezonence Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://rezonence.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 182 dager 12 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Rich Audience Technologies SL
Privacy policy: https://richaudience.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ringier Axel Springer Polska sp. z o.o.
Privacy policy: https://polityka-prywatnosci.onet.pl/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 5 år 1 dag 6 hours
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

RMSi Radio Marketing Service interactive GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.rms.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Rockabox Media Ltd t/a Scoota
Privacy policy: https://scoota.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Roku Advertising Services
Privacy policy: https://docs.roku.com/published/userprivacypolicy/en/us

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Roq.ad Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.roq.ad/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

RTB House S.A.
Privacy policy: https://www.rtbhouse.com/privacy-center/services-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Salesforce.com, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.salesforce.com/company/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Samba TV Inc.
Privacy policy: https://samba.tv/legal/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Samba TV UK Limited
Privacy policy: https://samba.tv/legal/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Samsung Ads
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://policy.samsungrs.com/consent/eu/privacy_policy_en.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

ScaleMonk Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.scalemonk.com/privacy-policy/index.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Scene Stealer Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://scenestealer.tv/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Seeding Alliance GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://seeding-alliance.de/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Seedtag Advertising S.L
Privacy policy: https://www.seedtag.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Seenthis AB
Privacy policy: https://seenthis.co/privacy-notice-2018-04-18.pdf

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SelectMedia International LTD
Privacy policy: https://www.selectmedia.asia/terms-and-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Semasio GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.semasio.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Seznam.cz, a.s.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.seznam.cz/ochranaudaju

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ShareThis, Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://sharethis.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sharethrough, Inc
Privacy policy: https://platform-cdn.sharethrough.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SheMedia, LLC
Privacy policy: https://www.shemedia.com/ad-services-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ShinyStat S.p.a.
Privacy policy: https://www.shinystat.com/it/informativa_privacy_generale.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Shopalyst Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.shortlyst.com/eu/privacy_terms.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Showheroes SE
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://showheroes.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sift Media, Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.sift.co/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Signal Digital Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.signal.co/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 11 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Silverbullet Data Services Group
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://wearesilverbullet.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Simplifi Holdings Inc
Privacy policy: https://simpli.fi/site-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.singlespot.com/privacy_policy?locale=fr

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sirdata Cookieless
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.sirdata.com/en/Privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.situ8ed.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sizmek by Amazon
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.sizmek.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 17 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.skaze.com/fr/politique/politique-de-confidentialite/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 6 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Skimbit Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://skimlinks.com/pages/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.skoiy.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Smaato, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.smaato.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Smadex SL
Privacy policy: https://smadex.com/end-user-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Smart Adserver
Privacy policy: https://smartadserver.com/end-user-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Smart Traffik
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://okube-attribution.com/politique-de-confidentialite/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 16 hours 30 minutes
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

smartclip Europe GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://privacy-portal.smartclip.net/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Smartclip Hispania SL
Privacy policy: https://rgpd-smartclip.com/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

SmartFrame Technologies
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://smartframe.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.getquanty.com/mentions-legales/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Smartme Analytics
Privacy policy: https://smartmeapp.com/info/smartme/aviso_legal.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Smartology Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.smartology.net/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure content performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.smartstream.tv/en/productprivacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Smile Wanted Group
Privacy policy: https://www.smilewanted.com/privacy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 91 dager 6 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Snapsort Inc., operating as Sortable
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://help.sortable.com/help/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 6 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.enterprise.noddus.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

socoto gmbh & co. kg
Privacy policy: https://www.socoto.com/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SoD ScreenOnDemand GmbH
Privacy policy: https://screenondemand.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Sojern, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.sojern.com/privacy/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://frontend.adhslx.com/privacy.html?

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Solution coupons
Privacy policy: https://solution.coupons/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Somplo Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://somplo.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SOMQUERY SOMTAG - (SevenOne Media)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.sevenonemedia.de/datenerhebung-anderer-dienstleister

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Sonic Odeeo ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://odeeo.io/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Sonobi, Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://sonobi.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://soundcast.fm/en/data-privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sourcepoint Technologies, Inc. (non-CMP)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.sourcepoint.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Sovrn Holdings Inc
Privacy policy: https://www.sovrn.com/sovrn-privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sparklit Networks Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.adbutler.com/agreements.spark?agreement=privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://speakol.com/terms-of-use

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SpearAd GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.spearad.com/privacy61f1c041

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SPICY MOBILE Sp z o.o. Sp.k.
Privacy policy: https://spicymobile.pl/polityka-prywatnosci

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Spolecznosci Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Privacy policy: https://www.spolecznosci.pl/polityka-prywatnosci

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Spoods GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.spoods.info/#gdpr

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.minutemedia.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sportradar AG
Privacy policy: https://www.sportradar.com/about-us/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://spotad.co/privacy-policy-2/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.spotible.com/privacy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

SpotX, Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.spotx.tv/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

SpringServe, LLC
Privacy policy: https://springserve.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 364 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sqreem Technologies Private Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://sqreemtech.com/privacy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Squared SAS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://qwarry.com/imprint/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.stackadapt.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Stream Eye OOD
Privacy policy: https://app.streameye.com/policy/net

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ströer SSP GmbH (DSP)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Ströer SSP GmbH (SSP)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Strossle International AB
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.strossle.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

STUDIO GONG GmbH & Co. Studiobetriebs KG
Privacy policy: https://www.studio-gong.de/datenschutz.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Sub2 Technologies Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.sub2tech.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://ayads.co/privacy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours 1 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

SublimeSkinz - Adledge
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://adledge.com/data-privacy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.sunmedia.tv/en/cookies

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.sync.tv/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Taboola Europe Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.taboola.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

TACTIC™ Real-Time Marketing AS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://tacticrealtime.com/privacy/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Tangoo Srl
Privacy policy: https://www.tangoomedia.com/website_privacypolicy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Tapad, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.tapad.com/eu-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 60 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Tapjoy, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.tapjoy.com/legal/#privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.taptapnetworks.com/privacy_policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Targetspot Belgium SPRL
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

TargetVideo GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.target-video.com/datenschutz/

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.teads.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Teemo SA
Privacy policy: https://teemo.co/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Telaria SAS
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://telaria.com/outstream-services/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 48 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Telaria, Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://telaria.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 48 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Telecoming S.A.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.telecoming.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U
Privacy policy: https://www.cognitivemarketing.tid.es/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Terminus Software Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://terminus.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Teroa S.A.
Privacy policy: https://www.e-planning.net/en/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 7 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://theadex.com/privacy-opt-out/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

The Kantar Group Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.kantar.com/cookies-policies

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år 183 dager 2 hours 33 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.tl1mkt.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

The MediaGrid Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.themediagrid.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://www.thenewco.it/privacy_policy_servizi_prodotti.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

The Ozone Project Limited
Privacy policy: https://ozoneproject.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

The Procter & Gamble Company
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.pg.com/privacy/english/privacy_statement.shtml

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

The Reach Group GmbH
Privacy policy: https://trg.de/en/privacy-statement/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

The Rubicon Project, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

The Trade Desk
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.thetradedesk.com/general/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://threedium.co.uk/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Timehop, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.adsbynimbus.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://privacy.timeonegroup.com

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

TMT Digital Inc
Privacy policy: https://mediatrust.com/privacy-statement/

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Traffective GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/30563919

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 6 minutes 5 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

travel audience GmbH
Privacy policy: https://travelaudience.com/product-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 32 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

TreSensa Technologies, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.tresensa.com/eu-privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Triapodi Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://appreciate.mobi/page.html#/end-user-privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Trinity Audio
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://trinityaudio.ai/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Triple13 Ltd
Privacy policy: https://www.triple13.io/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

TripleLift, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://triplelift.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Triton Digital Canada Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.tritondigital.com/privacy-policies

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

TrueData Solutions, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.truedata.co/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Truvid Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.truvid.com/terms/privacy_policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://tvsquared.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

twiago GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.twiago.com/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

TX Group AG
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://tx.group/de/rechtliche-hinweise

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

TypeA Holdings Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://risecodes.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

UAB Aktyvus sektorius - Eskimi
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://business.eskimi.com/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

UAB Meazy
Privacy policy: https://meazy.co/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

UberMedia, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://ubermedia.com/summary-of-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

ucfunnel Co., Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://www.ucfunnel.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Underdog Media LLC
Privacy policy: https://underdogmedia.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

UniCredit S.p.A.
Privacy policy: https://www.unicredit.it/it/info/informativa-cookies.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Unilever Polska sp. z o.o.
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

United Internet Media GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.united-internet-media.de/de/datenschutzhinweis/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Unmatched Solutions Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://app.torchad.com/advertiser/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Unruly Group LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://unruly.co/legal/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Unruly Group Ltd
Privacy policy: https://unruly.co/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

uppr GmbH
Privacy policy: https://netzwerk.uppr.de/privacy-policy.do

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Upwave Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.upwave.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

usemax advertisement (Emego GmbH)
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.usemax.de/?l=privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ve Global UK Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.optomaton.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.vectaury.io/en/personal-data

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Velocity Made Good LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://vmg.nyc/privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Venatus Media Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.venatusmedia.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Verizon Media EMEA Limited
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Verve Group Europe GmbH
Privacy policy: https://pubnative.net/privacy-notice/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://onedash.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://verve.com/privacy-policy/index.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 minutes
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://viads.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others
 * Show details

Vibrant Media Limited
Privacy policy: https://www.vibrantmedia.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Vidazoo Ltd
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://vidazoo.gitbook.io/vidazoo-legal/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager 2 hours 13 minutes 20 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

video intelligence AG
Privacy policy: https://www.vi.ai/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Videobyte Inc
Privacy policy: https://videobyte.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Vidoomy Media SL
Privacy policy: https://vidoomy.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Vidstart LTD
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Viewdeos 2015 LTD
Privacy policy: https://www.viewdeos.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://viewpay.tv/mentions-legales/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Viralize SRL
Privacy policy: https://viralize.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Visarity Technologies GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://primo.design/docs/PrivacyPolicyPrimo.html

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure content performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

vitrado GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.vitrado.de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: www.viznet.tv/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 2 minutes
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

VLYBY Digital GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.vlyby.com/product-privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

VRTCAL Markets Inc
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://vrtcal.com/docs/PrivacyPolicy-Advertising.pdf

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 dag
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://docs.vuukle.com/privacy-and-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 30 dager 16 hours 17 minutes 49 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Wagawin GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.wagawin.com/privacy-en/#productprivacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

WAM Group Ltd, t/a Admix
Privacy policy: https://admixplay.com/privacypolicy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

WebAds B.V
Privacy policy: https://privacy.webads.eu/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Webgains GmbH
Privacy policy: https://www.webgains.com/public/de/datenschutzerklaerung/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://weborama.com/respect-de-la-vie-privee-2-2/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 32 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Welect GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.welect.de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 14 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://wemass.com/privacidad/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 3 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

wetter.com GmbH
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: Session
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

WhatRocks Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.whatrocks.co/en/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

White Ops, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.whiteops.com/privacy

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Widespace AB
Privacy policy: https://www.widespace.com/legal/privacy-policy-notice/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 6 dager 2 hours
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Privacy policy: https://www.wizaly.com/terms-of-use#privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

xAd, Inc. dba GroundTruth
Privacy policy: https://www.groundtruth.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Xandr, Inc.
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.xandr.com/privacy/platform-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 90 dager
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

XChange by SFBX®
Privacy policy: https://appconsent.io/en/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 12 seconds
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Yieldlab AG
Privacy policy: https://www.yieldlab.de/meta-navigation/datenschutz/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

YieldLift LLC
Privacy policy: https://yieldlift.com/privacy-policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Yieldlove GmbH
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.yieldlove.com/cookie-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only
 * Show details

Yieldmo, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.yieldmo.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://yoc.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Develop and improve products

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Privacy policy: https://yougov.co.uk/about/terms-combined/#/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

ZAM Network LLC dba Fanbyte
Privacy policy: https://corp.fanbyte.com/legal/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

ZBO Media
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager 10 hours
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Privacy policy: https://www.zedo.com/about-zedo/privacy-policy-december-2019/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Develop and improve products

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Zemanta, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.zemanta.com/legal/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Cookie expiry may be refreshed during the lifetime.
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

zeotap GmbH
Privacy policy: https://zeotap.com/privacy_policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år
 * Tracking method: Cookies and others

Zeta Global
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://zetaglobal.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Match and combine offline data sources
 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 1 år 25 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Ziff Davis LLC
Legitimate Interest
Privacy policy: https://www.ziffdavis.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Create a personalised content profile
 * Select personalised content
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights

Purposes (Legitimate Interest):
 * Select basic ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 180 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Zoomd Ltd.
Privacy policy: https://zoomd.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads
 * Create a personalised ads profile
 * Select personalised ads
 * Measure ad performance
 * Measure content performance
 * Apply market research to generate audience insights
 * Develop and improve products

Special Purposes:
 * Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
 * Technically deliver ads or content

 * Link different devices
 * Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification

Special Features:
 * Use precise geolocation data
 * Actively scan device characteristics for identification

Your Consent:
 * Consent expiry: 30 dager
 * Tracking method: Cookies only

Google Ad Tech Providers59
Some of our partners work with us through Google. Expand each one below to see
their privacy policies and how they process your data.
Privacy policy: http://corp.aarki.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://theadex.com

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.admedo.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://privacy.adtriba.com/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://advolution.de/privacy.php

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.affili.net/uk/footeritem/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.akamai.com/compliance/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

AppLovin Corp.
Privacy policy: https://www.applovin.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Batch Media
Privacy policy: https://theadex.com/privacy-opt-out/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

BDSK Handels GmbH & Co. KG
Privacy policy: https://www.xxxlutz.de/c/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.booking.com/content/privacy.en-gb.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

C3 Metrics
Privacy policy: https://c3metrics.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://cablato.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://privacy.centro.net/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.cloudflare.com/security-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://cubed.ai/privacy-policy/gdpr/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.demandbase.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.dentsu.co.jp/terms/data_policy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

DMA Institute
Privacy policy: https://www.dma-institute.com/privacy-compliancy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://dstillery.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.mediamonks.com/privacy-notice

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.ensighten.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://essens.no/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.crownpeak.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Expedia, Inc.
Privacy policy: https://www.expedia.co.uk/p/support/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Fractional Media
Privacy policy: https://www.fractionalmedia.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://createjs.com/legal/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Havas Media France - DBi
Privacy policy: https://www.havasgroup.com/data-protection-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.hurra.com/impressum

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.ibm.com/customer-engagement/digital-marketing/gdpr

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Ignition One
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Infectious Media
Privacy policy: https://impressiondesk.com/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.intelliad.de/datenschutz

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Macromill group
Privacy policy: https://www.metrixlab.com/privacy-statement/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.manage.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Marketing Science Consulting Group, Inc.
Privacy policy: http://mktsci.com/privacy_policy.htm

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.mobitrans.net/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://site.msi-aci.com/Home/FlexTrackPrivacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.navegg.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.netflix.com/google-3PAS-info

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.nicequest.com/us/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://optomaton.com/privacy.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.pulsepoint.com/privacy-policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.rackspace.com/gdpr

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.resonate.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.scoota.com/privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: http://www.sfr.fr/securite-confidentialite.html

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.sojern.com/privacy/product-privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Tradedoubler AB
Privacy policy: http://www.tradedoubler.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Travel Data Collective
Privacy policy: https://www.yieldr.com/privacy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://trueffect.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.trustarc.com/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://videologygroup.com/en/privacy-policy/

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://vimeo.com/cookie_policy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Vodafone GmbH
Privacy policy:

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://www.wayfair.com/customerservice/general_info.php#privacy

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Privacy policy: https://zms.zalando.com/#

Purposes (Samtykke):
 * Store and/or access information on a device
 * Select basic ads

Vi benytter informasjonskapsler for å gi innhold og annonser et personlig preg,
for å levere sosiale mediefunksjoner og for å analysere trafikken vår.  Vi deler
dessuten informasjon om hvordan du bruker nettstedet vårt med partnerne våre
innen sosiale medier, annonsering og analysearbeid, som kan kombinere den med
annen informasjon du har gjort tilgjengelig for dem, eller som de har samlet inn
gjennom din bruk av tjenestene deres.

Informasjonskapsler er små tekstfiler som brukes av nettsider for å gjøre
brukeropplevelsen nest mulig optimal.

Loven sier at vi kan lagre informasjonskapsler på enheten hvis de er strengt
nødvendig for driften av dette området. For alle andre typer informasjonskapsler
trenger vi din tillatelse.

Denne nettsiden benytter forskjellige typer informasjonskapsler. Noen
informasjonskapsler er lagt inn av tredjepartstjenester som vises på våre sider.

Kun nødvendige cookies Tillat utvalg Tilpass

Tillat alle informasjonskapsler
 * Skandinavias største helsenettsted
 * Oppdatert av leger
 * Utgiver av Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok

Jeg er helsepersonell


og kalkulatorerKroppen vårQuizÅ leve medForskning og intervjuOrdliste


BarnGraviditetSeksualitet og prevensjon
Alternativ medisinReiseEgenomsorg
Aktivitet og helseTreningsøvelserVideoer
Forebyggende kost og sykdomErnæringOvervekt/fedme
Psykisk helse
Psykisk egenpleiePsykiske lidelserRus og avhengighetKognitiv terapi
Rettigheter og helsetjeneste
PasientrettigheterHelsetjenestenOm forskning
For helsepersonell
Nytt fra HelsedirektoratetFra vitenskapenNytt om legemidlerVestibulær


Om NHIKontakt ossE-læring fra NHIAnnonserOm informasjonskapslerBrukervilkår ved
kjøp av NEL-dokumenterPersonvernerklæring


123 Alt innhold
Skandianavias største helsenettsted

 1. NHI.no
 2. Sykdommer
 3. Muskel/skjelett
 4. Legg, ankel, fot
 5. Benutvekst kalkaneus





Denne funksjonen er fjernet av personvernshensyn.

Hvis du vil sende informasjon til en pasient skal dette skje med sikker
kommunikasjon på sikkerhetsnivå 4. Dette tilbys ikke via NEL, men bør skje via
den foretrukne kommunikasjonskanalen legekontoret benytter.

Du kan laste ned pasientinformasjoner fra NEL som PDF ved å trykke
utskriftsknappen til høyre og velg lagre som PDF som utskriftsmetode.



Ved Haglunds hæl er bakre del av hælbeinet spissere enn vanlig. Dette kan gi
hælsmerter og betennelse i slimposen som ligger mellom beinet og senen.

Haglunds hæl er en ufarlig og vil oftest gå over av seg selv dersom området
Sist revidert: 06.02.2019


På NHI.no finner du pasientinformasjoner, nyhetsartikler og intervjuer.

Alle pasientinformasjonene er basert på artikler skrevet for leger i Norsk
Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL) og forfattet av NEL-redaksjonens leger, med mindre
annet er oppgitt.

Alle artikler i NEL og på NHI.no er skrevet uavhengig av eksterne kommersielle

NHI.no arbeider etter Vær Varsom-plakatens regler for god presseskikk. Alt
journalistisk arbeid blir gjennomgått av en av NELs medisinske redaktører.

Alle artikler er publisert med dato – enten for opprettelse av dokumentet eller
revidert dato.

Nyhetsartikler og intervju som er eldre enn to år, er merket med dette. Vi
fjerner ikke arkiverte nyhetsartikler, fordi vi mener at de har en historisk



Ankel med ligamenter - sett bakfra

Haglunds deformitet er forandring i beinet (calcaneus) og bløtvevet. En
forstørrelse av den beinete delen av hælen, der akillessenen fester, utløser

Hos en del personer er den øvre/bakre delen av hælbenet mer spiss og
prominerende bakover enn vanlig. Dette medfører at det er trangere mellom benet
og akillessenen, som forløper like bak hælbenet. Utveksten på beinet gjør at det
oppstår trykk og belastning på bløtdelene, noe som fører til ømhet, irritasjon
og hevelse i området. Mellom hælbeinet og akillessenen er det en liten slimpose
som skal fungere som en slags støtdemper i området. Denne slimposen blir ofte
irritert og betent, og svulmer opp (bursitt).

Smertene og hevelsen skyldes langvarig irritasjon på grunn av at hud, slimpose
og senestrukturer kommer i klem mot det prominerende hælbeinet. Oftest er det
trykk og irritasjon fra sko med en hard hælkappe som utløser dette. Ved
langvarig trykk og irritasjon kan alle bløtdelene i området hovne opp slik at
det blir en synlig kul.

Tilstander er ofte blitt satt i sammenheng med bruk av høyhælte sko med stram
eller hard hælkappe. Det er også mange mosjonister og idrettsutøvere som plages.


Det er vanligvis lett å stille diagnosen. Typisk har plagene vedvart over lengre
tid, med forverringer i forbindelse med bruk av enkelte fottøy, eller ved mer
langvarige belastninger, som løping. Det er typisk med smerter etter belastning,
og gradvis avtagende smerte i hvile. Etter hvert kan det bli så plagsomt at man
ikke klarer å løpe eller belaste normalt. I de fleste tilfeller blir området
etter hvert rødt og hovent. Når man kjenner på hælen, vil man kunne kjenne den
prominerende øvre delen av hælbeinet. Det er også tydelig ømhet i området når
man ved undersøkelse presser inn mot underlaget.

Røntgen bekrefter at det er en avvikende fasong av øvre del av hælbeinet.


Tilstanden er ufarlig og vil oftest gå over av seg selv dersom området avlastes.
Det viktgste er å skifte fottøy slik at du unngår harde eller stramme sko som
trykker mot hælen. Det kan bli nødvendig å drive alternativ trening som sykling,
svømming og lignende, det viktigste er å unngå løpetrening. Det hjelper mange å
bygge opp med en liten såle under hælen. Eventuelt kan man også avlaste ved å
gjøre endringer på fottøyet og beskytte hælen med skumgummi eller filt.
Tøyninger av akillessenen fører til økt trykk i området og vil bare forverre
tilstanden. Kortisonsprøyte anbefales ikke ved denne tilstanden.

Ved langvarige plager kan kirurgisk behandling bli nødvendig. Man fjerner da
betent og overflødig vev og meisler bort den mest prominerende delen av beinet.
Utsiktene til bedring er da gode, men det varierer. Rekonvalesesensen kan være

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Dette dokumentet er basert på det profesjonelle dokumentet "Haglunds hæl".
Referanselisten for dette dokumentet vises nedenfor.

Vis referanser
 1. Sofka CM, Adler RS, Positano R, et al. Haglund's syndrome: diagnosis and
    treatment using sonography. HSS J. Feb 2006. 2(1):27-9.
 2. Aldridge T. Diagnosing heel pain in adults. Am Fam Physician. 2004 Jul 15.
 3. Kang S, Thordarson DB, Charlton TP. Insertional Achilles tendinitis and
    Haglund's deformity. Foot Ankle Int 2012; 33:487. PubMed
 4. Foye PM. Calcaneal bursitis. Medscape, last updated Jul 18, 2018.
 5. Brunner J, Anderson J, O'Malley M, et al. Physician and patient based
    outcomes following surgical resection of Haglund's deformity. Acta Orthop
    Belg 2005; 71: 718. PubMed


 * Slimposebetennelse
 * Skader i friidrett
 * Løping - forebygging av skader
 * Haglunds hæl - for helsepersonell

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Artikkelen omtaler primært belastningslidelser i foten og hælen - ikke skader.


Betennelse i slimposene rundt akillessenen kan forårsake plagsomme hælsmerter.
Tilstanden provoseres særlig av skotøy som presser bak mot hælen.


Brudd i hælbeinet, calcaneus, oppstår som regel etter fall fra større høyder der
en lander på bena. Det kan oppstå brudd i hælbeinets ledd, noe som gir en
dårligere prognose.


Hormoner og næring


Lavt stoffskifte kan gi en rekke symptomer, blant annet slapphet, depresjon og
hukommelsessvikt. Behandlingen har som mål å fjerne symptomer og plager
forbundet med sykdommen.
For helsepersonell


Den europeiske urologforeningen, EAU, har kommet med nye anbefalinger vedrørende
PSA-testing på prostatakreft.


Myokarditt er en betennelse i hjertemuskelen forårsaket av virus, bakterier,
toksiner eller immunreaksjoner. Tilstanden kan gå over uten behandling, men det
kan utvikles behandlingstrengende hjertesvikt.
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