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 4. Log4j RCE 0-day actively exploited


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12:00pm, 20 December 2021

TLP Rating: Clear


Updated: 12:00pm, 20 December 2021 to provide the latest information on version
upgrades, and a new denial of service vulnerability in Log4j

Updated: 4.10pm, 15 December 2021 to provide the latest information on version
upgrades, mitigations and a new denial of service vulnerability in Log4j.

Updated: 3.30pm, 13 December 2021 to provide link to list of related software's
vulnerablity status.

Updated: 10.30am, 11 December 2021 to provide the latest information on version
upgrades to protect from this vulnerability. 

The widely-used java logging library, Log4j, has an unauthenticated remote code
execution (RCE) and denial of service vulnerability if a user-controlled string
is logged. This could allow the attacker full control of the affected server or
allow an attacker to conduct a denial of service attack.

Reports from online users show that this is being actively exploited in the wild
and that proof-of-concept code has been published.



Systems and services that use the Java logging library, Apache Log4j between
versions 2.0 and 2.15.0 (inclusive) are affected by the remote code execution

Those running Apache Log4j between versions 2.0 and 2.16 (inclusive) are
affected by a denial of service vulnerability.

For more information on the specific configurations see the Apache advisory in
the More Information section below.

This includes many applications and services written in Java.



Apache Log4j versions between version 2.0 and 2.15.0 (inclusive) are vulnerable
to the remote code execution vulnerability.

Apache Log4j versions between version 2.0 and 2.16.0 (inclusive) are vulnerable
to a denial of service vulnerability.

For more information on the specific configurations see the Apache advisory in
the More Information section below.


List of software and its vulnerablity status helpfully provided by NCSC-NL

Log4j overview of related software External Link

The log files for any services using affected Log4j versions will contain
user-controlled strings. 

Rules to help with detection External Link  



Upgrade your Log4j versions to the latest version.  The current latest Log4j
version is 2.17.1 which fixes both vulnerabilities.

Note: this upgrade requires Java 8 or greater. If you cannot upgrade to Java 8
and are running Java 7, Apache have released Log4j 2.12.2


Previously it was reported that setting log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups to true would
mitigate the vulnerability but this is no longer this case under all
circumstances. This mitigation may still help but is no longer sufficient.

Note: this mitigation does not prevent denial of service and will only work for
versions 2.10 and above. This mitigation may impact the behaviour of your
system’s logging if it relies on Lookups for message formatting.


Apache's Log4ji advisory (External Link) External Link

Tech Solvency incident overview and reference guide (External Link) External

NCSC-NL's list of software and vulnerability status (External Link) External

LunaSec's blog on Log4j (External Link) External Link

GitHub's potential rules that allow detection of exploit attempts (External
Link) External Link

CVE for Log4j RCE vulnerability  (External Link) External Link

CVE for Log4j DOS vulnerability (External Link) External Link

CVE for Log4j 2.16.0 DOS vulnerability (External Link) External Link

Mitigating Log4Shell and Other Log4j-Related Vulnerabilities | CISA External
Link  (External Link)

If you require more information or further support, submit a report on our
website or contact us on 0800 CERTNZ.

For media enquiries, email our media desk at media@mbie.govt.nz or call the MBIE
media team on 027 442 2141.

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