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March 27, 2013captaingrizz 1850, 6th edition, army list, Chaos Daemons Leave a
The Masters of Malice

It’s been less than two months since Chaos Daemons and Daemons of Chaos books
hit the shelves, and already talk has died out on the interwebs. Some speak in
hushed tones and others tout the strength of these books, but I for one am still
finding lots to love about Chaos Daemons in 6th. At first glance, some things
look way stronger than they are. Horrors and flamers for one, as they used to be
the shooting end of the Chaos Daemons book. Now shooting is almost totally gone
in the 6th edition book to be replaced by horde mechanics and fast assault
units, oh which the book specializes in. At least five units in the codex have
the ability to contact close combat on your second turn, in and of itself an
amazing feat. This is made better by

Mal’al cares not where the chaos flows,
only that it comes with malice….

the fact that daemons now have a way to overcome their lack of grenades in a
heavy cannon unit that may end up a must have. Over crowded fast and heavy slots
hurt the codex, as do over priced headquarter units, but super cheap and decent
troops balance this out. With the silly Warp Storm chart, mono-god armies seem
to be a good idea but honestly the only decent lists seem to be a potpourri of a
little bit of everything.  It took me a few weeks but I’m finally happy with the
list I developed, even though there’s some debate about the Bloodthirster.

1850 Chaos Daemons
Slaves Of Malice
Hctib Enrohk, Blood Thirster(Eternal Blade)
Wolthlkay (Slaneeshi Herald(Steed,Portalglyph))
Flamer slaves with boss
Plaguebearer slaves(10 with boss)
Plaguebearer slaves(10 with boss)
Plaguebearer slaves(10 with boss)
Daemonettes slaves(15,boss)
Daemonettes slaves(15,boss)
Flesh hound slaves(10)
Flesh hound slaves(10)
screamer slaves
Enrohk Cannon
Enrohk Cannon
Total 1849


March 22, 2013captaingrizz 1850, 6th edition, chaos space marine, Necron Leave a

So far this is what I’ve got for my Sons of Silence at 1850.

+++ 1850pt Chaos Space Marines 6th Ed (2012) (Primary Detachment) Necrons 6th Ed
(2011),(Allied Detachment), +++
Chaos Space Marines
+ HQ +
Ragey McRagerson – Chaos Lord
        Axe of Blind Fury, Bolt Pistol, Gift of Mutation, Juggernaut of Khorne,
Mark of Khorne, Sigil of Corruption
 Force Axe – Sorcerer
       Aura of Dark Glory, Bolt Gun, Close Combat Weapon,  Psk Level 2
+ Troops +
Chaos Cultists
        22x Cultists
 10x Chaos Space Marine
Plasma Gun, Plasma Gun, Aspiring Champion, Close Combat Weapon
+ Fast Attack +
Chaos Spawn x3
 + Heavy Support +
        lasher whips
          lasher whips
+ HQ +
Necron Overlord
       Mindshackle Scarabs, Warscythe
        * Royal Court
Harbinger of the Storm
                Voltaic Staff
Harbinger of the Storm
                 Voltaic Staff
+ Troops +
 5x Necron Immortal
            5x Gauss Blaster (Gauss Weapon)
        * Night Scythe
            Twin-Linked Tesla Destructor
5x Necron Immortal
            5x Gauss Blaster
        * Night Scythe
            Twin-Linked Tesla Destructor
Aegis Defense Line with Comms relay


March 22, 2013captaingrizz Uncategorized Leave a comment

It’s been a little while since both Chaos Space Marine and Dark Angels codices
came out to great fanfare which generally turned to disappointment. I won’t
review the Dark Angels codex, because it isn’t one I use often enough to
comment, but aside from the really sub par flyers, it strikes me as being very
decent for 6th. Now further forward onto chaos!

    First lets discuss the obvious controversy, Mr. Heldrake. When the book
first released only a few of us realized how good this thing is. Then the
arguing started, is it 90 degree firing arc, is it 180, maybe even 360?      I
was always in the 180 camp myself, as I am with the Necron Doomscythe. When the
FAQ hit the fan, Chaos had a bonafide marine killer via Mr. “I shoot fire out my
ass” Heldrake with his 360 line of sight. While I don’t agree with it, I will
abuse the hell out of it. Now onto the review.

      There are several areas where Chaos Space Marines came out ahead, mainly
fast attack and headquarters. The special characters are all pretty good, and
Huron and Abaddon are great. Generic HQs like the sorcerer, the lord and the
Dark Apostle are also great. In fast attack, CSM has come out on top of any
other codex in the game, maybe even better than Tyranid elite choices. You’ve
got the astounding Heldrake, great bikes and spawn, and really solid raptors
with the only stinker being warp talons. Here’s where the virtual gold ends, as
we now delve into the sub par troop choices. Yes, we get cheap chaos marines,
but being 1 point less than a dark angel with better weapon options is a
real buzz kill  If you don’t realize how big a game changer a rule like “And
They Shall Know No Fear” is, you don’t know the game. with no reliable way to
get fearless or ld 10, chaos really suffers compared to Dark Angels. This is
almost mitigated by the super cheap cultist. While cultists aren’t honestly good
in and of themselves, they can be used to great effect and comparing them to
things like termagants or imperial guard troops isn’t fair, as CSM doesn’t have
those available. You could easily ally in some Imperial Guard units, but then
you kill off your other ally options. Cultists are a tool, and as a tool they
enhance the codex. Now we have the classic FOC swaps of cult troops and chosen,
but honestly with the lord taxes most of the options aren’t that appealing.
Speaking of elites, we have many units that could have been so great, but fell
flat. My expectations for chosen were high, but points cost or the lack of
fearless killed that. Terminators are a very middle ground unit. Not great at
anything, but a Swiss army knife you can use to do many things well. Mutilators
are a filler unit in the codex and do nothing that an obliterator can’t do, but
with the benefit of having no guns. Possessed honestly aren’t bad at all, and
could be really good if you get them into combat. With only an expensive land
raider as a delivery system, that’s easier said than done. Heavy support is
crowded with no astounding choices, but some very very solid ones. Predators are
still good and av 13 in 6th isn’t as bad as feared. My favorite of the new
models, the Maulerfiend is a great unit, fast as hell, mean as shit and carrying
tentacles that make any hentai fan giddy. For what it does, it’s also a cheap
unit with a measure of survivability. Havocs, obliterators and forge fiends are
all solid choices, although obliterators cost more and forge fiends are
overpriced for what you get (the model helps this by the “rule of cool”.) We
have left the Defiler, Vindicator and the land raider for last as while none are
BAD per sa, they are all sub par choices and might be situational at best.

       All in all, it isn’t a great codex, but it is a good codex and as 6th
edition continues on, it might be solid. With the accelerated pace of Games
Workshop releasing a codex or army book every month, we should know quickly how
well Chaos Space Marine stacks up. Tau are due beginning of April, so let’s hope
the rumors are kind.


March 22, 2013captaingrizz Uncategorized Leave a comment

With the return to the spring semester and work going full bore, I’ve not had
time to post in a while. First things first, There have been 3 codices and 3
army books released since my last post for 6th edition. I haven’t really read
the WOC book or DOC book for WHFB, but I do have and have had time to go over
all 3 of the 6th edition codices and while they are all sub-par, I’m hoping this
is the set tone for 6th. Lots of releases for TCGs, in fact too many for me to
discuss at length so I’ll only try to cover a few of the cards and mechanics I
really like. I’ve been playing the Defiance beta as much as I can also and just
want to say it’s been a great experience so far. Graphics are in line with
what’s out now, but it’s so FAST for an online game, I can hardly believe it.


September 21, 2012captaingrizz Uncategorized Leave a comment

We all know with the changes to 6th how “sub-par” vehicles are becoming. Hull
points have hurt their viability, but I think the death kneel of vehicle laden
armies is a little bit further out than people are giving it credit to. One of
the reasons I love codex: Grey Knights is that it allows me to use my AdMech as
a real army, not just a fan army based off one of the best fandexes around.
Coteaz henchspam is fun, and with allies you can bring more dreads to the table
than ever. I know the list isn’t uber competitive;it isn’t meant to be. Some
things just need to be done for fun.

So obviously we intend to use Grey Knights as main book with allies. We have the
options of Necrons, Orks and all Space Marines when it comes to armies with
more dreadnoughts. Orks are limited by the effectiveness of their dreads in this
list and being able to bring only 2 units. Necrons bring less with only the
Stalker being a dread equivalent so we are left with varieties of Space Marines.
Space Wolves are great, but they still limit us to 2 units, one of which is a
very expensive HQ. Codex: Space Marines, vanilla if you will, offers us 2 slots
of so so dreads, but Codex: Blood Angels offers us so much more. Okay, not so
much more, but at higher levels we can get 3 dreads with single FOC or 6 with
double FOC. This list is meant for 1850 single FOC as is, but it’s nice to have
options. So let’s do allies first to know what we have to work with.We need
cheap troops, cheap HQ and decent dreads.

SHHHHH, be vewwy vewyy quiet, I’m hunting heathens….

 The cheapest HQ in Blood Angels is tied between captain and librarian. While
we don’t need more psykers, the Librarian brings more for the same amount of
points. Troops we can get away with 100 points for 5 standard bolter wielding
Death Company. That leaves us room for a Furioso, master of blender talon death.
We don’t want him going in alone, so we take another stock CC dread, and
although it doesn’t have the same AV 13 as the Furioso, cover should help it get
there. We can take a troop Death Company dreadnought with blender talons as
well. This brings our allies to  555, leaving us 1295 for our main force.

Stompy Stompy Stompy

We of course start with Coteaz, as he allows us to take cheap troops. Coteaz and
3 psybolters of acolytes with bolters fills the troops. I know it is very light
on scoring units, but this army is all about those glorious suits of adamantine
justice. Now we take the customary 3 psydreads (Grey Knight dreadnought with
twin linked auto cannons x 2 and psybolts) and 3 venerable psydreads. With our
allies we now have 3 psybacks, 6 psydread riflemen, 1 stock multimelta dread and
2 blender talon dreads. Not the best 1850 list by any means, but definitely fun.

1850pt Grey Knights 5th Edition Roster (Standard)
Inquisitor Coteaz
Venerable Dreadnought
Psybolt Ammunition,  Twin Linked Autocannon, Twin Linked Autocannon
Venerable Dreadnought
Psybolt Ammunition,  Twin Linked Autocannon, Twin Linked Autocannon
Venerable Dreadnought
Psybolt Ammunition,  Twin Linked Autocannon, Twin Linked Autocannon
Formosan Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
        * Acolyte x4
            Bolter, Flak Armour, Laspistol
        Razorback Psybolt Ammunition, Twin Linked Heavy Bolters
Formosan Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
        * Acolyte x4
            Bolter, Flak Armour, Laspistol
        Razorback Psybolt Ammunition, Twin Linked Heavy Bolters
Formosan Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
  * Acolyte x4
            Bolter, Flak Armour, Laspistol
        Razorback Psybolt Ammunition, Twin Linked Heavy Bolters
Psybolt Ammunition,Twin Linked Autocannon, Twin Linked Autocannon

Psybolt Ammunition,Twin Linked Autocannon, Twin Linked Autocannon
Psybolt Ammunition,Twin Linked Autocannon, Twin Linked Autocannon

 Blood Angels 5th Edition Roster (Standard)
  Blood Lance, Shield of Sanguinius
            Blood Talon with built-in Meltagun
            * Blood Talon Built-in Storm Bolter
Death Company
        5x Bolter, 5x Chainsword, 5x Death Company Marine
Death Company Dreadnought
        Blood Talons
        Multi Melta
        * Blood Fist  Built-in Storm Bolter


September 21, 2012captaingrizz Uncategorized Leave a comment

Well, while Tyranids are my first love and will always have a place in my heart,
the new Chaos Marine codex is around the corner and the rules are looking okay.
I figure I will stop buying things that don’t fit my narrow intentions of my
list and concentrate  on getting my AdMech Knights, Knights of Blood, Star
Wolves and Sons of Malice painted. The Sons of Malice will be up first just
because the paint scheme is fucking awesome.

My 1st/2nd/3rd favorite Chosen.

Back in 3rd edition, I picked up a second army. Not as big as my Tyranids, but I
started playing Salamanders at the start of 3rd edition. I was delighted when
the Armageddon codex came out, until I actually read the load out for
Salamanders. Veteran sergeants got thunder hammers for 25 and artificer armor,
but all marines in the army got -1 I to represent the super heavy gravity of
Nocturne. This of course would make no sense, if you grew up in a higher
gravity, your skeleton and muscle structure would be faster when in a lower
gravity, but alas, I switched to Chaos Space Marines. While my collection hasn’t
grown as t, it has steadily grown.
There isn’t yet enough known about the codex, but as Chosen are one of my
favorite units, I plan to take 3 big units even if not scoring. I’ll also run
Flamers and Screamer of Tzeentch as allies, which should help with antitank
quite a bit. The Hellbrute is included in the pictures simply because it looks

My 1st/2nd/3rd favorite Chosen


My 1st/2nd/3rd favorite Chosen.

Every time I look at these, I think of flying jellyfish and hear
“Thwip Thwip” in the air…..

The first of my Dark Apostles. Should be mandatory if rumors
prove true.

May 7, 2012captaingrizz Uncategorized Leave a comment

Nice, hopefully there’s some new Ravnica Reborn planeswalkers included.


March 13, 2012captaingrizz Artifact, Decklist, Magic, Magic: The Gathering,
winning Leave a comment

It isn’t hard to guess I love artifacts the most out of all Magic cards.This
carries over into any games I play be it Rage, Hex, Warhammer or any of the
other dozen games I play. While I loved Urza’s block to this day  and consider
it the best the game ever offered, Mirrodin and Phyrexia blocks both offered
some kick ass artifact decks, chief of which is affinity. I don’t think the
bannings were necessary, but i digress. My affinity deck is listed by request

Island x 6
Seat of the Synod x 4
Tree of Tales x 2
Ancient Den x 2
Darksteel Citadel x 4
Tooth of Chiss-Goria x 4
Scale of Chiss-Goria x 1
Golem’s Heart x 1
Cranial Plating x 4
Ornithopter x 4
Memnite x 4
Myr Enforcer x 4
Frogmite x 4
Arcbound Ravager
Arcbound Slith x 2
Myr Retriever
Darksteel Juggernaut
Trinket Mage
Chromescale Drake
Counterspell x 4
Assert Authority x 2
Thoughtcast x 2

Most of that is self explanatory, but I know i need
to trade the 2 green and 2 white artifact lands for
4 black  ones, but I have yet to find mine.


March 12, 2012captaingrizz chaos space marine, incoming, monstrous, new release,
OMG, stompy Leave a comment


Yes, Chaos gets a little bit of love. What’s not to love about old doom face
here? Awesome rules, check. Decent points cost, check. Some of the best rules
for Chaos dreadnoughts in a long long time, double check. I don’t usually buy
Forgeworld models, but this one is a winner I think. Go here to check it


February 29, 2012captaingrizz armies, chaos space marine, Deathwing, rabble,
Tyranids Leave a comment

Well, On the PS3 front I’m still enjoying Infamous 2 and Borderlands. MTG front
I’m almost done with my Innistrad block wolves deck and a vampire deck, with all
the older decks still around. WH 40k brings us to me running Tyranids instead of
GK this season just because the bugs are sentimental to me. I’ve gotten a
display board for a 1500 point T6’R Us list and hope to have it all ready and
painted in time for a tournament next month. I have also started a Sanguine
Guard Blood Angels army that I am up in the air with the paint scheme. I’m
thinking deep red, red pastels or successor chapter colors. I’ve put most of my
WHFB stuff away for now as  finishing any of those armies will be a massive
endeavor, but I imagine Skaven will be finished first.

All in all my current armies are


 * Lizardmen
 * Beastmen
 * Skaven
 * Daemons of Chaos


 * Tyranids
 * Admech Knights (Grey Knight Codex)
 * Sons of Malice (Dark Angels Codex)
 * Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
 * Daemons of Chaos
 * Chaos Space Marines(The Purge)


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 * Sons of Silence @1850 for 6th edition
 * One Mans Take on Marines of Chaos
 * State of the Union, Take 3
 * AdMech Knights Robot Rally



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