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Submitted URL: https://www.spglobal.com/corporate-privacy-policy
Effective URL: https://www.spglobal.com/en/privacy/privacy-policy-english
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Text Content

privacy-policy-english Corporate /en/privacy/privacy-policy-english content
S&P Global

 * S&P Global
 * S&P Dow Jones Indices
 * S&P Global Engineering Solutions
 * S&P Global Market Intelligence
 * S&P Global Mobility
 * S&P Global Commodity Insights
 * S&P Global Ratings
 * S&P Global Sustainable1

Discover more about S&P Global’s offerings
Investor Relations
 * Investor Relations Overview
 * Presentations
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 * News Releases
 * Quarterly Earnings
 * SEC Filings & Reports
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 * Governance
 * Merger Information
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 * 中文

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 * Who We Are
   Our Company
    * Our Purpose & Values
    * Our People
    * Our History
    * Corporate Responsibility
    * Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    * Investor Relations
 * Capabilities
    * Overview
    * Data & Analytics
    * Research & Insights
    * Ratings & Benchmarks
    * Technology Solutions
    * S&P Dow Jones Indices
    * S&P Global Engineering Solutions
    * S&P Global Market Intelligence
    * S&P Global Mobility
    * S&P Global Commodity Insights
    * S&P Global Ratings
 * Research & Insights
    * Overview
    * Featured
    * Podcasts
    * Videos
   War in Ukraine
 * Careers
    * Overview
    * Our Culture
    * Our Commitment
    * Our Work
    * Search for a Job
 * Events
   Featured Events
    * Featured S&P Global Events
    * Webinar Replays
   Events from our S&P Global Divisions
    * S&P Global Ratings Events
    * S&P Global Market Intelligence Events
    * S&P Global Platts Events
    * S&P Dow Jones Indices Events

 * Our Company
    * Our Purpose & Values
    * Our People
    * Our History
    * Corporate Responsibility
    * Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    * Investor Relations
   From S&P Global
   Press Release: S&P Global Merges With IHS Markit
   On February 28, 2022, S&P Global completed its merger with IHS Markit, the
   next step in delivering data, technology and expertise that accelerates
   Read: 2021 Annual Report
   As great as last year was for our company, in many ways 2022 is shaping up to
   be even better. In February, we closed a transformative merger with IHS
   Markit. We believe combining our two companies will create substantial
   long-term value for all our stakeholders.
   Read: S&P Global Foundation
   The S&P Global Foundation is about much more than philanthropy—we are about
   making a difference by finding and developing essential connections between
   the knowledge- and skill-driven work of S&P Global and the needs of society.

    * Overview
    * Data & Analytics
    * Research & Insights
    * Ratings & Benchmarks
    * Technology Solutions
    * S&P Dow Jones Indices
    * S&P Global Engineering Solutions
    * S&P Global Market Intelligence
    * S&P Global Mobility
    * S&P Global Commodity Insights
    * S&P Global Ratings

 *  * Overview
    * Featured
    * Podcasts
    * Videos
   War in Ukraine
   Most Popular Insights
   Read: Inflation Reduction Act: Landmark Legislation Supercharges U.S. Clean
   Energy Effort
   The Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, was passed in both houses of Congress
   and signed into law by President Joe Biden in August. The bill provides
   nearly $370 billion in promoting clean technologies that will drive energy
   sector transformation and emissions reduction.
   Read: Energy Transition Outlook
   Energy security has again risen to the top of governments' priorities in the
   face of rising gas and energy prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
   This has put the focus squarely on non-fossil-fuel power generation, such as
   from renewables (solar, wind, and hydro) and nuclear.
   Read: Counting on Coal
   Global demand for coal is on the rise while prices for thermal coal and
   metallurgical coal have climbed dramatically over the last year. As some
   countries have ramped up coal production, others are looking for greener

 *  * Overview
    * Our Culture
    * Our Commitment
    * Our Work
    * Search for a Job

 * Featured Events
    * Featured S&P Global Events
    * Webinar Replays
   Events from our S&P Global Divisions
    * S&P Global Ratings Events
    * S&P Global Market Intelligence Events
    * S&P Global Platts Events
    * S&P Dow Jones Indices Events

 * Introduction
 * What does S&P Global do?
 * When did S&P Global and IHS Markit merge?
 * Personal information we collect
 * Sharing of personal information
 * Legal basis for processing personal information
 * Cookies and similar tracking technology
 * Keeping your personal information secure
 * International data transfers
 * Data retention
 * Your data protection rights
 * Use of Personal Information in Products
 * Updates to this Policy
 * How to contact us
 * Russian Federation - Additional Provisions
 * People’s Republic of China - Additional Provisions
 * Japan - Additional Provisions
 * State of California, United States - Additional Provisions
 * Brazil – Additional Provisions
 * Colombia – Additional Provisions
 * Republic of South Africa – Additional Provisions



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Download Privacy Policy as PDF

Our Privacy Commitment
 * What is this Policy about?
   Last Updated: February 28, 2022
   S&P Global Inc. and its affiliates (collectively or individually, as
   applicable, referred to as "S&P Global", "Company", "we", "our", "us")
   respect your right to privacy. This global Corporate Privacy Policy
   (“Policy”) explains who we are, how we collect, share, transfer and use
   personal information about you, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.
   This Policy applies to interactions we have with you via our websites,
   applications and other products and services including events, where you
   otherwise contact us and where we otherwise display or link to this Policy
   (“Services”) or in the course of our receipt of products or services from you
   or your employer. 
   Please note that some privacy rights and obligations may differ in certain
   locations based on applicable local data protection laws. We have included
   supplemental information for certain jurisdictions in this Policy. 
   Third parties that link from or to our Services, or from whom we collect
   personal information may have their own privacy policies and practices. This
   Policy does not apply to sites or applications offered by other companies or
   individuals, including third party products and services, that may be
   displayed as content in a search on our website. Please review any
   third-party policies to learn more about their practices.
   To the extent a notice provided at the time of collection from a website or
   specific product conflicts with this Policy, the terms of that specific
   notice or supplemental privacy statement will apply.
   If you enter into a separate agreement with us which requires, or
   contemplates, collecting, sharing, transferring, using or otherwise
   processing information about you in a manner that is different than that
   which is described in this Policy, the terms of that agreement will apply.

 * What does S&P Global do?
   S&P Global is a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings,
   benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets,
   businesses and governments worldwide. For more information about S&P Global's
   current group companies and other related companies, please see our latest
   filings here.

 * When did S&P Global and IHS Markit merge?
   S&P Global and IHS Markit announced their merger on 30 November 2020 and this
   Policy was updated at the time the merger was completed. 
   The automotive business collects and compiles motor vehicle registration and
   title information to provide products and services to authorized entities
   pursuant to 18 U.S.C A. §2721 and similar state laws governing the use of
   such information. Consumer information from motor vehicle records is used in
   compliance with the governing laws and regulations and thus not used by S&P
   Global or provided to other entities by us for direct marketing purposes. To
   access or correct your motor vehicle registration and/or title information,
   contact your state's department of motor vehicles or other state agency that
   processes motor vehicle titles and registration. The American Association of
   Motor Vehicle Administrators maintains links to state motor vehicle agency
   websites, organized by AAMVA regions.
   For more information about our privacy practices relating to our Digital and
   advertising-related services, please see the Advertising Privacy Policy.

 * What personal information does S&P Global collect and why?
   The information that we collect from or about you - some of which is personal
   information under applicable data protection laws - falls into the following
   broad categories:
   As part of our Services, you may provide certain information to us, such as
   your contact details, user credentials, and employment information.
    A few examples include, when you fill out an on-line form to register to use
   our Services, such as to attend an event, to request a free trial or courtesy
   newsletter, or to receive research, white papers, product information or
   reports through our website. You may also provide us with your business card
   information or other contact information as you do business with us or you
   request information from us. Information we ask you for and why we ask you
   for it includes:
   Types of personal information
   Why we collect it
   Billing information (including your payment card information)
   To maintain your account with us and to provide you with requested products
   and services.
   For order processing and to provide transaction documents.
   Contact details such as name, telephone numbers (which may include
   cell/mobile numbers), email address and postal address and details of any
   correspondence between us.
   To respond to your communications and inquiries, such as when you want to
   learn more about our conferences and webinars. 
   If requested, to provide product service updates, information and alerts. 
   To contact you for information verification purposes.
   To gather information needed to provide Services requested by you or your
   To obtain your feedback regarding our Services, including an event you
   attended, such as when we or our agents send you a customer satisfaction
   To receive services from you or the corporate entity you represent.
   User credentials including name, email address, signature and any personal
   login information you provide to us when you create a profile, such as
   details of your education and your gender. 
   Some product platforms also allow users to upload data themselves including
   age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed,
   marital status, sex (including gender, gender identity, pregnancy or
   childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or
   military status, for their own purpose, as detailed in the product terms of
   To set up and maintain your user account.
   To monitor and enforce compliance with our contract terms.
   To enable clients to use our product platforms for their own purposes.
   Employer and employment information such as job title, company affiliation,
   function, seniority, department and location of your office.
   To manage your individual user account when it is covered by an account of
   one of S&P Global's corporate customers, such as the corporate account of
   your employer.
   Your preferences and interests, such as emails and newsletters you would like
   to receive, or have opted out from receiving, or the markets, industries and
   conferences that interest you. We may record and collect images of you
   provided that you do not object, for example, at an event
   To enable us to send you tailored information on our Services across our
   divisions that may interest to you, to allow you to participate voluntarily
   in mailings and other events and to allow us to promote our events and
   Social security/Official identification number, state identification card
   number, credit card numbers, and personal financial data (such as specific
   salary, mortgage details, net worth or individual portfolio information). We
   refer to this type of personal information as "Customer Financial Data".
   In some cases, our corporate customer, such as a structured finance issuer or
   you, may provide Customer Financial Data to us for the purpose of informing
   our statistical analysis or for our use in providing our Services. Customer
   Financial Data will not be used for purposes other than these and will not be
   rented or otherwise made available to third parties for public distribution.
   For conducting due diligence activities for financial institutions and other
   regulated companies as part of our know-your-client products.
   Issues, questions and problems you have when using our Services, your user
   preferences and how you use or want to use our Services and information which
   you seek to analyse or manipulate within our Services and which you
   communicate to our support, maintenance and training staff. We may also
   record telephone service calls with you, subject to an announcement at the
   beginning of the call.
   To maintain your account with us, provide technical support to that account,
   remedy issues or problems with that account, train you in the use of our
   Services and keep an auditable record of all such communications and actions
   which is accessible to our support, maintenance and training staff globally.
   2. Information that we collect automatically
   We may collect information automatically from your device, including
   information regarding how you use our Services.
   Information we collect automatically includes your log-in events (when, how
   and for how long you log into and use certain Services), IP or MAC address,
   device make, model and operating system, mobile network information, internet
   service provider, unique device identification number, advertising ID,
   browser type and language, geographic location (e.g., country or city level
   location or time zone) and other technical information. We collect "click
   stream" data, which is information about how your device interacts with our
   Services, such as the pages, screens, functions, applications and products
   accessed and links clicked. 
   This information helps us understand users of our Services, such as visitors
   to our websites, the pages they visited before and after and what content
   functions interest them. We use this automatically collected information:
   - for our analytics purposes, including to enhance our understanding of usage
   of our Services;
   - to improve the quality and relevance to users of our Services, including
   (with consent as applicable) by showing or offering users relevant Services
   based on their preferences and usage habits; 
   - to develop or accelerate research, analysis, news and related editorial
   content and information collection as part of our Services, or to enable
   others to develop/accelerate such content where permitted;
   - to offer you support with and training on our Services and to help resolve
   any errors or technical issues;
   - to develop and update our Services;
   - for customer services, such as evaluating our customers' training needs for
   our products;
   - to satisfy requests from S&P Global's corporate customers regarding the
   entitlement to and use of our Services by individual users under their
   corporate accounts (this information may be offered to clients in an
   aggregated form and clients may be required by law to request such
   - to deliver tailored information on our Services that may be of interest or
   value to you and to send you marketing and promotional e-mails with your
   consent if required by applicable law;
   - occasionally, to identify unauthorized use or unauthorized distribution of
   our Services related or unrelated to a security issue;
   - where relevant, to review or update pricing agreed with our customers; and
   - for billing purposes, so that we or others (such as our content providers)
   can bill for the services provided.
   Some of this information is collected using cookies, weblogs, web beacons and
   similar tracking technology - see "Cookies and similar tracking technology".
   3. Information that we obtain from other sources
   We may receive personal information about you from other sources (including
   your employer or business partner if you use Services covered by a
   subscription). Where you register as a user, we will endeavour to check that
   these third parties have your consent or are otherwise legally permitted or
   required to disclose your personal information to us.
   The information we collect from your employer (if you use our Services under
   your employer's corporate subscription) consists of your contact details and
   employment-related information.
   We collect personal information from other third parties, such as marketing
   vendors, survey services, social media, conferences and other events that we
   or others organize, and other sources to the extent permitted by applicable
   law. We use this information to market our Services to you, to maintain and
   correct our records, to add data fields, and to enhance the marketing and
   delivery of our Services to you.
   We collect personal information as part of our content collection process for
   some of our products. We obtain this from a variety of sources, including
   third-party content providers, public filings and websites, to display within
   some of our products. Find out more at "How does S&P Global use personal
   information in products?''.
   We also may use your personal information for other purposes that we explain
   to you at the time we collect your personal information or, if permitted by
   applicable data protection laws, that are compatible with the purposes we
   have disclosed to you (such as archiving purposes in the public interest,
   scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes).
   When you download, access or otherwise use one of our mobile apps, the
   information that we collect depends on your device, in-app and operating
   system permissions. To provide you with the functionalities of one of our
   apps, the app must access various functions and data on your mobile device.
   When you agree, some of our apps collect the precise geo-location of your
   mobile device and some of our apps also collect information that may be
   personal information about you or others, from or about:
   • Your calendar
   • Your contacts and call information
   • The accounts and other apps on your mobile device
   • Photos (including date, time, location and contents)
   • Media files, metadata and other stored information
   We also automatically collect app logs and usage statistics. For example, we
   record when you open an app so that we can monitor which app is used, when
   and how, and if the app stops working, we log the "crash data", such as
   whether you have mobile reception, to help us identify and fix the cause.
   To learn more about the specific information collected by any of our mobile
   apps, please check your device settings or review the platform from which you
   downloaded it. To stop collection of all information through one of our apps,
   please uninstall the app.
   When you download one of our mobile apps from Apple's App Store or Google
   Play (each, an "App Platform"), you acknowledge and agree that:
   • As between S&P Global and the App Platform, S&P Global is solely
   responsible for the app.
   • The App Platform has no obligation to provide any maintenance and support
   services with respect to the app.
   • In the event of any failure of our apps to conform to any applicable
   warranty: (i) you may notify the App Platform and the App Platform may refund
   the purchase price for the app to you (if applicable), (ii) to the maximum
   extent permitted by applicable law, the App Platform will have no other
   warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the applications, and (iii)
   any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses
   attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty is, as between S&P
   Global and the App Platform, S&P Global's responsibility.
   • The App Platform is not responsible for addressing any claims you have
   relating to the app or your possession and use of the app.
   • If a third party claims that an app infringes another party's intellectual
   property rights, as between the App Platform and S&P Global, S&P Global is
   responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any
   such intellectual property infringement claim.
   • The App Platform and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of the
   applicable terms of use as they relate to your license to use the app. Upon
   your acceptance of the terms and conditions of our terms of use, the App
   Platform will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right)
   to enforce the terms of use as related to your license of the app against you
   as a third-party beneficiary thereof.
   • You must also comply with all third-party terms applicable through the App
   Platform when using the app.

 * When does S&P Global disclose my personal information?
   We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of
   Our group companies and our joint venture companies where applicable, service
   providers including without limitation professional advisers or consultants
   such as lawyers, bankers, auditors, accountants and insurers providing
   consultancy, legal, banking, audit, accounting or insurance services,
   financial institutions providing finance to us, external auditors, product
   content providers, business partners and any organization that arranges your
   access to our products or services (if that is not you).
   We share personal information with those authorized parties referred to above
   who or that process personal information for purposes consistent with those
   described in this Policy or notified to you when your personal information is
   collected. For example, we may share your personal information with the
   organization that arranges your access to our products or services to fulfil
   its contractual obligations and to provide our products and services; we may
   share your personal information with our service providers and business
   partners for the purpose of operating our business, honouring a request that
   you have made through the products or services, delivering, improving and
   customising our products or services, sending marketing and communications
   related to our business, payment processing, and for other legitimate
   purposes permitted by applicable law or otherwise with your consent. We may
   share the contact information you provide when registering for an event and
   share event attendee lists between our S&P Global divisions and with our
   webinar and conference partners, to ensure that your contact information is
   up to date and to administer, secure, and seek feedback on and promote our
   For a list of our current group companies and related companies, please see
   our latest filings here. A list of our service providers, content providers
   and business partners is available here.
   In addition to the purposes described in this Policy, Personal information
   handled by our service providers is subject to their terms of use and privacy
   policies as notified to you. Please review the service provider’s terms of
   use and privacy policies to better understand how they manage your personal
   Your employer
   We provide personal information to your employer for purposes such as to
   fulfil and enforce our contract with them, to inform them of potential group
   training needs, to inform them of Service use by certain categories of users
   and for pricing purposes.
   Competent law enforcement bodies, regulatory, government agency, court or
   other third parties
   We provide personal information to any competent law enforcement body,
   regulatory, government agency, court or other third party in accordance with
   applicable law and regulation when we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as
   a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to protect against fraud or
   for risk management purposes, (iii) to exercise, establish or defend our
   legal rights, (iv) to protect your vital interests or those of any other
   person, or (v) to protect the interests, rights, safety or property of us or
   S&P Global is regulated by various federal and state agencies, authorities
   and similar regulatory bodies internationally and, in the normal course of
   business, both in the United States of America and abroad, is the subject of
   government and regulatory proceedings, investigations and inquiries. We may
   therefore disclose your information to comply with a court order, government
   request or other legal or regulatory process. 
   Our SEC filings set this out in more detail and are available here.
   Potential Buyers
   We may provide personal information to a potential buyer or a target (and
   that third party’s or our agents and advisers) in connection with any
   proposed purchase, merger, transfer, acquisition or liquidation or similar
   event, of all or any part of our business. If such a change happens to our
   business, the buyer or target will use your personal information in the same
   way as set out in this Policy or will inform you about how it will use your
   personal information as required by applicable law. 
   Any other person or entity
   Personal information that you disclose on message boards, chat areas or
   social media pages or in direct messages to other users of these platforms
   may be collected and used by third parties to contact you, to send you
   unsolicited messages or for other purposes without our knowledge or control.
   Also, please be aware that social media forums and chat rooms not operated by
   us may have additional rules and conditions. We are not responsible for the
   personal information or any other information you choose to submit on these
   forums that are not controlled by us. We also may solicit your consent to
   share personal information with any other person or entity.
   The Services may offer you the ability to share personal information through
   a social networking site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) using integrated tools
   (e.g., Facebook “Like” button, or Twitter “Tweet” button). The use of such
   integrated tools enables you to share personal information about yourself
   with other individuals or the public, depending on the settings that you have
   established with such social networking site. For more information about the
   purpose and scope of data collection and use in connection with such social
   networking site or a site’s integrated tools, please visit the privacy
   policies of the entities that provide these social networking sites.
   We encourage you to use caution when publicly disclosing your personal
   For more information about how and why we disclose the personal information
   that features in our products, please see "How does S&P Global use personal
   information in products?".

 * What is our legal basis for processing personal information?
   Our legal basis for collecting and using personal information depends on the
   personal information concerned, the context in which we collect it and the
   applicable laws and regulations.
   Generally, we collect personal information from you where: we have your
   consent to do so; we need the personal information to perform a contract with
   you (for example, your subscription to one of our products) where permitted
   under applicable data protection laws; or, in some jurisdictions such as the
   European Economic Area (“EEA”), the processing is in our legitimate interests
   and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights
   and freedoms or the processing is otherwise consistent with applicable law.
   In some cases, we are required by law to collect personal information from
   If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal
   requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will inform you whether the
   provision of your personal information is mandatory and the possible
   consequences if you do not provide your personal information.
   Generally, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our
   legitimate interests (or those of a third party), this interest is to provide
   our Services to you and for our legitimate commercial interest (e.g., when
   responding to your queries, improving our Services, processing payments,
   advising you of product features or new releases, informing you of product
   maintenance, or undertaking marketing activities). For the legal basis on
   which we rely in relation to personal information in our products, please see
   "How does S&P Global use personal information in products?".
   Where we send you marketing or promotional e-mails regarding our Services
   from our different divisions and affiliates, we do so based on your consent,
   if required by applicable law.

 * How does S&P Global use cookies and similar tracking technology?
   We use cookies and similar tracking technology (collectively, "Cookies") in
   certain Services (in particular our websites and some mobile applications) to
   collect and use personal information about you, to better understand and
   improve the usability, performance, and effectiveness of our Services, to
   help us tailor content or offers for you, and to serve our interest-based
   advertising. These technologies may also allow certain third parties to
   collect information about you, such as information about you clicking on
   advertisements or installing our Services. Where permitted by applicable law,
   we will deploy first party performance or analytics cookies automatically
   when you visit our websites. Where required by applicable law, we will obtain
   your consent before we place any Cookies on your device that are not strictly
   necessary for the functioning of our websites. To learn more, including about
   how to consent to or withdraw your consent to Cookies, please see our Cookie
   We use Google Analytics to better understand how visitors use our Services.
   Google Analytics provides us with information about users of our Services.
   Google Analytics uses Cookies that Google or its affiliate DoubleClick
   recognizes when you visit other websites and applications. For more
   information about how Google collects, uses, and shares your information,
   including information collected through our Services, please visit the Google
   Privacy Policy - Partners website at
   https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites or see Google’s own
   Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy. 
   Google Analytics uses Cookies to help us analyze how users use our Services.
   Personal information generated by these Cookies about your use of our
   Services (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by
   Google on servers in the United States of America. On our behalf, Google will
   use this information to evaluate your use of our Services and will compile
   reports on your activity for us. 
   If you want to opt out of Google Analytics, you can download and install the
   opt-out browser add-on developed by Google for your web browser. For more
   information about Google Analytics' currently available opt-outs, please see

 * How does S&P Global keep my personal information secure?
   We protect personal information that we process with appropriate technical
   and organizational measures designed to provide a level of security
   appropriate to the risk of processing your personal information. We will
   notify you about any security incident involving your personal information
   through email, correspondence, telephone, push notification or other means,
   as required by applicable law. If you think your data is the subject of a
   security incident and we have not notified you, or if you are concerned about
   the security of your data, please contact our dedicated security team at

 * How does S&P Global treat international data transfers?
   Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed outside, the
   country in which you are resident. These other jurisdictions may have data
   protection laws that are different from the laws of your country (and, in
   some cases, not as protective).
   S&P Global is a multi-national group with headquarters in New York, United
   States of America. Our servers may be located outside of the jurisdiction
   where we collected the data. We store and replicate your personal information
   on servers in other countries, in order to provide speed of access,
   robustness and protection against server failure. 
   When we collect your personal information, we may transfer it to or from any
   of the countries in which we do business. Our group companies, related
   companies, any organization that arranges your access to our products or
   services service providers, product content providers and business partners,
   with whom we may share personal information, are located in and transfer
   personal information to various jurisdictions around the world. The principal
   jurisdictions where personal information is hosted by or on behalf of S&P
   Global are the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany,
   the Republic of Ireland, Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, India
   and Singapore. In some cases, your personal information may also be accessed
   from outside of the jurisdiction where we collected the data, such as the
   Philippines, India and Pakistan, where our back-office support personnel are
   located for certain Divisions.
   Where your personal information is transferred by us or on our behalf, we
   implement appropriate safeguards to protect your personal information in
   accordance with this Policy. These safeguards include implementing applicable
   standard contractual clauses for transfers of personal information between
   our group companies, which require group companies to protect personal
   information they transfer from the jurisdiction in which it was collected in
   accordance with applicable data protection law.
   In some jurisdictions, international transfers may take place when there is
   an adequate level of protection to the fundamental right of individuals to
   data protection. In some circumstances, we may choose to rely upon an
   adequacy decision to lawfully transfer personal information. Standard
   contractual clauses are one of several mechanisms that allow for personal
   information to be transferred across jurisdictional borders and we rely on
   these for transfers to and from our affiliates, vendors and business partners
   where applicable. Additional safeguards may also be implemented where
   personal information is transferred. Please contact us to request a copy of
   our appropriate safeguards.

 * For how long does S&P Global retain personal information?
   Our applicable information governance policies, procedures and standards
   require that personal information be retained for as long as we have an
   ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a
   Service you have requested, or to comply with applicable legal, tax or
   accounting requirements).
   Once we no longer have a legitimate business need to process your personal
   information, our applicable information governance policies, procedures and
   standards require that we either delete or anonymize your personal
   information, or if deletion or anonymization is not possible, then
   pseudonymize and/or securely store your personal information and isolate it
   from any further processing until deletion is possible.
   For more information about how long we retain your personal data, please
   refer to our privacy commitment here:
   https://www.spglobal.com/en/privacy/our-privacy-commitment. If you have any
   questions or require any further information about the period of time for
   which we will process your personal information, please contact us using the
   contact details set out below.

 * What are your data protection rights?
   Depending on which laws apply to your personal information, you may have the
   right to withdraw the consent you provided to us as well as the following
   data protection rights:
   - to access or request deletion of your personal information (where your
   personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for
   which we collected it), and to request a copy of your personal information in
   a portable format. - to object to our processing of your personal information
   if we are: using legitimate interests to justify that processing, using the
   personal information for direct marketing purposes, or using the information
   for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes.
   - to restrict our processing of your personal information under certain
   circumstances, such as when you contest the accuracy of our records about
   you, or you make an objection.
   - to data portability or receiving in a machine-readable format any personal
   information that you have provided to us if we are: using consent or
   necessity in relation to a contract with you to justify our processing of
   that data. In certain jurisdictions, your right to data portability may also
   extend to personal information that has been generated in the course of your
   association with S&P Global.
   - not to be subject to a decision, which may adversely affect you, which is
   based on solely automated processing and to have safeguards put in place if
   you are being profiled based on your personal information 
   - to opt-out of marketing and promotional e-mails we send you at any time.
   You can exercise this right by clicking on the "unsubscribe" or "opt-out"
   link in the marketing e-mails we send you, by visiting our preference centers
   here or by using the contact details listed in the section of this Policy
   titled, “How can you contact us?”.
   - if we collect and process your personal information with your consent, then
   you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not
   affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted before withdrawal, nor
   will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance
   on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
   - not to be discriminated against for exercising any of the above rights.
   - to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of
   your personal information. 
   For more information, please contact your local data protection authority.
   (Contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA, Canada,
   Switzerland and the UK are available here.)
   Individuals in certain jurisdictions may have other rights. For more
   information, see the applicable jurisdiction-specific addendum which forms
   part of this Policy.
   We respond to requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their
   data protection rights or express any concern in accordance with applicable
   data protection laws, which typically require a response within 30 days.
   Please be aware that in order to accommodate some requests, we must verify
   your identity before we can respond, and this may require you to provide
   photographic identity information to us. Because your personal information,
   for example, your email address is often required to access or use Services,
   we retain personal information as long as your account is active. You may
   have the opportunity to correct, update, or modify this information by
   logging into your account and updating your information online. 
   Please note that in certain jurisdictions we may be entitled to charge a fee
   in connection with the exercise of these rights.

 * How does S&P Global use personal information in products?
   Some of our products contain personal information about persons who are
   directors, officers, managers, significant employees, trustees or material
   shareholders or proprietors of companies or businesses. S&P Global obtains
   such data from publicly available and other sources. 
   Some of our products include business contact details, professional history
   details, work data, compensation details, education history data,
   shareholding and common holding information, information about individuals’
   gender, passport and driver’s license data (for identity verification and due
   diligence purposes) and information about loans taken out by or secured by
   individuals in connection with their business. 
   We may also receive information about race or ethnicity, derived from
   government or official information (such as census data). Any race or
   ethnicity information is processed in aggregated, anonymized form and is not
   linked to individuals. In the United States, some products may process data
   regulated by the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act. 
   Personal Information in our products is for reference purposes, such as to
   identify the officers or shareholders of a particular organization or common
   shareholders or officers among otherwise not obviously related corporate
   entities and is made available to our customers for such purposes. Customers
   are required by contract to comply with applicable data protection laws and
   their use of personal information is restricted by their contract with S&P
   Global. S&P Global customers are located worldwide, including countries with
   data protection laws that may offer lower protections than the laws of your
   S&P Global may share personal information in its products with authorized
   personnel within its corporate group, with those parties who provide content
   to S&P Global and with the customers who receive those products. The legal
   basis for S&P Global's use and disclosure of personal information within its
   products in this way is that it is necessary for legitimate commercial
   interests pursued by S&P Global to provide Services to its customers to
   encourage transparency and well-informed developments in global financial
   markets and business, and this is not outweighed by the rights and freedoms
   of those persons featured in our products, because the information about them
   relates to their business roles and relationships. This personal information
   is largely derived from publicly available sources and frequently from
   mandated corporate or government disclosures.
   S&P Global’s policies, procedures and standards require that the information
   in its products is updated for accuracy on a regular basis, and the removal
   data from its systems when such data becomes obsolete or inaccurate. S&P
   Global has established information governance standards for collection, use
   and retention of the personal information.

 * What happens if this Corporate Privacy Policy is updated?
   We review and update this Policy from time to time. When we do, we will bring
   those updates to your attention, for example, by noting the date of the
   version on the Policy, posting the updated version here or sending you a
   notification. We updated our Global Corporate Privacy Policy, effective
   January 1, 2020. At a high level, we made the following changes:
   • Simplified the Policy language and structure to make it easier to navigate
   and find the information you may be looking for;
   • Created jurisdiction-specific addenda for you to easily find
   jurisdiction-specific information, including relevant information for the
   California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the People’s Republic of China
   • Specifically call out at the start of the Policy the fact that third
   parties that link from our online properties and products, and the third
   parties from whom we may collect personal information, have their own privacy
   policies that may apply to the information that they collect from
   We updated our Global Corporate Privacy Policy, effective February 1, 2021.
   At a high level, we updated the policy to:
   • Provide more details about information we receive from service providers or
   their employees and the information we collect automatically
   • Provide high level information about the government and regulatory
   proceedings, investigations and inquiries to which S&P Global may be
   • Provide further details about our international transfers and individuals’
   • Publish information about our EU/UK Representative entities in light of
   • Add more information about local contact details
   We last updated our Global Corporate Privacy Policy, effective as at the date
   of this document. At a high level, we updated the policy to:
   • Incorporate revisions reflecting the merger between S&P Global and IHS
   Markit to provide transparency about the combined group’s approach to
   collecting, sharing, transferring and using personal information, and how you
   can exercise your privacy rights. 
   • Update the addendum relating to the People’s Republic of China in light of
   recent legislative developments.
   • Created jurisdiction-specific addenda for Brazil and Columbia for you to
   easily find further information about your rights in those jurisdictions (if
   • Add more information about local and post-merger contact details.

 * How can you contact us?
   If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal
   information, please contact our Privacy Center and Data Protection Officer at
   privacy@spglobal.com or 55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041.
   You may also use this personal data request form to contact us or exercise
   any of your rights.
   In some of our locations, we also have local contact details that you may
   prefer to use as set out in the following jurisdictional supplements:
   • Russian Federation
   • People’s Republic of China
   • Japan
   • State of California, United States of America 
   • Brazil
   • Colombia
   For the Philippines, you may also use email DPOPhilippines@spglobal.com.
   European Union Contact Details for non-European Union S&P Global 
   Certain S&P Global Inc. and its applicable affiliates located outside the
   European Union (“EU”) have appointed representatives within the EU. If you
   are an EU resident, you may choose to contact the relevant EU representative
   for any data protection-related enquiries in addition to, or instead of, the
   contact details above. Please use the applicable contact details below. 
   S&P Global Ratings
   Fourth Floor, Waterways House
   Grand Canal Quay
   Dublin 2, Ireland
   S&P Global Market Intelligence
   Fourth Floor, Waterways House
   Grand Canal Quay
   Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
   S&P Dow Jones Indices
   Fourth Floor, Waterways House
   Grand Canal Quay
   Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
   S&P Global Commodity Insights
   Fourth Floor, Waterways House
   Grand Canal Quay
   Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
   S&P Global Engineering Solutions
   Fourth Floor, Waterways House
   Grand Canal Quay
   Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
   S&P Global Mobility
   Fourth Floor, Waterways House
   Grand Canal Quay
   Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
   UK Contact Details for non-UK S&P Global 
   Certain S&P Global Inc. and its applicable affiliates located outside the UK
   have appointed representatives within the UK. If you are a UK resident, you
   may choose to contact the relevant UK representative for any data
   protection-related enquiries in addition to, or instead of, the contact
   details above. Please use the contact details below by division. 
   S&P Global Ratings
   20 Canada Square
   Canary Wharf
   E14 5LH
   S&P Global Market Intelligence
   20 Canada Square
   Canary Wharf
   E14 5LH
   S&P Dow Jones Indices
   20 Canada Square
   Canary Wharf
   E14 5LH
   S&P Global Commodity Insights
   20 Canada Square
   Canary Wharf
   E14 5LH
   S&P Global Engineering Solutions
   20 Canada Square
   Canary Wharf
   E14 5LH
   S&P Global Mobility
   20 Canada Square
   Canary Wharf
   E14 5LH

 * Russian Federation
   This Russian Federation Addendum ("Russian Federation Addendum") applies in
   relation to the processing of personal information of Russian citizens by the
   Representative Office of the Standard & Poor’s International Services LLC and
   Moscow Branch of S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (each operating
   independently and individually and separately) and supplements this Policy.
   In case of any inconsistencies between this Russian Federation Addendum and
   the rest of this Policy, this Russian Federation Addendum prevails.
   Russian Federation Addendum

 * People’s Republic of China
   This China Addendum (“China Addendum”) applies to the processing of your
   personal information only if you are located in the People’s Republic of
   China (“China”) and supplements this Policy. In case of any inconsistencies
   between this China Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this China Addendum
   1. Sensitive Personal Information. Your personal information whose leakage or
   unlawful use may easily infringe the dignity of a natural person, or cause
   harm the to the personal safety or property security, including biometric
   characteristics, religious beliefs, specially designated status, medical
   health, financial accounts, personal whereabouts and personal information of
   minors under the age of 14 may be considered as sensitive personal
   information in accordance with applicable Chinese law and regulations. To the
   extent we collect this Sensitive Personal Information, we will only process
   it to the extent necessary for fulfilling the purposes as stated in this
   Policy and will take measures for its security. Where required by applicable
   Chinese law and regulations, we will obtain your separate consent before we
   process your sensitive personal information.
   2. Sale of business. We may provide personal information to a potential buyer
   or target (and that third party’s or our agents and advisers) in connection
   with any proposed purchase, merger, transfer, acquisition or liquidation or
   similar event of all or any part of our business. If such a change happens to
   our business, the buyer or target will use your personal information as in
   the same way as set out in this Policy including this China Addendum or will
   inform you about how it will use your personal information as required by
   applicable law, or (where applicable) require such third party to obtain your
   consent again. 
   3. Notifications. We cannot absolutely guarantee the security of any
   information or data you provide online. In the event of a security incident,
   we will take mitigation measures in accordance with our incident response
   plan and report to competent regulators in China as required by applicable
   law. In the event of a security incident affecting your personal information,
   we will notify you as required by applicable law through email,
   correspondence, telephone, push notification or other means. If you think
   your data is the subject of a security incident and we have not notified you,
   or if you are concerned about the security of your data, please contact our
   dedicated security team at security@spglobal.com.  
   4. Contact Information of our China DPO. You may contact our China Data
   Protection Officer at privacy@spglobal.com or DPOChina@spglobal.com or, at:
   49/F, Fortune Financial Center, No.5, Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang
   District, Beijing. You may also exercise your rights in relation to personal
   information transferred overseas or requests closure of an account which is
   registered with S&P Global through the method specified under the section of
   this Policy titled, “What are your data protection rights?”. 

 * Japan
   This Japan Addendum ("Japan Addendum") supplements this Policy to the extent
   that the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Japan) applies in
   relation to the processing of personal information in Japan by S&P Global
   Ratings Japan Inc., S&P Global SF Japan Inc., and Standard & Poor's
   International LLC, Japan Branch (together "S&P Global Japan"). In case of any
   inconsistencies between this Japan Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this
   Japan Addendum prevails.
   S&P Global Japan will comply with applicable Japanese data protection laws
   and regulations, and not use personal information for purposes which are not
   set forth in this Policy. The process for dealing with customers' claims is
   set out in this Policy.
   Use of personal information inside the S&P Global group
   S&P Global Japan uses personal information with other entities in the S&P
   Global group who may use such information to provide information about our
   Services to our clients, conduct certain market research or contact clients.
   Such information includes: address, name, company name, department name, job
   title, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, billing information, history
   of personnel changes and professional employment history, records of job
   interviews with S&P Global Japan, your areas of interest, etc.
   A list of our group companies is available here.
   Name, address and name of representative of the person responsible for the
   management of said personal data 
   S&P Global Ratings Japan Inc, S&P Global SF Japan Inc. 
   Marunouchi Kitaguchi Bldg. 28th Floor, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
   100- 0005 
   Representative Director Takenari Yamamoto
   Standard & Poor’s International LLC Japan Branch 
   Marunouchi Kitaguchi Bldg. 28th Floor, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
   100- 0005 
   Representative in Japan Bruce Christie 
   Contact information regarding handling of personal information
   If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal
   information, please contact our Privacy Center via email at
   privacy@spglobal.com or Japanprivacy@spglobal.com or via mail, at: Marunouchi
   Kitaguchi Bldg. 28th Floor, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100- 0005,
   Tel: +81-(0)3-4550-8000.

 * State of California, United States of America
   This State of California, United States of America Addendum ("California
   Addendum") supplements this Policy to the extent the California Consumer
   Privacy Act ("CCPA") applies in relation to the processing of personal
   information of residents of the State of California in the United States of
   America by S&P Global. In case of any inconsistencies between this California
   Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this California Addendum prevails.
   Certain information we collect may be exempt from the CCPA because it is
   considered public information (i.e., it is made available by a government
   entity) or covered by a federal privacy law, such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
   Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Fair Credit
   Reporting Act or the Driver Privacy Protection Act.
   Right to Access Information
   You have the right to request access to personal information collected about
   you and information regarding the source of that information, the purposes
   for which we collect it, and the third parties and service providers with
   whom we share it. To protect our customers' personal information, we are
   required to verify your identity before we can act on your request.
   Right to Request Deletion of Information
   You have the right to request in certain circumstances that we delete any
   personal information that we have collected directly from you. To protect our
   customers' personal information, we are required to verify your identity
   before we can act on your request. We may have a reason under the law why we
   do not have to comply with your request, or why we may comply with it in a
   more limited way than you anticipated. If we do, we will explain that to you
   in our response.
   Right to Information Regarding Participation in Data Sharing for Financial
   We will ask you for your consent before collecting your personal information
   in connection with offering a financial incentive.
   Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information to Third Parties
   You have the right to opt out of any sale of your personal information by us
   to third parties. Please note that your right to opt out does not apply to
   our sharing of personal information with service providers, who are parties
   we engage to perform a function on our behalf and are contractually obligated
   to use the personal information only for that function. 
   "Shine the Light" Law
   Residents of the State of California also have the right to request
   information regarding third parties to whom the company has disclosed certain
   categories of personal information during the preceding year for the third
   parties' direct marketing purposes.
   How to Submit a Request
   To submit a request to exercise your rights:
   (1) For Access and Deletion rights, fill out a Data Request Form.
   (2) For the Opt-out right, visit "Do Not Sell My Personal Information".
   (3) Call us on 1-855-529-1761.
   For information about the requests we receive, including the number of
   requests and the average number of days we’ve taken to respond to requests,
   please click here.
   The following is a summary of our data collection practices, including the
   personal information we collect, the sources of that information, the
   purposes for which we collect information, and whether we disclose that
   information to external parties. We may use any and all of the information
   for any of the purposes described in the Policy, unless limitations are
   listed. S&P Global shares or sells personal information to third parties in
   very limited circumstances. To learn more about what brands share or sell
   personal information, please see below. The categories we use to describe the
   information are those set out in the CCPA.
   • Personal Identifiers:
   ○ Name, alias, phone number, email address, signature, username and contact
   address to create an account or register for an event. Individuals with an
   account will be assigned one or more unique identifiers to your profile.
   ○ Payment and billing information when purchasing our products or register
   for a paid event.
   ○ Social security numbers, state identification card number, credit card
   numbers and personal financial data collected from individuals or corporate
   customers such as structured finance issuers for the purpose of informing our
   statistical analysis or to use in providing our Services. Such data will not
   be used for purposes other than these, rented or otherwise made available to
   third parties for public distribution.
   ○ Driver's License numbers and Passport numbers in certain limited
   ○ IP address automatically.
   ○ Device ID automatically.
   • Protected Classifications: Some product platforms allow users to upload
   Protected Classifications for their own purposes, this may include age, race,
   color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital
   status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including
   gender, gender identity), pregnancy or childbirth (and related medical
   conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status for their own
   purpose, as detailed in the product terms of use.
   • Commercial Information: Records of goods or services purchased or
   considered, as well as purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
   • Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information: Information
   about browsing history, search history, and information regarding interaction
   with product portals, websites, applications, or advertisements based on use
   of our Services.
   • Geolocation Data: Automatic collection of an IP address which may enable us
   to determine general location. With a user’s agreement, some of our mobile
   applications will also collect precise location (e.g., your GPS coordinates),
   though users can turn off location tracking in their mobile device settings.
   • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information:
   Telephone service calls may be recorded, subject to an announcement at the
   beginning of the call; images, for example, at an event. We do not collect
   any thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
   • Professional or employment-related information: We collect information
   about current employer, position, and other aspects of an individual’s
   professional history.
   • Non-public education information: Information about institutions an
   individual has attended or the level of education attained.
   • Inferences drawn to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the
   consumer's preferences or characteristics: We may analyze actual or likely
   preferences through a series of computer processes. On some occasions, we may
   add our observations to an individual’s internal profile.
   We may share such information with service providers, which are external
   parties that we engage for business purposes and are restricted from using
   personal information for any purpose that is not related to our engagement.
   The categories of service providers with whom we share information and the
   services they provide are described here.
   The CCPA provides California residents with certain rights in relation to the
   "sale" of information to third parties. According to the CCPA, to "sell"
   personal information means to disclose it to an external party for monetary
   or other benefit where, for example, our contract does not restrict that
   party from using such information for other purposes. 
   S&P Global shares or sells personal information to third parties in very
   limited circumstances. For example, S&P Global may share registrant
   information to event sponsors for some of its conferences or events, in
   certain circumstances, and provide products that help companies identify
   appropriate professional contact information by providing companies with the
   name, title, and business contact information of key personnel. Below is a
   list of brands that sell or share personal information with third parties: 
   • Polk (https://ihsmarkit.com/products/polk-automotive-solutions.html)
   • Ipreo (https://ihsmarkit.com/products/brst-bd-advanced.html)
   • Money Market Directories (https://products.mmdwebaccess.com/)  
   • Capital IQ Pro (https://www.capitaliq.spglobal.com/) 
   • Capital IQ (https://www.capitaliq.com/) 
   • XpressFeed
   •  Panjiva Platform (https://panjiva.com/platform) 
   It is important to note that not every product derived under these brands
   sells or shares personal information with third parties. Please see the terms
   of use for more details about whether the particular product you use sells or
   shares personal information with third parties.
   We may "sell" information in the following limited circumstances:
   • Personal Identifiers:
   ○ We display contact information in our products, which are accessible by our
   subscribers and the subscribers of our business partners. 
   ○ We disclose contact information to our webinar and conferences partners
   (i.e., attendee lists).
   ○ We provide contact information to public safety authorities where
   ○ We provide IP addresses and Device IDs to our advertising partners.
   • Protected Classifications: We display age, if available, in our
   "Professionals" database, which is accessible by our subscribers and the
   subscribers of our business partners. We may display aggregated gender
   information in our products, but we do not display individuals' genders.
   • Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information: We disclose
   information about subscribers' interactions with our products to businesses
   from which we collect data.
   • Professional or employment-related information: We display information
   about an individual's current employer, position, compensation details and
   other aspects of an individual's professional and education history in our
   products, which are accessible by our subscribers and the subscribers of our
   business partners.
   Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or
   considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories, or tendencies.

 * Brazil
   This Brazil Addendum ("Brazil Addendum") supplements this Policy to the
   extent that the General Data Protection Law of Brazil ("LGPD") applies in
   relation to the processing of personal information by S&P Global. In case of
   any inconsistencies between this Brazil Addendum and the rest of this Policy,
   this Brazil Addendum prevails.
   Under the LGPD, you have the right to:
   • confirm the existence of processing of your personal data;
   • access data;
   • correct incomplete, inaccurate, or out of date data;
   • anonymize, block, or delete unnecessary or excessive data or data that is
   not being processed in compliance with the LGPD;
   • portability of data to another service or product provider, by means of an
   express request;
   • delete personal data processed with your consent;
   • information about public and private entities with which we have shared
   • information about the possibility of denying consent and the consequences
   of such denial;
   • revoke consent;
   • request review of decisions taken solely on the bases of automated
   processing of personal data that affects your interests.
   You or an authorized agent may exercise your rights through the [Privacy
   Request Page]. The LGPD also provides that you may file a complaint regarding
   your data directly with the Brazilian data protection regulator.
   Data Protection Officer
   c/o Commercial Legal
   Rua do Passeio 38/40
   Rio de Janeiro

 * Colombia – Additional Provisions
   This Colombia Addendum ("Colombia Addendum") supplements this Policy to the
   extent that the law of Colombia applies in relation to the processing of
   personal information by S&P Global. In case of any inconsistencies between
   this Colombia Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this Colombia Addendum
   Data Subject Rights
   Subject to applicable law, you have the right to:
   • freely access your personal information;
   • know, update, and correct personal information when data is inexact,
   incomplete, fragmented, misleading, or where processing is not authorized or
   • request proof of authorization to process your personal information, unless
   exempted under applicable law;
   • bring complaints to the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce;
   • revoke authorization and/or require the deletion of personal information
   when there is not a legal or contractual reason to keep the personal
   information; and
   • decline authorization for the processing of sensitive personal information.
   The provision of sensitive personal information or the personal information
   of minors is optional.
   Principal Place of Business
   IHS Markit Colombia SAS (NIT #900.505.649-2) has its principal place of
   business at Calle 72 No 10 – 07 Of. 1106, Bogotá, Republic of Colombia.

 * Republic of South Africa Addendum
   This South African Addendum (“South African Addendum”) applies in relation to
   the processing of personal information by the S&P Global responsible parties
   listed below in the Republic of South Africa and supplements the information
   set out above in this Policy. In case of any inconsistencies between this
   South African Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this South African
   Addendum prevails.
   1. Responsible Parties.
   • S&P Global’s responsible parties that may process personal information from
   time to time include:
   • SPGI Indices UK (Incorporated in United Kingdom) External Profit Company
   South Africa, registration number 2013/147353/10
   • SPGI UK (Incorporated in England) External Profit Company, registration
   number 2012/065136/10
   • S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (Incorporated in Ireland) External Profit
   Company, registration number 2017/655416/10
   2. Personal information of juristic persons
   In addition to the individual’s personal information collected as set out in
   this Policy, we process information relating to South African juristic
   persons, which information may constitute personal information for purposes
   of the Protection of Personal Information Act of South Africa. The personal
   information relating to South African juristic persons we process includes:
   • A company’s or other juristic person’s name, address, telephone number,
   email address, company registration number, and company contact’s name;
   • A company’s or other juristic person’s incorporation documents, tax
   numbers, audited financial statements, B-BBEE certificates, and bank account
   • A company’s or other juristic person’s representative’s details, including
   their name, email, telephone numbers, job title, job function and details
   relating to the area of work;
   • A company’s or other juristic person’s product or specification
   requirements; and
   • Information relation to product support interaction and product training
   information, to the extent that this information is identifiable.  
   We collect the information directly from the juristic person concerned or its
   representatives during negotiation, when preparing and concluding agreements
   and during implementation or use of products/services for their users. We may
   also collect the information from the client’s employee users when they
   register and use products/services or obtain the information that has been
   made publicly available via the internet and website searches or when the
   client’s employee user otherwise gives S&P Global their contact details.
   3. Purposes and legal basis for the processing of personal information of
   juristic persons
   The purposes of the processing of the abovementioned personal information
   • To identify clients and prospective customers;
   • To market and sell products to clients;
   • To negotiate and enter into contracts with clients;
   • To obtain permission from clients and their users;
   • To conduct training and to provide support to clients/users;
   • To record client engagements and conversations;
   • To invoice and collect from clients and account for client revenue;
   • To comply with applicable statutory obligations; and
   • To carry out and manage our business operations and for any other
   legitimate business purposes.
   Generally, we process the above personal information for purposes of the
   performance of a contract with a client, or where we have the consent of the
   client or the juristic person concerned, or on the basis that it is in our
   legitimate interests or that of a third party to whom the information is
   supplied for purposes of, amongst other things, marketing and selling our
   products and services, supporting client access to and use of our products,
   providing training to users of our products, responding to client or user
   queries, improving products and services, advising users of product features,
   new releases or maintenance.
   The personal information of juristic persons may be shared with third parties
   and transferred to countries outside of South Africa. Please see the relevant
   provisions of the Policy in this regard.
   4. Laws authorizing or requiring the collection of the personal information.
   The legislation in terms of which personal information of individuals or
   juristic persons may be required to be processed includes:
   • The Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001;
   • The Income Tax Act, 1962; and
   • The Company’s Act, 2008.
   5. Sensitive Personal Information.
   To the extent applicable, information relating to an individual’s religious
   or philosophical beliefs, race or ethnic origin, trade union membership,
   political persuasion, health or sex life, biometric information or criminal
   behavior, including any photographs or video recordings of may be considered
   as sensitive/special personal information in accordance with applicable South
   African law and regulations. We will use an individual’s special personal
   information for the purposes as stated in this Privacy Policy, or as
   otherwise as notified to you from time to time.
   6. Contact us. If you have any questions or concerns about this Addendum or
   the Policy you may contact the Information Officer at privacy@spglobal.com,
   or in accordance with the information provided in the Policy under “How to
   contact us”. We will reply to your request within reasonable period of time
   and in any event within 30 days. We may require you to verify your identity.



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Our Privacy Commitment
 * Introduction
      * What is this Policy about?
        Last Updated: February 28, 2022
        S&P Global Inc. and its affiliates (collectively or individually, as
        applicable, referred to as "S&P Global", "Company", "we", "our", "us")
        respect your right to privacy. This global Corporate Privacy Policy
        (“Policy”) explains who we are, how we collect, share, transfer and use
        personal information about you, and how you can exercise your privacy
        rights. This Policy applies to interactions we have with you via our
        websites, applications and other products and services including events,
        where you otherwise contact us and where we otherwise display or link to
        this Policy (“Services”) or in the course of our receipt of products or
        services from you or your employer. 
        Please note that some privacy rights and obligations may differ in
        certain locations based on applicable local data protection laws. We
        have included supplemental information for certain jurisdictions in this
        Third parties that link from or to our Services, or from whom we collect
        personal information may have their own privacy policies and practices.
        This Policy does not apply to sites or applications offered by other
        companies or individuals, including third party products and services,
        that may be displayed as content in a search on our website. Please
        review any third-party policies to learn more about their practices.
        To the extent a notice provided at the time of collection from a website
        or specific product conflicts with this Policy, the terms of that
        specific notice or supplemental privacy statement will apply.
        If you enter into a separate agreement with us which requires, or
        contemplates, collecting, sharing, transferring, using or otherwise
        processing information about you in a manner that is different than that
        which is described in this Policy, the terms of that agreement will
 * What does S&P Global do?
      * What does S&P Global do?
        S&P Global is a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings,
        benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets,
        businesses and governments worldwide. For more information about S&P
        Global's current group companies and other related companies, please see
        our latest filings here.
 * When did S&P Global and IHS Markit merge?
      * When did S&P Global and IHS Markit merge?
        S&P Global and IHS Markit announced their merger on 30 November 2020 and
        this Policy was updated at the time the merger was completed. 
        The automotive business collects and compiles motor vehicle registration
        and title information to provide products and services to authorized
        entities pursuant to 18 U.S.C A. §2721 and similar state laws governing
        the use of such information. Consumer information from motor vehicle
        records is used in compliance with the governing laws and regulations
        and thus not used by S&P Global or provided to other entities by us for
        direct marketing purposes. To access or correct your motor vehicle
        registration and/or title information, contact your state's department
        of motor vehicles or other state agency that processes motor vehicle
        titles and registration. The American Association of Motor Vehicle
        Administrators maintains links to state motor vehicle agency websites,
        organized by AAMVA regions.
        For more information about our privacy practices relating to our Digital
        and advertising-related services, please see the Advertising Privacy
 * Personal information we collect
      * What personal information does S&P Global collect and why?
        The information that we collect from or about you - some of which is
        personal information under applicable data protection laws - falls into
        the following broad categories:
        As part of our Services, you may provide certain information to us, such
        as your contact details, user credentials, and employment information.
         A few examples include, when you fill out an on-line form to register
        to use our Services, such as to attend an event, to request a free trial
        or courtesy newsletter, or to receive research, white papers, product
        information or reports through our website. You may also provide us with
        your business card information or other contact information as you do
        business with us or you request information from us. Information we ask
        you for and why we ask you for it includes:
        Types of personal information
        Why we collect it
        Billing information (including your payment card information)
        To maintain your account with us and to provide you with requested
        products and services.
        For order processing and to provide transaction documents.
        Contact details such as name, telephone numbers (which may include
        cell/mobile numbers), email address and postal address and details of
        any correspondence between us.
        To respond to your communications and inquiries, such as when you want
        to learn more about our conferences and webinars. 
        If requested, to provide product service updates, information and
        To contact you for information verification purposes.
        To gather information needed to provide Services requested by you or
        your employer.
        To obtain your feedback regarding our Services, including an event you
        attended, such as when we or our agents send you a customer satisfaction
        To receive services from you or the corporate entity you represent.
        User credentials including name, email address, signature and any
        personal login information you provide to us when you create a profile,
        such as details of your education and your gender. 
        Some product platforms also allow users to upload data themselves
        including age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship,
        religion or creed, marital status, sex (including gender, gender
        identity, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions),
        sexual orientation, veteran or military status, for their own purpose,
        as detailed in the product terms of use.       
        To set up and maintain your user account.
        To monitor and enforce compliance with our contract terms.
        To enable clients to use our product platforms for their own purposes.
        Employer and employment information such as job title, company
        affiliation, function, seniority, department and location of your
        To manage your individual user account when it is covered by an account
        of one of S&P Global's corporate customers, such as the corporate
        account of your employer.
        Your preferences and interests, such as emails and newsletters you would
        like to receive, or have opted out from receiving, or the markets,
        industries and conferences that interest you. We may record and collect
        images of you provided that you do not object, for example, at an event
        To enable us to send you tailored information on our Services across our
        divisions that may interest to you, to allow you to participate
        voluntarily in mailings and other events and to allow us to promote our
        events and Services. 
        Social security/Official identification number, state identification
        card number, credit card numbers, and personal financial data (such as
        specific salary, mortgage details, net worth or individual portfolio
        information). We refer to this type of personal information as "Customer
        Financial Data".
        In some cases, our corporate customer, such as a structured finance
        issuer or you, may provide Customer Financial Data to us for the purpose
        of informing our statistical analysis or for our use in providing our
        Services. Customer Financial Data will not be used for purposes other
        than these and will not be rented or otherwise made available to third
        parties for public distribution.
        For conducting due diligence activities for financial institutions and
        other regulated companies as part of our know-your-client products.
        Issues, questions and problems you have when using our Services, your
        user preferences and how you use or want to use our Services and
        information which you seek to analyse or manipulate within our Services
        and which you communicate to our support, maintenance and training
        staff. We may also record telephone service calls with you, subject to
        an announcement at the beginning of the call.
        To maintain your account with us, provide technical support to that
        account, remedy issues or problems with that account, train you in the
        use of our Services and keep an auditable record of all such
        communications and actions which is accessible to our support,
        maintenance and training staff globally.
        2. Information that we collect automatically
        We may collect information automatically from your device, including
        information regarding how you use our Services.
        Information we collect automatically includes your log-in events (when,
        how and for how long you log into and use certain Services), IP or MAC
        address, device make, model and operating system, mobile network
        information, internet service provider, unique device identification
        number, advertising ID, browser type and language, geographic location
        (e.g., country or city level location or time zone) and other technical
        information. We collect "click stream" data, which is information about
        how your device interacts with our Services, such as the pages, screens,
        functions, applications and products accessed and links clicked. 
        This information helps us understand users of our Services, such as
        visitors to our websites, the pages they visited before and after and
        what content functions interest them. We use this automatically
        collected information:
        - for our analytics purposes, including to enhance our understanding of
        usage of our Services;
        - to improve the quality and relevance to users of our Services,
        including (with consent as applicable) by showing or offering users
        relevant Services based on their preferences and usage habits; 
        - to develop or accelerate research, analysis, news and related
        editorial content and information collection as part of our Services, or
        to enable others to develop/accelerate such content where permitted;
        - to offer you support with and training on our Services and to help
        resolve any errors or technical issues;
        - to develop and update our Services;
        - for customer services, such as evaluating our customers' training
        needs for our products;
        - to satisfy requests from S&P Global's corporate customers regarding
        the entitlement to and use of our Services by individual users under
        their corporate accounts (this information may be offered to clients in
        an aggregated form and clients may be required by law to request such
        - to deliver tailored information on our Services that may be of
        interest or value to you and to send you marketing and promotional
        e-mails with your consent if required by applicable law;
        - occasionally, to identify unauthorized use or unauthorized
        distribution of our Services related or unrelated to a security issue;
        - where relevant, to review or update pricing agreed with our customers;
        - for billing purposes, so that we or others (such as our content
        providers) can bill for the services provided.
        Some of this information is collected using cookies, weblogs, web
        beacons and similar tracking technology - see "Cookies and similar
        tracking technology".
        3. Information that we obtain from other sources
        We may receive personal information about you from other sources
        (including your employer or business partner if you use Services covered
        by a subscription). Where you register as a user, we will endeavour to
        check that these third parties have your consent or are otherwise
        legally permitted or required to disclose your personal information to
        The information we collect from your employer (if you use our Services
        under your employer's corporate subscription) consists of your contact
        details and employment-related information.
        We collect personal information from other third parties, such as
        marketing vendors, survey services, social media, conferences and other
        events that we or others organize, and other sources to the extent
        permitted by applicable law. We use this information to market our
        Services to you, to maintain and correct our records, to add data
        fields, and to enhance the marketing and delivery of our Services to
        We collect personal information as part of our content collection
        process for some of our products. We obtain this from a variety of
        sources, including third-party content providers, public filings and
        websites, to display within some of our products. Find out more at "How
        does S&P Global use personal information in products?''.
        We also may use your personal information for other purposes that we
        explain to you at the time we collect your personal information or, if
        permitted by applicable data protection laws, that are compatible with
        the purposes we have disclosed to you (such as archiving purposes in the
        public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or
        statistical purposes).
        When you download, access or otherwise use one of our mobile apps, the
        information that we collect depends on your device, in-app and operating
        system permissions. To provide you with the functionalities of one of
        our apps, the app must access various functions and data on your mobile
        When you agree, some of our apps collect the precise geo-location of
        your mobile device and some of our apps also collect information that
        may be personal information about you or others, from or about:
        • Your calendar
        • Your contacts and call information
        • The accounts and other apps on your mobile device
        • Photos (including date, time, location and contents)
        • Media files, metadata and other stored information
        We also automatically collect app logs and usage statistics. For
        example, we record when you open an app so that we can monitor which app
        is used, when and how, and if the app stops working, we log the "crash
        data", such as whether you have mobile reception, to help us identify
        and fix the cause.
        To learn more about the specific information collected by any of our
        mobile apps, please check your device settings or review the platform
        from which you downloaded it. To stop collection of all information
        through one of our apps, please uninstall the app.
        When you download one of our mobile apps from Apple's App Store or
        Google Play (each, an "App Platform"), you acknowledge and agree that:
        • As between S&P Global and the App Platform, S&P Global is solely
        responsible for the app.
        • The App Platform has no obligation to provide any maintenance and
        support services with respect to the app.
        • In the event of any failure of our apps to conform to any applicable
        warranty: (i) you may notify the App Platform and the App Platform may
        refund the purchase price for the app to you (if applicable), (ii) to
        the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the App Platform will
        have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the
        applications, and (iii) any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages,
        costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty
        is, as between S&P Global and the App Platform, S&P Global's
        • The App Platform is not responsible for addressing any claims you have
        relating to the app or your possession and use of the app.
        • If a third party claims that an app infringes another party's
        intellectual property rights, as between the App Platform and S&P
        Global, S&P Global is responsible for the investigation, defense,
        settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement
        • The App Platform and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of
        the applicable terms of use as they relate to your license to use the
        app. Upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of our terms of
        use, the App Platform will have the right (and will be deemed to have
        accepted the right) to enforce the terms of use as related to your
        license of the app against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof.
        • You must also comply with all third-party terms applicable through the
        App Platform when using the app.
 * Sharing of personal information
      * When does S&P Global disclose my personal information?
        We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of
        Our group companies and our joint venture companies where applicable,
        service providers including without limitation professional advisers or
        consultants such as lawyers, bankers, auditors, accountants and insurers
        providing consultancy, legal, banking, audit, accounting or insurance
        services, financial institutions providing finance to us, external
        auditors, product content providers, business partners and any
        organization that arranges your access to our products or services (if
        that is not you).
        We share personal information with those authorized parties referred to
        above who or that process personal information for purposes consistent
        with those described in this Policy or notified to you when your
        personal information is collected. For example, we may share your
        personal information with the organization that arranges your access to
        our products or services to fulfil its contractual obligations and to
        provide our products and services; we may share your personal
        information with our service providers and business partners for the
        purpose of operating our business, honouring a request that you have
        made through the products or services, delivering, improving and
        customising our products or services, sending marketing and
        communications related to our business, payment processing, and for
        other legitimate purposes permitted by applicable law or otherwise with
        your consent. We may share the contact information you provide when
        registering for an event and share event attendee lists between our S&P
        Global divisions and with our webinar and conference partners, to ensure
        that your contact information is up to date and to administer, secure,
        and seek feedback on and promote our events. 
        For a list of our current group companies and related companies, please
        see our latest filings here. A list of our service providers, content
        providers and business partners is available here.
        In addition to the purposes described in this Policy, Personal
        information handled by our service providers is subject to their terms
        of use and privacy policies as notified to you. Please review the
        service provider’s terms of use and privacy policies to better
        understand how they manage your personal information.
        Your employer
        We provide personal information to your employer for purposes such as to
        fulfil and enforce our contract with them, to inform them of potential
        group training needs, to inform them of Service use by certain
        categories of users and for pricing purposes.
        Competent law enforcement bodies, regulatory, government agency, court
        or other third parties
        We provide personal information to any competent law enforcement body,
        regulatory, government agency, court or other third party in accordance
        with applicable law and regulation when we believe disclosure is
        necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to
        protect against fraud or for risk management purposes, (iii) to
        exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, (iv) to protect your
        vital interests or those of any other person, or (v) to protect the
        interests, rights, safety or property of us or others.
        S&P Global is regulated by various federal and state agencies,
        authorities and similar regulatory bodies internationally and, in the
        normal course of business, both in the United States of America and
        abroad, is the subject of government and regulatory proceedings,
        investigations and inquiries. We may therefore disclose your information
        to comply with a court order, government request or other legal or
        regulatory process. 
        Our SEC filings set this out in more detail and are available here.
        Potential Buyers
        We may provide personal information to a potential buyer or a target
        (and that third party’s or our agents and advisers) in connection with
        any proposed purchase, merger, transfer, acquisition or liquidation or
        similar event, of all or any part of our business. If such a change
        happens to our business, the buyer or target will use your personal
        information in the same way as set out in this Policy or will inform you
        about how it will use your personal information as required by
        applicable law. 
        Any other person or entity
        Personal information that you disclose on message boards, chat areas or
        social media pages or in direct messages to other users of these
        platforms may be collected and used by third parties to contact you, to
        send you unsolicited messages or for other purposes without our
        knowledge or control. Also, please be aware that social media forums and
        chat rooms not operated by us may have additional rules and conditions.
        We are not responsible for the personal information or any other
        information you choose to submit on these forums that are not controlled
        by us. We also may solicit your consent to share personal information
        with any other person or entity.
        The Services may offer you the ability to share personal information
        through a social networking site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) using
        integrated tools (e.g., Facebook “Like” button, or Twitter “Tweet”
        button). The use of such integrated tools enables you to share personal
        information about yourself with other individuals or the public,
        depending on the settings that you have established with such social
        networking site. For more information about the purpose and scope of
        data collection and use in connection with such social networking site
        or a site’s integrated tools, please visit the privacy policies of the
        entities that provide these social networking sites.
        We encourage you to use caution when publicly disclosing your personal
        For more information about how and why we disclose the personal
        information that features in our products, please see "How does S&P
        Global use personal information in products?".
 * Legal basis for processing personal information
      * What is our legal basis for processing personal information?
        Our legal basis for collecting and using personal information depends on
        the personal information concerned, the context in which we collect it
        and the applicable laws and regulations.
        Generally, we collect personal information from you where: we have your
        consent to do so; we need the personal information to perform a contract
        with you (for example, your subscription to one of our products) where
        permitted under applicable data protection laws; or, in some
        jurisdictions such as the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the processing
        is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data
        protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms or the
        processing is otherwise consistent with applicable law. In some cases,
        we are required by law to collect personal information from you. 
        If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal
        requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will inform you
        whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory and the
        possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information.
        Generally, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance
        on our legitimate interests (or those of a third party), this interest
        is to provide our Services to you and for our legitimate commercial
        interest (e.g., when responding to your queries, improving our Services,
        processing payments, advising you of product features or new releases,
        informing you of product maintenance, or undertaking marketing
        activities). For the legal basis on which we rely in relation to
        personal information in our products, please see "How does S&P Global
        use personal information in products?".
        Where we send you marketing or promotional e-mails regarding our
        Services from our different divisions and affiliates, we do so based on
        your consent, if required by applicable law.
 * Cookies and similar tracking technology
      * How does S&P Global use cookies and similar tracking technology?
        We use cookies and similar tracking technology (collectively, "Cookies")
        in certain Services (in particular our websites and some mobile
        applications) to collect and use personal information about you, to
        better understand and improve the usability, performance, and
        effectiveness of our Services, to help us tailor content or offers for
        you, and to serve our interest-based advertising. These technologies may
        also allow certain third parties to collect information about you, such
        as information about you clicking on advertisements or installing our
        Services. Where permitted by applicable law, we will deploy first party
        performance or analytics cookies automatically when you visit our
        websites. Where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent
        before we place any Cookies on your device that are not strictly
        necessary for the functioning of our websites. To learn more, including
        about how to consent to or withdraw your consent to Cookies, please see
        our Cookie Notice.
        We use Google Analytics to better understand how visitors use our
        Services. Google Analytics provides us with information about users of
        our Services. Google Analytics uses Cookies that Google or its affiliate
        DoubleClick recognizes when you visit other websites and applications.
        For more information about how Google collects, uses, and shares your
        information, including information collected through our Services,
        please visit the Google Privacy Policy - Partners website at
        https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites or see Google’s
        own Privacy Policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy. 
        Google Analytics uses Cookies to help us analyze how users use our
        Services. Personal information generated by these Cookies about your use
        of our Services (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and
        stored by Google on servers in the United States of America. On our
        behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our
        Services and will compile reports on your activity for us. 
        If you want to opt out of Google Analytics, you can download and install
        the opt-out browser add-on developed by Google for your web browser. For
        more information about Google Analytics' currently available opt-outs,
        please see https://tools.google.com/dlpaqe/gaoptout.
 * Keeping your personal information secure
      * How does S&P Global keep my personal information secure?
        We protect personal information that we process with appropriate
        technical and organizational measures designed to provide a level of
        security appropriate to the risk of processing your personal
        information. We will notify you about any security incident involving
        your personal information through email, correspondence, telephone, push
        notification or other means, as required by applicable law. If you think
        your data is the subject of a security incident and we have not notified
        you, or if you are concerned about the security of your data, please
        contact our dedicated security team at security@spglobal.com.  
 * International data transfers
      * How does S&P Global treat international data transfers?
        Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed outside,
        the country in which you are resident. These other jurisdictions may
        have data protection laws that are different from the laws of your
        country (and, in some cases, not as protective).
        S&P Global is a multi-national group with headquarters in New York,
        United States of America. Our servers may be located outside of the
        jurisdiction where we collected the data. We store and replicate your
        personal information on servers in other countries, in order to provide
        speed of access, robustness and protection against server failure. 
        When we collect your personal information, we may transfer it to or from
        any of the countries in which we do business. Our group companies,
        related companies, any organization that arranges your access to our
        products or services service providers, product content providers and
        business partners, with whom we may share personal information, are
        located in and transfer personal information to various jurisdictions
        around the world. The principal jurisdictions where personal information
        is hosted by or on behalf of S&P Global are the United States of
        America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Republic of Ireland,
        Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, India and Singapore. In
        some cases, your personal information may also be accessed from outside
        of the jurisdiction where we collected the data, such as the
        Philippines, India and Pakistan, where our back-office support personnel
        are located for certain Divisions.
        Where your personal information is transferred by us or on our behalf,
        we implement appropriate safeguards to protect your personal information
        in accordance with this Policy. These safeguards include implementing
        applicable standard contractual clauses for transfers of personal
        information between our group companies, which require group companies
        to protect personal information they transfer from the jurisdiction in
        which it was collected in accordance with applicable data protection
        In some jurisdictions, international transfers may take place when there
        is an adequate level of protection to the fundamental right of
        individuals to data protection. In some circumstances, we may choose to
        rely upon an adequacy decision to lawfully transfer personal
        information. Standard contractual clauses are one of several mechanisms
        that allow for personal information to be transferred across
        jurisdictional borders and we rely on these for transfers to and from
        our affiliates, vendors and business partners where applicable.
        Additional safeguards may also be implemented where personal information
        is transferred. Please contact us to request a copy of our appropriate
 * Data retention
      * For how long does S&P Global retain personal information?
        Our applicable information governance policies, procedures and standards
        require that personal information be retained for as long as we have an
        ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you
        with a Service you have requested, or to comply with applicable legal,
        tax or accounting requirements).
        Once we no longer have a legitimate business need to process your
        personal information, our applicable information governance policies,
        procedures and standards require that we either delete or anonymize your
        personal information, or if deletion or anonymization is not possible,
        then pseudonymize and/or securely store your personal information and
        isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.
        For more information about how long we retain your personal data, please
        refer to our privacy commitment here:
        https://www.spglobal.com/en/privacy/our-privacy-commitment. If you have
        any questions or require any further information about the period of
        time for which we will process your personal information, please contact
        us using the contact details set out below.
 * Your data protection rights
      * What are your data protection rights?
        Depending on which laws apply to your personal information, you may have
        the right to withdraw the consent you provided to us as well as the
        following data protection rights:
        - to access or request deletion of your personal information (where your
        personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes
        for which we collected it), and to request a copy of your personal
        information in a portable format. - to object to our processing of your
        personal information if we are: using legitimate interests to justify
        that processing, using the personal information for direct marketing
        purposes, or using the information for scientific or historical research
        purposes or statistical purposes.
        - to restrict our processing of your personal information under certain
        circumstances, such as when you contest the accuracy of our records
        about you, or you make an objection.
        - to data portability or receiving in a machine-readable format any
        personal information that you have provided to us if we are: using
        consent or necessity in relation to a contract with you to justify our
        processing of that data. In certain jurisdictions, your right to data
        portability may also extend to personal information that has been
        generated in the course of your association with S&P Global.
        - not to be subject to a decision, which may adversely affect you, which
        is based on solely automated processing and to have safeguards put in
        place if you are being profiled based on your personal information 
        - to opt-out of marketing and promotional e-mails we send you at any
        time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the "unsubscribe" or
        "opt-out" link in the marketing e-mails we send you, by visiting our
        preference centers here or by using the contact details listed in the
        section of this Policy titled, “How can you contact us?”.
        - if we collect and process your personal information with your consent,
        then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent
        will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted before
        withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information
        conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
        - not to be discriminated against for exercising any of the above
        - to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and
        use of your personal information. 
        For more information, please contact your local data protection
        authority. (Contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA,
        Canada, Switzerland and the UK are available here.)
        Individuals in certain jurisdictions may have other rights. For more
        information, see the applicable jurisdiction-specific addendum which
        forms part of this Policy.
        We respond to requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise
        their data protection rights or express any concern in accordance with
        applicable data protection laws, which typically require a response
        within 30 days. Please be aware that in order to accommodate some
        requests, we must verify your identity before we can respond, and this
        may require you to provide photographic identity information to us.
        Because your personal information, for example, your email address is
        often required to access or use Services, we retain personal information
        as long as your account is active. You may have the opportunity to
        correct, update, or modify this information by logging into your account
        and updating your information online. 
        Please note that in certain jurisdictions we may be entitled to charge a
        fee in connection with the exercise of these rights.
 * Use of Personal Information in Products
      * How does S&P Global use personal information in products?
        Some of our products contain personal information about persons who are
        directors, officers, managers, significant employees, trustees or
        material shareholders or proprietors of companies or businesses. S&P
        Global obtains such data from publicly available and other sources. 
        Some of our products include business contact details, professional
        history details, work data, compensation details, education history
        data, shareholding and common holding information, information about
        individuals’ gender, passport and driver’s license data (for identity
        verification and due diligence purposes) and information about loans
        taken out by or secured by individuals in connection with their
        We may also receive information about race or ethnicity, derived from
        government or official information (such as census data). Any race or
        ethnicity information is processed in aggregated, anonymized form and is
        not linked to individuals. In the United States, some products may
        process data regulated by the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act. 
        Personal Information in our products is for reference purposes, such as
        to identify the officers or shareholders of a particular organization or
        common shareholders or officers among otherwise not obviously related
        corporate entities and is made available to our customers for such
        purposes. Customers are required by contract to comply with applicable
        data protection laws and their use of personal information is restricted
        by their contract with S&P Global. S&P Global customers are located
        worldwide, including countries with data protection laws that may offer
        lower protections than the laws of your country.
        S&P Global may share personal information in its products with
        authorized personnel within its corporate group, with those parties who
        provide content to S&P Global and with the customers who receive those
        products. The legal basis for S&P Global's use and disclosure of
        personal information within its products in this way is that it is
        necessary for legitimate commercial interests pursued by S&P Global to
        provide Services to its customers to encourage transparency and
        well-informed developments in global financial markets and business, and
        this is not outweighed by the rights and freedoms of those persons
        featured in our products, because the information about them relates to
        their business roles and relationships. This personal information is
        largely derived from publicly available sources and frequently from
        mandated corporate or government disclosures.
        S&P Global’s policies, procedures and standards require that the
        information in its products is updated for accuracy on a regular basis,
        and the removal data from its systems when such data becomes obsolete or
        inaccurate. S&P Global has established information governance standards
        for collection, use and retention of the personal information.
 * Updates to this Policy
      * What happens if this Corporate Privacy Policy is updated?
        We review and update this Policy from time to time. When we do, we will
        bring those updates to your attention, for example, by noting the date
        of the version on the Policy, posting the updated version here or
        sending you a notification. We updated our Global Corporate Privacy
        Policy, effective January 1, 2020. At a high level, we made the
        following changes:
        • Simplified the Policy language and structure to make it easier to
        navigate and find the information you may be looking for;
        • Created jurisdiction-specific addenda for you to easily find
        jurisdiction-specific information, including relevant information for
        the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the People’s Republic of
        China regulations;
        • Specifically call out at the start of the Policy the fact that third
        parties that link from our online properties and products, and the third
        parties from whom we may collect personal information, have their own
        privacy policies that may apply to the information that they collect
        from individuals.
        We updated our Global Corporate Privacy Policy, effective February 1,
        2021. At a high level, we updated the policy to:
        • Provide more details about information we receive from service
        providers or their employees and the information we collect
        • Provide high level information about the government and regulatory
        proceedings, investigations and inquiries to which S&P Global may be
        • Provide further details about our international transfers and
        individuals’ rights
        • Publish information about our EU/UK Representative entities in light
        of Brexit
        • Add more information about local contact details
        We last updated our Global Corporate Privacy Policy, effective as at the
        date of this document. At a high level, we updated the policy to:
        • Incorporate revisions reflecting the merger between S&P Global and IHS
        Markit to provide transparency about the combined group’s approach to
        collecting, sharing, transferring and using personal information, and
        how you can exercise your privacy rights. 
        • Update the addendum relating to the People’s Republic of China in
        light of recent legislative developments.
        • Created jurisdiction-specific addenda for Brazil and Columbia for you
        to easily find further information about your rights in those
        jurisdictions (if applicable).
        • Add more information about local and post-merger contact details.
 * How to contact us
      * How can you contact us?
        If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal
        information, please contact our Privacy Center and Data Protection
        Officer at privacy@spglobal.com or 55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041.
        You may also use this personal data request form to contact us or
        exercise any of your rights.
        In some of our locations, we also have local contact details that you
        may prefer to use as set out in the following jurisdictional
        • Russian Federation
        • People’s Republic of China
        • Japan
        • State of California, United States of America 
        • Brazil
        • Colombia
        For the Philippines, you may also use email DPOPhilippines@spglobal.com.
        European Union Contact Details for non-European Union S&P Global 
        Certain S&P Global Inc. and its applicable affiliates located outside
        the European Union (“EU”) have appointed representatives within the EU.
        If you are an EU resident, you may choose to contact the relevant EU
        representative for any data protection-related enquiries in addition to,
        or instead of, the contact details above. Please use the applicable
        contact details below. 
        S&P Global Ratings
        Fourth Floor, Waterways House
        Grand Canal Quay
        Dublin 2, Ireland
        S&P Global Market Intelligence
        Fourth Floor, Waterways House
        Grand Canal Quay
        Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
        S&P Dow Jones Indices
        Fourth Floor, Waterways House
        Grand Canal Quay
        Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
        S&P Global Commodity Insights
        Fourth Floor, Waterways House
        Grand Canal Quay
        Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
        S&P Global Engineering Solutions
        Fourth Floor, Waterways House
        Grand Canal Quay
        Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
        S&P Global Mobility
        Fourth Floor, Waterways House
        Grand Canal Quay
        Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
        UK Contact Details for non-UK S&P Global 
        Certain S&P Global Inc. and its applicable affiliates located outside
        the UK have appointed representatives within the UK. If you are a UK
        resident, you may choose to contact the relevant UK representative for
        any data protection-related enquiries in addition to, or instead of, the
        contact details above. Please use the contact details below by
        S&P Global Ratings
        20 Canada Square
        Canary Wharf
        E14 5LH
        S&P Global Market Intelligence
        20 Canada Square
        Canary Wharf
        E14 5LH
        S&P Dow Jones Indices
        20 Canada Square
        Canary Wharf
        E14 5LH
        S&P Global Commodity Insights
        20 Canada Square
        Canary Wharf
        E14 5LH
        S&P Global Engineering Solutions
        20 Canada Square
        Canary Wharf
        E14 5LH
        S&P Global Mobility
        20 Canada Square
        Canary Wharf
        E14 5LH
 * Russian Federation - Additional Provisions
      * Russian Federation
        This Russian Federation Addendum ("Russian Federation Addendum") applies
        in relation to the processing of personal information of Russian
        citizens by the Representative Office of the Standard & Poor’s
        International Services LLC and Moscow Branch of S&P Global Ratings
        Europe Limited (each operating independently and individually and
        separately) and supplements this Policy. In case of any inconsistencies
        between this Russian Federation Addendum and the rest of this Policy,
        this Russian Federation Addendum prevails.
        Russian Federation Addendum
 * People’s Republic of China - Additional Provisions
      * People’s Republic of China
        This China Addendum (“China Addendum”) applies to the processing of your
        personal information only if you are located in the People’s Republic of
        China (“China”) and supplements this Policy. In case of any
        inconsistencies between this China Addendum and the rest of this Policy,
        this China Addendum prevails.
        1. Sensitive Personal Information. Your personal information whose
        leakage or unlawful use may easily infringe the dignity of a natural
        person, or cause harm the to the personal safety or property security,
        including biometric characteristics, religious beliefs, specially
        designated status, medical health, financial accounts, personal
        whereabouts and personal information of minors under the age of 14 may
        be considered as sensitive personal information in accordance with
        applicable Chinese law and regulations. To the extent we collect this
        Sensitive Personal Information, we will only process it to the extent
        necessary for fulfilling the purposes as stated in this Policy and will
        take measures for its security. Where required by applicable Chinese law
        and regulations, we will obtain your separate consent before we process
        your sensitive personal information.
        2. Sale of business. We may provide personal information to a potential
        buyer or target (and that third party’s or our agents and advisers) in
        connection with any proposed purchase, merger, transfer, acquisition or
        liquidation or similar event of all or any part of our business. If such
        a change happens to our business, the buyer or target will use your
        personal information as in the same way as set out in this Policy
        including this China Addendum or will inform you about how it will use
        your personal information as required by applicable law, or (where
        applicable) require such third party to obtain your consent again. 
        3. Notifications. We cannot absolutely guarantee the security of any
        information or data you provide online. In the event of a security
        incident, we will take mitigation measures in accordance with our
        incident response plan and report to competent regulators in China as
        required by applicable law. In the event of a security incident
        affecting your personal information, we will notify you as required by
        applicable law through email, correspondence, telephone, push
        notification or other means. If you think your data is the subject of a
        security incident and we have not notified you, or if you are concerned
        about the security of your data, please contact our dedicated security
        team at security@spglobal.com.  
        4. Contact Information of our China DPO. You may contact our China Data
        Protection Officer at privacy@spglobal.com or DPOChina@spglobal.com or,
        at: 49/F, Fortune Financial Center, No.5, Dongsanhuan Zhong Rd, Chaoyang
        District, Beijing. You may also exercise your rights in relation to
        personal information transferred overseas or requests closure of an
        account which is registered with S&P Global through the method specified
        under the section of this Policy titled, “What are your data protection
 * Japan - Additional Provisions
      * Japan
        This Japan Addendum ("Japan Addendum") supplements this Policy to the
        extent that the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Japan)
        applies in relation to the processing of personal information in Japan
        by S&P Global Ratings Japan Inc., S&P Global SF Japan Inc., and Standard
        & Poor's International LLC, Japan Branch (together "S&P Global Japan").
        In case of any inconsistencies between this Japan Addendum and the rest
        of this Policy, this Japan Addendum prevails.
        S&P Global Japan will comply with applicable Japanese data protection
        laws and regulations, and not use personal information for purposes
        which are not set forth in this Policy. The process for dealing with
        customers' claims is set out in this Policy.
        Use of personal information inside the S&P Global group
        S&P Global Japan uses personal information with other entities in the
        S&P Global group who may use such information to provide information
        about our Services to our clients, conduct certain market research or
        contact clients. Such information includes: address, name, company name,
        department name, job title, phone number, fax number, e-mail address,
        billing information, history of personnel changes and professional
        employment history, records of job interviews with S&P Global Japan,
        your areas of interest, etc.
        A list of our group companies is available here.
        Name, address and name of representative of the person responsible for
        the management of said personal data 
        S&P Global Ratings Japan Inc, S&P Global SF Japan Inc. 
        Marunouchi Kitaguchi Bldg. 28th Floor, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,
        Tokyo 100- 0005 
        Representative Director Takenari Yamamoto
        Standard & Poor’s International LLC Japan Branch 
        Marunouchi Kitaguchi Bldg. 28th Floor, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,
        Tokyo 100- 0005 
        Representative in Japan Bruce Christie 
        Contact information regarding handling of personal information
        If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal
        information, please contact our Privacy Center via email at
        privacy@spglobal.com or Japanprivacy@spglobal.com or via mail, at:
        Marunouchi Kitaguchi Bldg. 28th Floor, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,
        Tokyo 100- 0005, Tel: +81-(0)3-4550-8000.
 * State of California, United States - Additional Provisions
      * State of California, United States of America
        This State of California, United States of America Addendum ("California
        Addendum") supplements this Policy to the extent the California Consumer
        Privacy Act ("CCPA") applies in relation to the processing of personal
        information of residents of the State of California in the United States
        of America by S&P Global. In case of any inconsistencies between this
        California Addendum and the rest of this Policy, this California
        Addendum prevails.
        Certain information we collect may be exempt from the CCPA because it is
        considered public information (i.e., it is made available by a
        government entity) or covered by a federal privacy law, such as the
        Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and
        Accountability Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act or the Driver Privacy
        Protection Act.
        Right to Access Information
        You have the right to request access to personal information collected
        about you and information regarding the source of that information, the
        purposes for which we collect it, and the third parties and service
        providers with whom we share it. To protect our customers' personal
        information, we are required to verify your identity before we can act
        on your request.
        Right to Request Deletion of Information
        You have the right to request in certain circumstances that we delete
        any personal information that we have collected directly from you. To
        protect our customers' personal information, we are required to verify
        your identity before we can act on your request. We may have a reason
        under the law why we do not have to comply with your request, or why we
        may comply with it in a more limited way than you anticipated. If we do,
        we will explain that to you in our response.
        Right to Information Regarding Participation in Data Sharing for
        Financial Incentives
        We will ask you for your consent before collecting your personal
        information in connection with offering a financial incentive.
        Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information to Third Parties
        You have the right to opt out of any sale of your personal information
        by us to third parties. Please note that your right to opt out does not
        apply to our sharing of personal information with service providers, who
        are parties we engage to perform a function on our behalf and are
        contractually obligated to use the personal information only for that
        "Shine the Light" Law
        Residents of the State of California also have the right to request
        information regarding third parties to whom the company has disclosed
        certain categories of personal information during the preceding year for
        the third parties' direct marketing purposes.
        How to Submit a Request
        To submit a request to exercise your rights:
        (1) For Access and Deletion rights, fill out a Data Request Form.
        (2) For the Opt-out right, visit "Do Not Sell My Personal Information".
        (3) Call us on 1-855-529-1761.
        For information about the requests we receive, including the number of
        requests and the average number of days we’ve taken to respond to
        requests, please click here.
        The following is a summary of our data collection practices, including
        the personal information we collect, the sources of that information,
        the purposes for which we collect information, and whether we disclose
        that information to external parties. We may use any and all of the
        information for any of the purposes described in the Policy, unless
        limitations are listed. S&P Global shares or sells personal information
        to third parties in very limited circumstances. To learn more about what
        brands share or sell personal information, please see below. The
        categories we use to describe the information are those set out in the
        • Personal Identifiers:
        ○ Name, alias, phone number, email address, signature, username and
        contact address to create an account or register for an event.
        Individuals with an account will be assigned one or more unique
        identifiers to your profile.
        ○ Payment and billing information when purchasing our products or
        register for a paid event.
        ○ Social security numbers, state identification card number, credit card
        numbers and personal financial data collected from individuals or
        corporate customers such as structured finance issuers for the purpose
        of informing our statistical analysis or to use in providing our
        Services. Such data will not be used for purposes other than these,
        rented or otherwise made available to third parties for public
        ○ Driver's License numbers and Passport numbers in certain limited
        ○ IP address automatically.
        ○ Device ID automatically.
        • Protected Classifications: Some product platforms allow users to
        upload Protected Classifications for their own purposes, this may
        include age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship,
        religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental
        disability, sex (including gender, gender identity), pregnancy or
        childbirth (and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran
        or military status for their own purpose, as detailed in the product
        terms of use.
        • Commercial Information: Records of goods or services purchased or
        considered, as well as purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
        • Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information: Information
        about browsing history, search history, and information regarding
        interaction with product portals, websites, applications, or
        advertisements based on use of our Services.
        • Geolocation Data: Automatic collection of an IP address which may
        enable us to determine general location. With a user’s agreement, some
        of our mobile applications will also collect precise location (e.g.,
        your GPS coordinates), though users can turn off location tracking in
        their mobile device settings.
        • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information:
        Telephone service calls may be recorded, subject to an announcement at
        the beginning of the call; images, for example, at an event. We do not
        collect any thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
        • Professional or employment-related information: We collect information
        about current employer, position, and other aspects of an individual’s
        professional history.
        • Non-public education information: Information about institutions an
        individual has attended or the level of education attained.
        • Inferences drawn to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the
        consumer's preferences or characteristics: We may analyze actual or
        likely preferences through a series of computer processes. On some
        occasions, we may add our observations to an individual’s internal
        We may share such information with service providers, which are external
        parties that we engage for business purposes and are restricted from
        using personal information for any purpose that is not related to our
        engagement. The categories of service providers with whom we share
        information and the services they provide are described here.
        The CCPA provides California residents with certain rights in relation
        to the "sale" of information to third parties. According to the CCPA, to
        "sell" personal information means to disclose it to an external party
        for monetary or other benefit where, for example, our contract does not
        restrict that party from using such information for other purposes. 
        S&P Global shares or sells personal information to third parties in very
        limited circumstances. For example, S&P Global may share registrant
        information to event sponsors for some of its conferences or events, in
        certain circumstances, and provide products that help companies identify
        appropriate professional contact information by providing companies with
        the name, title, and business contact information of key personnel.
        Below is a list of brands that sell or share personal information with
        third parties: 
        • Polk (https://ihsmarkit.com/products/polk-automotive-solutions.html)
        • Ipreo (https://ihsmarkit.com/products/brst-bd-advanced.html)
        • Money Market Directories (https://products.mmdwebaccess.com/)  
        • Capital IQ Pro (https://www.capitaliq.spglobal.com/) 
        • Capital IQ (https://www.capitaliq.com/) 
        • XpressFeed
        •  Panjiva Platform (https://panjiva.com/platform) 
        It is important to note that not every product derived under these
        brands sells or shares personal information with third parties. Please
        see the terms of use for more details about whether the particular
        product you use sells or shares personal information with third parties.
        We may "sell" information in the following limited circumstances:
        • Personal Identifiers:
        ○ We display contact information in our products, which are accessible
        by our subscribers and the subscribers of our business partners. 
        ○ We disclose contact information to our webinar and conferences
        partners (i.e., attendee lists).
        ○ We provide contact information to public safety authorities where
        ○ We provide IP addresses and Device IDs to our advertising partners.
        • Protected Classifications: We display age, if available, in our
        "Professionals" database, which is accessible by our subscribers and the
        subscribers of our business partners. We may display aggregated gender
        information in our products, but we do not display individuals' genders.
        • Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information: We disclose
        information about subscribers' interactions with our products to
        businesses from which we collect data.
        • Professional or employment-related information: We display information
        about an individual's current employer, position, compensation details
        and other aspects of an individual's professional and education history
        in our products, which are accessible by our subscribers and the
        subscribers of our business partners.
        Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained,
        or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories, or
 * Brazil – Additional Provisions
      * Brazil
        This Brazil Addendum ("Brazil Addendum") supplements this Policy to the
        extent that the General Data Protection Law of Brazil ("LGPD") applies
        in relation to the processing of personal information by S&P Global. In
        case of any inconsistencies between this Brazil Addendum and the rest of
        this Policy, this Brazil Addendum prevails.
        Under the LGPD, you have the right to:
        • confirm the existence of processing of your personal data;
        • access data;
        • correct incomplete, inaccurate, or out of date data;
        • anonymize, block, or delete unnecessary or excessive data or data that
        is not being processed in compliance with the LGPD;
        • portability of data to another service or product provider, by means
        of an express request;
        • delete personal data processed with your consent;
        • information about public and private entities with which we have
        shared data;
        • information about the possibility of denying consent and the
        consequences of such denial;
        • revoke consent;
        • request review of decisions taken solely on the bases of automated
        processing of personal data that affects your interests.
        You or an authorized agent may exercise your rights through the [Privacy
        Request Page]. The LGPD also provides that you may file a complaint
        regarding your data directly with the Brazilian data protection
        Data Protection Officer
        c/o Commercial Legal
        Rua do Passeio 38/40
        Rio de Janeiro
 * Colombia – Additional Provisions
      * Colombia – Additional Provisions
        This Colombia Addendum ("Colombia Addendum") supplements this Policy to
        the extent that the law of Colombia applies in relation to the
        processing of personal information by S&P Global. In case of any
        inconsistencies between this Colombia Addendum and the rest of this
        Policy, this Colombia Addendum prevails.
        Data Subject Rights
        Subject to applicable law, you have the right to:
        • freely access your personal information;
        • know, update, and correct personal information when data is inexact,
        incomplete, fragmented, misleading, or where processing is not
        authorized or prohibited;
        • request proof of authorization to process your personal information,
        unless exempted under applicable law;
        • bring complaints to the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce;
        • revoke authorization and/or require the deletion of personal
        information when there is not a legal or contractual reason to keep the
        personal information; and
        • decline authorization for the processing of sensitive personal
        information. The provision of sensitive personal information or the
        personal information of minors is optional.
        Principal Place of Business
        IHS Markit Colombia SAS (NIT #900.505.649-2) has its principal place of
        business at Calle 72 No 10 – 07 Of. 1106, Bogotá, Republic of Colombia.
 * Republic of South Africa – Additional Provisions
      * Republic of South Africa Addendum
        This South African Addendum (“South African Addendum”) applies in
        relation to the processing of personal information by the S&P Global
        responsible parties listed below in the Republic of South Africa and
        supplements the information set out above in this Policy. In case of any
        inconsistencies between this South African Addendum and the rest of this
        Policy, this South African Addendum prevails.
        1. Responsible Parties.
        • S&P Global’s responsible parties that may process personal information
        from time to time include:
        • SPGI Indices UK (Incorporated in United Kingdom) External Profit
        Company South Africa, registration number 2013/147353/10
        • SPGI UK (Incorporated in England) External Profit Company,
        registration number 2012/065136/10
        • S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (Incorporated in Ireland) External
        Profit Company, registration number 2017/655416/10
        2. Personal information of juristic persons
        In addition to the individual’s personal information collected as set
        out in this Policy, we process information relating to South African
        juristic persons, which information may constitute personal information
        for purposes of the Protection of Personal Information Act of South
        Africa. The personal information relating to South African juristic
        persons we process includes:
        • A company’s or other juristic person’s name, address, telephone
        number, email address, company registration number, and company
        contact’s name;
        • A company’s or other juristic person’s incorporation documents, tax
        numbers, audited financial statements, B-BBEE certificates, and bank
        account records;
        • A company’s or other juristic person’s representative’s details,
        including their name, email, telephone numbers, job title, job function
        and details relating to the area of work;
        • A company’s or other juristic person’s product or specification
        requirements; and
        • Information relation to product support interaction and product
        training information, to the extent that this information is
        We collect the information directly from the juristic person concerned
        or its representatives during negotiation, when preparing and concluding
        agreements and during implementation or use of products/services for
        their users. We may also collect the information from the client’s
        employee users when they register and use products/services or obtain
        the information that has been made publicly available via the internet
        and website searches or when the client’s employee user otherwise gives
        S&P Global their contact details.
        3. Purposes and legal basis for the processing of personal information
        of juristic persons
        The purposes of the processing of the abovementioned personal
        information include:
        • To identify clients and prospective customers;
        • To market and sell products to clients;
        • To negotiate and enter into contracts with clients;
        • To obtain permission from clients and their users;
        • To conduct training and to provide support to clients/users;
        • To record client engagements and conversations;
        • To invoice and collect from clients and account for client revenue;
        • To comply with applicable statutory obligations; and
        • To carry out and manage our business operations and for any other
        legitimate business purposes.
        Generally, we process the above personal information for purposes of the
        performance of a contract with a client, or where we have the consent of
        the client or the juristic person concerned, or on the basis that it is
        in our legitimate interests or that of a third party to whom the
        information is supplied for purposes of, amongst other things, marketing
        and selling our products and services, supporting client access to and
        use of our products, providing training to users of our products,
        responding to client or user queries, improving products and services,
        advising users of product features, new releases or maintenance.
        The personal information of juristic persons may be shared with third
        parties and transferred to countries outside of South Africa. Please see
        the relevant provisions of the Policy in this regard.
        4. Laws authorizing or requiring the collection of the personal
        The legislation in terms of which personal information of individuals or
        juristic persons may be required to be processed includes:
        • The Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 2001;
        • The Income Tax Act, 1962; and
        • The Company’s Act, 2008.
        5. Sensitive Personal Information.
        To the extent applicable, information relating to an individual’s
        religious or philosophical beliefs, race or ethnic origin, trade union
        membership, political persuasion, health or sex life, biometric
        information or criminal behavior, including any photographs or video
        recordings of may be considered as sensitive/special personal
        information in accordance with applicable South African law and
        regulations. We will use an individual’s special personal information
        for the purposes as stated in this Privacy Policy, or as otherwise as
        notified to you from time to time.
        6. Contact us. If you have any questions or concerns about this Addendum
        or the Policy you may contact the Information Officer
        at privacy@spglobal.com, or in accordance with the information provided
        in the Policy under “How to contact us”. We will reply to your request
        within reasonable period of time and in any event within 30 days. We may
        require you to verify your identity.

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