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Rubber safety surfacing absorbs the shock of your child’s fall better than most
materials on the market today. Independently tested to meet BS EN:1177:2008
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If you are too busy to weed, and want a light, bright and easy mulch, our
landscape rubber is right for you.
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Rubber is ideal for chicken runs and reptile terrariums due to its soft,
non-abrasive texture, providing a comfortable surface for pets. It offers
excellent traction, promoting stability, and is easy to clean, maintaining a
hygienic environment.
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Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts
on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all
bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags!
Spring Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring
Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts
on all bulk bags! Spring Discounts on all bulk bags!


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Delivery time is currently 5 days


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Playground Rubber Chippings Terracotta 8 - 20mm
From £29.99

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Playground Rubber Chippings Black 8 - 20mm
From £29.99

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Playground Rubber Chippings Blue 8 - 20mm
From £29.99 Sold Out

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Playground Rubber Chippings Green 8 - 20mm
From £29.99

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Playground Rubber Chippings Brown 8 - 20mm
From £29.99

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Playground Rubber Chippings Grey 8 - 20mm
From £29.99


Our certified safety rubber is highly pigmented with colour that lasts for
decades, even in sunny or damp areas.

With 6 contemporary colours to choose from, there's a rubber mulch to suit every
outdoor space.

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Our entire company and its ethos is centred around reuse. We've made it our
mission to reuse one of the toughest materials on the planet, automative rubber.


Sustainability is at the core of our business. We are passionate about creating
a more sustainable future and doing our part to help protect the environment.


As a company, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible
service and premium-quality products that inspire trust and confidence.


The emphasis for schools and nurseries is how to stimulate inclusive, exciting
and exploratory outside play. This is also coupled with a strong emphasis on
safe play and this is where Safer Surfacing can help. All of our surfacing
solutions have a critical fall height certification.

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Safer Surfacing manufacture, supply and install a wide variety of surfacing that
can be installed in every play space. Because we manufacture our own recycled
rubber surfacing products we are able to accommodate all sizes of school and
nursery play surface projects.

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Our safety certified rubber mulch chippings are soft underfoot and available in
a range of vivid colours making them fantastic for play areas, paving,
landscaping, plant bedding & borders, garden mulch and much more.


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Grey Garden Border in Roman Stone
From £47.00

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Grey Garden Border in Roman Stone (pack of 4)

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Grey Garden Border in Roman Stone (pack of 2)

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Brown Garden Border in Roman Stone
From £47.00

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Brown Garden Border in Roman Stone (pack of 4)

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Brown stepping stone with leaf pattern

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Grey stepping stone with leaf pattern

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Grey stepping stone with leaf pattern (Pack of 4)

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Grey stepping stone with leaf pattern (Pack of 2)

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Brown stepping stone with leaf pattern (Pack of 4)

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Brown stepping stone with leaf pattern (Pack of 2)

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Brown Garden Border in Roman Stone (Pack of 2)



We are lucky enough to be local to Chester Zoo here in Cheshire, even surfacing
their Madagascar playground with our brown, terracotta and green play rubber

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We really proved we are no muggles when we were asked to design, manufacture and
install the flooring for the major tourist attraction Harry Potter studio tours
in Watford.

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We were approached by Woodlands Road Primary School in formby. They were looking
for a new play surface to replace the old and tired artificial grass.

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Safer Surfacing specialises in providing top-tier recycled rubber products
tailored for commercial landscaping projects across the UK. Our rubber chippings
offer a durable and sustainable alternative to traditional stone chippings or
wood bark mulching. Crafted from shredded tyres, our product ensures longevity
and aesthetic appeal, ideal for enhancing outdoor spaces with minimal
maintenance requirements.

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Channel 4 are airing their new series of Secret Life of the Zoo on Tuesdays at
8pm. Photo credit: ...

Read more
August 20, 2021


We’re celebrating the first Made in UK Day on 9 March 2021

As the appetite to shop locally and support local businesses grows, we’re taking
part in the first-ever Made in UK Day on Tuesday 9 March 2021.

The Made in UK Day campaign has been created by Make it British to celebrate
their 10 year anniversary.

Read more
March 08, 2021


Safer Surfacing has supplied a total of 87000 kilos of recycled rubber chippings
to Chester Zoo. 

That’s about 17500 tyres given a new life as a safety surface after finishing
their use on cars in the North West. Those tyres will have driven approximately
350 million miles on the roads in and around Chester! 

Read more
April 01, 2019


How much will I need?

When laid to a depth of 50mm your child is protected for a fall of up to 1.1
metres. We recommend laying 100mm around the play equipment, as the rubber can
get displaced. To work out exactly how much you need please see our online area
calculator.This will provide you with the amount you require to the exact kilo.
You are also more than welcome to call or emailus with dimensions and
requirements and our friendly staff will be able to tell you the quantity you

How do I maintain it?

All our chippings are low maintenance products. An occasional rake over the area
to ensure it looks tidy, and that the chips are uniformly spread. You can remove
leaves and other debris using a hand blower. Annual replenishment isn’t needed
as our chippings will not decompose or blow away.

What are your rubber chippings made from?

We make our chippings by recycling tyres; including car, lorry and truck tyres.
Using our rubber chippings helps reduce tyre incineration, as we recycle 100% of
the tyre – we even have uses for the fibre. Our playground rubber is 99.9% wire
free and completely safe.

How long will it last?

Rubber will last at least 10 years. Colour will last around 2 years before any
fading occurs. Most people will find it lasts a lot longer than this. Fading can
occur due to chemical reactions from weed killers, pressure washing, extreme
weather and persistent rain. We, therefore, cannot guarantee a length of time
the colour will stay vibrant.

More FAQs


> Excellent communication at all times. V good company to deal with thank you.
> Liz Morris

> Service was excellent and the rubber chippings are really good and great
> colour my front garden really looks good now
> John Thompson

> Amazing service and delivered quickly for my daughters birthday! Looks great
> and the kids love it!
> Laura R

> Thanks it looks amazing and safe for the children x
> Gina Preston


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Safety and fun rolled into one! Creating safe, fun, and colourful playground
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