en.wikipedia.org Open in urlscan Pro
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Submitted URL: https://maxisical.us/O%20V%206/vev
Effective URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_2016
Submission: On December 12 via manual from KR — Scanned from US

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Eighth version of Windows Server, released in 2016

Windows Server 2016Version of the Windows NT operating system
Screenshot of Windows Server 2016 with Desktop Experience
DeveloperMicrosoftWritten in
 * C, C++, C#, Assembly language

OS familyWindows ServerWorking stateCurrentSource model
 * Closed-source
 * Source-available (through Shared Source Initiative)

Released to
manufacturingSeptember 26, 2016; 7 years ago (2016-09-26)[1]General
availabilityOctober 12, 2016; 7 years ago (2016-10-12)[2]Latest release1607
(10.0.14393.6529) (December 12, 2023; 0 days ago (2023-12-12)[3]) [±]Marketing
targetBusinessUpdate methodWindows Update, Windows Server Update Services,
SCCMPlatformsx86-64Kernel typeHybrid (Windows NT kernel)Default
user interfaceWindows shell (Graphical)
Windows PowerShell (Command line)LicenseTrialware, Volume licensing, Microsoft
Software Assurance, MSDN subscription, Microsoft ImaginePreceded byWindows
Server 2012 R2 (2013)Succeeded byWindows Server 2019 (2018) / Windows Server,
version 1709 (2017)Official websiteWindows Server 2016 (archived at Wayback
Machine)Support status
 * Start date: October 15, 2016[4]
 * Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2022
 * Extended support until January 12, 2027

Part of a series of articles onWindows 10
 * Editions
 * New features
 * Removed features
 * Version history
 * Criticism

 * Windows Server 2016
 * Windows Server 2019
 * Windows Server 2022
 * Windows 10 Mobile

 * Windows Mixed Reality
 * Windows Insider
 * Microsoft Store
 * Universal Windows Platform
 * Fluent Design System

 * v
 * t
 * e

Windows Server 2016 is the eighth release of the Windows Server operating system
developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It
was developed alongside Windows 10 and is the successor to the Windows 8.1-based
Windows Server 2012 R2. The first early preview version (Technical Preview)
became available on October 1, 2014 together with the first technical preview of
System Center.[5] Windows Server 2016 was released on September 26, 2016 at
Microsoft's Ignite conference[1] and broadly released for retail sale on October
12, 2016.[2] It was succeeded by Windows Server 2019 and the Windows Server
Semi-Annual Channel.


Windows Server 2016 has a variety of new features, including

 * Active Directory Federation Services: It is possible to configure AD FS to
   authenticate users stored in non-AD directories, such as X.500 compliant
   Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories and SQL
 * Windows Defender: Windows Server Antimalware is installed and enabled by
   default without the GUI, which is an installable Windows feature.[7]
 * Remote Desktop Services: Support for OpenGL 4.4 and OpenCL 1.1, performance
   and stability improvements; MultiPoint Services role (see Windows MultiPoint
 * Storage Services: Central Storage QoS Policies; Storage Replicas
   (storage-agnostic, block-level, volume-based, synchronous and asynchronous
   replication using SMB3 between servers for disaster recovery).[9] Storage
   Replica replicates blocks instead of files; files can be in use. It's not
   multi-master, not one-to-many and not transitive. It periodically replicates
   snapshots, and the replication direction can be changed.
 * Failover Clustering: Cluster operating system rolling upgrade, Storage
 * Web Application Proxy: Preauthentication for HTTP Basic application
   publishing, wildcard domain publishing of applications, HTTP to HTTPS
   redirection, Propagation of client IP address to backend applications[11]
 * IIS 10: Support for HTTP/2
 * Windows PowerShell 5.1[12]
 * Windows Server Containers [13]


 * DHCP: As Network Access Protection was deprecated in Windows Server 2012 R2,
   in Windows Server 2016 the DHCP role no longer supports NAP[14]
 * DNS:
   * DNS client: Service binding – enhanced support for computers with more than
     one network interface[15]
   * DNS Server: DNS policies, new DDS record types (TLSA, SPF, and unknown
     records), new PowerShell cmdlets and parameters[16]
 * Windows Server Gateway now supports Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
 * IP address management (IPAM): Support for /31, /32, and /128 subnets;
   discovery of file-based, domain-joined DNS servers; new DNS functions; better
   integration of DNS, DHCP, and IP Address (DDI) Management[18]
 * Network Controller: A new server role to configure, manage, monitor, and
   troubleshoot virtual and physical network devices and services in the
 * Hyper-V Network virtualization: Programmable Hyper-V switch (a new building
   block of Microsoft's software-defined networking solution); VXLAN
   encapsulation support; Microsoft Software Load Balancer interoperability;
   better IEEE Ethernet standard compliance.[20]


 * Rolling Hyper-V cluster update: Unlike upgrading clusters from Windows 2008
   R2 to 2012 level, Windows Server 2016 cluster nodes can be added to a Hyper-V
   Cluster with nodes running Windows Server 2012 R2. The cluster continues to
   function at a Windows Server 2012 R2 feature level until all of the nodes in
   the cluster have been upgraded and the cluster functional level has been
 * Storage quality of service (QoS) to centrally monitor end-to-end storage
   performance and create policies using Hyper-V and Scale-Out File Servers
 * New, more efficient binary virtual machine configuration format (.VMCX
   extension for virtual machine configuration data and the .VMRS extension for
   runtime state data)
 * Production checkpoints
 * Hyper-V Manager: Alternate credentials support, down-level management,
   WS-Management protocol
 * Integration services for Windows guests distributed through Windows Update
 * Hot add and remove for network adapters (for generation 2 virtual machines)
   and memory (for generation 1 and generation 2 virtual machines)
 * Linux secure boot
 * Connected Standby compatibility
 * Storage Resiliency feature of Hyper-V is formed for detecting transitory loss
   of connectivity to VM storage. VMs will be paused until connectivity is
 * RDMA compatible Virtual Switch[23]


Microsoft announced a new installation option, Nano Server, which offers a
minimal-footprint headless version of Windows Server. It excludes the graphical
user interface, WoW64 (support for 32-bit software) and Windows Installer. It
does not support console login, either locally or via Remote Desktop Connection.
All management is performed remotely via Windows Management Instrumentation
(WMI), Windows PowerShell and Remote Server Management Tools (a collection of
web-based GUI and command line tools).[24] However, in Technical Preview 5,
Microsoft has re-added the ability to administer Nano Server locally through
PowerShell. According to Microsoft engineer Jeffrey Snover, Nano Server has 93%
lower VHD size, 92% fewer critical security advisories, and 80% fewer reboots
than Windows Server.[25][26]

Nano Server is only available to Microsoft Software Assurance customers[2] and
on cloud computing platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

Starting with the new feature release of Windows Server version 1709, Nano
Server can only be installed inside a container host.[27]


Microsoft has been reorganized by Satya Nadella, putting the Server and System
Center teams together. Previously, the Server team was more closely aligned with
the Windows client team. The Azure team is also working closely with the Server

In March 2017, Microsoft demonstrated an internal version of Server 2016 running
on the ARMv8-A architecture. It was reported that Microsoft was working with
Qualcomm Centriq and Cavium ThunderX2 chips. According to James Vincent of The
Verge, this decision endangers Intel's dominance of the server CPU
market.[29][30][31] However, later inquiry from Microsoft revealed that this
version of Windows Server is only for internal use and only impacts subscribers
of Microsoft Azure service.[32]


Main article: Windows Insider

A public beta version of Windows Server 2016 (then still called vNext) branded
as "Windows Server Technical Preview" was released on October 1, 2014; the
technical preview builds are aimed toward enterprise users. The first Technical
Preview was first set to expire on April 15, 2015 but[33] Microsoft later
released a tool to extend the expiry date, to last until the second tech preview
of the OS in May 2015.[34] The second beta version, "Technical Preview 2", was
released on May 4, 2015. Third preview version, "Technical Preview 3" was
released on August 19, 2015. "Technical Preview 4" was released on November 19,
2015. "Technical Preview 5" was released on April 27, 2016.

Windows Server 2016 Insider Preview Build 16237 was released to Windows Insiders
on July 13, 2017.[35][36]


Windows Server 2016 was officially released at Microsoft's Ignite Conference on
September 26, 2016. Unlike its predecessor, Windows Server 2016 is licensed by
the number of CPU cores rather than number of CPU sockets—a change that has
similarly been adopted by BizTalk Server 2013 and SQL Server 2014.[37] The new
licensing structure that has been adopted by Windows Server 2016 has also moved
away from the Windows Server 2012/2012R2 CPU socket licensing model in that now
the amount of cores covered under one license is limited. Windows Server 2016
Standard and Datacenter core licensing now covers a minimum of 8 core licenses
for each physical processor and a minimum of 16 core licenses for each server.
Core licenses are sold in packs of two with Standard Edition providing the
familiar rights to run 2 virtualized OS environments. If the server goes over 16
core licenses for a 2 processor server additional licenses will now be required
with Windows Server 2016.[38]



Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview, released on October 1, 2014, was the
first beta version of the operating system made publicly available. Its version
number was 6.4.9841.[5]


Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2 was made available on May 4, 2015. Its
version number was 10.0.10074. (A similar jump in the most significant part of
the version number from 6 to 10 is seen in Windows 10.) Highlights of this
version include:[39]

 * Nano Server installation option[40][41]
 * Hyper-V: hot add and remove memory and NIC; resilient virtual machines to
   keep running even when their cluster fabric fails[42]
 * Rolling upgrades for Hyper-V and Storage clusters[40][42]
 * Networking: Converged NIC across tenant and RDMA traffic; PacketDirect on
 * Storage: Virtual Machine Storage Path resiliency; Storage Spaces Direct to
   aggregate Storage Spaces across multiple servers; Storage Replica[42]
 * Security: Host Guardian Service, helping to keep trust and isolation boundary
   between the cloud infrastructure and guest OS layers; Just Enough
   Administration, restricting users to perform only specific tasks[42]
 * Management: PowerShell Desired State Configuration; PowerShell Package
   Manager; Windows Management Framework 5.0 April Preview and DSC Resource
 * Other: Conditional access control in AD FS; application authentication
   support for OpenID Connect and OAuth; full OpenGL support with RDS for VDI;
   Server-side support for HTTP/2, including header compression, connection
   multiplexing and server push[42]
 * Installation options: Minimal Server Interface was made default and renamed
   the Server installation option to “Server with local admin tools”.[43]


The third technical preview of Windows Server 2016 was made available on August
19, 2015. Its version number was 10.0.10514. Highlights of this version include:

 * Windows Server Containers[44]
 * Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS): authentication of users stored
   in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories[44]
 * Installation options: The Server installation option had been renamed to
   “Server with Desktop Experience” having the shell and Desktop Experience
   installed by default. Due to the structural changes required to deliver the
   Desktop Experience on Server, it is no longer possible to convert from Server
   with Desktop Experience to Server Core or to convert Server Core up to Server
   with Desktop Experience.[43]


The fourth technical preview of the operating system was made available on
November 19, 2015, one year and one month after the initial technical preview.
Its version number was 10.0.10586, based on Windows 10 version 1511. Its
highlights include:

 * Nano Server supports the DNS Server and IIS server roles, as well as MPIO,
   VMM, SCOM, DSC push mode, DCB, Windows Server Installer, and the WMI provider
   for Windows Update. Its Recovery Console supports editing and repairing the
   network configuration. A Windows PowerShell module is now available to
   simplify building Nano Server images.[45]
 * Hyper-V Containers encapsulates each container in a light weight virtual


The last technical preview of Windows Server 2016 was made available on April
27, 2016. Its version number was 10.0.14300. Its highlights include:[46]

 * Mostly general refinements. Greater time accuracy in both physical and
   virtual machines
 * Container support adds performance improvements, simplified network
   management, and support for Windows containers on Windows 10
 * Nano Server: an updated module for building Nano Server images, including
   more separation of physical host and guest virtual machine functionality as
   well as support for different Windows Server editions. Improvements to the
   Recovery Console, including separation of inbound and outbound firewall rules
   as well as the ability to repair configuration of WinRM
 * Networking: traffic to new or existing virtual appliances can now be both
   mirrored and routed. With a distributed firewall and Network security groups,
   this enables dynamically segmented and secure workloads in a manner similar
   to Azure. One can deploy and manage the entire Software-defined networking
   (SDN) stack using System Center Virtual Machine Manager. Docker can be used
   to manage Windows Server container networking, and associate SDN policies not
   only with virtual machines but containers as well
 * Remote Desktop Services: a highly available RDS deployment can leverage Azure
   SQL Database for the RD Connection Brokers in high availability mode
 * Management: ability to run PowerShell.exe locally on Nano Server (no longer
   remote only), new Local Users & Groups cmdlets to replace the GUI, added
   PowerShell debugging support, and added support in Nano Server for security
   logging & transcription and JEA (Just Enough Administration)
 * Shielded Virtual Machines:
   * New "Encryption Supported" mode that offers more protections than for an
     ordinary virtual machine, but less than "Shielded" mode, while still
     supporting vTPM, disk encryption, Live Migration traffic encryption, and
     other features, including direct fabric administration conveniences such as
     virtual machine console connections and Powershell Direct
   * Full support for converting existing non-shielded Generation 2 virtual
     machines to shielded virtual machines, including automated disk encryption
   * Shielded virtual machines are compatible with Hyper-V Replica


Windows Server 2016 was released to manufacturing on September 26, 2016, bearing
the version number of 10.0.14393 (same as Windows 10 Anniversary Update).
Microsoft added the following final touches:

 * Available for a 180-day evaluation
 * Fixed Start menu corruptions
 * Improved user experience and performance
 * Windows Store apps have been removed
 * Login screen now has a background
 * The Windows Hello feature has been added
 * Dark theme has been added



Windows Server, version 1709 (version shared with Windows 10 Fall Creators
Update) was released on October 17, 2017. The release has dropped the Windows
Server 2016 name and is just called Windows Server by Microsoft.[47] It is
offered to the Microsoft Software Assurance customers who have an active Windows
Server 2016 license and has the same system requirements. This is the first
Windows Server product to fall under the "Semi-Annual Channel" (SAC) release
cadence.[48] This product only features the Server Core and the Nano Server
modes. Of the two, only the Server Core mode of the OS can be installed on a
bare system. The Nano Server mode is only available as an operating system


Windows Server, version 1803 (version shared with Windows 10 April 2018 Update)
is the second Semi-Annual Channel release of Windows Server.[50] It is also the
final version to be branched off the Server 2016 codebase, as the next release
shares the version number 1809 with Windows Server 2019.[51]


 * Microsoft Servers
 * Comparison of Microsoft Windows versions
 * History of Microsoft Windows
 * Comparison of operating systems
 * List of operating systems


 1.  ^ Jump up to: a b Chapple, Erin (September 26, 2016). "Announcing the
     launch of Windows Server 2016". Hybrid Cloud. Microsoft. Archived from the
     original on August 21, 2017. Retrieved September 27, 2016.
 2.  ^ Jump up to: a b c Foley, Mary Jo (October 12, 2016). "Microsoft's Windows
     Server 2016 hits general availability". ZDNet. CBS Interactive. Archived
     from the original on October 15, 2016. Retrieved October 12, 2016.
 3.  ^ "December 12, 2023—KB5033373 (OS Build 14393.6529)". Microsoft Support.
 4.  ^ "Microsoft Product Lifecycle". Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived
     from the original on October 2, 2019. Retrieved December 7, 2016.
 5.  ^ Jump up to: a b "Announcing availability of Windows Server Technical
     Preview and System Center Technical Preview". Hybrid Cloud. Microsoft.
     March 17, 2015. Archived from the original on August 2, 2017. Retrieved
     April 1, 2015.
 6.  ^ Mathers, Bill; Poggemeyer, Liza; Tobin, John (September 8, 2017). "What's
     new in Active Directory Federation Services for Windows Server 2016".
     Microsoft Docs. Windows Server, Identity and access. Archived from the
     original on February 28, 2018. Retrieved January 22, 2018.
 7.  ^ "TechNet: Windows Server Antimalware Overview for Windows Server
     Technical Preview (Updated: 19 February 2015)". Archived from the original
     on April 9, 2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 8.  ^ "TechNet: What's New in Remote Desktop Services in the Windows Server
     Technical Preview (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on
     April 9, 2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 9.  ^ "TechNet: What's New in Storage Services in Windows Server Technical
     Preview (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9,
     2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 10. ^ "TechNet: What's New in Failover Clustering in Windows Server Technical
     Preview (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9,
     2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 11. ^ "TechNet: What's New in Web Application Proxy in Windows Server Technical
     Preview (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9,
     2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 12. ^ O'Shea, Mark (September 4, 2016). "What's New In Windows Server 2016
     Standard Edition Part 9 – Management And Automation". Microsoft Australia
     OEM Team blog. Microsoft. Archived from the original on September 17, 2016.
     Retrieved September 9, 2016.
 13. ^ "About Windows Containers". Archived from the original on November 4,
     2016. Retrieved November 1, 2016.
 14. ^ "TechNet: What's New in DHCP in Windows Server Technical Preview
     (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9, 2015.
     Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 15. ^ "TechNet: What's New in DNS Client in Windows Server Technical Preview
     (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9, 2015.
     Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 16. ^ "TechNet: What's New in DNS Server in Windows Server Technical Preview
     (Updated: 1 October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9, 2015.
     Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 17. ^ "TechNet: GRE Tunneling in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: 1
     October 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9, 2015. Retrieved
     April 4, 2015.
 18. ^ "TechNet: What's New in IPAM in Windows Server Technical Preview
     (Updated: 6 February 2015)". Archived from the original on April 9, 2015.
     Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 19. ^ "TechNet: Network Controller (Updated: 18 December 2014)". Archived from
     the original on April 9, 2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 20. ^ "TechNet: What's New in Hyper-V Network Virtualization in Windows Server
     Technical Preview (Updated: 11 March 2015)". Archived from the original on
     April 9, 2015. Retrieved April 4, 2015.
 21. ^ "TechNet: What's New in Hyper-V in Technical Preview (Updated: 12
     November 2014)". Archived from the original on April 9, 2015. Retrieved
     April 4, 2015.
 22. ^ "TechNet Wiki: Hyper-V Features in Windows Server 2016". Archived from
     the original on March 12, 2016. Retrieved March 12, 2016.
 23. ^ "Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) and Switch Embedded Teaming (SET)".
     Microsoft. May 17, 2016. Archived from the original on August 10, 2016.
     Retrieved July 6, 2016.
 24. ^ Jindal, Kriti (February 9, 2016). "Introducing Server management tools".
     Nano Server Blog. Microsoft.
 25. ^ Neil, Mike (April 8, 2015). "Microsoft Announces New Container
     Technologies for the Next Generation Cloud". Server & Cloud Blog.
     Microsoft. Archived from the original on September 27, 2016. Retrieved
     September 27, 2016.
 26. ^ Snover, Jeffrey; Mason, Andrew; Back, Alan (April 8, 2015). "Microsoft
     Announces Nano Server for Modern Apps and Cloud". Windows Server Blog.
     Microsoft. Archived from the original on August 19, 2016. Retrieved July
     24, 2016.
 27. ^ "Changes to Nano Server in the next release of Windows Server". Archived
     from the original on January 27, 2018. Retrieved June 18, 2017.
 28. ^ Patrizio, Andy (February 10, 2015). "Microsoft to release next generation
     of Windows Server in 2016". Network World. IDG. Archived from the original
     on March 21, 2015. Retrieved April 10, 2015.
 29. ^ Vincent, James (March 9, 2017). "Microsoft unveils new ARM server
     designs, threatening Intel's dominance". The Verge. Vox Media. Archived
     from the original on December 23, 2017. Retrieved September 18, 2017.
 30. ^ Foley, Mary Jo (March 8, 2017). "Windows Server on ARM: It's happening".
     ZDNet. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on March 10, 2017.
     Retrieved March 10, 2017.
 31. ^ Bright, Peter (March 8, 2017). "Microsoft's latest open source servers
     shown off with Intel, AMD, and even ARM chips". Ars Technica. Condé Nast.
     Archived from the original on March 10, 2017. Retrieved March 10, 2017.
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     More questions and answers". ZDNet. CBS Interactive. Archived from the
     original on March 11, 2017. Retrieved March 11, 2017.
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 34. ^ "Neowin: Second tech preview of Windows Server 2016 coming next month".
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     Microsoft. July 13, 2017. Archived from the original on December 3, 2017.
     Retrieved July 24, 2017.
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 * PluralSight: Windows Server vNext First Look – An introduction to the new
   features of the Windows Server vNext operating system
 * Our Server Journey – video session describing the path that Windows Server
   has taken from its creation to the current day and where it is going from
   here Archived April 9, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
 * Michael Pietroforte: Nano Server – Goodbye Windows Server?
 * Microsoft Windows Nano Server, the future of Windows Server?

 * v
 * t
 * e

Microsoft Windows
 * Components
 * History
 * Criticism

 * 1.0x
 * 2.0x
 * 2.1x
 * 3.0
 * 3.1x
   * for Pen Computing

Windows 9x
 * 95
 * 98
 * Me

Windows NT

 * NT 3.1
 * NT 3.5
 * NT 3.51
 * NT 4.0
 * 2000
 * XP
   * Pro x64
   * Media Center
   * Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
 * Vista
 * 7
 * 8 and 8.1
   * RT
 * 10
 * 11

Windows Server
 * Server 2003
   * Home Server
 * Server 2008
   * EBS 2008
   * HPC Server 2008
 * Server 2008 R2
   * Home Server 2011
 * Server 2012
 * Server 2012 R2
 * Server 2016
 * Server 2019
 * Server 2022
 * MultiPoint Server
 * Server Essentials

 * Windows Preinstallation Environment
 * Windows IoT
 * Windows 365

Windows IoT
 * Modular Windows
 * Embedded Compact
   * CE 5.0
   * Embedded CE 6.0
   * Embedded Compact 7
 * Embedded Automotive
 * Embedded Industry

Windows Mobile
 * Pocket PC 2000
 * Pocket PC 2002
 * Mobile 2003
 * Mobile 5.0
 * Mobile 6.0
 * Mobile 6.1
 * Mobile 6.5

Windows Phone
 * Phone 7
 * Phone 8
 * Phone 8.1
 * 10 Mobile

 * Cairo
 * Nashville
 * Neptune
 * Triton
 * Odyssey
 * Polaris
 * 10X

 * Development
   * 95
   * XP
   * Vista
   * 10
   * 11
 * Editions
   * XP
   * Vista
   * 7
   * 8
   * 10
   * 11
 * New features
   * XP
   * Vista
   * 7
   * 8
   * 10
   * 11
 * Removed features
   * XP
   * Vista
   * 7
   * 8
   * 10
   * 11
 * Version history
   * Phone
   * 10
   * 10 Mobile
   * 11
 * Criticism
   * XP
   * Vista
   * 10
 * Microsoft Plus!
 * Vista vs. XP

 * List of versions
 * Comparison
 * Category

Authority control databases: National
 * Czech Republic

Retrieved from
 * 2016 software
 * Windows Server
 * X86-64 operating systems

Hidden categories:
 * Articles with short description
 * Short description is different from Wikidata
 * Use mdy dates from September 2018
 * Webarchive template wayback links
 * Articles with NKC identifiers

 * This page was last edited on 8 November 2023, at 02:44 (UTC).
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   4.0; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms
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