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By Aurore Jaugin, 07/03/2023, 4 minutes

In case you missed it, we officially became B Corp Certified at the end of last
year! This achievement is a testament to all the hard work the UpSlide team has
put in over the past few years to uphold our beliefs and values. It’s also, and
most importantly, a stimulus for further progress.

So when our friends at B Lab invited us to take part in their We Go Beyond
campaign for B Corp Month, we jumped at the opportunity to share how we’ve been
going beyond business as usual to make our mark on the world.

We pledge to continue having a positive impact – whether that’s for our people,
communities or the environment. Here are just a few of the ways we’re going
beyond our B Corp Certification:

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1 How do we go beyond for our people?
2 How do we go beyond for our community?
3 How do we go beyond for the environment?


The B Corp community understands the importance of considering all people,
beyond just its shareholders. At UpSlide, we aim to positively impact the lives
of everyone we come into contact with, be it our employees, customers or local

Our teams are at the core of our business; they’re key to our success, and as
such, it’s essential to recognize and reward them for their contribution beyond
salary compensation. That’s why we’ve enabled all UpSliders to join our
shareholder plan and build together, as partners, the company’s future. We’re
proud to say that 30% of our company is now employee-owned.

We’ve also implemented a global wellness initiative to subsidize our teams’
health and fitness activities. Whether it’s spin classes, yoga, or mindfulness
subscriptions, we encourage our teams to unwind however works best for them.

We want our teams to feel supported with their mental health too. Our sister
company, Institut des Potentiels Humains, empowers individuals to reach their
full potential. They deliver a variety of training sessions to help UpSliders
boost well-being and prevent burnout, for example:

 * How to best support your teams
 * How to set boundaries at work
 * How to deal with conflict

While our managers are well-equipped to support their teams, we recognize that
it can often help to seek support from an expert. We’ve partnered with an
external mental health coach who can be consulted if and when our employees need


As well as our own people, we also strive to have a positive impact on those we
work with and the communities around us.

We want to support customers who uphold similar values to our own, and encourage
others to join the cause. That’s why in 2021, we introduced new discount pricing
on our software for NGOs and other B Corps.

Last year, we also hosted a company-wide Positive Impact Day to discover how our
teams would like to make their mark on the world. Many UpSliders want to devote
more time to causes that matter to them.

We listened, and we gave our teams the opportunity to donate one working day to
helping a local charity of their choice.

Our Paris office are volunteering with Boomforest, a charity that builds
Miyawaki forests in diverse environments for ecological and social benefits.

Our Singapore team are volunteering with humanitarian aid charity Willing
Hearts, a soup kitchen that prepares and distributes up to 11,000 meals a day.
Similarly, our Berlin team is spending time with Berliner Tafel EV, a food bank
fighting waste and poverty. 

This is only the start of our volunteering journey; we’ll continue to drive
these initiatives forward to increase our positive impact on local communities.


Like every business that applies for a B Corp Certification, we went through the
B Impact Assessment (BIA) to investigate our environmental and social
performance. During this process, we measured our global carbon footprint as a
benchmark for the future.

While this was enough to earn our B Corp status, we’re committed to reducing
each employee’s carbon footprint by 5% year-on-year and financing reductions
equivalent to our remaining emissions.

We’re constantly exploring ways to achieve this, and among other things, we’ve
already reduced plane travel for employee business trips and company seminars,
and have better insulated our Paris office.

So, to answer B Lab’s question, how do we go beyond? By continuing to focus on
building a better future for our employees, customers, and communities – placing
purpose above profit. 

Enjoyed this article? Follow us on LinkedIn to hear more about our B Corp
journey and pledges.  

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Making our mark: going beyond B Corp

In case you missed it, we officially became B Corp Certified at the end of last
year! This achievement is a testament to all the hard work the UpSlide team has
put in over the past few years to uphold our beliefs and values. It’s also, and
most importantly, a stimulus for further progress. So […]


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How to B better: a guide to becoming B Corp Certified

Looking to become B Corp Certified? You’ve come to the right place. In November
2022, UpSlide proudly joined the B Corp community. Now, we want to help other
companies reach their sustainability goals and create a better future for
businesses, people, and the planet. Read on to discover our top tips for
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Save time and create winning content with UpSlide and Pitchly

Financial and professional services firms rely heavily on their front-line teams
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