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The last twenty years have witnessed a remarkable growth in the field of
terahertz (THz) frequency science and engineering, which has matured into a
vibrant international research area.

However, despite this success, a cursory comparison with the neighbouring
microwave and optical regions of the spectrum reveals that terahertz science and
technology is still in its infancy.  In particular, the field lacks precision
spectroscopy instrumentation, the ability to perform microscopy and analysis
below the diffraction limit, and also lags in the fields of non-linear
spectroscopy and coherent control, where powerful and controlled pulses of
electromagnetic radiation interact with matter and manipulate its properties.

The HyperTerahertz programme aims to fill these gaps in THz capabilities and
accellertate the addoption of THz technologies through the development of new
instrumentation and novel applications.

To find out more please use the navigation bar to explore our objectives and
research programme, or keep up to date with our progress.

If you want to know more: Contact us

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