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     * Volume 2 (2011)
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       * Assessment as a Subversive Activity
       * In Response to Ellen Schrecker’s “Ward Churchill at the Dalton Trumbo
       * Report on the Termination of Ward Churchill
       * The Dismissal of Ralph Turner
       * The US Air Force Academy
       * Negotiating Academic Freedom
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       * Academic Freedom in a State-Sponsored African University
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     * Volume 4 (2013)
       * Editor's Introduction
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       * Boycott, Academic Freedom, and the Moral Responsibility to Uphold Human
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       * Boycotts against Israel and the Question of Academic Freedom in
         American Universities in the Arab World
       * Changing My Mind about the Boycott
       * Academic Freedom Encompasses the Right to Boycott
       * Market Forces and the College Classroom: Losing Sovereignty
       * Academic Freedom from Below
       * Readers Respond: Cary Nelson
       * Readers Respond: Ernst Benjamin
       * Readers Respond: Emily Budick
       * Readers Respond: Joshua A. Fogel
       * Readers Respond: Kenneth Waltzer
       * Readers Respond: Gerald M. Steinberg
       * Readers Respond: Kenneth L. Marcus and Sitara Kedilaya
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       * Authors Respond: Bill V. Mullen
       * Authors Respond: Malini Johar Schueller
       * Readers Respond: Rima Kapitan
     * Volume 5 (2014)
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       * The Case of the Student Racist Facebook Message
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       * On the Pros and Cons of Being a Faculty Member at E-Text University
       * On the Ground in Kansas
     * Volume 6 (2015)
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       * Professor Salaita's Intramural Speech
       * Garcetti and Salaita
       * Everything Old Is New Again
       * Social Media & the Politics of Collegiality
       * Steven Salaita’s Scholarly Record and the Problem of His Appointment
       * Response to Cary Nelson
     * Volume 7 (2016)
       * Editor's Introduction
       * Academic Freedom, Political Interference, and Public Accountability
       * Debating Academic Freedom in India
       * A Review of Academic Freedom in African Universities
       * Lost in Post-Cold War Transitions
       * Academic Freedom and the Common Good
       * The AAUP's 1915 Declaration of Principles
       * Championing Academic Freedom at Rutgers
       * Free Space in the Academy
     * Volume 8 (2017)
       * Editor's Introduction - Volume 8
       * Oppenheimer’s House
       * Repressive Tolerance Revamped?
       * Collective Bargaining, Shared Governance, and Academic Freedom
       * An Evolution of Principled Futility
       * Complying with Title IX while Protecting Shared Governance, Academic
         Freedom, and Due Process
       * Intellectual Freedom, Academic Freedom, and the Academic Librarian
       * Academic Freedom as the Freedom to do Academic Work
       * On Free Speech and Academic Freedom
     * Volume 9 (2018)
       * Editor's Introduction
       * “Affirming Our Values”
       * The Academic Freedom Double Standard
       * When Free Speech Disrupts Diversity Initiatives
       * At the Margins of University Work
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       * Free Speech, Safe Spaces, and Teaching
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     * Volume 10 (2019)
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       * The Weaponization of Student Evaluations of Teaching
       * Endangered and Vulnerable
       * The Tale of Professor X
       * Postwar Recovery and Student Academic Freedom in Côte d’Ivoire
       * "Book Burning" in Japan
       * Dear Administrators
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       * Speech, Academic Freedom, and Privilege
     * Volume 11 (2020)
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       * What I Learned in the Faculty Senate
       * The Rollins College Inquiry of 1933
       * Leadership during a Budget Crisis
       * Leadership Threats to Shared Governance
       * How Ego, Greed, and Hubris (Almost) Destroyed a University
       * Why Revenue Generation Can’t Solve the Crisis in Higher Education
       * Afterword: Can the Managerial Technique Speak?
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       * Class, Politics, and Higher Education
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Spring 2023


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By Kelly Benjamin

After a historic five-day strike that began on April 10, nine thousand faculty
members from three unions at Rutgers University voted to accept a framework for
new contracts and return to work immediately. The three unions, Rutgers
AAUP-AFT, Rutgers Adjunct Faculty Union, and AAUP–Biomedical and Health Sciences
of New Jersey, released a joint statement on April 15 announcing “significant
pay increases for adjuncts; substantial raises for grad workers, moving them
toward a living wage; major job security improvements for adjunct and
non-tenure-track faculty; union representation for graduate fellows; [and] pay
increases for postdocs.” Other wins included common-good commitments to center
students and communities and a common contract for academic and medical faculty.

As of this writing, the unions have not yet reached a tentative agreement for
members to vote on and will continue to negotiate over unresolved issues.
However, the framework shows the vital progress the unions have made on core
issues during this contract campaign.

According to the framework agreement, adjunct professors will see a 43 percent
pay increase over the course of the contract. Graduate student workers will see
a 33 percent salary bump.

At the time this issue of Academe went to press, the strike had been suspended
but not ended. “If we do not secure the gains we need on the open issues through
bargaining in the coming days, we can and will resume our work stoppage,” the
unions said. “The agreements we secured in this framework are a testament to all
the workers, students, and community members who organized, talked to colleagues
and friends, walked picket lines, and marched in New Brunswick, Newark, and

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