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Submission: On November 10 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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          <h2>Every gift. For the common good.</h2>
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            <p>Thanks to the support of generous donors in the communities we serve in the Brazos Valley, we are building a healthier future for all – inspired by faith, driven by innovation, and powered by humanity.&nbsp;</p>
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              <div><a href="" class="button w-button" target="donate%20now">Donate</a></div>
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          <h2 class="heading">Give the gift of time</h2>
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            <p>At St. Joseph Health, our employees serve our patients and their families, visitors, and the community. Our volunteers also play key roles in helping St. Joseph Health deliver exceptional patient care.</p>
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              <div><a class="button w-button" href="" target="volunteer ">Volunteer opportunities</a>
                <a href="" class="button w-button">Other ways to give</a></div>
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          <h2 class="heading">Latest news headlines</h2>
          <p class="news-listing-wrap">Sept. 28, 2022</p>
          <p class="news-listing-headline"><a href="" target="Pink Alliance">Pink Alliance Luncheon raises funds for St. Joseph</a></p>
          <p class="news-listing-wrap">Aug. 11, 2022</p>
          <p class="news-listing-headline"><a href="" target="Stroke care">St. Joseph receives accolades for stroke care</a></p>
          <p class="news-listing-wrap">June 15, 2022</p>
          <p class="news-listing-headline"><a href="" target="Linear Accellerator">State-of-the-art equipment comes to Brazos Valley</a></p>
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        <h2>Holiday Fund Drive</h2>
        <p>Our friends, neighbors, and loved ones count on St. Joseph Health in their time of medical crisis. And the support of friends like you helps us continue to advance the world-class care they deserve. Please take a moment to give now. And
          help change and save lives right here at home. Thank you!</p> <a class="read-more-link feature-module" href="">Give now!</a>
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    <h2>Foundation Highlights</h2>
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          <h4>Center for Nursing Excellence</h4>
          <p class="paragraph">The Center for Nursing Excellence focuses on professional development, clinical practice, and research and innovation across St. Luke's Health's 17-hospital Texas Division, including St. Joseph Health. As a fully
            integrated center, it serves as a base for developing management and leadership succession programs as well as nurse recruitment and retention strategies. The center also will provide the infrastructure and support to advance nursing
            education, career development and research. </p> <a href="" class="read-more-link">Support nursing excellence</a>
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          <h4>Mission-based initiatives</h4>
          <p class="paragraph">St. Joseph Health has a deep commitment to its mission to make the healing presence of God known in our world by improving the health of the people we serve, especially those who are vulnerable, while we advance social
            justice for all. Mission-based initiatives include programs that improve access to care, advanced training and education for our chaplains, and ensuring resources are available for colleagues in crisis. </p>
          <a href="" class="read-more-link">Support our mission</a>
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          <h4>Humankindness in action</h4>
          <p class="paragraph">Last year, our donors came together to realize the power of generosity and gratitude in our community. Support from donors just like you improved access to care, provided advanced training and education for our
            caregivers, and ensured cutting-edge technology and procedures at hospitals across Texas, including St. Joseph Health. To learn more about how philanthropy can make a difference, check out our annual report. </p>
          <a href="" class="read-more-link">Read more</a>
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Thanks to the support of generous donors in the communities we serve in the
Brazos Valley, we are building a healthier future for all – inspired by faith,
driven by innovation, and powered by humanity. 



At St. Joseph Health, our employees serve our patients and their families,
visitors, and the community. Our volunteers also play key roles in helping St.
Joseph Health deliver exceptional patient care.

Volunteer opportunities Other ways to give


Sept. 28, 2022

Pink Alliance Luncheon raises funds for St. Joseph

Aug. 11, 2022

St. Joseph receives accolades for stroke care

June 15, 2022

State-of-the-art equipment comes to Brazos Valley



Our friends, neighbors, and loved ones count on St. Joseph Health in their time
of medical crisis. And the support of friends like you helps us continue to
advance the world-class care they deserve. Please take a moment to give now. And
help change and save lives right here at home. Thank you!

Give now!



The Center for Nursing Excellence focuses on professional development, clinical
practice, and research and innovation across St. Luke's Health's 17-hospital
Texas Division, including St. Joseph Health. As a fully integrated center, it
serves as a base for developing management and leadership succession programs as
well as nurse recruitment and retention strategies. The center also will provide
the infrastructure and support to advance nursing education, career development
and research.

Support nursing excellence


St. Joseph Health has a deep commitment to its mission to make the healing
presence of God known in our world by improving the health of the people we
serve, especially those who are vulnerable, while we advance social justice for
all. Mission-based initiatives include programs that improve access to care,
advanced training and education for our chaplains, and ensuring resources are
available for colleagues in crisis.

Support our mission


Last year, our donors came together to realize the power of generosity and
gratitude in our community. Support from donors just like you improved access to
care, provided advanced training and education for our caregivers, and ensured
cutting-edge technology and procedures at hospitals across Texas, including St.
Joseph Health. To learn more about how philanthropy can make a difference, check
out our annual report.

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