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Search for:
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       * Members
       * Mixcloud
     * * Opening Hours
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       * Testimonials
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       * Video
 * Features
   * Shortcodes
     * Buttons
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     * Lists
     * Modal Windows
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     * Wp Gallery
 * Blog
 * Contact
   * Contact – Fullwidth Map
   * Contact with Header Image
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Custom-built Analytic Software – intuitive for beginners, powerful for advanced
users.  Control what you want your customers to see with a complete program that
is customized to your business, without the pressure of sales.   This is a great
tool for all types of businesses to help you understand how you look on the web
and what you could do to make a better impression of your business and market
your brand. This is not just information, you actually chose what you want to
change or add to your business that will impact your revenue now.



In the heyday of traditional marketing, attracting and retaining customers was
an intimidating task for local business owners to accomplish, especially when
the inflated budgets of larger businesses made it difficult to compete.

Today, there are many different avenues for business owners to interact with
consumers, and social media makes it easier than ever for business owners to
reach potential customers through strategic tactics like content marketing.
Content marketing also referred to as inbound marketing, involves the creation
and distribution of relevant content that provides value to your business’s
target audience. Content marketing can be shared with consumers in numerous
forms: infographics, ebooks, white papers, case studies, how-to guides, etc. The
main purpose of content marketing is to offer consumers value by presenting a
solution to their needs, thus influencing the buying cycle.

read more


Analyze your past and current, business performances and results, then use that
information to prepare for the future.

One place to see what your business analytics are all about. Use your business
analytics to create predictive models, as well as have the ability to crate and
optimize techniques and communicate your results to employees and customers.
this application utilizes a data-driven methodology, and web crawling technology
to the business center, relying on statistics and data modeling to create
insights for the business.

read more


Digital advertising increases awareness—it’s that simple. Digital advertising
consists of a range of services, all of which work to promote a business online.

More and more businesses are increasing the amount that they spend on digital
advertising, and experts like Jamie Turner suggest digital advertising on social
platforms is well worth the spend. “If I were to provide one tip to people who
are using social media, it would be this — don’t be afraid of paying for social
media reach and clicks.” – Jamie Turner, The best part
about digital advertising is that results can be easily monitored and ROI can be
easily tracked. You probably don’t want to be spending lots of money without
some proof of performance right? drive…

read more


Listings are an online summary of essential information for your business that
serve as a powerful tool to help customers find you online and in real life.

Name, Address, Phone number, and your Website! These four pieces of information
are the business listings starter-pack. They provide the basic information
potential customers need to have in order to research, contact and locate your
business. Want to score some major bonus points? Include information like hours
of operation in business listings. Manage over 50 online business listings from
one central place within the TOC business center and update your information
across the web within 24-48hrs.

read more


The importance of responding to customers online could not be more prevalent as
reviews continue to grow more than ever before.

Aside from the fact that reviews from customers help others decide whether they
should visit a business or not, reviews are now more prevalent on search results
pages—meaning a lot of eyes can see what is being said about your company
online. The influence that reviews have on shoppers is staggering: more than 88%
of online shoppers incorporate reviews into their purchase decisions
(Webrepublic, 2015). Businesses are told to get more reviews on review websites
to keep attracting new customers. With so many review websites out there, where
does a business even begin? Your business can now manage customer reviews…

read more


This is the simplest way to quickly optimize your website

By deeply considering your customer’s perspective and buying journey, we can
make decisions that put everything in the right place for the customer to easily
and quickly complete their interaction with your business and maybe even leave a
nice review to boot. While it’s absolutely essential to have each of these
elements be part of your website, the specifics of their presentation need to be
in consideration of your specific customer demographics. Most notably will be
the difference between the information on an online store, where the priority is
to drive sales, versus a traditional brick and mortar business, where…

read more


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a term you’ve most likely heard before.

As digital marketing continues to rise, so does the contest for web visibility.
If potential customers can’t find you online, you’re missing out on a huge
demographic. That’s why we’ve narrowed down five important reasons to use SEO.
Web traffic, Competitive Edge, Better Rankings, Mobile Optimization, Lead
Generation. You know why SEO is important for the success of a website and your
business overall. Being found in search is one of the best ways to find new
customers when they’re seeking out your products or services.

read more


Since the early 2000s, social media platforms have revolutionized the way people
connect with one another.

Today, there are 2.3 billion active users of social media worldwide. Business
owners who take advantage of the ocean-sized lead pool created by social media
channels will undoubtedly reel in a boatload of benefits. Currently, the number
of brands present on two or more social media platforms has surpassed 90%, and
in 2016, Facebook reported reaching 50 million small business users. Despite
this level of online presence, business owners consistently report that social
media is the second most difficult marketing tactic to execute effectively
(immediately behind Search Engine Optimization, AKA SEO).

read more


In the heyday of traditional marketing, attracting and retaining customers was
an intimidating task for local business owners to accomplish, especially when
the inflated budgets of larger businesses made it difficult to compete.

Today, there are many different avenues for business owners to interact with
consumers, and social media makes it easier than ever for business owners to
reach potential customers through strategic tactics like content marketing.
Content marketing also referred to as inbound marketing, involves the creation
and distribution of relevant content that provides value to your business’s
target audience. Content marketing can be shared with consumers in numerous
forms: infographics, ebooks, white papers, case studies, how-to guides, etc. The
main purpose of content marketing is to offer consumers value by presenting a
solution to their needs, thus influencing the buying cycle.

read more


Analyze your past and current, business performances and results, then use that
information to prepare for the future.

One place to see what your business analytics are all about. Use your business
analytics to create predictive models, as well as have the ability to crate and
optimize techniques and communicate your results to employees and customers.
this application utilizes a data-driven methodology, and web crawling technology
to the business center, relying on statistics and data modeling to create
insights for the business.

read more


Digital advertising increases awareness—it’s that simple. Digital advertising
consists of a range of services, all of which work to promote a business online.

More and more businesses are increasing the amount that they spend on digital
advertising, and experts like Jamie Turner suggest digital advertising on social
platforms is well worth the spend. “If I were to provide one tip to people who
are using social media, it would be this — don’t be afraid of paying for social
media reach and clicks.” – Jamie Turner, The best part
about digital advertising is that results can be easily monitored and ROI can be
easily tracked. You probably don’t want to be spending lots of money without
some proof of performance right? drive…

read more


Listings are an online summary of essential information for your business that
serve as a powerful tool to help customers find you online and in real life.

Name, Address, Phone number, and your Website! These four pieces of information
are the business listings starter-pack. They provide the basic information
potential customers need to have in order to research, contact and locate your
business. Want to score some major bonus points? Include information like hours
of operation in business listings. Manage over 50 online business listings from
one central place within the TOC business center and update your information
across the web within 24-48hrs.

read more


The importance of responding to customers online could not be more prevalent as
reviews continue to grow more than ever before.

Aside from the fact that reviews from customers help others decide whether they
should visit a business or not, reviews are now more prevalent on search results
pages—meaning a lot of eyes can see what is being said about your company
online. The influence that reviews have on shoppers is staggering: more than 88%
of online shoppers incorporate reviews into their purchase decisions
(Webrepublic, 2015). Businesses are told to get more reviews on review websites
to keep attracting new customers. With so many review websites out there, where
does a business even begin? Your business can now manage customer reviews…

read more


This is the simplest way to quickly optimize your website

By deeply considering your customer’s perspective and buying journey, we can
make decisions that put everything in the right place for the customer to easily
and quickly complete their interaction with your business and maybe even leave a
nice review to boot. While it’s absolutely essential to have each of these
elements be part of your website, the specifics of their presentation need to be
in consideration of your specific customer demographics. Most notably will be
the difference between the information on an online store, where the priority is
to drive sales, versus a traditional brick and mortar business, where…

read more


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a term you’ve most likely heard before.

As digital marketing continues to rise, so does the contest for web visibility.
If potential customers can’t find you online, you’re missing out on a huge
demographic. That’s why we’ve narrowed down five important reasons to use SEO.
Web traffic, Competitive Edge, Better Rankings, Mobile Optimization, Lead
Generation. You know why SEO is important for the success of a website and your
business overall. Being found in search is one of the best ways to find new
customers when they’re seeking out your products or services.

read more


Since the early 2000s, social media platforms have revolutionized the way people
connect with one another.

Today, there are 2.3 billion active users of social media worldwide. Business
owners who take advantage of the ocean-sized lead pool created by social media
channels will undoubtedly reel in a boatload of benefits. Currently, the number
of brands present on two or more social media platforms has surpassed 90%, and
in 2016, Facebook reported reaching 50 million small business users. Despite
this level of online presence, business owners consistently report that social
media is the second most difficult marketing tactic to execute effectively
(immediately behind Search Engine Optimization, AKA SEO).

read more




Try out the business center with a free 30-day no-obligation trial. Enjoy our
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$99.95 / Mo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur tempor incididund adipisicing elit, sed
do eiusmod tempor incididund tempor incididun.
more info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit.Lorem ipsum dolor amet
laboris consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Bubu Bear

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam
voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia
consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Reindeer Rudolph

Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus
saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.
Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis
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Tiny Robot


You can define number of visible items, number of items in one row, portfolio
layout and many others. Website elements are designed to make your work as
simple and fast as possible. You can pre-define settings in Default layout
section and use them anywhere. Information you set in Custom Types can be easily
re-used on any page, no need to type it again and again.






Our dedicated support team is ready to help you 7 days a week via our support
forum. You will have your site up and running regardless your experience level.
Load our demo content and all settings including slider in just 1 click.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure
dolor in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt.




October 21, 2013

Typo theme has been built based on open source administration system Wordpress
and AIT framework, which contain AIT page builder with elements - custom post
types and plu


October 21, 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur venenatis
lacus magna, eu ultrices dui porta ut. Duis placerat eu velit eu egestas. Nullam

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