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Submitted URL: https://www.secure.ob.org/
Effective URL: https://www.ob.org/
Submission: On September 26 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to help hurting people
all over the globe! For as little as $.63 per day become a monthly partner to
help hurting people all over the globe!
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A mission you can believe in. A charity you can trust.


Operation Blessing and our partners are dedicated to demonstrating God’s love by
alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.


   In the United States, and around the world, YOU are helping fill hungry
   bellies and fight hunger-related health problems through compassionate hunger
   relief programs in homes, schools, churches, and entire communities!

   Water is essential to life and with Operation Blessing YOU are bringing clean
   water to the poor and suffering through thoughtful and innovative clean water
   solutions that have the power to shape a brighter future.

   From floods and hurricanes here in the U.S., to earthquakes and humanitarian
   crises around the world, your partnership helps Operation Blessing to be
   first on the ground with relief and long-term recovery for those facing
   devastation and loss.

   Through medical and dental brigades, community health volunteer training,
   ultrasound and women’s health programs, and life-changing surgeries, you are
   helping to heal our world’s sick and hurting with kindness and care.


   LOUISIANA – Residents along the Gulf Coast have begun to pick up the pieces
   after Hurricane Ida devastated their communities. From big cities to small
   towns, the storm left millions impacted. Homes were damaged, belongings swept
   away, and lives lost. As thousands have just recently regained power after
   the storm, the Hurricane Ida cleanup begins. Read More…

   Krishna lost her job due to COVID-19 lockdowns in India. As a single parent,
   it was hard for her to take care of her family and she fell into a lot of
   debt. She couldn’t find anyone to help her family through their hard times.
   Consequently, Krishna’s hope began slipping away. Like so many others Read

   KENYA – You are changing the life of 17-year-old Belinda in Kenya, a girl for
   whom succeeding requires serious resilience and dedication. Despite the many
   challenges her impoverished family has faced, she remains determined to
   finish high school and make a better future for herself. And friends like you
   are empowering girls in Kenya to Read More…

   HONDURAS - Single mother Rebeca was exhausted from thirst. She and her
   daughter woke up each day to the heartbreaking reality of no safe water–and
   desperately in need of a clean water source. She never believed this would
   change, until you changed everything.    A native of San Juan, Honduras,
   Rebeca and her neighbors have worked this land for generations, Read More…

A mission you can believe in. A charity you can trust.


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Operation Blessing is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to
partnering with YOU to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating human suffering in
the U.S. and around the world.

For more than 40 years, your love has shown through OB as together we’ve
provided hunger relief, medical care, clean water, and disaster relief to
millions around the world.

Through compassionate, efficient, and locally-focused programs we are able to
target the specific needs of those we serve and provide a gateway for our
partners to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus for those who are suffering and
in need.


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