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Submission: On December 14 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

Name: frmLoginPOST /Login_Or_LogOut.aspx?type=in

<form name="frmLogin" id="frmLogin" method="post" action="/Login_Or_LogOut.aspx?type=in" onsubmit="return doLogin();">
  <input type="text" autocomplete="false" placeholder="User ID" id="UserID" name="UserID" style="margin-left:5px; width:150px;">
  <input type="password" placeholder="Password" id="Pwd" name="Pwd" style="width:150px;">
  <input type="hidden" name="q" value="">
  &nbsp;&nbsp;<a id="aLogin" class="skypeButton" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:$('#frmLogin').submit();"><img src="/images/skypebutton.png" border="0" style="border: 0px;">Login</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="skypeButton" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:Register_OpenForm(&quot;Registration_BoxContainer&quot;,&quot;Registration_BoxContainerBody&quot;,&quot;Registration_BoxContainerFooter&quot;);"><img style="top: -6px; border: 0px;" src="/images/playgreen.png" border="0">Register</a>
  |&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="skypeButton" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:ForgotPassword_OpenForm('ForgotPassword_BoxContainer','ForgotPassword_BoxContainerBody','ForgotPassword_BoxContainerFooter');"><img style="top: -6px; border: 0px;" src="/images/reset.png" border="0">Reset Password</a>

Name: ForgotPassword_Form

<form name="ForgotPassword_Form" id="ForgotPassword_Form">
  <div style="float:left;color:#000000;margin-bottom:10px">Please provide your User Name and your password will be emailed to you. </div>
  <div style="font-size:1.0em;float:left;font-weight: bold;color:#000000;">* marked fields are mandatory</div>
  <div style="float:left;margin-top:20px;">
          <td style="width:85px"></td>
            <div id="ForgotPassword_BoxLabel">Email ID * :</div>
          <td><input name="email" size="32" type="text" id="ForgotPassword_Email" maxlength="50">
            <div style="color:#000">(Email Address is your Login User ID)</div>
          <td align="right" colspan="2">
            <div style="padding-top:15px;">
              <div id="divResetPasswordProgress" style="display:none"><img src="/images/load.gif" border="0" style="border: 0px;"></div>
              <a id="ForgotPasswordbutton" class="skypeButton" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:SendPassword();"><img src="/images/skypebutton.png" border="0" style="border: 0px;">Submit</a>

Name: Registration_Form

<form name="Registration_Form" id="Registration_Form">
  <div style="font-size:1.0em;float:left;font-weight: bold;color:#000000;">* marked fields are mandatory</div>
        <td style="width:145px"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Email ID * :</div>
        <td><input name="email" size="32" type="text" id="Registration_Email" maxlength="50" style="width: 300px;">
          <div style="color:#000">(Email Address is your Login User ID)</div>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Password * :</div>
        <td><input name="pd" size="32" class="Registration_password" type="password" id="Registration_password" maxlength="50" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Confirm Password * :</div>
        <td><input size="32" class="Registration_confirmpassword" type="password" id="Registration_ConfirmPassword" maxlength="50" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">First Name * :</div>
        <td><input type="text" class="alphabetsOnly" id="firstname" name="firstname" value="" size="32" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Last Name * :</div>
        <td><input type="text" class="alphabetsOnly" id="lastname" name="lastname" value="" size="32" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Gender * :</div>
          <select id="gender" name="gender" style="width: 300px;">
            <option value="">Select Gender</option>
            <option value="Female">Female</option>
            <option value="Male">Male</option>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Date of Birth * :</div>
        <td><input type="text" class="date hasDatepicker" id="dob" name="dob" value="" size="11" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Contact Number *:</div>
        <td><input type="text" id="contactNumber" name="contactNumber" class="numbersOnly" value="" size="32" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Address * :</div>
        <td><textarea id="address" name="address" cols="32" rows="6" style="width: 300px;"></textarea></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">City * :</div>
        <td><input type="text" class="alphabetsOnly" id="city" name="city" value="" size="32" style="width: 300px;"></td>
          <div id="Registration_BoxLabel">Country* :</div>
          <select id="country" name="country" style="width: 300px;">
            <option value="">Select Country</option>
            <option value="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</option>
        <td align="right" colspan="2">
          <div style="padding-top:15px;">
            <div id="divRegisterProgress" style="display:none"><img src="/images/load.gif" border="0" style="border: 0px;"></div>
            <a id="Registrationbutton" class="skypeButton" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:doRegister();" style="width: 100px;"><img src="/images/skypebutton.png" border="0" style="border: 0px;">Submit</a>


<form class="ml-block-form" action="" data-code="" method="post" target="_blank">
  <div class="ml-form-formContent">
    <div class="ml-form-fieldRow ml-last-item">
      <div class="ml-field-group ml-field-email ml-validate-email ml-validate-required">
        <!-- input -->
        <input aria-label="email" aria-required="true" type="email" class="form-control" data-inputmask="" name="fields[email]" placeholder="Email" autocomplete="email" aria-invalid="false">
        <!-- /input -->
        <!-- textarea -->
        <!-- /textarea -->
        <!-- select -->
        <!-- /select -->
        <!-- checkboxes -->
        <!-- /checkboxes -->
        <!-- radio -->
        <!-- /radio -->
        <!-- countries -->
        <!-- /countries -->
  <!-- Privacy policy -->
  <!-- /Privacy policy -->
  <div class="ml-form-recaptcha ml-validate-required" style="float: left;">
    <style type="text/css">
      .ml-form-recaptcha {
        margin-bottom: 20px;
      } iframe {
        border: solid 1px #ff0000;

      @media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
        .ml-form-recaptcha {
          width: 220px !important

        .g-recaptcha {
          transform: scale(0.78);
          -webkit-transform: scale(0.78);
          transform-origin: 0 0;
          -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lf1KHQUAAAAAFNKEX1hdSWCS3mRMv4FlFaNslaD">
      <div style="width: 304px; height: 78px;">
        <div><iframe title="reCAPTCHA" width="304" height="78" role="presentation" name="a-x96u8dxvu5j4" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"
            sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-modals allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-storage-access-by-user-activation"
        <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" name="g-recaptcha-response" class="g-recaptcha-response" aria-invalid="false"
          style="width: 250px; height: 40px; border: 1px solid rgb(193, 193, 193); margin: 10px 25px; padding: 0px; resize: none; display: none;"></textarea>
      </div><iframe style="display: none;"></iframe>
  <input type="hidden" name="ml-submit" value="1" aria-invalid="false">
  <div class="ml-form-embedSubmit">
    <button type="submit" class="primary">Subscribe</button>
    <button disabled="disabled" style="display: none;" type="button" class="loading">
      <div class="ml-form-embedSubmitLoad"></div>
      <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
  <input type="hidden" name="anticsrf" value="true" aria-invalid="false">

Name: TellAFriend_Form

<form name="TellAFriend_Form" id="TellAFriend_Form">
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxAlert"> <span id="TellAFriend_alertmessage"></span> </div>
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel">Your Name</div>
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel">
    <input name="TellAFriend_name" class="TellAFriend_TextBox" type="text" id="TellAFriend_name" maxlength="120">
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel">Friend's Email Address</div>
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel">
    <input name="TellAFriend_email" class="TellAFriend_TextBox" type="text" id="TellAFriend_email" maxlength="120">
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel"> Message To Your Friend </div>
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel">
    <textarea name="TellAFriend_message" class="TellAFriend_TextArea" style="width:475px;height:250px" readonly="readonly" id="TellAFriend_message"></textarea>
  <div id="TellAFriend_BoxLabel" style="float:right">
    <input type="button" id="TellAFriendbutton" name="TellAFriendbutton" class="TellAFriend_Button" value="Submit">
  <input type="hidden" name="TellAFriend_Link" id="TellAFriend_Link" value="//">

Text Content


14 Dec 2023

2 Jumadal Akhira 1445
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Please provide your User Name and your password will be emailed to you.
* marked fields are mandatory
Email ID * :

(Email Address is your Login User ID)


Registration Details
* marked fields are mandatory
Email ID * :

(Email Address is your Login User ID)
Password * :
Confirm Password * :
First Name * :
Last Name * :
Gender * :
Select Gender Female Male
Date of Birth * :
Contact Number *:
Address * :
City * :
Country* :
Select Country Afghanistan





Nur ul Ilm Academy is a registered organization, both in the UK and Australia
and runs its courses in the UAE through collaboration of local legal entities.
 The courses are also broadcasted online. The certifications are provided from
Nur ul Ilm Academy UK branch.  We do provide courses for free for those who
cannot afford to contribute anything towards running of the academy.  Nur ul Ilm
Academy does not raise any funds for running its operations, and covers its
costs from the contributions of the students.

In the era of extremism and where the name of Islam is used for the acts of
inhumanity, we strive to help develop the beautiful character of the Prophet
(peace be upon him) of peace and love.  

There is the knowledge of sacred Islamic sciences, and then there is the light
of knowledge that penetrates the heart and benefits on the Day of Judgment.  If
the knowledge does not become light, instead of being beneficial, it becomes a
burden on that day.  The knowledge becomes light through connection with Allah
ta'ala, and implementation of that knowledge in one's life.  Implementation of
knowledge and character building is the key focus in Nur ul Ilm Academy, hence
the name 'Nur ul Ilm' meaning 'The light of knowledge'.



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* Nur ul Ilm Academy Anthem
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Alhamdullilllah, Nur ul Ilm Academy has been one of the biggest blessings in my
life. It is about learning sacred knowledge deep down from the classical roots
and implementing it within the core of our hearts and soul. It has amazing
teachers who inspire you everyday to become a better person. I have found this
journey to be an extraordinary one - of rekindling the love with Allah ‫تعالى‬
Evita Khan, Dubai
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  A course designed specifically for teenagers to provide a comprehensiv ...
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