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U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks shown here during a 2022 appearance on Iowa
PBS, saw several of her bills advance this week in the House. (Pool photo by
Zachary Boyden-Holmes/Courtesy of Iowa PBS)

Jay Waagmeester, Iowa Capital Dispatch•
Dec 08, 2023

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks passed several bills through committee this week,
while Sen. Chuck Grassley lamented the shorter amount of time senators spend on
the budget compared to when he started in 1981.

Members of Iowa’s congressional delegation introduced new bills and made
progress on those already introduced before a three-week holiday break that
starts Dec. 16.

See what Iowa’s lawmakers were up to this week:


Following the expulsion of Rep. George Santos, a Republican from New York, Rep.
Zach Nunn introduced a bill to eliminate pensions for members of Congress who
have been expelled. 

Santos did not serve long enough to be eligible to receive a pension. 

"Thankfully, George Santos won’t be eligible to receive a pension because he
didn’t hit the minimum term of service, but this episode exposed a major flaw
that needs to be fixed: those who are unfit to serve in Congress are unfit to
receive a pension,” Nunn said in a news release.

The bill would eliminate a legislator’s years of service in Congress when
determining eligibility for a pension, effectively preventing them from
receiving a pension. Expelled members also would have retirement account
contributions from the federal government clawed back. 

Nunn, and several other Congress members, have called for the expulsion of Sen.
Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey, who is eligible for the pension and
retirement benefits. 

Feenstra calls for ban on Paraguayan beef

Rep. Randy Feenstra and 20 other members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary
of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, asking to stop importing beef from Paraguay.

Feenstra’s office claims a proven existence of foot-and-mouth disease in
Paraguayan cattle. 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a final rule in November
that allows cattle to be imported from Paraguay under certain rules. Animals
must be inspected before and after death, the animal must come from a premises
where foot-and-mouth disease has not been detected during the lifetime of any of
the animals, and foot-and-mouth disease must not have been diagnosed in the
exporting region for 12 months prior. 

"Iowa cattle producers raise the best beef in the world,” Feenstra said in a
news release. "By allowing countries like Paraguay – where foot-and-mouth
disease remains prevalent – to sell their beef in the United States, we
unnecessarily threaten our domestic herds with disease and jeopardize the
financial wellbeing of cattle producers and their families.”

The lawmakers claim in the letter the USDA relied on outdated site visits,
irrelevant inspections and inadequate data to meet provisions required for
importing the animals. They also claim that site visits were not conducted to
ensure Paraguay producers were compliant when issuing this final rule. The
letter asks the USDA to halt the final rule until a more recent assessment can
be made. 


A bill cosponsored by Miller-Meeks and Rep. Ashley Hinson passed the House and
if made law, would limit the Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to
regulate emission standards for new vehicles. 

The Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023 would prevent the EPA from
making regulations that mandate the production of a specific technology or would
limit production based on a specific motor vehicle engine.

The bill would also eliminate the multi-pollutant emissions standards for model
years 2027 and rules for later light-duty and medium-duty vehicles proposed by
the EPA, which creates more rules regarding greenhouse gas standards in vehicles
made after 2027. 

Hinson said the bill pushes back on President Joe Biden’s "out of touch electric
vehicle obsession” and preserves consumer choice.

"Forcing American families to buy electric vehicles they don’t want and can’t
afford is government overreach at its worst,” Hinson said in a news release.


Hinson introduced a bill to allow 18- to 20-year-olds obtain a commercial
drivers license for interstate travel. 

Hinson said the rule change would support family farmers, small businesses and

"As I’ve traveled across Iowa, I’ve consistently heard about the negative
impacts of the trucking workforce shortage, exacerbated by limitations with
interstate licensing,” Hinson said in a news release.

This bill addresses a topic that has received significant attention from Iowa
lawmakers recently. Iowa community colleges have received investments in
trucking training, including a $9 million project at Des Moines Area Community
College, $500,000 in federal grants spread across Hawkeye Community College in
Waterloo, Des Moines Area Community College and Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
in Davenport, and $5 million in state funding for community colleges assisting
in commercial drivers license training. 

Hinson addressed the demand and importance for a change in interstate driving
privileges on X, formerly known as Twitter.




Miller-Meeks introduced a bill that would create incentives for ocean-going
vessels to use renewable fuel.

The Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act would allow companies to preserve
renewable fuel credits for ocean-going vessels, including cargo ships, tankers
and passenger vessels. 

The bill would allow for Renewable Identification Numbers, an EPA credit
managing compliance in the Renewable Fuel Standard program, to be generated for
renewable marine fuel. Ocean-going vessels have a need for low-carbon,
low-sulfur biodiesel and renewable diesel, according to Miller-Meeks.


In an effort to "protect higher education institutions from foreign adversaries’
influence,” Grassley and Sen. Joni Ernst introduced a bill to change how foreign
gifts in higher education are reported.

The Defending Education Transparency and Ending Rogue Regimes Engaging in
Nefarious Transactions Act would require foreign gifts of $50,000 or higher to
be reported. The current threshold is $250,000.  All contributions from
"countries of concern” would be reported, no matter the amount. 

Individual staff and faculty at research-heavy institutions would also be
required to disclose foreign gifts under the bill. 

The bill would also penalize institutions that violate the law by implementing
fines and loss of Title IV funding.

"The United States must be on the lookout for adversarial foreign powers who
lavish academic institutions with gifts in an effort to curry good favor with or
shape American education,” Grassley said in a news release.

Gifts, especially those from China, come with strings attached, Ernst said. 

The companion bill in the House passed through the House Education and Workforce


A Miller-Meeks bill to start a feasibility study on increasing manufacturing in
the U.S. passed through the House Energy and Commerce Committee. 

The bill aims to study increased production in manufactured goods, especially
goods that are key to critical infrastructure sectors. 

"I am proud that my bipartisan bill ‘The Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing
Feasibility Act’ passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee this week and
moves one step closer to floor action and passage through the House,”
Miller-Meeks said in a news release. "This important bill not only protects the
United States from global supply chain issues, but it also determines which
rural communities are best suited to manufacture products right here in

The bill was introduced in September. 


Introduced last week, Miller-Meeks’ bill to change the Medicare physician fee
schedule passed through the House Energy and Commerce Committee. 

The current Medicare structure does not provide doctors sustainable, reliable or
consistent payment rates, according to Miller-Meeks, an ophthalmologist.

The bill aims to stabilize reimbursements by updating the formula used to
calculate payment rates to reflect the accurate costs of running a medical
practice, according to Miller-Meeks’ office. 

"These cuts, especially when the costs to practice have markedly increased,
further strain our nation’s doctors, limiting patient access to care,”
Miller-Meeks said in a news release. "Each year, doctors routinely face harmful
payment cuts making it increasingly difficult to remain in practice and accept
Medicare patients, which is worsened in rural areas like southeastern Iowa.”

The program is budget neutral, according to Miller-Meeks, and maxes out at $20
million, currently. The bill would increase the budget to $53 million to allow
payments to increase while remaining budget neutral.


In a letter to the majority and minority leaders in each chamber, Grassley
highlighted his priorities for the next farm bill. 

Grassley and Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy focused on the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), controls on foreign ownership of U.S.
farmland and calling for a reform of the USDA Commodity Credit Corporation

The senators included a call to address SNAP overpayments, a bill that has been
in the works in each chamber. they also asked for reforms in the CCC that they
say would save $8 billion over 20 years. 

"By making conservative reforms to key programs, we will be able to tame
inflation while also keeping in place a responsible safety net for families and
farmers,” the lawmakers said of their chosen priorities for the next farm bill. 

Grassley told reporters last week the farm bill must be finished by early August
to avoid another one-year extension. 


Grassley recalled a time years ago when senators would spend more time working
on budgeting.

"We’ve always budgeted a year at time, so you go through this process every
year,” Grassley said to a reporter who asked about the budget deadline
approaching. "It’s just getting worse and worse because Congress isn’t spending
the time that you need to do individual appropriation bills.”

Grassley said budget planning received more time and attention from senators
when he started more than 40 years ago.

"When I first came to the Senate, we started at 10 on Monday and would go to 4
on Friday, now it seems like we start at 5:30 vote on Monday, we have full days
Tuesday and Wednesday and then on Thursday midafternoon, everybody heads to the
airport. There’s plenty of work for senators seven days a week, but you can’t
make policy if the Senate’s not meeting. So I think longer sessions and more
days worked would help this process along so you don’t have to go up until
Christmas Eve.”


A commission to examine a rise in antisemitic acts in the U.S. and to
investigate the causes and evidence has been proposed by Miller-Meeks and
Feenstra, along with other lawmakers. 

"With the rise in antisemitic violence and brazen attacks on our Jewish
communities in the United States, it is important, now more than ever, that we
find the cause of these alarming acts of antisemitism and work to protect our
communities and religious institutions,” Miller-Meeks said in a news release.

The commission would include eight members, with two members being appointed by
the majority and minority leaders in each chamber. 


Nunn is calling on the U.S. Department of Treasury to more precisely determine
the location of a person when they are making a financial transaction. 

In an effort to deter illicit actors manipulating financial technology systems
by disguising their location, Nunn introduced a bill that would develop a plan
to attempt to combat money laundering.

According to Nunn’s office, the bill would prevent terrorist groups from
disguising digital location, which would attempt to prevent money from funding

"With the development of new technologies, it’s become easier for terrorists to
disguise their true location to evade sanctions and mask their sources of
funding,” Nunn said in a news release. "The Stop Terrorism and Illicit finance
Location Exploitation Act is a commonsense, bipartisan approach to cut off
terrorist funding sources.” 


Grassley is asking five health care organizations for documents and detailed
answers about third-party transactions to get a better understanding of how
private equity firms contribute to decisions made at hospitals owned by private
equity companies. 

Grassley said he was prompted to look deeper into how private equity firm
ownership can affect the quality of care a hospital delivers after multiple
assaults and a suicide took place at the Ottumwa Regional Health Center.

Grassley says hospitals that have been purchased by private equity firms have
experienced staffing reductions and substandard health care. The Ottumwa
Regional Health Center was purchased by a for-profit firm in 2010, after
previously being nonprofit. 



"When it comes to our nation’s hospitals, a business model that prioritizes
profits over patient care and safety is unacceptable,” Grassley said in a news

Grassley asked for financial information from the four companies with ownership
interest in Ottumwa Regional Health Center in March, but says he has not
received a full and complete response from the companies. 


Ernst wrote a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
asking for details on how money in support of small businesses in Ukraine has
been spent. This is the third time Ernst has requested a response from USAID,
but she said she is yet to receive the information she requested. 

Ernst renewed her call following a $106 billion request for military,
humanitarian and general foreign aid for Israel and Ukraine from Biden. 


The six members of Iowa’s congressional delegation met for a breakfast this week
hosted by Ernst, Nunn reported on X. 



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Capital Dispatch maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Kathie
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