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Better Business Faster 22 - Virtual Summit

11:30 – 14:30 | 29th March 2022

Dear Barbara,
I’m delighted to invite you to a very special online launch event.

Following the recent rebrand of Artesian:DueDil, we will be announcing a new way
to unlock the intelligence you need to win the right customers, accelerate
onboarding and keep them for life – we call it Customer Lifecycle Intelligence

We will also be joined by special guest keynote speaker, Dame Stella Rimington,
who will share details of her trailblazing career in the secret service as the
first woman to be Director General of MI5.

Not only was Dame Stella Director General of M15, she now is a world-renowned
author and also widely recognised as inspiring Dame Judi Dench’s portrayal of
‘M’ in the James Bond franchise.
It’s going to be a blast.

Find out more and sign up here.

Warm Regards,
Andrew Yates CEO & Co-Founder, FullCircl
(formerly Artesian : DueDil)


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