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                                <h2>Rate of<br> Interest</h2>
                                <span class="date displayNone">as of 13/08/2018</span>
                                <h3>Baroda <span class="break"> Home Loan</span></h3>
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                                <p>APR as low as</p>
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                  <a id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_lnkNewsReadMore115_0" title="Important information on Changes in Terms &amp; Conditions of Baroda Fixed Term Deposits (Including Baroda Monthly &amp; Baroda Annual Fixed Term Deposits) w.e.f. 20th January 2022" href="/writereaddata/Portal/News/115_1_Important_Information_on_Changes_in_Terms___Conditions_Baroda_Fixed_Term_Deposits_w_e_f_20th_Jan_2022.pdf" target="_blank">Important information on Changes in Terms &amp; Conditions of Baroda Fixed Term Deposits (Including Baroda Monthly &amp; Baroda Annual Fixed Term Deposits) w.e.f. 20th January 2022</a>
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                  <p class="displayNone"> We would like to inform you that we are making some changes in the Product Specific Terms &amp; conditions of Fixed Terms Deposit accounts (Including Baroda Monthly &amp; Baroda Annual Fixed Term Deposits).
                    These changes will be effective from 20th January 2022.</p>
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                <li id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_s_1" class="cf" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 27px;"><span class="newsDate displayNone"> 18 Jan 2022</span>
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                            <img id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_imgNews_1" title="Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022" src="https://www.bankofbarodauk.com/writereaddata/images/no-image.jpg" alt="Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022"></a>
                  <a id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_lnkNewsReadMore116_1" title="Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022" href="newsdetail.htm?116" target="_self">Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022</a>
                  <p class="displayNone"> Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022, hence no new applications for user registration or for opening new fixed deposit
                    or for renewals will be accepted under this scheme. The existing deposit accounts under this scheme will continue under the same scheme until their maturity date. If you are holding a Baroda Max fixed deposit with us, we will
                    write to you seperately -60- days in advance about the changes that we are making to Baroda Max user portal.</p>
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                <li id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_s_2" class="cf" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 27px;"><span class="newsDate displayNone"> 18 Jan 2022</span>
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                            <img id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_imgNews_2" title="Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2 India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022" src="https://www.bankofbarodauk.com/writereaddata/images/no-image.jpg" alt="Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2 India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022"></a>
                  <a id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_lnkNewsReadMore117_2" title="Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2 India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022" href="newsdetail.htm?117" target="_self">Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2 India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022</a>
                  <p class="displayNone"> Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2 India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022, hence no new user applications will be accepted at this time. We
                    will notify the same on our website, once we resume new user registrations.</p>
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                <li id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_s_3" class="cf" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 27px;"><span class="newsDate displayNone"> 18 Dec 2021</span>
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                            <img id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_imgNews_3" title="Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19 situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f 20th December 2021 - Click Here for more information" src="https://www.bankofbarodauk.com/writereaddata/images/no-image.jpg" alt="Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19 situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f 20th December 2021 - Click Here for more information"></a>
                  <a id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_lnkNewsReadMore112_3" title="Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19 situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f 20th December 2021 - Click Here for more information" href="newsdetail.htm?112" target="_self">Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19 situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f 20th December 2021 - Click Here for more information</a>
                  <p class="displayNone"> Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19 situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f 20th December 2021</p>
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                            <img id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_imgNews_4" title="Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited" src="https://www.bankofbarodauk.com/writereaddata/images/no-image.jpg" alt="Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited"></a>
                  <a id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ScrollingNewsControl1_rptScrollingNews1_lnkNewsReadMore110_4" title="Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited" href="https://www.bankofbarodauk.com/writereaddata/Images/pdf/Modern%20Slavery%20Statement%20Bank%20of%20Baroda%20(UK)%20Limited.pdf" target="_blank">Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited</a>
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                  <p class="displayNone"> Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited</p>
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                        <span class="categoryTitle">Rate</span> <span class="rateValue"> 74.30</span>
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              <p>Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed Deposit Product stands withdrawn w.e.f 20th January 2022 - <a href="../../../newsdetail.htm?116">Click here for more information</a></p>
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              <h2>Enjoy the convenience of sending money <br> to India with Bank of Baroda</h2>
              <h3>Baroda Rapid Funds to India (10:00 AM to 02:00 PM - On all working Days)</h3>
              <p>Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Baroda. Present day Bank of Baroda is the successor of the erstwhile "The Bank of Baroda Limited", founded in 1908 in a small town - Baroda - by the great visionary
                the late Maharaja of Baroda - Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad-III. From its humble beginnings, the Bank has grown, over the years, to emerge as an Indian Financial Powerhouse, with a network of over 9,400 plus branches in India across the
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                    <h2>IMPORTANT INFORMATION</h2>
                    <p>"NRI Services are offered by the Bank of Baroda, India and not by the Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited. For these services, Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited functions only as a facilitator and point of contact. Bank of Baroda is
                      regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, whereas Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is a subsidiary of Bank of Baroda, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the
                      Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).The legal and regulatory regime applying to Bank of Baroda in India is different to that of the United Kingdom and your rights in relation to these services will therefore differ. For detailed
                      information on the services provided by Bank of Baroda you may visit Bank of Baroda, India website- <a href="https://www.bankofbaroda.com/nri.htm" target="_blank">https://www.bankofbaroda.in/nri.htm</a></p>
                    <h3>NRI Services : Terms and Conditions</h3>
                    <ul class="bulletText">
                      <li>Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is a subsidiary of Bank of Baroda, India. Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the
                        Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), whereas Bank of Baroda is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India.</li>
                      <li>NRI Services are offered by the Bank of Baroda, India and not by the Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited. For these services, Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited functions only as a facilitator and point of contact.</li>
                      <li>NRI services are not offered by Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited and it makes no warranty explicit or implied, in relation to these services.</li>
                      <li>The accounts are opened and maintained at the branches of Bank of Baroda, India and NOT at Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited in the UK.</li>
                      <li>These deposits are NOT covered by any of the European Deposit Protection Scheme or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. These products and services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)/Financial
                        Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)/Financial Services Act 2012.</li>
                      <li>The NRI depositor has to assess the tax liability, if any, in the U.K. for the amount of interest earned on these deposits in India.</li>
                      <li>NRI deposits are governed by regulations issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.</li>
                      <li>The deposits are payable only at the branch in India where the account is opened and maintained.</li>
                      <li>Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited will not retain (in any form) any document received from you and sent/forwarded to the Bank of Baroda in India as per your instructions.</li>
                      <li>Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited neither advises nor makes any recommendations to the customers for these services. Any complaints on NRI services should be made directly to Complaints Cell of Bank of Baroda, India and it may not
                        come under scope of UK Financial Ombudsman for redressal.</li>
                      <li>The Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.</li>
                      <li>Any Office of Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited in the United Kingdom and/or its officers, staff representatives, etc., shall not, in any way, be liable or responsible for any alleged deficiency in such assistance, nor for any
                        dispute that you may have with any of the services provided by an office or branch of Bank of Baroda in India.</li>
                      <li>The deposits are payable only at the branch in India where the account is opened. The account will be serviced by the concerned Branch in India and any type of query or complaints on services provided will be resolved by the
                        Bank of Baroda branch in India.</li>
                    <a href="https://www.bankofbaroda.com/nri.htm" class="button">Click to Accept and Proceed</a>
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With over 60 years of banking experience in UK,
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 * 18 Jan 2022
   Important information on Changes in Terms & Conditions of Baroda Fixed Term
   Deposits (Including Baroda Monthly & Baroda Annual Fixed Term Deposits)
   w.e.f. 20th January 2022 (231 KB)
   We would like to inform you that we are making some changes in the Product
   Specific Terms & conditions of Fixed Terms Deposit accounts (Including Baroda
   Monthly & Baroda Annual Fixed Term Deposits). These changes will be effective
   from 20th January 2022.

 * 18 Jan 2022
   Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands
   permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022
   Important Information: Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed deposit product stands
   permanently withdrawn w.e.f. 20th January, 2022, hence no new applications
   for user registration or for opening new fixed deposit or for renewals will
   be accepted under this scheme. The existing deposit accounts under this
   scheme will continue under the same scheme until their maturity date. If you
   are holding a Baroda Max fixed deposit with us, we will write to you
   seperately -60- days in advance about the changes that we are making to
   Baroda Max user portal.

 * 18 Jan 2022
   Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2
   India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022
   Important Information: New user registrations under Baroda Click Funds 2
   India product have been temporarily closed w.e.f. 20th January 2022, hence no
   new user applications will be accepted at this time. We will notify the same
   on our website, once we resume new user registrations.

 * 18 Dec 2021
   Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19
   situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f
   20th December 2021 - Click Here for more information
   Important Information to Customers on Branch Business Hours, due to COVID-19
   situations our branches will operate with restricted business hours w.e.f
   20th December 2021

 * 02 Dec 2021
   Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited
   Modern Slavery Statement - Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited

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It has survived not only five decades, but also the leap into electronic


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   Rate 99.45
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   Rate 99.80
   Amount £1,001 - £5,000

   Rate 99.90
   Amount £5,001 - £15,000

   Rate 74.30
   Amount Up to $10,000

Baroda MAX (Online Bond) Fixed Deposit Product stands withdrawn w.e.f 20th
January 2022 - Click here for more information

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Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Baroda.
Present day Bank of Baroda is the successor of the erstwhile "The Bank of Baroda
Limited", founded in 1908 in a small town - Baroda - by the great visionary the
late Maharaja of Baroda - Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad-III. From its humble beginnings,
the Bank has grown, over the years, to emerge as an Indian Financial Powerhouse,
with a network of over 9,400 plus branches in India across the length and
breadth of the country

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"NRI Services are offered by the Bank of Baroda, India and not by the Bank of
Baroda (UK) Limited. For these services, Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited functions
only as a facilitator and point of contact. Bank of Baroda is regulated by the
Reserve Bank of India, whereas Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is a subsidiary of
Bank of Baroda, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and
regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA).The legal and regulatory regime applying to Bank of Baroda in
India is different to that of the United Kingdom and your rights in relation to
these services will therefore differ. For detailed information on the services
provided by Bank of Baroda you may visit Bank of Baroda, India website-


 * Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited is a subsidiary of Bank of Baroda, India. Bank of
   Baroda (UK) Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority
   (PRA) and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial
   Conduct Authority (FCA), whereas Bank of Baroda is regulated by the Reserve
   Bank of India.
 * NRI Services are offered by the Bank of Baroda, India and not by the Bank of
   Baroda (UK) Limited. For these services, Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited
   functions only as a facilitator and point of contact.
 * NRI services are not offered by Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited and it makes no
   warranty explicit or implied, in relation to these services.
 * The accounts are opened and maintained at the branches of Bank of Baroda,
   India and NOT at Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited in the UK.
 * These deposits are NOT covered by any of the European Deposit Protection
   Scheme or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. These products and
   services are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)/Financial
   Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)/Financial Services Act 2012.
 * The NRI depositor has to assess the tax liability, if any, in the U.K. for
   the amount of interest earned on these deposits in India.
 * NRI deposits are governed by regulations issued by the Reserve Bank of India
   from time to time.
 * The deposits are payable only at the branch in India where the account is
   opened and maintained.
 * Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited will not retain (in any form) any document
   received from you and sent/forwarded to the Bank of Baroda in India as per
   your instructions.
 * Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited neither advises nor makes any recommendations to
   the customers for these services. Any complaints on NRI services should be
   made directly to Complaints Cell of Bank of Baroda, India and it may not come
   under scope of UK Financial Ombudsman for redressal.
 * The Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited reserves the right to accept or reject any
   application without assigning any reason.
 * Any Office of Bank of Baroda (UK) Limited in the United Kingdom and/or its
   officers, staff representatives, etc., shall not, in any way, be liable or
   responsible for any alleged deficiency in such assistance, nor for any
   dispute that you may have with any of the services provided by an office or
   branch of Bank of Baroda in India.
 * The deposits are payable only at the branch in India where the account is
   opened. The account will be serviced by the concerned Branch in India and any
   type of query or complaints on services provided will be resolved by the Bank
   of Baroda branch in India.

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