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Submitted URL: https://kav4.io/0/9qk89z
Effective URL: https://flattummyco.com/products/flattummyshakes?variant=36116181317&utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=%2...
Submission: On June 15 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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        </svg> Weight loss and appetite control ingredient Super CitriMax®, 3x better than diet and exercise alone<sup>[1]</sup></li>
      <li><svg width="24" height="24">
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        </svg> Nutrient-rich superfoods meal replacement Shake made with plant-based protein</li>
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        </svg> Probiotics and digestive enzymes to promote digestion comfort</li>
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        </svg> Protein that’s easy to digest, and good for your gut health</li>
      <li><svg width="24" height="24">
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        </svg> Helps curb cravings, feel full for longer, and fuel your muscles</li>
    <small class="strawberry-expiry">Strawberry best by date: July 31 2024</small>
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            <option selected="selected" value="15390206951512" data-title="Chocolate"> Chocolate - $89.00 </option>
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FREE international shipping for orders over $150.
Biggest Sale Ever • 50% Off Sitewide
Home › Shop › Weight Management Shakes


1317 reviews
 * Weight loss and appetite control ingredient Super CitriMax®, 3x better than
   diet and exercise alone[1]
 * Nutrient-rich superfoods meal replacement Shake made with plant-based protein
 * Probiotics and digestive enzymes to promote digestion comfort
 * Protein that’s easy to digest, and good for your gut health
 * Helps curb cravings, feel full for longer, and fuel your muscles

Strawberry best by date: July 31 2024
$89.00 USD
Enjoy 50% off, discount applied automatically at checkout.
Select option: Chocolate - $89.00 Strawberry - $89.00 Vanilla - $89.00 - Sold

Weight Management Shakes

Buy now Add to Cart •$89

or 4 interest-free payments of $22.25 with

Vegan friendly
Keto friendly
Gluten free
Dairy free
No added sugar
Soy free


A clinical study showed that adults who took Super Citrimax® for 8 weeks
experienced the below benefits vs. the placebo group (diet and exercise alone).

3x more effective than diet and exercise alone.
25% reduction in daily calorie intake.
Lose weight more effectively.
- Super CitriMax® is extracted from Garcinia cambogia


Our Shakes feature Super CitriMax®, a clinically studied and patented ingredient
for weight loss and appetite control - 3x more effective than diet and exercise
alone[1]. But we didn’t stop there, we added 50 unique superfood extracts, 22
vitamins and minerals, and 20 grams of plant-based protein to provide you with
an all-in-one powerful formula. Be confident you’re fueling your body with the
good stuff, each time you reach for a Flat Tummy Shake.

Get strong, get toned, get nourished.


[1] A clinical study showed that adults who took Super Citrimax® daily for 8
weeks experienced a reduction in calories and lost more weight with moderate
diet and exercise vs. the placebo group (diet and exercise alone).


Nutritional Powerhouse
Carbohydrates: 10g

Protein: 21g

Total Fat: 3g

Dietary Fiber: 6g

Nutrition facts

Natural Chocolate Flavor
With other natural flavors

Serving Suggestion:
Mix 2 scoops in 8-10oz of water, milk or other beverage.
Stir, shake or blend until dissolved.


20 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 Scoops (42g)

Calories 130 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value* Total Fat: 3g 4%   Saturated Fat
1g 5%   Trans Fat 0g 0% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 150mg 7% Total Carbohydrate
10g 4%   Dietary Fiber 6g 21%   Total Sugars 0g     Includes 0g Added Sugars 0%
Protein 21g 42%

Vitamin D 5.1mcg 25% Calcium 420mg 30% Iron 18.1mg 100% Potassium 440mg 10%
Vitamin A 510mcg RAE 60% Vitamin C 26mg 30% Vitamin E 7mg 45% Vitamin K1 5mcg 4%
Thiamin 0.5mg 40% Riboflavin 0.6mg 45% Niacin 21mg NE 130% Vitamin B6 2mg 120%

Folate 205mcg DFE 50% Vitamin B12 500mcg 20830% Biotin 150mcg 500% Pantothenic
Acid 3.3mg 70% Phosphorus 410mg 30% Iodine 51mcg 35% Magnesium 150mg 35% Zinc
5.2mg 45% Selenium 23mcg 40% Copper 0.8mg 90% Manganese 1.1mg 50% Chromium 60mcg

*Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values
may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Ingredients: Pea protein isolate, brown rice protein, cocoa powder, inulin,
hydroxycitric acid from the dried fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia (Super
CitriMax®), flaxseed (Bevgrad® Xtrasmooth), natural chocolate flavor, natural
milk chocolate flavor, xanthan gum, natural fudge flavor, milled white chia
seed, tricalcium phosphate, purified sea salt, natural vanilla flavor, magnesium
oxide, plum extract, beet extract, raspberry extract, yumberry extract, enzyme
blend (Pepzyme® AG), probiotic dairy (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium
bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium Lactis), black currant extract,
blackberry extract, grape extract, luo han guo (monk fruit)(Go-Luo®),
pomegranate extract, stevia leaf extract, red grape extract, cyanocobalamin,
banana extract, blue honeysuckle berry extract, blueberry extract, dark sweet
cherry extract, eggplant extract, guava extract, purple sweet potato extract,
red bell pepper extract, red pepper extract, strawberry extract, sweet cherry
extract, tomato extract, watermelon extract, orange extract, carrot extract,
zinc amino acid chelate, cranberry extract, purple cabbage extract, cucumber
extract, mango extract, peach extract, spinach extract, niacinamide, ascorbic
acid, acerola cherry extract, ferrous fumarate, apple extract, kale extract,
d-biotin, kiwi extract, acai extract, d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, broccoli
extract, brussel sprouts extract, selenium amino acid chelate, asparagus
extract, bok choy extract, butternut squash extract, green bean extract, green
pea extract, lemon extract, lime extract, mung bean extract, parsley leaf
extract, pineapple extract, pumpkin extract, star fruit extract, sweet potato
extract, yellow bell pepper extract, beta carotene, copper amino acid chelate,
vitamin A palmitate, iodine amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate,
d-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine HCl, chromium amino acid chelate, folic acid,
riboflavin, thiamine HCl and ergocalciferol.

Nutritional Powerhouse
Carbohydrates: 12g

Protein: 20g

Total Fat: 2g

Dietary Fiber: 7g

Nutrition facts

Natural Strawberry Flavor
With other natural flavors

Serving Suggestion:
Mix 2 scoops in 8-10oz of water, milk or other beverage.
Stir, shake or blend until dissolved.


20 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 Scoops (40g)

Calories 120 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value* Total Fat: 2g 3%   Saturated Fat
0.5g 3%   Trans Fat 0g 0% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 150mg 7% Total Carbohydrate
12g 4%   Dietary Fiber 7g 25%   Total Sugars <1g     Includes 0g Added Sugars 0%
Protein 20g 40%

Vitamin D 5mcg 25% Calcium 410mg 30% Iron 16.1mg 90% Potassium 370mg 8% Vitamin
A 510mcg RAE 60% Vitamin C 26mg 30% Vitamin E 7mg 45% Vitamin K1 5mcg 4% Thiamin
0.5mg 40% Riboflavin 0.6mg 45% Niacin 20.8mg NE 130% Vitamin B6 2mg 120%

Folate 205mcg DFE 50% Vitamin B12 500mcg 20830% Biotin 150mcg 500% Pantothenic
Acid 3.3mg 70% Phosphorus 400mg 30% Iodine 51mcg 35% Magnesium 140mg 35% Zinc
5.1mg 45% Selenium 23mcg 40% Copper 0.7mg 80% Manganese 1.1mg 50% Chromium 60mcg

*Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values
may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Ingredients: Pea protein isolate, inulin, brown rice protein, hydroxycitric acid
from the dried fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia (Super CitriMax®), natural
strawberry flavors, flaxseed (Bevgrad® Xtrasmooth), xanthan gum, milled white
chia seed, natural vanilla flavors, beet juice powder, tricalcium phosphate,
purified sea salt, magnesium oxide, plum extract, beet extract, raspberry
extract, yumberry extract, enzyme blend (Pepzyme® AG), probiotic dairy
(Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum,
Bifidobacterium Lactis), black currant extract, blackberry extract, grape
extract, luo han guo (monk fruit)(Go-Luo®), pomegranate extract, stevia leaf
extract, red grape extract, cyanocobalamin, banana extract, blue honeysuckle
berry extract, blueberry extract, dark sweet cherry extract, eggplant extract,
guava extract, purple sweet potato extract, red bell pepper extract, red pepper
extract, strawberry extract, sweet cherry extract, tomato extract, watermelon
extract, orange extract, carrot extract, zinc amino acid chelate, cranberry
extract, purple cabbage extract, cucumber extract, mango extract, peach extract,
spinach extract, niacinamide, ascorbic acid, acerola cherry extract, ferrous
fumarate, apple extract, kale extract, d-biotin, kiwi extract, acai extract,
d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, broccoli extract, brussel sprouts extract, selenium
amino acid chelate, asparagus extract, bok choy extract, butternut squash
extract, green bean extract, green pea extract, lemon extract, lime extract,
mung bean extract, parsley leaf extract, pineapple extract, pumpkin extract,
star fruit extract, sweet potato extract, yellow bell pepper extract, beta
carotene, copper amino acid chelate, vitamin A palmitate, iodine amino acid
chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, d-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine HCl,
chromium amino acid chelate, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine HCl,

Nutritional Powerhouse
Carbohydrates: 12g

Protein: 20g

Total Fat: 2g

Dietary Fiber: 8g

Nutrition facts

Natural Vanilla Flavor

Serving Suggestion:
Mix 2 scoops in 8-10oz of water, milk or other beverage.
Stir, shake or blend until dissolved.


20 servings per container
Serving Size: 2 Scoops (41g)

Calories 120 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value* Total Fat 2g 3%   Saturated Fat
0.5g 3%   Trans Fat 0g 0% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 130mg 6% Total Carbohydrate
12g 4%   Dietary Fiber 8g 29%   Total Sugars 0g     Includes 0g Added Sugars 0%
Protein 20g 40%

Vitamin D 5mcg 25% Calcium 430mg 35% Iron 17.9mg 100% Potassium 390mg 8% Vitamin
A 510mcg RAE 60% Vitamin C 26mg 30% Vitamin E 7mg 45% Vitamin K1 5mcg 4% Thiamin
0.5mg 40% Riboflavin 0.6mg 45% Niacin 20.8mg NE 130% Vitamin B6 2mg 120%

Folate 205mcg DFE 50% Vitamin B12 500mcg 20830% Biotin 150mcg 500% Pantothenic
Acid 3.3mg 70% Phosphorus 400mg 30% Iodine 51mcg 35% Magnesium 140mg 35% Zinc
5.1mg 45% Selenium 23mcg 40% Copper 0.7mg 80% Manganese 1.1mg 50% Chromium 60mcg

*Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values
may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Ingredients: Pea protein isolate, inulin, brown rice protein, hydroxycitric acid
from the dried fruit rind of Garcinia cambogia (Super CitriMax®), natural french
vanilla flavor, natural vanilla flavor, flaxseed (Bevgrad® Xtrasmooth), xanthan
gum, cocoa, milled white chia seed, tricalcium phosphate, magnesium oxide,
purified sea salt, plum extract, beet extract, raspberry extract, yumberry
extract, enzyme blend (Pepzyme® AG), probiotic dairy (Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium Lactis), black
currant extract, blackberry extract, grape extract, luo han guo (monk
fruit)(Go-Luo®), pomegranate extract, stevia leaf extract, red grape extract,
cyanocobalamin, banana extract, blue honeysuckle berry extract, blueberry
extract, dark sweet cherry extract, eggplant extract, guava extract, purple
sweet potato extract, red bell pepper extract, red pepper extract, strawberry
extract, sweet cherry extract, tomato extract, watermelon extract, orange
extract, carrot extract, zinc amino acid chelate, cranberry extract, purple
cabbage extract, cucumber extract, mango extract, peach extract, spinach
extract, niacinamide, ascorbic acid, acerola cherry extract, ferrous fumarate,
apple extract, kale extract, d-biotin, kiwi extract, acai extract, d-alpha
tocopheryl acetate, broccoli extract, brussel sprouts extract, selenium amino
acid chelate, asparagus extract, bok choy extract, butternut squash extract,
green bean extract, green pea extract, lemon extract, lime extract, mung bean
extract, parsley leaf extract, pineapple extract, pumpkin extract, star fruit
extract, sweet potato extract, yellow bell pepper extract, beta carotene, copper
amino acid chelate, vitamin A palmitate, iodine amino acid chelate, manganese
amino acid chelate, d-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine HCl, chromium amino acid
chelate, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine HCl and ergocalciferol.



A "superfood" is a term used to describe a type of nutrient-dense food that is
believed to have exceptional health benefits. Our proprietary Flat Tummy Shake
formula is designed with your well-being in mind, featuring 6-8 grams of fiber
(depending on the flavor) and over 50 fruit and vegetable extracts. Our blend of
wholesome ingredients supports a balanced and healthy diet, a key component for
health and fitness goals.

Show all fruit and vegetable extracts

Guava extract

Plum extract

Tomato extract

Apple extract

Red pepper extract

Raspberry extract

Red bell pepper extract

Acerola cherry extract

Strawberry extract

Watermelon extract

Red grape extract

Pomegranate extract

Cherry extract

Beet extract

Cranberry extract

Yumberry extract

Dark cherry extract

Pumpkin extract

Sweet potato extract

Carrot extract

Monk fruit extract

Butternut squash extract

Orange extract

Mango extract

Lemon extract

Peach extract

Pineapple extract

Yellow bell pepper extract

Banana extract

Green grape extract

Star fruit extract

Kiwi extract

Cucumber extract

Lime extract

Green bean extract

Broccoli extract

Asparagus extract

Brussel sprout extract

Bok choy extract

Green pea extract

Parsley extract

Spinach extract

Kale extract

Mung bean extract

Honeysuckle berry extract

Blueberry extract

Purple cabbage extract

Eggplant extract

Purple sweet potato extract

Blackcurrant extract

Blackberry extract

Acai Berry extract

Chia Seeds

Guava extract

Raspberry extract

Red grape extract

Yumberry extract

Monk fruit extract

Peach extract

Star fruit extract

Broccoli extract

Parsley extract

Blueberry extract

Blackberry extract



Pea protein and brown rice protein help fuel your body for the day ahead, while
supporting weight management efforts.


Protein can be hard to digest. That's why we use plant-based protein and include
a blend of digestive enzymes and probiotics.


Each serving includes 22+ vitamins and minerals to help promote full body



Super CitriMax®:
Clinically studied and patented ingredient for weight loss and appetite control.

Helps break down proteins for easy digestion.

A super-finely milled seed resulting in a smoother, non-gritty mouthfeel and
quality taste, as well as a clean label.

(Monk Fruit) Natural, Zero-Calorie, great tasting Sweetener.


What kind of results can I expect?
3× better results than diet and exercise alone. You should also feel full for
longer, which should help reduce unnecessary calories throughout the day from
Can I still eat normally?
When you're not swapping a meal for a shake, we recommend keeping it fairly
healthy. If you're stuck on what to make, Flat Tummy App has more than 1000
recipes to choose from - and it's completely free to use.
Can I use this with blood pressure meds?
With any medication, we recommend reviewing the ingredients with your doctor.
See the full list of ingredients for our shakes.
What’s in Flat Tummy Shakes?
A clinically studied ingredient, Super CitriMax®. Plus, 50+ fruit and vegetable
extracts, 22 vitamins and minerals, and 20g of plant-based protein. Each flavor
is vegan-friendly, keto-friendly, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free and made
with no added sugar.
How many servings do I get?
Each tub comes packed with 20 nutrient-rich meal replacement shakes.
Do I have to workout?
3× better results were seen in the Super Citrimax® clinical study with diet and
exercise than diet and exercise alone. Going on a long walk is great, or
complete a quick 30 minute workout on our free Flat Tummy App.

I never pictured myself where I am today! I always said I’ll try tomorrow, or
Monday, etc. but I finally ordered flat tummy shakes a look where I’m at and
still going!

- @breeezyyysfitnessjourney

On my second tub and my stomach hasn’t been this flat in 5 years!

- @jazzyjoyce12.02

I just wanted to say thank you for your shakes it made my stomach go down a lot.

- @cmiiamorr

This is from working out and being vegan also those shakes have been my

- Marissa

I use the Tea and the Shakes and I love the results so far!

- Natasha

I just started this product not too long ago and it has been great to my body!!
My favorite flavors are chocolate and strawberry! The shakes have been helping
me to kick cravings and sometimes I don’t want a meal I would replace with these
shakes. I am see results and feeling lighter and better! I look forward to
continuing this product and seeing more growth and results!!

- Briana


> I love this product. I used it back in 2020 and lost 35 pounds. Now I am using
> it about. I’m about one month in and I’ve already lost 10 pounds. I had a baby
> 7 months ago and during my pregnancy I gained 80 pounds. I’m so excited to be
> taking the meal replacement shake again.
> Nicole

> The shakes are awesome
> I lost 6 pounds within a week. If you're looking for a good weight loss
> product look no further, this is it! The shakes taste delicious, especially
> the chocolate which is my favorite.
> Patricia B.

> Great flavor easy to stick with! I've tried a few meal replacement shakes and
> flat tummy has been the best one and what I've stuck with. The flavors are
> great and non chalky. I like the different shake recipes they often share. The
> apple cider gummies fit in great also, the taste is amazing. They're soft and
> not hard gummies!
> Shawna

> Omg I cannot brag about them enough! Flat tummy shakes are absolutely the
> best. I've lost 15 pounds using the protein powder. I just mix 1-2 scoops with
> almond milk and frozen berries and exercise 4 days a week and it's really
> helped… I absolutely love this, it's a life staple at this point.
> Nyia

> I order the vanilla shake and the activate tea, I can tell you I’m loving my
> new body. My bloating has reduced, I take the shake as a meal replacement for
> my lunch at work and it reduced my appetite. Can’t wait for the end result
> though I will still continue to use the product as to maintain my weight.
> Caroline



4.41 out of 5
Based on 1317 reviews
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Very surprised with the results!

I used this product for 3 months after having my fifth child. Combined with
moderate exercise I was able to lose he baby weight that my body was holding
onto. It helped me get regular eating habits. I still have some skin to tighten
up, but at least I got the weight under control. Thank you so much!

Read more


Tani M.

Don’t think about, but it now! The best on the market!!!

This is the one. Don’t think about it just buy it, seriously. I read reviews so
for me to write a review means that this product does what it says it does. I
literally eat one meal a day because I have this shake for breakfast which keeps
me full well past lunchtime. I mix mine with heavy whipping cream because it’s
zero carbs, a dash of cinnamon, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Perfection!!!!

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It tastes good with some fruit and yogurt. It works wonders but sadly doesn't
taste like strawberry. You mostly taste the protein than strawberry 🍓

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Chalky and disgusting! Waste of money

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Don’t really like the strawberry taste I’ think I should of gotten chocolate

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Meet Bercelys Maria, a content creator from New York, working hard on her
personal weight loss journey. Keep reading to hear about her experience with
Flat Tummy Shakes, and to... Read more

 * Flattummyshakes
 * Motivation


After posting just how easy it is to make a Flat Tummy shake, I got so many
readers writing in asking me questions. Everyone wanted to know if the
program... Read more

 * Motivation
 * Review


Today we’re introducing Greyza Mena, who’s been hitting her health goals with us
since June! Keep reading to hear about her experience with our Apple Cider
Vinegar Gummies, Detox Tea,... Read more

 * Motivation
 * Review


Listen up, babes! Franceska is talking about her experience with our Flat Tummy
Shake program and giving you ALL the deets about how it went down. Check out her
video... Read more

 * Lifestyle
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We’re always posting these totally yum smoothie bowls on @flattummyco, and we
figured it’s about damn time we shared our recipes!So ready to mix up your daily
shake? Let’s do... Read more

 * Lifestyle
 * Recipe


What better way to start the day off, than with a tasty, healthy, protein packed
breakfast! A high protein breakfast has been shown to support muscle health and
weight loss.... Read more

 * Flattummy
 * Flattummyshakes


Introducing… Muffins without the muffin top.Try 3 freakin delicious protein
muffin recipes and remove any excuses you might have for not staying on track.
They taste delicious, easy to make... Read more

 * Lifestyle
 * Recipe


Cravings are hard to avoid, especially during this time of year, we totally get
it. To help we’re sharing one of our fav recipes that will let you give in,...
Read more

 * Recipe

Important Product Information
Results from consuming the products offered on the Site may vary from person to
person. Please do not use the products available on the Site when pregnant or
breast feeding. You should consult your doctor before using the products offered
on the Site, or any dietary supplement. The statements on the Site have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and the products offered on the
Site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Notice: For weight reduction use only as directed as part of the nutritionally
balanced Flat Tummy App diet plans. Do not use in diets supplying less than 400
Calories per day without medical supervision.


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© 2024 Flat Tummy Co | ABN 160 729 939 | Site by Blackotter
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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