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Name: catalogSearchFormGET /catalog

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Name: logoutPOST /logout

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Text Content

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   * Manufacturer Diversity
   * McKesson Brands
   * Preferred Suppliers
 * Our Services & Solutions
   * Analytics & Reporting
   * Business Performance
   * Clinic Setup Services
   * Distribution Services
   * Financial Services
   * Flu Management
   * Inventory Management
   * Laboratory Services
   * Patient Care and Engagement
   * Pharmaceutical Services & Solutions
   * Telehealth & Virtual Care
   * Training and Compliance
   * UPrevent: Infection Prevention
 * Customers We Serve
   * Ambulatory Surgery Centers
   * Assisted Living Facilities
   * Community Health Centers
   * Emergency Medical Services
   * Government
   * Health Systems/IDN
   * Home Health Agencies
   * Home Infusion Therapy
   * Home Medical Equipment
   * Hospital and Central Labs
   * Long Term Care
   * Physician Offices
   * Physician Office Labs
   * Retail and Pharmacy Clinics
   * Retail Ecommerce
   * Specialty Practices
   * Urgent Care Centers
   * Workplace Health
 * About Us
   * Customer Testimonials
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   * Clinic Setup Services
   * Distribution Services
   * Financial Services
   * Flu Management
   * Inventory Management
   * Laboratory Services
   * Patient Care and Engagement
   * Pharmaceutical Services & Solutions
   * Telehealth & Virtual Care
   * Training and Compliance
   * UPrevent: Infection Prevention
 * Customers We Serve
   * Ambulatory Surgery Centers
   * Assisted Living Facilities
   * Community Health Centers
   * Emergency Medical Services
   * Government
   * Health Systems/IDN
   * Home Health Agencies
   * Home Infusion Therapy
   * Home Medical Equipment
   * Hospital and Central Labs
   * Long Term Care
   * Physician Offices
   * Physician Office Labs
   * Retail and Pharmacy Clinics
   * Retail Ecommerce
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   * Urgent Care Centers
   * Workplace Health
 * About Us
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Medical professionals, medical facility employees 855.571.2100

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 * Ambulatory Surgery Centers
   * Ambulatory Surgery Center Resources
   * Orthopedics
 * Assisted Living Facilities
   * Assisted Living Facility Resources
 * Community Health Centers
   * Community Health Center Resources
 * Emergency Medical Services
   * Emergency Medical Service Resources
   * Products for Emergency Medical Services
 * Government
   * Government Resources
 * Health Systems/IDN
   * Health System/IDN Resources
 * Home Health Agencies
   * Home Health Agency Resources
 * Home Infusion Therapy
   * Home Infusion Therapy Resources
 * Home Medical Equipment
   * HME Advocacy
   * HME Retail
   * Home Medical Equipment Resources
 * Hospital and Central Labs
   * Hospital & Central Lab Resources
 * Long Term Care
   * Long Term Care Resources
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   * Pediatric Practices
   * Physician Office Resources
   * Products for Pediatric Practices
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   * Physician Office Lab Resources
 * Retail and Pharmacy Clinics
 * Retail Ecommerce
   * Retail Ecommerce Resources
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   * Products for Cardiology Practices
   * Products for Dermatology Practices
   * Products for Gastroenterology
   * Products for Neurology Practices
   * Products for OB/GYN
   * Products for Rheumatology Practices
   * Products for Urology Practices
 * Urgent Care Centers
   * Urgent Care Center Resources
 * Workplace Health
   * Top Products for Workplace Health
   * Workplace Health Resources

McKesson Medical-Surgical > Customers We Serve > Government



 * Ambulatory Surgery Centers
   * Ambulatory Surgery Center Resources
   * Orthopedics
 * Assisted Living Facilities
   * Assisted Living Facility Resources
 * Community Health Centers
   * Community Health Center Resources
 * Emergency Medical Services
   * Emergency Medical Service Resources
   * Products for Emergency Medical Services
 * Government
   * Government Resources
 * Health Systems/IDN
   * Health System/IDN Resources
 * Home Health Agencies
   * Home Health Agency Resources
 * Home Infusion Therapy
   * Home Infusion Therapy Resources
 * Home Medical Equipment
   * HME Advocacy
   * HME Retail
   * Home Medical Equipment Resources
 * Hospital and Central Labs
   * Hospital & Central Lab Resources
 * Long Term Care
   * Long Term Care Resources
 * Physician Offices
   * Pediatric Practices
   * Physician Office Resources
   * Products for Pediatric Practices
 * Physician Office Labs
   * Physician Office Lab Resources
 * Retail and Pharmacy Clinics
 * Retail Ecommerce
   * Retail Ecommerce Resources
 * Specialty Practices
   * Products for Cardiology Practices
   * Products for Dermatology Practices
   * Products for Gastroenterology
   * Products for Neurology Practices
   * Products for OB/GYN
   * Products for Rheumatology Practices
   * Products for Urology Practices
 * Urgent Care Centers
   * Urgent Care Center Resources
 * Workplace Health
   * Top Products for Workplace Health
   * Workplace Health Resources


Government support, simplified

As government entities deal with constantly changing healthcare requirements, it
can be challenging to deliver quality care while remaining compliant. To
successfully navigate public sector healthcare, you need cost-effective products
without sacrificing quality – and the support to back those products up.

We can help make things easier. Our team understands the needs of government
facilities because we support healthcare procurement at the local, state and
federal levels. We’ll deliver the right products and resources so you can focus
on what’s most important – operating seamlessly and providing quality care. As a
leading national distributor of medical-surgical supplies and equipment for
government professionals in the United States, our product catalog includes
everything government entities need, from medical-surgical products, laboratory
supplies and equipment to pharmaceuticals and vaccines.


McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions was built to exceed government
contract compliance and product standards. We do so by assisting our government
customers in their efforts to improve operations and increase efficiency. Our
dedicated, government-specific sales, customer service and operations teams have
the shared expertise to support the unique needs of public-sector healthcare.
McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions provides:

 * Simple purchasing & inventory management | Technology & support so you get
   what you need, when you need it
 * Distribution built for the needs of government | Our team takes compliance
   seriously while offering flexible delivery models to meet your needs
 * Solutions that go beyond products | Resources to help you be more efficient,
   improve operations & reduce costs

We’re proud to serve public sector agencies, including:*

 * Department of Defense
 * Department of Veterans Affairs
 * Department of Health and Human Services
 * State Departments of Health
 * State Departments of Education, K-12 schools and higher education


OP banner – 5 ways states can improve disaster planning & response




At McKesson, we understand how important it is to deliver medical products and
supplies to our customers and their patients on time. That’s why we’re committed
to investing in our distribution capabilities. Learn about how some of our
recent advancements in distribution center technologies help us deliver for you.



Browse our government resource library, including articles, brochures and more.


Browse government resources


Shop All

Wound Care
Treating wounds can be challenging, but we've assembled a wound care product
catalog we think can help. Whether your practice needs advanced wound care
products or wound dressings, consider us.
Learn More

For your facility's kitchen or cafeteria, we have a catalog of commercial
kitchen supplies and food service equipment, from bulk plastic utensils to food
service trays., we can provide them as we would your medical supplies.
Learn More

Diagnostic Instruments and Supplies
McKesson Medical-Surgical offers a full portfolio of diagnostic products
including thermometers, stethoscopes, scales, defibrillators, blood pressure
monitors, and more.
Learn More

Over The Counter
McKesson Medical-Surgical offers a full menu of over the counter drugs including
ibuprofen, loratadine, vitamins, aspirin, minerals, laxatives, and more otc
Learn More

Searching for the best medical gloves for your healthcare practice? In a time
when patient and provider safety is critical, we can deliver medical and
surgical gloves to fulfill your needs.
Learn More

Wound Care
Treating wounds can be challenging, but we've assembled a wound care product
catalog we think can help. Whether your practice needs advanced wound care
products or wound dressings, consider us.
Learn More

For your facility's kitchen or cafeteria, we have a catalog of commercial
kitchen supplies and food service equipment, from bulk plastic utensils to food
service trays., we can provide them as we would your medical supplies.
Learn More

Diagnostic Instruments and Supplies
McKesson Medical-Surgical offers a full portfolio of diagnostic products
including thermometers, stethoscopes, scales, defibrillators, blood pressure
monitors, and more.
Learn More

Over The Counter
McKesson Medical-Surgical offers a full menu of over the counter drugs including
ibuprofen, loratadine, vitamins, aspirin, minerals, laxatives, and more otc
Learn More

Searching for the best medical gloves for your healthcare practice? In a time
when patient and provider safety is critical, we can deliver medical and
surgical gloves to fulfill your needs.
Learn More

Wound Care
Treating wounds can be challenging, but we've assembled a wound care product
catalog we think can help. Whether your practice needs advanced wound care
products or wound dressings, consider us.
Learn More

For your facility's kitchen or cafeteria, we have a catalog of commercial
kitchen supplies and food service equipment, from bulk plastic utensils to food
service trays., we can provide them as we would your medical supplies.
Learn More

Diagnostic Instruments and Supplies
McKesson Medical-Surgical offers a full portfolio of diagnostic products
including thermometers, stethoscopes, scales, defibrillators, blood pressure
monitors, and more.
Learn More
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McKesson FluWise



McKesson SupplyManager℠
With comprehensive product information and features designed for your
convenience, our web-based online ordering system makes inventory control more
convenient and simpler than ever.
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McKesson ScanManager℠
Eliminate manual data entry of ordering and managing supplies. Our handheld
barcode supply management system helps you regulate inventory volume, maximize
shelf space and keep tighter controls on your inventory.
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McKesson Business Analytics℠
McKesson Business Analytics℠ is our performance dashboard combining spend and
operational information to help you identify real-time, actionable insights into
your business.
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Distribution Services

With more than 900 delivery professionals across the nation and the largest
delivery vehicle fleet, we strive to provide unparalleled distribution services
to get you the products you need, when you need them.

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Educational Webinars

Stay up to date on important healthcare topics with our monthly educational
webinars, presented by industry experts. View upcoming webinars, access our
webinar video galleries and register to receive monthly webinar updates.

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McKesson WoundCare Companion™

Get advanced wound care, skin care and nutrition products, support and resources
all in one comprehensive program, with McKesson WoundCare Companion.

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Our easy, online process will get you up and running quickly so you can start
taking advantage of all our products and services. Being a customer also gives
you access to product related tools and formularies to facilitate your product

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Facility Type

Select...ecommerceHome Health Agency Home Medical Equipment Long Term Care Home
Infusion Assisted Living Hospice and Palliative Care Other Extended Care Medical
Practice Surgery Center Community Health Center Laboratory Health System Other
Primary Care Non-Medical


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*This reference is not intended to imply agency approval or endorsement of
McKesson or any of its affiliates.

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Our Services & Solutions
 * Analytics & Reporting
 * Business Performance
 * Clinic Setup Services
 * Distribution Services
 * Financial Services
 * Flu Management
 * Inventory Management
 * Laboratory Services
 * Patient Care and Engagement
 * Pharmaceutical Services & Solutions
 * Telehealth & Virtual Care
 * Training and Compliance
 * UPrevent: Infection Prevention

Customers We Serve
 * Ambulatory Surgery Centers
 * Assisted Living Facilities
 * Community Health Centers
 * Emergency Medical Services
 * Government
 * Health Systems/IDN
 * Home Health Agencies
 * Home Infusion Therapy
 * Home Medical Equipment
 * Hospital and Central Labs
 * Long Term Care
 * Physician Offices
 * Physician Office Labs
 * Retail and Pharmacy Clinics
 * Retail Ecommerce
 * Specialty Practices
 * Urgent Care Centers
 * Workplace Health

About Us
 * Customer Testimonials
 * Managing Global Supply Chain Challenges

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