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With interest in English clubs building in the United States, FIFA's latest
working group on playing competitive games abroad points to a possible Premier
League '39th game' stateside

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Premier League
Dave PowellChief Business of Football Writer
 * 13:04, 15 MAY 2024


Chelsea, Tottenham and Arsenal could be playing Premier League games abroad in
the future (Image: Visionhaus)

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The prospect of Arsenal, Chelsea, and Tottenham Hotspur playing competitive
Premier League games overseas has moved a step closer.

Having recently settled an antitrust lawsuit in the United States with Relevent
Sports, a company that wants to bring top-flight European football live to
overseas markets, world football’s governing body FIFA has now confirmed the
creation of a working group to determine the feasibility of playing
"out-of-territory matches" - competitive games in different countries with a
"revised legal framework". LaLiga is already targeting games in the US by 2025.

While this may seem on the face of it to be a reasonably small development, it
is the latest step that opens the door to Premier League games being played
overseas in the future. The idea of an overseas game for English football’s top
flight isn’t new: it was kicked into the long grass some 14 years ago having
initially been discussed by team owners back in 2008.

There is now a greater number of North American owners and investors involved in
the English game, at all levels, and the popularity of the game is soaring
across the Atlantic as it builds up to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup. In terms of
revenue-generating, it opens up new doors for teams, and there is major support
to see it come to fruition across the pond, and likely some support in the
boardrooms of English football.

The financial boom that the Premier League has enjoyed has been predicated on
the League’s ability to continually sell its broadcast rights domestically and
internationally at huge prices, far outpacing what their rivals across Europe
have been able to achieve. But while the most recently agreed TV deal
domestically for £6.7 billion may have seemed like a deal that was another
significant step forward, in real terms it is actually diminished in value on a
per game basis, with the Premier League giving away 270 games instead of 200 per
season, and over four years instead of three.

The stagnation has started, and that will not have gone unnoticed by team owners
who will be searching for new ways to raise revenues at a time when wages are
growing at a faster rate. Internationally, there is still road to travel in
terms of value for the Premier League, and a major part of that growth will come
from the United States, where the current deal is worth £2bn per year through
NBC Sports.

READ MORE: Arsenal and Chelsea seek £150m boost as Premier League salary cap
warning signals new reality

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football finance content

With that in mind, Premier League clubs will have added focus on this summer’s
pre-season tour. With five of the so-called big six’ - Arsenal, Chelsea,
Liverpool, Manchester United and Man City - heading stateside, especially given
the relatively close proximity to the World Cup and the fact that, after so long
seen as a nut that could not be cracked, the US is now a fertile market for

Only Spurs are heading elsewhere this summer, continuing to place much focus on
growing the club’s brand in Asia, aided in no small part by the huge popularity
of South Korean star Son Heung-min. But in order to maximise the opportunity in
the US and beyond, team owners will know that they have to offer up more to
audiences in that market, and the Premier League will know that too.

It seems inevitable that competitive games will take place in the US, and that
is what the American market craves. They want to see games that have something
riding on them once a year. Whether that is a full round of games in the US via
a 39th game, or just one or two showpiece games per season, it is what the
market wants. The US have been taking their wares across the pond for
competitive games for years, with the NFL, MLB, and NBA regular visitors to
these shores.

Selling that idea to UK fans will be a tall order, though. The pushback to the
European Super League demonstrated the power of supporters, and that will be in
the thinking of team owners and decision-makers when it comes to approaching
overseas games. Until now there have been FIFA roadblocks to seeing those kinds
of ideas come to fruition. But after a recent court case in New York, where FIFA
settled an antitrust lawsuit with Relevent Sports - a company that wanted to
bring games overseas - the landscape has started to shift.

FIFA’s working group will looking at a number of potential issues and feed back
to world football’s governing body in due course, taking into account a variety
of factors such as fairness on fans, and the potential impact on sporting
competition and the integrity of the game. With LaLiga already planning to host
regular-season games in the US from 2025, potentially getting ahead of the
Premier League in a hugely important battleground, the issue (now that FIFA is
appearing to soften its stance) will come back to the fore soon for Premier
League shareholders, with the League not wanting to cede its position as the
largest, richest, most popular football league in the world.

Given the billions invested in the competition through team ownership by groups
who know intimately how the US sporting landscape operates, and how ‘soccer’ is
ready to truly take flight in a country of huge population and disposable
income, it is hard to imagine that there would be enormous internal opposition
to such an idea. Supporters may well have opposing views to any such attempts,
though. Neil Joyce, CEO of fan data specialist firm CLV Group, believes that
competitive overseas matches will become a vital tool for clubs.

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"Finding new fans in new ways via new propositions will become absolutely
crucial to clubs moving forward," he Joyce. "We know the US market is ready for
Premier League clubs to win the hearts, minds, and wallets of undecided, unknown
US fans - whether it’s through selling merchandise directly to fans or pursuing
partnerships across other sports, collaborations with video gaming, music, and
content creators.

"Miss this opportunity and we risk losing all of our momentum to the rising tide
of organic growth of Major League Soccer, not to mention other European
heavyweights like Real Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, and Bayern Munich. With many of
the top Premier League clubs preparing to embark upon their US summer tour once
more, they all know the opportunity is there for them.

"To progress, they must give US fans more access - and having competitive
matches actually take place in the US would only be replicating the success seen
by the NFL in bringing American Football to UK and European audiences. Simply
put, it’s a transformative opportunity that cannot be missed."


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 * Crucial VAR update emerges impacting Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
 * Arsenal respond to Man City win over Tottenham with four-word Premier League
   title vow
 * Arsenal unveil new home kit for 2024/25 Premier League season with one major
 * Arsenal given Kylian Mbappe transfer instruction and two reasons for Jadon
   Sancho decision
 * When the transfer window opens and closes in major Premier League change

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The television broadcaster was furious when he claimed that Spurs fans who
wanted their side to lose should be 'collectively ashamed'
Todd Boehly names Chelsea stadium priority and says 'it's already started'

Chelsea co-owner Todd Boehly has offered the latest news on the stadium
redevelopment plans for Stamford Bridge with the Blues' London location a key

Up Next
Crucial VAR update emerges impacting Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
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 * Most Read
 * Most Recent

Premier LeagueFIFA decision moves Arsenal, Chelsea, and Tottenham step closer to
playing '39th game' abroadWith interest in English clubs building in the United
States, FIFA's latest working group on playing competitive games abroad points
to a possible Premier League '39th game' stateside
VAR Premier League vote date set as Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea set for
crucial say
Premier League
Next month Premier League clubs will be able to cast a vote on the future of VAR
Man City face £355m FFP setback as Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham 'could get'
prize money
Premier League
All three major London clubs could be entitled to serious prize money
remuneration if Pep Guardiola's Manchester City are found guilty of breaching
financial regulations
Man City 115 charges hearing update as Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham await
Premier League verdict
Manchester City
Manchester City were charged with an alleged 115 breaches of Premier League
financial rules in February 2023
Crucial VAR update emerges impacting Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
Latest news from the Premier League with a huge vote on VAR set to take place
next month impacting Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
Premier LeagueVAR Premier League vote date set as Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea
set for crucial sayNext month Premier League clubs will be able to cast a vote
on the future of VAR
Man City face £355m FFP setback as Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham 'could get'
prize money
Premier League
All three major London clubs could be entitled to serious prize money
remuneration if Pep Guardiola's Manchester City are found guilty of breaching
financial regulations
Man City 115 charges hearing update as Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham await
Premier League verdict
Manchester City
Manchester City were charged with an alleged 115 breaches of Premier League
financial rules in February 2023
Crucial VAR update emerges impacting Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
Latest news from the Premier League with a huge vote on VAR set to take place
next month impacting Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham
FIFA decision moves Arsenal, Chelsea, and Tottenham step closer to playing '39th
game' abroad
Premier League
With interest in English clubs building in the United States, FIFA's latest
working group on playing competitive games abroad points to a possible Premier
League '39th game' stateside
 * Most Read
 * Most Recent

Premier League title raceMan City 115 charges and points deduction reality as
Arsenal Premier League title hope explainedArsenal news as title hopes remain
for the 2023/24 season in more ways than one despite Manchester City beating
Tottenham to close in
Surprise Kylian Mbappe to Arsenal transfer confirmation emerges amid £60m wage
YouTube sensation iShowSpeed has revealed that Kylian Mbappe will join Arsenal
in the summer
West Ham player makes Arsenal Premier League title prediction ahead of final day
Arsenal vs West Ham
Michail Antonio has been speaking about Arsenal's chances of winning the Premier
League this weekend
Premier League table without VAR as Arsenal and Liverpool face harsh title race
Premier League
Referees have been heavily scrutinised more so than ever before this season,
with incorrect decisions frequently stealing the headlines
Every word Mauricio Pochettino said on Chelsea win, Reece James red card,
Mykhailo Mudryk injury
Chelsea press conference
A full transcript of Mauricio Pochettino's press conference following Chelsea's
Premier League clash against Brighton, with updates on Reece James' red card,
Mykhailo Mudryk's injury and more
FA CupMan Utd boss Marc Skinner makes Grace Clinton vow after Tottenham loan
successGrace Clinton has been a standout performer for Tottenham this season and
has been linked with a permanent move to the north London club, but Manchester
United boss Marc Skinner is determined to keep her at the club
Arsenal 'in talks' over £21m transfer that could give Mikel Arteta squad dilemma
Arsenal transfer news
Latest Arsenal transfer news and gossip as the Gunners are being linked with a
summer move for Fenerbahce defender Ferdi Kadioglu
Tottenham's 2023/24 Premier League prize money after top-six finish confirmed
ahead of final day
Tottenham are now guaranteed a top-six finish in the 2023/24 Premier League
season and that in turn hands the club a financial boost ahead of a key summer
Arsenal make new Adidas kit decision for Man City title decider as Premier
League rumour quashed
Arsenal kit
Arsenal launched their new Adidas kit on Thursday, but will not be wearing it
when they take on Everton on the final day of the Premier League season amid a
title race with Manchester City
Mikel Arteta was told what to fix at Arsenal by Steve McClaren – and he’s done
Mikel Arteta
Arsenal are still in with a shout of winning the Premier League title on the
final day, and much of their success this season has been down to the work of
Mikel Arteta
Top Stories
Arsenal news and transfers LIVE - 2024/25 shirt, Bruno Guimaraes contact, Kylian
Mbappe 'confirmation'
Arsenal transfer news
Arsenal transfer news with the latest Gunners headlines and updates including
reports on Kylian Mbappe and Martin Zubimendi after Tottenham lose to Manchester
VAR 'unlikely' to be scrapped in the Premier League as Arsenal, Chelsea and
Tottenham vote
Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham representatives will vote on whether to scrap VAR
at the Premier League's annual general meeting
Arsenal 'in talks' over £21m transfer that could give Mikel Arteta squad dilemma
Arsenal transfer news
Latest Arsenal transfer news and gossip as the Gunners are being linked with a
summer move for Fenerbahce defender Ferdi Kadioglu
Tottenham's 2023/24 Premier League prize money after top-six finish confirmed
ahead of final day
Tottenham are now guaranteed a top-six finish in the 2023/24 Premier League
season and that in turn hands the club a financial boost ahead of a key summer
Arsenal stars pictured in new home kit with cannon badge update explained
Arsenal kit
Arsenal have revealed their home kit for the 2024/25 season
'Absolutely not' - Premier League handed clear VAR verdict amid crucial decision
The Premier League are set for a huge meeting to decide on the future of VAR
with football.london providing their verdict on the vote
VAR Premier League vote date set as Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea set for
crucial say
Premier League
Next month Premier League clubs will be able to cast a vote on the future of VAR
Todd Boehly opens up on £1bn Chelsea transfer spend and reasons for long player
Chelsea transfer news
Todd Boehly was speaking at the Qatar Economic Forum and was quizzed on
Chelsea's investment thesis, including their £1billion transfer spending and
extraordinarily long player deals
Mauricio Pochettino confirms second Chelsea blow ahead of final game vs
Mykhailo Mudryk
The latest Chelsea news after Mykhailo Mudryk was taken off just before half
time of Wednesday night's Premier League clash after a head injury, with the
Blues using the concussion substitute rules.
Cole Palmer reveals Chelsea dressing room's brutally honest stance on Mauricio
Mauricio Pochettino currently faces a somewhat uncertain future at Chelsea
despite an upturn in form
James Maddison explains how Tottenham surprised Man City and praises one of
Guardiola's stars
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City
The Tottenham Hotspur midfielder has been speaking about the Premier League
defeat to Manchester City and his own form and fitness
Arsenal given Kylian Mbappe transfer instruction and two reasons for Jadon
Sancho decision
Our opinion on the latest Arsenal news and transfer gossip ahead of the Gunners'
clash against Everton

 * Arsenal
 * Chelsea
 * Spurs
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