kocurband.sk Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://kocurband.sk/
Submission: On April 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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niečo o nás/learn about us

Bratislavská rocková skupina Kocúr je novinkou, vznikla iba koncom roka 2020.
Tvoria ju piati hudobníci – rytmická sekcia (mimochodom v tomto roku oslavujúca
38 rokov spoločného hrania) – basgitarista Jožo Hladný a bubeník Marcel Juck
(Bizarre, Laktibrada, Loveblade, Young Blood, Tornádo Lue, LEF), speváčka Zuzana
Jucková a gitaristi David Vasil a Matúš Kachút. Hudba skupiny vychádza
z prístupu k rockovej hudbe niekedy na začiatku 70. rokov, ale nevyhýba sa ani
vplyvu blues, či fusion music.

The Bratislava rock band Kocúr (Tomcat) is a novelty, formed only at the end of
2020. It consists of five musicians – the rhythm section (celebrating 38 years
of playing together this year, by the way) – bass guitarist Jožo Hladný and
drummer Marcel Juck (Bizarre, Laktibrada, Loveblade, Young Blood, Tornádo Lue,
LEF), singer Zuzana Jucková and guitarists David Vasil and Matúš Kachút. The
band's music is based on the approach to rock music sometime in the early 70s.
It also does not avoid the influence of blues or fusion music.

čo hráme/listen to our music Hudba (Music) Your browser does not support the
audio element. Pustovnícke hody (Hermit Feast) Your browser does not support the
audio element. Hoci je zima (Although It Is Winter) Your browser does not
support the audio element. Supernova Your browser does not support the audio
element. Múza (The Muse) Your browser does not support the audio element. Le
Désert (The Desert) Summer Live: Suwałki Blues Festival (Poľsko/Poland)

najbližšie hráme/upcoming concerts

V najbližšom období (zima 2024) nehráme, pozrite neskôr prosím / No upcoming
shows yet

spoj sa/contact Booking: juckmarcelfoo@gmail.com

(BAND) ©2023