Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On November 16 via manual from QA — Scanned from SG

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: getdemoformPOST

<form id="register-form" name="getdemoform" method="post" ng-submit="" novalidate="" class="ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-minlength ng-valid-maxlength" style="">
  <!-- <div class="no-padding banner-list col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
        <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 nopadding mb-25" ng-show="!$root.showDemo">

    </div> -->
  <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 no-padding">
    <div class="row m-0">
      <div class="form-group">
        <input name="firstName" id="text" ng-blur="showLongNameError()" ng-class="{'err': !isValidFirstName || getdemoform.firstName.$touched &amp;&amp; getdemoform.firstName.$invalid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
          ng-model="demoUserDetails.firstName" placeholder="Full Name*" class="form-control register-form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" required="" aria-invalid="true" style="">
        <!-- <div ng-show="getdemoform.firstName.$touched && getdemoform.firstName.$invalid"
                    class="span-12 error-msg error-red ml-10">Required</div> -->
      <div class="form-group" ng-class="{'mb-15': submitted &amp;&amp; emailPatternError }">
        <input name="email" id="busemail" ng-class="{'err': !isValidEmail ||$touched &amp;&amp;$invalid,'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}" ng-model="demoUserDetails.emailAddress" value=""
          placeholder="Work Email* " class="form-control register-form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ng-keyup="emailPatternCheck(demoUserDetails.emailAddress)" required="" aria-invalid="true" style="">
        <!-- <i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle info-icon" ng-show="!$root.showDemo" ng-click="showInfo()" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                    <span class="bnc-credit-txt" ng-if="showInfoMsg" aria-hidden="true">Use your corporate email to earn <b>100 BNC
                            credits</b></span> -->
        <!-- <div ng-show="$touched &&$invalid"
                    class="span-12 error-msg error-red  ml-10"  aria-hidden="true" ng-class="{'email-msg-center': showInfoMsg}">Business Email required</div> -->
        <!-- ngIf: (submitted && emailPatternError)||invalidEmail -->
      <div class="form-group">
        <input name="designation" ng-class="{'err': !isValidDesignation || getdemoform.designation.$touched &amp;&amp; getdemoform.designation.$invalid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}" ng-model="demoUserDetails.designation" value=""
          placeholder="Designation*" class="form-control register-form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" required="" aria-invalid="true" style="">
        <!-- <div ng-show="getdemoform.designation.$touched && getdemoform.designation.$invalid"
                    class="span-12 error-msg error-red ml-10">Designation required</div> -->
      <div class="row form-group padding-left-15">
        <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-4 contact-padding">
          <input type="number" name="countryCode" ng-class="{'err': !isValidMobileCountry || getdemoform.countryCode.$touched &amp;&amp; getdemoform.countryCode.$invalid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
            ng-model="demoUserDetails.mobileCountryCode" value="" placeholder="Country Code*" class="form-control register-form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" required=""
            onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 &amp;&amp; event.charCode <= 57" aria-invalid="true" style="">
          <!-- <div ng-show="getdemoform.countryCode.$touched && getdemoform.countryCode.$invalid"
                        class="span-12 error-msg error-red ml-10">Country Code required</div> -->
        <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-4 contact-padding">
          <input type="number" name="areaCode" ng-class="{'err': !isValidMobileArea || getdemoform.areaCode.$touched &amp;&amp; getdemoform.areaCode.$invalid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}" ng-model="demoUserDetails.mobileAreaCode" value=""
            placeholder="Area Code*" class="form-control register-form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" required="" onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 &amp;&amp; event.charCode <= 57" aria-invalid="true"
          <!-- <div ng-show="getdemoform.areaCode.$touched && getdemoform.areaCode.$invalid"
                        class="span-12 error-msg error-red ml-10">Area Code required</div> -->
        <div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 col-xs-4 padding-l-0">
          <input type="number" name="mobileNumber" ng-class="{'err': !isValidMobileNuber || getdemoform.mobileNumber.$touched &amp;&amp; getdemoform.mobileNumber.$invalid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}" ng-model="demoUserDetails.mobileNumber"
            value="" placeholder="Mobile Number*" class="form-control register-form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" required="" onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 &amp;&amp; event.charCode <= 57"
            aria-invalid="true" style="">
          <!-- <div ng-show="getdemoform.mobileNumber.$touched && getdemoform.mobileNumber.$invalid"
                        class="span-12 error-msg error-red ml-10">Mobile Number required</div> -->
      <div class="form-group">
        <md-autocomplete md-no-cache="noCache" md-selected-item="selectedItem" md-search-text-change="searchTextChange(searchText)" md-search-text="searchText" md-selected-item-change="selectedItemChange(item)" ng-blur="closeSuggestion()"
          class="form-control bordernone register-form-control border_gradient text-height-34 register-autocomplete ng-isolate-scope" ng-class="{'err':!isValidCompany,'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}" md-items="item in querySearch(searchText)"
          md-item-text="" md-min-length="0" placeholder="Company*" required="" tabindex="-1"> <md-autocomplete-wrap
            ng-class="{ 'md-whiteframe-z1': !floatingLabel,                         'md-menu-showing': !$mdAutocompleteCtrl.hidden,                         'md-show-clear-button': !!clearButton }" class="md-whiteframe-z1 md-show-clear-button"
            style=""> <!-- ngIf: !floatingLabel --><input type="search" id="input-0" name="" ng-if="!floatingLabel" autocomplete="off" ng-required="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.isRequired" ng-disabled="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.isDisabled"
              ng-readonly="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.isReadonly" ng-model="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.scope.searchText" ng-keydown="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.keydown($event)" ng-blur="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.blur($event)" ng-focus="$mdAutocompleteCtrl.focus($event)"
              placeholder="Company*" aria-owns="ul-0" aria-label="Company*" aria-autocomplete="list" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-activedescendant="" aria-expanded="false"
              class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-scope ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-minlength ng-valid-maxlength" required="required" aria-invalid="true" style=""><!-- end ngIf: !floatingLabel -->
            <!-- ngIf: clearButton && $mdAutocompleteCtrl.scope.searchText && !$mdAutocompleteCtrl.isDisabled --> <!-- ngIf: $mdAutocompleteCtrl.loadingIsVisible() --> </md-autocomplete-wrap></md-autocomplete>
        <!-- <div ng-show="needValidCityCountry" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">Please enter Country and City</div> -->
      <div ng-show="showCountry" aria-hidden="true" class="ng-hide" style="">
        <div class="form-group">
          <md-input-container class="countrycity form-control bordernone register-form-control country-sect-select text-font" ng-class="{'err':!isCountryValid}">
            <!-- <label ng-if="!">Country</label> -->
            <select class="country-ht pl-8 ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ng-model="" required="" name="country" ng-class="{'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}"
              ng-change="getCities(" aria-invalid="true" style="">
              <!-- <option><em>Select Country</em></option> -->
              <option value="" selected="">Country</option>
              <!-- ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="1" style=""> Afghanistan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="2"> Albania </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="3"> Algeria </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="4"> American Samoa </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="5"> Andorra </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="6"> Angola </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="7"> Anguilla </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="9"> Antigua And Barbuda </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="10"> Argentina </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="11"> Armenia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="12"> Aruba </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="13"> Ascension Island </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="14"> Australia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="15"> Austria </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="16"> Azerbaijan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="18"> Bahrain </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="19"> Bangladesh </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="20"> Barbados </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="21"> Belarus </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="22"> Belgium </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="23"> Belize </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="24"> Benin </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="25"> Bermuda </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="26"> Bhutan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="27"> Bolivia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="28"> Bosnia And Herzegovina </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="29"> Botswana </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="30"> Bouvet Island </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="31"> Brazil </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="32"> British Indian Ocean Territory </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="232"> British Virgin Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="33"> Brunei </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="34"> Bulgaria </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="35"> Burkina Faso </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="36"> Burundi </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="37"> Cambodia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="38"> Cameroon </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="39"> Canada </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="40"> Cape Verde </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="41"> Cayman Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="42"> Central African Republic </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="43"> Chad </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="44"> Chile </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="45"> China </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="46"> Christmas Island </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="47"> Cocos (Keeling) Island </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="48"> Colombia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="49"> Comoros </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="50"> Congo </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="52"> Cook Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="53"> Costa Rica </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="54"> Cote D'ivoire </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="55"> Croatia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="56"> Cuba </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="250"> Curacao </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="57"> Cyprus </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="58"> Czech Republic </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="59"> Denmark </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="60"> Djibouti </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="61"> Dominica </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="62"> Dominican Republic </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="51"> DR Congo </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="64"> Ecuador </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="65"> Egypt </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="66"> El Salvador </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="67"> Equatorial Guinea </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="68"> Eritrea </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="69"> Estonia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="204"> Eswatini </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="70"> Ethiopia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="71"> Falkland Islands (Malvinas) </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="72"> Faroe Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="73"> Fiji </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="74"> Finland </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="75"> France </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="76"> French Guiana </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="77"> French Polynesia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="78"> French Southern Territories </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="79"> Gabon </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="81"> Georgia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="82"> Germany </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="83"> Ghana </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="84"> Gibraltar </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="85"> Greece </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="86"> Greenland </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="87"> Grenada </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="88"> Guadeloupe </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="89"> Guam </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="90"> Guatemala </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="91"> Guinea </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="92"> Guinea-Bissau </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="93"> Guyana </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="94"> Haiti </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="95"> Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="97"> Honduras </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="98"> Hong Kong </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="99"> Hungary </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="100"> Iceland </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="101"> India </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="102"> Indonesia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="103"> Iran </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="104"> Iraq </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="105"> Ireland </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="241"> Isle of Man </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="106"> Israel </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="107"> Italy </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="108"> Jamaica </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="109"> Japan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="240"> Jersey (Channel Island) </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="110"> Jordan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="111"> Kazakhstan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="112"> Kenya </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="113"> Kiribati </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="251"> Kosovo </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="114"> Kuwait </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="115"> Kyrgyz Republic </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="116"> Laos </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="117"> Latvia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="118"> Lebanon </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="119"> Lesotho </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="120"> Liberia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="121"> Libya </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="122"> Liechtenstein </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="123"> Lithuania </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="124"> Luxembourg </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="125"> Macao </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="127"> Madagascar </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="128"> Malawi </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="129"> Malaysia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="130"> Maldives </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="131"> Mali </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="132"> Malta </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="133"> Marshall Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="134"> Martinique </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="135"> Mauritania </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="136"> Mauritius </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="137"> Mayotte </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="138"> Mexico </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="139"> Micronesia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="140"> Moldova </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="141"> Monaco </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="142"> Mongolia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="252"> Montenegro </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="143"> Montserrat </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="144"> Morocco </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="145"> Mozambique </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="146"> Myanmar </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="147"> Namibia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="148"> Nauru </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="149"> Nepal </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="150"> Netherlands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="151"> Netherlands Antilles </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="152"> New Caledonia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="153"> New Zealand </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="154"> Nicaragua </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="155"> Niger </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="156"> Nigeria </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="157"> Niue </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="158"> Norfolk Island </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="159"> Northern Mariana Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="160"> North-Korea </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="126"> North Macedonia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="161"> Norway </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="162"> Oman </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="163"> Pakistan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="164"> Palau </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="165"> Palestinian Territory </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="166"> Panama </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="167"> Papua New Guinea </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="168"> Paraguay </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="169"> Peru </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="170"> Philippines </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="171"> Pitcairn </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="172"> Poland </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="173"> Portugal </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="174"> Puerto Rico </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="175"> Qatar </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="176"> Reunion </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="177"> Romania </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="178"> Russian Federation </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="179"> Rwanda </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="181"> Saint Helena </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="182"> Saint Kitts And Nevis </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="183"> Saint Lucia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="253"> Saint Martin (French) </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="184"> Saint Pierre And Miquelon </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="185"> Saint Vincent And The Grenadines </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="186"> Samoa </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="187"> San Marino </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="242"> Sao Tome and Principe </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="188"> Saudi Arabia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="189"> Senegal </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="244"> Serbia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="190"> Seychelles </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="191"> Sierra Leone </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="192"> Singapore </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="254"> Sint Maarten (Dutch) </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="193"> Slovakia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="194"> Slovenia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="195"> Solomon Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="196"> Somalia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="197"> South Africa </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="180"> South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="198"> South-Korea </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="249"> South Sudan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="199"> Spain </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="200"> Sri Lanka </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="201"> Sudan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="202"> Suriname </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="203"> Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="205"> Sweden </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="206"> Switzerland </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="207"> Syria </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="208"> Taiwan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="209"> Tajikistan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="210"> Tanzania </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="211"> Thailand </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="17"> The Bahamas </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="80"> The Gambia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="63"> Timor-Leste </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="212"> Togo </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="213"> Tokelau </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="214"> Tonga </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="215"> Trinidad And Tobago </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="216"> Tunisia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="217"> Turkey </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="218"> Turkmenistan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="219"> Turks And Caicos Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="220"> Tuvalu </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="221"> Uganda </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="222"> Ukraine </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="223"> United Arab Emirates </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="224"> United Kingdom </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="225"> United States </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="226"> United States Minor Outlying Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="227"> Uruguay </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="233"> U.S. Virgin Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="228"> Uzbekistan </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="229"> Vanuatu </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="230"> Venezuela </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="231"> Vietnam </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="234"> Wallis And Futuna Islands </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="236"> Yemen </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="238"> Zambia </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
              <option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" ng-value="" class="ng-binding ng-scope" aria-checked="true" value="239"> Zimbabwe </option><!-- end ngRepeat: data in completeCountryList -->
        <div class="form-group">
          <!-- ngIf: isCitiesPresent --><md-input-container class="countrycity form-control register-form-control country-sect-select text-font ng-scope" ng-if="isCitiesPresent" ng-class="{'err':!isCityValid}" style="">
            <!-- <label ng-if="!">City</label> -->
            <select id="types" ng-model="" name="city" ng-change="cityValidation(" ng-class="{'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"
              <option value="" selected="">City</option>
              <!-- ngRepeat: data in completeCityList -->
          </md-input-container><!-- end ngIf: isCitiesPresent -->
        <!-- ngIf: === 'Other' -->
        <!-- <div class="error error-font error-red m-0"
                    ng-if="submitted && ((!isValidFirstName ||$error.required || !isValidDesignation || !isValidMobileCountry || !isValidMobileArea || !isValidMobileNuber) || 
                (! && (!isValidCompany || !isCountryValid || !isCityValid || (! && !isValidCompany))))">
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                </div> -->
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                    ng-class="{'validation-error':submitted && !isCityValid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
                    ng-model="" value="Other" ng-show="IsVisible" name="other"
                    required /> -->
      <div class="row m-0" ng-hide="showBuynowBtn" aria-hidden="false">
        <div class="col-md-12 register-demo-checkbox padding-top no-padding text-left">
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                                            <md-radio-button value="false"><span class="encodesans-font">No</span></md-radio-button>
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              <span class="checkbox-label encodesans-font" ng-click="demoUserDetails.demo = !demoUserDetails.demo" role="button" tabindex="0">Schedule free online demo</span>
      <!-- ngIf: submitted && ((!isValidFirstName || !isValidLastName ||$error.required || !isValidDesignation || !isValidMobileCountry || !isValidMobileArea || !isValidMobileNuber) || 
            (! && (!isValidCompany || !isCountryValid || !isCityValid || (! && !isValidCompany)))) -->
      <div class="no-padding align-center col-md-12 register-btn-container" ng-disabled="!enableButton" ng-class="{'disable-div':showLoader}" ng-show="$root.showDemo" aria-hidden="false" aria-disabled="true" disabled="disabled">
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        </ng-container><!-- end ngIf: showDwdtext -->
  <!-- ***************old form******************* -->
  <!-- <div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 no-padding">
        <div class="row m-0" >
            <md-input-container class="col-md-6 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 form-fields pr-5">
                <label>First Name</label>
                <input name="firstName" autofocus id="text" ng-class="{'validation-error': !isValidFirstName,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}" ng-model="demoUserDetails.firstName" required>
        <span ng-show="getdemoform.firstName.$touched && getdemoform.firstName.$invalid" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">The First Name is required.</span>
            <md-input-container class="col-md-6 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 form-fields">
                <label>Last Name</label>
                <input id= "text" name="lastName" ng-class="{'validation-error': !isValidLastName,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}" ng-model="demoUserDetails.lastName" required>
                <span ng-show="getdemoform.lastName.$touched && getdemoform.lastName.$invalid" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">The Last Name is required.</span>
        <div class="row m-0" >
            <md-input-container class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 fields form-fields" ng-class="{'mb-15': submitted && emailPatternError }">
            <label>Business Email</label>
            <input ng-class="{'validation-error': submitted && !isValidEmail,'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}"
                ng-model="demoUserDetails.emailAddress" value="" 
                name="email" ng-keyup ="emailPatternCheck(demoUserDetails.emailAddress)" required>
             <span ng-if="(submitted && emailPatternError)||invalidEmail" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">Please enter a valid email address</span>
        <div class="row m-0 form-group" >
            <md-input-container class="col-md-12  col-xs-12 col-sm-12 form-fields">
                <input class="form-control register-form-control" ng-class="{'validation-error': !isValidDesignation,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
                    ng-model="demoUserDetails.designation" value="" 
                    name="designation" required>
                    <span ng-show="getdemoform.designation.$touched && getdemoform.designation.$invalid" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">Designation is required.</span>
        <div class="row m-0 no-err" >
            <md-input-container class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-4 fields form-fields pr-5 ">
                <label>Country Code</label>
                <input ng-class="{'validation-error': !isValidMobileCountry,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
                    ng-model="demoUserDetails.mobileCountryCode" value="" 
                    name="countryCode" required onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57">
                    <span ng-show="getdemoform.countryCode.$touched && getdemoform.countryCode.$invalid" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">Country Code is required.</span>
            <md-input-container class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-4 fields form-fields pr-5">
                <label>Area Code</label>
                <input ng-class="{'validation-error': !isValidMobileArea,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
                    ng-model="demoUserDetails.mobileAreaCode" value="" 
                    name="areaCode" required onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57">
                    <span ng-show="getdemoform.areaCode.$touched && getdemoform.areaCode.$invalid" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">Area Code is required.</span>
            <md-input-container class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-4 fields form-fields">
                <label class = "font">Mobile Number</label>
                <input ng-class="{'validation-error': !isValidMobileNuber,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
                    ng-model="demoUserDetails.mobileNumber" value="" 
                    name="mobileNumber" required onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57">
                    <span ng-show="getdemoform.mobileNumber.$touched && getdemoform.mobileNumber.$invalid" class="span-12 error-msg error-red">Mobile Number is required.</span>
        <div class="row m-0" >
            <md-autocomplete md-no-cache="noCache" md-selected-item="selectedItem" md-search-text-change="searchTextChange(searchText)"
                md-search-text="searchText" md-selected-item-change="selectedItemChange(item)"
                class="border_gradient text-height-32 register-autocomplete"
                md-items="item in querySearch(searchText)" md-item-text="" md-min-length="0"
                md-floating-label="Company" required>
                    <span md-highlight-text="searchText" md-highlight-flags="^i">{{}}</span>
        <div class="company-menu-container ht-250"
             aria-label="Select Company"
             role="listbox" ng-show="suggestions.length > 0">
            <div class="demo-menu-item"
                 ng-repeat="item in suggestions"
                <div layout="row">
                    <span ng-if="" class="margin-left-5"> ({{}})</span>
        <div ng-show="showCountry" >
            <div class="row m-0 country-mt" >
                <md-input-container class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 country-sect-select text-font">
                    <md-select  class="country-ht" ng-model="" required name="country" ng-class="{'validation-error':submitted && !isCountryValid,'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}" ng-change="getCities(">
                        <md-option><em>Select Country</em></md-option>
                        <md-option ng-repeat="data in completeCountryList" 
                        ng-value="" >

            <div class="row m-0">
                <md-input-container class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 country-sect-select text-font" ng-if="isCitiesPresent">
                    <md-select id="types" ng-model="" name="city"
                        ng-class="{'validation-error':submitted && !isCityValid,'linkedin-input-process':showLoader}">
                        <md-option><em>Select City</em></md-option>
                        <md-option ng-repeat="data in completeCityList" ng-value="">
                <input class="col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 form-fields country-sect-select text-font" id="other"
                    ng-class="{'validation-error':submitted && !isCityValid,'linkedin-input-process': showLoader}"
                    ng-model="" value="Other" ng-show="IsVisible" name="other" required />
        <div class="row m-0">
            <div class="col-md-12 register-demo-checkbox padding-top no-padding">
                <i class="checkbox-tick" ng-class="{ 'fa fa-check-square-o' : demoUserDetails.bulletin,'fa fa-square-o': !demoUserDetails.bulletin}" ng-click="demoUserDetails.bulletin = !demoUserDetails.bulletin"></i>
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                <span class="checkbox-label">Contact me to schedule a demo</span>
        <div class="error error-font error-red m-0" ng-if="submitted && ((!isValidFirstName || !isValidLastName ||$error.required || !isValidDesignation || !isValidMobileCountry || !isValidMobileArea || !isValidMobileNuber) || 
                (! && (!isValidCompany || !isCountryValid || !isCityValid || (! && !isValidCompany))))">
            Please enter all mandatory fields
         <div class="col-md-12 no-padding center">
            <div class="no-padding align-center col-md-12 register-btn-container" ng-class="{'disable-div':showLoader}"  ng-show="!$root.showDemo">
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    </div> -->

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by Jigna Bhanushali published on November 9, 2023
Qatar - Qatargas has revealed an updated deadline for the technical bid
submission concerning the North Field Production Sustainability (NFPS)
Compression Facilities. This phase marks a significant undertaking, involving
the construction of two colossal offshore compression systems, with an estimated
fabrication requirement of up to 100,000 tonnes. The NFPS initiative stands as a
vital pillar in Qatar's strategic blueprint to elevate LNG production capacity
from 77 million tonnes per annum to 126 million TPA by 2026. Read More...
Latest Construction Project News in Qatar
Qatar's Equestrian Revolution: Unveils New Riding School Project


Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club (QREC) recently launched the Riding School
initiative, chaired by Issa bin Mohamed al-Mohannadi. This project aims to
nurture local equestrian talent, elevating Qatar's presence in global horse
racing. QREC's commitment to excellence shines through in this visionary

Redefining Coastal Skies: La Mer Tower's Visionary Blueprint Takes Shape


LA MER Residence embarks on a journey to present residents with the enduring
sophistication of a unique community nestled on Qetaifan Island in the Doha
Waterfront area. This initiative introduces a collection of contemporary,
ocean-inspired residences, ranging from Studios to 1, 2, and 3-bedroom
apartments, offering not just homes but a lifestyle of beauty, complemented by
exclusive amenities at a private club.

Ruya's Recent Revelations: NOC Navigates Notable EPCI Appointments in Qatar


North Oil Company (NOC) achieved a significant milestone in the Ruya development
project, located off the northeast coast of Qatar in the Arabian Gulf,
approximately 80 kilometers north of Doha. NOC, the overseeing entity, has
awarded essential EPCI contracts to various contractors to carry out different
packages within the multi-phase expansion project. The overarching aim of the
Ruya development is to uphold the oil production plateau at 300,000 barrels per
day in Al Shaheen, Qatar's largest offshore oilfield. These EPCI appointments
signify substantial progress in advancing the field's development and are
pivotal to Qatar's role as a significant oil producer and exporter.

Petrochemical Powerhouse: Qatar Secures Billion Boost


Funding has been secured for a significant petrochemicals complex in Ras Laffan
Industrial City, Qatar. Once completed, the project is expected to boost Qatar's
existing polyethylene production capacity by an impressive 82%, resulting in
substantial economic benefits. Set for completion in late 2026, the project will
further establish Qatar's prominence among the world's leading petrochemical

Qatar & Total's Long-term Energy Vision: A 27-Year Gas Agreement Takes Shape


QatarEnergy and TotalEnergies have finalized substantial LNG agreements for the
North Field East Project, enabling the annual supply of up to 3.5 million tons
of LNG to the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal in southern France. These agreements
underscore QatarEnergy's unwavering dedication to European markets, with a
special focus on bolstering energy security in France. TotalEnergies holds a
6.25% share in the North Field East Project.

Qatar's Quantum Quest: Fueling the Future of Energy Expansion


In a significant development within Qatar's energy sector, a groundbreaking
initiative has been unveiled, aimed at increasing the nation's natural gas
production capacity. This project seeks to substantially increase output from
the renowned North Field, a strategic endeavor that aligns with Qatar's energy
goals and involves key global partners

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news like Qatargas Announces New Deadline for NFPS Compression Facilities

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