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        "content": "\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\n\u003cp data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003e\u003cstrong data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003eTriple the Delight with 3 Bags \u0026amp; Ultimate Snacking with 9 Bags:\u003c\/strong\u003e The classic taste that started it all, Charles Chips Original Recipe is now available in two convenient options. Choose from a Triple Delight pack of 3 bags for casual snacking or go all out with our Ultimate Snacking pack of 9 bags, perfect for every occasion.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003e\u003cstrong data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003eUnparalleled Flavor Journey:\u003c\/strong\u003e Dive into the timeless blend of crunch and savory goodness that defines our Original flavor. Each chip is a reminder of cherished snacking memories, offering a taste that has been loved for generations.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003e\u003cstrong data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003eSustainably Sealed Freshness:\u003c\/strong\u003e We're not just about taste; we also care for the planet. Our eco-conscious packaging ensures that every bite of Charles Chips Original Recipe is as fresh as the first, preserving both flavor and the environment.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003e\u003cstrong data-mce-fragment=\"1\"\u003eTaste the Tradition:\u003c\/strong\u003e With every crunch, experience the legacy of Charles Chips. Our Original Recipe is more than just a snack; it's a tradition that has been a part of family gatherings, parties, and quiet evenings at home for generations.\u003c\/p\u003e"
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  <li class="product-page--pricing--discount"><!----></li> <span class="visually-hidden">Regular price</span> <span id="ProductPrice" itemprop="price" content="23.97" class="h2"><span class="money">$23.97</span></span> <!---->
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   * Chips in Tins
   * Sweets in Tins
   * Chip Tin & Chip Bag
   * Potato Sticks in Tins
   * Pretzels
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   * Chips in Tins
   * Sweets in Tins
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   * Potato Sticks in Tins
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Home › Charles Chips Original Recipe
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8oz (Pack of 3)
8oz (Pack of 5)
8oz (Pack of 9)
8oz (Pack of 3) - $23.97 USD 8oz (Pack of 5) - $37.50 USD 8oz (Pack of 9) -
$64.97 USD Purchase Options
One-time Purchase
Subscribe and save
(Save 5%)
Delivery Frequency
$22.77  /  delivery
Monthly Delivery
$22.77  /  delivery
Every 2 months
$22.77  /  delivery
Every 3 months
$22.77  /  delivery
Every other week
$22.77  /  delivery
− +
Sale price Regular price $23.97
Shipping Policy .
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Triple the Delight with 3 Bags & Ultimate Snacking with 9 Bags: The classic
taste that started it all, Charles Chips Original Recipe is now available in two
convenient options. Choose from a Triple Delight pack of 3 bags for casual
snacking or go all out with our Ultimate Snacking pack of 9 bags, perfect for
every occasion.

Unparalleled Flavor Journey: Dive into the timeless blend of crunch and savory
goodness that defines our Original flavor. Each chip is a reminder of cherished
snacking memories, offering a taste that has been loved for generations.

Sustainably Sealed Freshness: We're not just about taste; we also care for the
planet. Our eco-conscious packaging ensures that every bite of Charles Chips
Original Recipe is as fresh as the first, preserving both flavor and the

Taste the Tradition: With every crunch, experience the legacy of Charles Chips.
Our Original Recipe is more than just a snack; it's a tradition that has been a
part of family gatherings, parties, and quiet evenings at home for generations.



 * +
 * +
 * +

Total price:$103.90

Add selected to cart

   8oz (Pack of 3)8oz (Pack of 5)8oz (Pack of 9)$23.97

   9oz (Pack of 3)9oz (Pack of 5)9oz (Pack of 9)$23.97

   8oz (Pack of 3)8oz (Pack of 5)8oz (Pack of 9)$23.97


Lelia G.
chips always fresh, can't thank you enough for all the fond memories eating
those chips from the can bring back. great product
Shirley S.
Perfect ! Will order again ! My husband is addictive and the store is always out
Monica H.
Best potato chips ever made. Could use a tad bit more salt but still a great
Charlotte M.
The recipient was thrilled. Mentioned she wouldn’t be able to eat a whole can as
she now lives alone so the bags were perfect and her daughter visited soon after
she received them so she sent some home with her
I never received the chocolate chips... I was sent popcorn instead. This was
disappointing as my company was looking forward to it. I like your chips. I'm
from Pa.
Melissa W.
Brought back childhood memories.
Duane S.
Package arrived damage free. No problems with my order.
mary g.
Cassandra P.
Charles Chips are my favorites. They are so thin and crispy and just the right
amount of oil. I wish there were some place locally I could purchase them!
Daphne S.
Arrived quickly. Chips seem to be intact.
Linda R.
I bought Charles chips as a nostalgic nod to our youth--Mom always served them
with sloppy joes 30 years ago.
Dell S.
Taste just like I remember as a kid !
Started eating these great chips in 1985 and they still taste great. Really like
to open the bags and store the chips in the tin. Stays fresher that way. Thanks
for all you do!
Michael J.
Most of the chips were broken when I received the box. Just a suggestion would
be to stuff packing paper around the bags.
Pat (me) B.
A childhood favorite found again! Thanks for still producing a great product!
Jeff C.
Jeanette S.
Great service & great chips.
Karen e.
I still remember the taste of these from my childhood. Wish they sold them in
stores around here. Best....chips......ever.
Daniel K.
As good as I remember as a kid in the 1970’s when the chips would be delivered
by the Charles Chip Potato Truck!
Mary P.
Good potato taste but not enough salt for me!
Sue S.
Arrived quickly and were fresh and delicious, just as I remembered! They were
devoured quickly. I will be ordering more again soon.
Joe C.
Have not had the chips since I was a teenager. Have that great taste that I
Ed K.
Love Charles Chips, grew up with them and door to door delivery!
Christine G.
Same delicious chips I remember being delivered to our house years ago! Shipped
super fast and chips came unbroken. Highly recommend!
Dorene S.
I can remember my Aunt having Charles Chips delivered growing up. My husband was
thrilled when he saw that I purchased them and have a regular delivery of them.
Thank you
Sally J.
One bag was quite smashed, but these chips have the greatest potato flavor! They
are the best.
Darlene C.
The best chips the family all loves them,mostly original ones. We go thru 6 bags
a month( big bags).
Barbara W.
I haven't had Charles Chips in years and they are still as good as I remember
them! As fa as I know they are not available locally, so I had to order them.
Because of the pandemic, I have learned to order things. Now that I know how, I
will continue to order these chips.
Edward L.
Just the best chips I have ever had. Ordered 6 pacs, and will do so regularly in
the future.
mary d.
We love the thin crispness and not overly salted flavor of Charles Chips and
they are very hard to find at my local stores. Anyway the best deal is
purchasing them direct from the company online.
Melody B.
The shipment and delivery process is consistently outstanding. All products
arrive in secure manner, all chips whole, thanks to excellent packaging. I
intend to order chips and other snacks from Charles Chips. No other product can
match the texture and taste.Thanks so much.
Anne H.
I remember the Charles Chips delivery truck to my neighbor's home in Syracuse,
NY. Recalled how delicious the chips were back then. My recent order of chips
were fresh, crisp, and delicious. Did not disappoint. Thank you. I will continue
to purchase and be your customer.
Wendy H.
Charles original chips are the best! They are also Gluten free which is a plus
for all of us that have gluten allergies! Quick shipping and packaging was great
eric d.
Everything was great fast shipping
Rick N.
All the chips came in excellent condition, all chips whole. Thanks
Cheryl E.
I grew up eating Charles Chips because my beloved uncles always had them. That
was in the 60's. I had forgotten about these chips until I saw them at a Cracker
Barrel. I bought a bag and excitedly opened them and tasted a familiar flavor
from my childhood. I then ordered several tins and bags and have been giving
them to my family members and neighbors. Everyone remembers these potato chips
and each person has been so excited to receive them. I am ruined now for other
brands of chips. Charles Chips are so awesome. I have fun sharing and bringing
back so many memories. Thank you for such a wonderful potato chip. I am so happy
that I can still get Charles Chips.
Julie E.
My son loves your potato chips!
eric d.
Everything worked out great ease of ordering and fast shipping definitely will
be ordering again and again
Richichi J.
I remember Charles Chips from my childhood. When I saw an ad for them, I jumped
at the opportunity to see if they were as good as I remembered. What a pleasant
surprise to find they are exactly as I recalled. Thin and delicious. The best
chips ever!!
Michelle E.
Shipping is fast and chips are great
Susan M.
Love love love Charles chips! The only ones I buy!
Anne K.
Brings back delicious memories of my childhood!!!
Steven C.
My favorite chips of all time
Linda C.
I'm so excited to find that Charles Chips is still in business and will deliver
to my home! The experience from ordering to shipping to receiving my order was
easy and expedient. I ordered 3 bags of original, family is gobbling them up so
almost time to order again!
Debra W.
great option so i don't have all the tins to try to recycle!
Timothy M.
Been buying them for years
Ed K.
Grew up on these chips and love them more than ever!
Gerald K.
Darlene C.
Charles chips are mine,my son,my daughter in law’s,we will never buy anything
else,we used to buy Lays, but not any more, we love Charles Chips.
Not hard and too salty. Tastes good!
sandra d.
Some of the bags the bottom opened so some chips fell out
Philip H.
Great service and pricing on my favorite chip
Jeanette S.
Great service - great chips.
Richichi J.
So, so good. As good as I remembered. Ultra thin and crispy. Thank you for not
changing a thing!
Linda M.
We love our chips and hope you continue to sell them.
Mary L.
Best potato chip on earth
Annette F.
Charles chips are the best potato chips. However, chips were a little broken
from shipping!
Robert L.
I bought the chips as a gift to my brother on his 73rd birthday. We grew up in
the 50's and 60's when you could get door delivery of the chips. Although our
family never ordered them, we had friends who would get them. It was always
special to go to their house and they would open the can and we would eat some
of those great chips. Recently, my brother and I were talking and he mentioned
how he will occasionally buy a bag at Cracker Barrel and they are are just as
good now as they were 60 years ago. So I surprised him with the chips along with
a gift card for Cracker Barrel.
Rose G.
We are old fans of Charles Chips. So we came across them online and decided To
order them. We have to say, they were good but 3/4 of them were broken. Hope you
are able to get better packaging.
Sharon B.
I love these potato chips..the best!!
Richard D.
We easy process..
Pat M.
My orders are filled and shipped promptly! My chips arrive in great shape, the
bags have not been damaged in any way.....they arrive fresh and ready to eat and
enjoy!! and we do enjoy them!!!!! Thanks to all the great folks at Charles
Carol S.
Just as I remembered
Melody B.
The best potato chip experience.
Jeanette S.
Fast service of my order & I love Charles Chips.
Cindy M.
Delivered perfectly, delicious, fresh chips!!
Judy T.
These potato chips are just like I remember as a little girl… yummy
Gary S.
I haven't had Charlie's Chips in 40 years . Use to live on them growing up.
Living the new supply. Best Chips and Pretzels.
Debbi G.
Loved them!
Jimmie R.
As good as expected
John K.
Cynthia R.
Charles chips are the best!
Angie G.
nom nom nom nomnomnomnom!!!!
Kim C.
Love these chips.
Katherine S.
Always so very fresh. You can taste the freshness
Kim N.
These are the very best chips. Better than all other brands.
Missy F.
Amazing! Exactly the way they were when I was a kid!!!
James K.
Just like I remember. The smell when you first open the bag brought me right
back to my childhood. Love my Charles Chips
Diane S.
I didn’t have a good I believe it was damaged in shipping, received my
replacement today and was 100% satisfied. Thank you so much.
agnelo p.
I like the taste, not too much salt or not too oily I like Ummm !!!!
Louise R.
I thank you for sending the bags of chips quickly, my Nephew and Family came in
from Texas and I remember as a child how he Loved Charles Chips. So he was
really surprised you still made them! I believe he'll be ordering them!
Jacob T.
My wife and children have been eating Charle’s Chips forever!!! Moved to Texas
and was lost to them for years until a few weeks ago that prompted our order.
Never Ever had a better chip than Charles.
patrick b.
Always love the chips will continue to keep ordering them but not the pretzels
rodney g.
great chips
Robert G.
Love Charles Original Chips. My mom bought them when I was growing up in
Atlanta, and they were delivered to our door in the big tins. Now we order them
online, but they're still the same crispy fresh chips I remember. Thanks!
Elizabeth F.
Love these chips! The original flavors I used to eat with my Grandpa, and it
brings back wonderful memories! As a bouns, i LOVE the crispy thin chip,
perfectly salted!
Duane C.
Great Chips.
Judy R.
chips were awesome
Ron C.
Brings back memories of my childhood. Love your chips.
Nancy P.
Great delivery and delicious!!
John K.
Great taste, will definitely order more
Alan H.
A fantastic tasting and crunchy chip was perfection!!!
Joseph M.
Great chips, why are they so expensive.$6.00 a bag is to high for these small
bags. I shouldn't be able to buy them cheaper at cracker barrel them getting
them direct from you.
Lauren B.
Great service and a delicious chip! Just as good as I remembered!
Barbara F.
Love these chips
Conrad A.
This was my first order. Chips arrived in good condition and were very good. I
will buy again
Lori B.
Excellent Chips!
Robert L M.
Great chips from the 60's!
Margaret B.
I ordered for a Fathers Day gift for my dad and I didn’t have the correct
address when I submitted the order. I emailed them immediately and they fixed it
all for me! My dad used to have these delivered as a child and he loves them!
He’s already eaten a full bag and still says they are the best.

4.94 (345 reviews)
Write a Review
Sheryl Fraulo-Jones

Excellent potato chips ! My mom used to always have chips and pretzels delivered
to our childhood home ! Thanks for allowing me to have a blast from the past
moment w Charles Chips !!! I’m hooked ♥️
Robert Fitterman

I used to get the home delivery of Charles Chips when I was a kid and wanted to
see if they were as good as I remembered or was it nostalgia? Happily it was the
former and not the latter. The chips are addictive, light, flavorful, with just
the right amount of salt on them!! Best chips I have had since my childhood!
Daniel K.

As good as I remember as a kid in the 1970’s when the chips would be delivered
by the Charles Chip Potato Truck!
Robert L M.

Great chips from the 60's!

Love these chips reminds me of my childhood.

My faith in Charles Chips is restored! Received order #4 today. No damage, well
packaged, smaller box with more filler paper to stabilize the bags (photo is
shown with only 2 of the 3 bags). 2 of my previous 3 orders arrived damaged, so
I’m really happy of the packaging improvements! (And so happy that I have a
delicious, quality chip to enjoy instead of grocery store selections!)
Joe C.

Have not had the chips since I was a teenager. Have that great taste that I
Lisa W.

I have always loved Charles Chips since I was a child, and my parents used to
get the big tin on a regular basis!
Cynthia Johnson

We joined the automatic monthly 3 bags of chip club, enjoyed them so much that
we may need to upgrade to weekly chip club. ;) They not only bring back
childhood memories of the Charles Chips truck driving through the neighborhood,
but they allow those in our family with food allergies to enjoy potato chips
again. Thank you!
Nick S Nickerson

Best chips on the planet! Nix2Tall
Ed K.

Love Charles Chips, grew up with them and door to door delivery!
Janet W.

Brought it as gift for my brother. Had family member deliver it to him because I
was exposed to Covid. Thank God negative so far. Really wish you would bring
back your delivery service.
Store reply
Charles Chips has the best customers! Thank you sooo much for your support Janet
:)) We hope you and your families are safe and healthy.
James Kutz

Always fresh, just like I remember as a kid. I bought a tin first now buy the
bags to refill the tin. Everytime you open it you get that great smell I

The chips are absolutely fabulous and a great reminder of when I used to have
Charlie’s chips delivered to my house via your trucks! Those were the good ole
days! The chips are just as good now as they were back then. It was so nice to
find you guys again!!
Dorene S.

I can remember my Aunt having Charles Chips delivered growing up. My husband was
thrilled when he saw that I purchased them and have a regular delivery of them.
Thank you
Store reply
Thanks for sharing it with us😍
Glad you guys enjoyed it !
Kathy Purdy

Love, Love Charlie Chips. I Remember, the old days when the Truck will arrive on
my Job location. Someone will spot the Truck and Tell Everyone. Everybody will
Stop Work and go to the Parking Lot and Purchase Charlie Chip Cans Potatoes
Maria Austin

The shipping box was damaged. Three of the four bags ordered had burst open in
shipping. This impacted the flavor and freshness of the chips.
Sharon S Kearns

We had CC home delivery when I was a child. It’s been years since I had them. I
got a random link on FB, so I ordered a Tin! My husband and I won’t eat anything
else now!
Darlene C.

The best chips the family all loves them,mostly original ones. We go thru 6 bags
a month( big bags).
Store reply
😍 Thank you Darlene for sharing it with us

Chips were good, but many were pulverized in shipping. Disappointed to have to
eat many crumbs!
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