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Evidence Based


By Rachael Link, MS, RD

January 24, 2019

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 * What Are Chia Seeds?
 * Benefits
 * Nutrition Facts
 * Uses in Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine
 * Chia Seeds vs. Flax Seeds vs. Hemp Seeds
 * Where to Find and How to Grow Chia Seeds
 * History
 * Risks and Side Effects

Chia seeds are frequently featured as the star ingredient in many healthy eating
recipes, ranging from baked goods to protein bars to smoothies and beyond. Apart
from offering a pop of flavor and texture to your favorite foods, these seeds
are also highly nutritious and bring a long list of chia seeds benefits to the
table, including increased energy levels, balanced blood sugar and improved
heart health.

So why are chia seeds good for you? Keep reading for a complete list of chia
seeds benefits and side effects, preparation instructions, and some simple ways
to add this tasty seed into your daily diet with some wonderful chia seed


Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) have become one of the most popular superfoods in
the health community. Hailing from a species of flowering plant in the mint
family, they are native to areas of Mexico and Guatemala but are commonly
cultivated in many areas in North and South America.

These tasty seeds are easy to digest when prepared properly and can be a very
versatile ingredient that works well in a variety of recipes. Plus, they offer a
long list of important nutrients, including fiber, protein, manganese and
calcium, along with plenty of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Not only that, but recent research has found that the chia seeds benefits are
even greater than scientists initially realized. Chia seeds benefits include
promoting healthy skin, reducing signs of aging, supporting the heart and
digestive system, building stronger bones, and more.



Chia seeds are jam-packed with antioxidants, accounting for the powerful
benefits of chia seeds for skin health. Antioxidants are compounds that fight
free radical damage and prevent oxidative stress while also promoting tissue
repair and protecting against skin damage.

Interestingly enough, researchers from Mexico recently uncovered that they have
a total antioxidant concentration nearly two times higher than previously
reported. In fact, the antioxidant activity of chia seeds was shown to stop up
to 70 percent of free radical activity.

As one of the most high-antioxidant foods on the planet, adding chia seeds to
your diet may help fight premature aging and protect the skin cells against free
radical damage to optimize the health of your skin.


Chia is loaded with fiber, squeezing nearly 11 grams of fiber into a single
ounce. This means that adding just one ounce of chia seeds into your daily diet
can supply a whopping 44 percent of your fiber needs for the entire day.

Because of their rich fiber content, chia seeds benefit digestive health by
promoting regularity and increasing stool frequency to prevent constipation. The
fiber also acts as a prebiotic to provide fuel for the beneficial bacteria in
the gut, which plays a central role in many aspects of health and disease.

Plus, the fiber in chia seeds also absorbs a good amount of water and expands in
the stomach, helping to keep you feeling fuller for longer. This may explain why
clinical studies show that using chia seeds for weight loss could be effective
by curbing hunger and suppressing appetite.


Thanks to their high content of antioxidants, fiber and heart-healthy fats, chia
seeds pack a major punch when it comes to cardiovascular health. In fact, one of
the most powerful chia seeds health benefits is their ability to reduce
inflammation and decrease several risk factors of heart disease. Inflammation
can put extra strain on blood vessels and is thought to contribute to heart
disease along with a slew of other chronic conditions.

Chia seeds are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, boasting even more
omega-3s per gram than salmon. Omega-3s work to protect the heart by lowering
blood pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation. Meanwhile, the fiber found
in chia seeds can help manage cholesterol levels and keep the arteries clear to
minimize the risk of coronary heart disease.


Rich in both alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, evidence from several studies
suggests that chia seeds can help maintain normal blood sugar levels to fight
diabetes and insulin resistance. One animal model in the British Journal of
Nutrition even found that adding them to a high-sugar diet prevented changes in
blood sugar and lipid levels. What’s more, human studies have also found that
adding chia seeds to white bread reduces the glycemic response to prevent spikes
and crashes in blood sugar levels.


Chia seeds are often used by athletes for carb loading, a strategy that helps
maximize the storage of glycogen in the muscles and liver to optimize endurance
and boost exercise performance. In fact, a study published in the Journal of
Strength and Conditioning concluded that consuming chia seeds enhanced exercise
performance for workouts that lasted 90 minutes the same way a sugar-laden
sports drink would but without all the unhealthy sugar. In the study, half of
the athletes drank 100 percent Gatorade, while the others consumed half Gatorade
and half chia seed drink. In the end, the runners’ times were matched, but the
half-chia group consumed far less sugar.

Plus, the protein in chia seeds can help build muscle mass and increase strength
to help fuel your workouts. Research shows that consuming protein as a
post-workout meal can aid in the repair of muscle tissues and can also build new
muscle to speed up recovery time between workouts.


One of the biggest chia seed health benefits is the ability to strengthen bone
health and preserve bone density while reducing the risk of serious conditions
like osteoporosis. This is because chia seeds are loaded with calcium and
manganese, two minerals that are incredibly important for maintaining bone

With about 99 percent of the calcium in your body stored in your bones, calcium
serves an important role in maintaining bone strength and density. Manganese is
also involved in bone metabolism, with studies showing that a deficiency in this
key nutrient can impair bone resorption and decrease bone formation.
Impressively enough, a single ounce of chia seeds contains 18 percent of the
calcium you need in a day while also meeting 30 percent of your daily manganese
requirements to help build stronger bones.


Adding chia seeds to your diet is an excellent way to enhance weight loss and
help shed stubborn pounds. Chia seeds also rank among the top
plant-based protein foods, which is why chia seeds protein is great to consume
for those trying to put on lean muscle, burn fat, and manage hunger and

Studies show that increasing your intake of protein can promote weight loss by
curbing cravings and cutting caloric intake. One study published in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, for example, showed that increasing protein
intake by just 15 percent of daily calories led to significant decreases in
energy intake and appetite. Other research shows that following a high-protein
diet rich in foods like chia seeds could reduce levels of ghrelin, the hormone
responsible for stimulating hunger.


Chia seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid
found in many plant foods. In 2013, an in-vitro study published in the Journal
of Molecular Biochemistry found that ALA helped limit the growth of both breast
and cervical cancer cells. Researchers also found that it caused cell death of
the cancer cells without harming the normal healthy cells in the body. While
more research still needs to be done to find out the deeper implications of ALA
on other types of cancer, this is a great discovery for women struggling with
these increasingly common types of cancer. This discovery also makes chia seeds
potential cancer-fighting foods.


Because chia seeds are packed with calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and zinc, it’s
no wonder that promoting oral health makes the list as a top benefit of chia
seeds. Calcium is the building block of your teeth that is necessary for
maintaining oral health. Meanwhile, zinc prevents tartar by keeping plaque from
mineralizing onto your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps bad
breath germs away. Vitamin A and phosphorus are also important for strong teeth
and a healthy mouth, both of which are plentiful in chia seeds.

Related: 6 Benefits of Chia Seed During Pregnancy


Take a look at the chia seeds nutrition facts, and it’s easy to tell why they’re
so good for you. Each serving contains a small amount of chia seeds calories but
is rich in protein, fiber, manganese, phosphorus and calcium. Plus, chia seeds
also contain omega-3 fatty acids and other important micronutrients and
antioxidants that are important to health as well. This explains why there are
so many chia seeds benefits.

One ounce (about 28 grams) of chia seeds contains approximately:

 * 137 calories
 * 12.3 grams carbohydrates
 * 4.4 grams protein
 * 8.6 grams fat
 * 10.6 grams dietary fiber
 * 0.6 milligram manganese (30 percent DV)
 * 265 milligrams phosphorus (27 percent DV)
 * 177 milligrams calcium (18 percent DV)
 * 1 milligram zinc (7 percent DV)
 * 0.1 milligram copper (3 percent DV)
 * 44.8 milligrams potassium (1 percent DV)

In addition to the nutrients listed above, chia seeds also contain several
essential fatty acids; vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin D; and
minerals, such as iron, iodine, magnesium, niacin and thiamine.


Given the powerful nutritional value of chia seeds and the long list of health
benefits of chia seeds, it should come as no surprise that they have been used
for their potent healing properties in many branches of traditional medicine.

According to Ayurveda, chia seeds can help nourish the blood and promote
regularity, thanks to their ability to absorb water in the gastrointestinal
tract, forming a gel-like substance. Chia seeds can also reduce inflammation,
promote kidney health and support proper hydration.

Chia seeds were also originally grown in Central and South America and were used
as a natural remedy to enhance endurance and provide strength to warriors. In
fact, these ancient civilizations believed that chia seeds possessed
supernatural powers and attributed much of their stamina to the super seed.


Chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds are the three most popular varieties of
seeds for their crunchy texture, mild flavor and the wealth of chia seeds
benefits that they can provide. All three are rich in fiber and protein and make
valuable additions to a vegan or vegetarian diet for their medicinal properties
and extensive nutrient profile.

Ounce for ounce, chia seeds contain the highest amount of fiber and are
especially rich in soluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels,
reduce appetite and promote regularity. They are also easy to digest, and unlike
other types of seeds, they can be consumed either whole or ground. Plus, they
boast a good amount of several other micronutrients, including calcium,
manganese and phosphorus.

Flax seeds pack in the most omega-3 fatty acids per serving, which is important
for reducing inflammation and preventing chronic disease. Flax seeds are also
high in lignans, which are plant compounds that acts as an antioxidant and have
been linked to protection against cancer and heart disease. Unlike chia seeds,
however, flax seeds need to be ground up before consumption in order to maximize
the potential health benefits.

Compared to chia seeds and flax seeds, hemp seeds pack in the highest amount of
plant-based protein per serving. They’re also rich in magnesium, zinc and iron,
three minerals that are essential to many aspects of health. However, they also
contain a much higher ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient which
most of us get too much in our diets already. Experts typically recommend
keeping this ratio as low as possible to relieve inflammation and prevent
chronic disease.


Wondering where to buy chia seeds? They can be found in the health food section
of most grocery stores or ordered in bulk quantities online. There are various
different types of chia seeds available, including black chia seeds, white chia
seeds, milled seeds and pre-hydrated chia. Chia seed oil is also available and
can be applied topically to supply your skin with a good amount of hydrating
essential fatty acids.

Regardless of what type of chia you decide to buy, opt for organic chia seeds
whenever possible and buy from a reputable retailer to ensure you’re getting the
best bang for your buck.

You can also try growing chia at home in either an indoor or outdoor garden.
Sprinkle the seeds over soil, and be sure to provide enough space for your plant
as they tend to grow tall, with some reaching up to six feet. Water seeds daily,
and start harvesting once most of the petals have fallen off the flowers of the
chia plant. Then pick the flower heads and place them in paper bags to allow
them to dry. Once dried, the seeds should separate from the plant rather easily
and can then be collected and used in your favorite dishes — everything from
simple cereals to low-carb bread recipes to the classic chia seed pudding.


Many people wonder: Where do chia seeds come from? Although today they can be
found around the world, they were originally grown in Mexico, where the seeds
were highly valued for their medicinal properties and nutritional value. In
fact, they were even used as currency at one point.

The chia seed is nutrient-dense and packs a punch of energy-boosting power.
Aztec warriors ate chia seeds to give them energy and endurance, claiming that
just one spoonful of chia could sustain them for 24 hours. Chia means “strength”
in the Mayan language, and chia seeds were known as “runners’ food” because
runners and warriors would use them as fuel while running long distances or
during battle.

Today, the chia seeds nutrition profile has become the subject of increasing
research in the scientific community, with more and more studies uncovering a
wide array of potential chia seeds benefits and cementing its status as a potent


There are very few side effects associated with chia seeds, and the chia seeds
benefits typically outweigh any risks when consumed in moderation as part of a
balanced diet.

There has been some conflicting research about the effect of chia seeds
on prostate cancer, however. A study done on the effects of ALA on prostate
cancer showed that this fatty acid could increase the risk of prostate cancer,
but the study was later shown to have some bias. In fact, according to another
study in 2010, ALA did not increase prostate cancer risk and actually decreased
the risk in participants. Clearly, the jury is still out here.

Occasionally, some people may experience stomach discomfort when consuming chia
seeds, especially in large amounts, due to the high fiber content. As with any
food, eat in moderation and always drink plenty of water. If you have any
concerns or experience any persistent side effects, consider decreasing your
intake and be sure to discuss with your doctor.


 * The chia seed is a type of seed that comes from a flowering species in the
   mint family of plants and is native to Mexico and Guatemala.
 * The chia nutrition profile boasts a good amount of protein, fiber, omega-3
   fatty acids, and important minerals like manganese, calcium and phosphorus —
   thus explaining why chia seeds benefits are so plentiful.
 * So what are chia seeds good for? Chia seeds benefits include increased weight
   loss, better blood sugar levels, improved heart health, enhanced regularity,
   increased weight loss and more.
 * From chia seed pudding to protein bars and baked goods, there are plenty of
   chia seeds recipe options that you can try to fit this nutrient-rich seed
   into your diet and get chia seeds benefits.
 * Soak, grind or enjoy whole for a nutritious and delicious way to boost the
   benefits of your diet and take advantage of the multitude of chia seeds

Read Next: How to Eat Chia Seeds: Whole, Ground, Soaked or Raw?



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