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SAULT STE. MARIE, Ontario, Canada
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Platform: Personal and Commercial Banking
Sub Category: Sales and Advisory
Type: Part time
Application Deadline: 10/12/2023
Req ID: R-0000068419

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At RBC, our culture is deeply supportive and rich in opportunity and reward. You
will help our clients thrive and our communities prosper, empowered by a spirit
of shared purpose.

Whether you’re helping clients find new opportunities, developing new
technology, or providing expert advice to internal partners, you will be doing
work that matters in the world, in an environment built on teamwork, service,
responsibility, diversity, and integrity.

Job Title

Client Advisor (Sault Ste Marie, ON)

Job Description

What is the opportunity?

As an RBC Ambassador inside our branches, you will put clients first and find
solutions to their individual needs. You will champion the RBC brand and drive
business by supporting new client acquisition and deepening existing
relationships. If you have the self-motivation to deliver exceptional customer
service and are excited to help clients embrace our digital capabilities,, you
can build a great career with us as a future Account Manager/Banking Advisor.

What will you do?

 * Proactively engage with clients in the branch and deliver an outstanding
   service experience through completing transactions and by identifying
   opportunities for advice, solutions, digital enablement and partner
 * Focus on education and demonstration, leverage technology to deliver a
   memorable client experience, drive solutions and retain business
 * Contribute to team results by listening and spotting opportunities to offer
   additional advice, introduce clients to the capability of RBC partners, or
   personally fulfil client solutions
 * Proactively take ownership of resolving and preventing client banking
 * Cultivate and maintain relationships with partners to work as one RBC team
 * Manage risks by adhering to compliance routines, processes, and controls to
   protect client and shareholder interests while completing transactions

What do you need to succeed?


 * Goal-oriented individual with a demonstrated passion for putting clients
 * Drive and self-motivation, as well as excellent communication skills and
   emotional intelligence
 * Digital literacy across a broad range of devices (i.e., smartphones, tablets,
   laptops, etc.)
 * Personal flexibility to work flex hours
 * Eagerness to learn and determination to succeed
 * Confidence and ability to learn financial concepts and willingness to obtain
   the Investment Funds in Canada or the Canadian Securities Course


 * Track record in building rapport and maintaining client relationships within
   the financial, service or retail industry
 * Mutual Funds accreditation

Is this job right for you? Check out our video and decide for yourself!

What’s in it for you?

We thrive on the challenge to be our best, progressive thinking to keep growing,
and working together to deliver trusted advice to help our clients thrive and
communities prosper. We care about each other, reaching our potential, making a
difference to our communities, and achieving success that is mutual.

 * A comprehensive Total Rewards Program including bonuses and flexible
   benefits, competitive compensation, commissions, and stock where applicable
 * A world-class training program in financial services
 * Excellent career development and access to a variety of job opportunities
   across business and geographies
 * Leaders who support your development through coaching and managing
 * Work in a dynamic, collaborative, progressive, and high-performing team

Job Summary


SAULT STE. MARIE, Ontario, Canada





Work hours/week:


Employment Type:

Part time


Personal and Commercial Banking

Job Type:

Regular – Trainee (Trainee)

Pay Type:


Posted Date:


Application Deadline:


Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Employment

At RBC, we embrace diversity and inclusion for innovation and growth. We are
committed to building inclusive teams and an equitable workplace for our
employees to bring their true selves to work. We are taking actions to tackle
issues of inequity and systemic bias to support our diverse talent, clients and

We also strive to provide an accessible candidate experience for our prospective
employees with different abilities. Please let us know if you need any
accommodations during the recruitment process.

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Being you shouldn't be your side hustle. RBC celebrates unique perspectives,
backgrounds and experiences and empowers you to bring your whole self to work,
every day.

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 * Client Advisor
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location CHAPLEAU, Ontario,
   Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client advisor
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location LONDON, Ontario,
   Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client advisor
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location LONDON, Ontario,
   Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client Advisor
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location ST. MARYS,
   Ontario, Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client Advisor Intern
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location ST. THOMAS,
   Ontario, Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client Advisor
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location BLIND RIVER,
   Ontario, Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client Advisor
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Location STRATFORD,
   Ontario, Canada Job Type Part time
 * Client Advisor Casual
   Category Customer Service | Client Advice | Sales Job Type Part time
   Job available in 2 locations
    * WADENA, Saskatchewan, Canada
    * FOAM LAKE, Saskatchewan, Canada

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