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Patriotism & Unity


August 09, 2022 06:00 AM
Tom Fitton

The U.S. military is being attacked from within. But instead of rifles and
tanks, the weapon being used to dismantle our armed forces is progressive

The latest target is the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, which was
established by George Washington and is where our rising generation of Army
officers are schooled. Government watchdog Judicial Watch just uncovered that
West Point leadership has been force-feeding cadets the tenets of critical race
theory , a Marxist theory that stokes racial separatism.

As a result of two Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against the Department of
Defense, Judicial Watch forced the release of more than 600 pages of PowerPoint
slides, handouts, and other curricula used to educate West Point cadets on
topics such as “modern day slavery in the USA.”

The documents from West Point reveal an assault on cadets in the form of
race-based shaming that paints one race as an oppressor and another as the
victim. In one presentation, for example, titled “‘Race and the Invisible Hand’:
How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue-Collar Jobs,” West Point cadets
were taught that white people are malicious oppressors. The academy’s training
materials also described whiteness as “a standpoint or place from which white
people look at themselves and the rest of society.”

Cadets were directed to “consider how the contemporary issues that relate to
race, gender, and sexuality apply to the army and how they impact the army
officer.” The materials went on to explain that CRT’s concepts “are essential
for future military officers to understand and fully absorb.” And, if that’s not
enough, students learned the fundamentals of feminist theory and queer theory in
a three-credit social sciences class titled “The Politics of Race, Gender, and

CRT is a threat to our nation. It arises from the Marxist intellectual framework
against which the United States fought during the Cold War. And although the
U.S. defeated the imminent military threat of Marxist communism in the 1980s, it
lives on beneath the banner of CRT and has infiltrated every aspect of American
society, from cultural institutions to the workplace and now the U.S. military.
Allowing CRT to permeate military education betrays those who fought and still
defend this nation against the Marxist totalitarian menace.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration has made critical race theory a primary
governing principle. Indeed, Gen. Darryl Williams, the West Point superintendent
responsible for the CRT abuse of the cadets in his care, was given a fourth star
by Biden and promoted to commander of U.S. Army Europe and Africa.

Congress can end this insanity, but the Democratic-controlled congress is set to
push back on any attempts to restrict CRT and its inclusion in our military’s
education programs.

It’s no wonder, then, that the U.S. Army is projected to fall 10,000 soldiers
short this fiscal year . Why would American patriots join today’s Army, which
seems too often to oppose fundamental American values?

Thankfully, the abuse at West Point is not going unnoticed. West Point graduates
recently signed a letter objecting to the teaching of radical agendas at the
academy. The letter points out that by teaching CRT and hosting progressive
guest speakers, West Point violated U.S. Army regulations by permitting
political activism on campus. And, as the graduates argued, CRT indoctrination
at West Point does more harm than good by placing race at the forefront of U.S.
military education.

The military has long sought to embody Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream that
people “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
character” through its commitment to character and common purpose. In fact, the
military uniform is a great equalizer that has long united people regardless of
color, class, gender, and religion. But by sowing racial divisions between
cadets, CRT fosters resentment and anger instead of the unity essential for an
effective fighting force.

Studies show that bonds of unity play a significant role on the front lines.
Nearly all soldiers report a “fused” identity with their battalions akin to the
fusion between themselves and their own family members, according to a
University of Oxford study . When asked which group they felt most fused to, 45%
of soldiers chose their own battalions over their families. Manufacturing
political and racial tensions between cadets in training could create disastrous
consequences for battalion cohesion and Army leadership down the road — which,
from our enemies’ perspective, could be the point.

The ideological attack on West Point cadets (and the woke leadership in our
military’s other academies ) must stop. Such blatantly racist, anti-American
propaganda not only threatens to radicalize the next generation of U.S. Army
leadership, but it undermines the purpose of our military: to identify,
confront, and destroy the enemy. If critical race theory persists in the
training of future officers, they will see the enemy as their fellow American.

Tom Fitton is the president of Judicial Watch.

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