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StarTech.com RKPW081915 PDU-Steckdosenleiste für Netzwerk-Server-Racks mit 8
Steckdosen, horizontal, 1 U, Überspannungsschutz, 120 V/15 A, mit 1,8 m
NetzkabelStarTech.com RKPW081915 PDU-Steckdosenleiste für Netzwerk-Server-Racks
mit 8 Steckdosen, horizontal, 1 U, Überspannungsschutz, 120 V/15 A, mit 1,8 m

CyberPower CPS1215RM Basic PDU, 100-125V/15A, 10 Steckdosen, 4,5 m Netzkabel, 1U
RackmountCyberPower CPS1215RM Basic PDU, 100-125V/15A, 10 Steckdosen, 4,5 m
Netzkabel, 1U Rackmount

CyberPower RMCARD205 UPS & ATS PDU Remote Management CardCyberPower RMCARD205
UPS & ATS PDU Remote Management Card

Rapink Patchpanel 24 Port Cat6 mit Inline Keystone 10G Unterstützung, Pass-Thru
Koppler UTP 19 Zoll mit abnehmbarer Rückleiste, 1U Netzwerk-Patchpanel für Cat6,
Cat5e, Cat5 VerkabelungRapink Patchpanel 24 Port Cat6 mit Inline Keystone 10G
Unterstützung, Pass-Thru Koppler UTP 19 Zoll mit abnehmbarer Rückleiste, 1U
Netzwerk-Patchpanel für Cat6, Cat5e, Cat5 Verkabelung

StarTech.com 6U Wandhalterung, Netzwerk-Rack, 35,6 cm tief (flaches Profil),
48,3 cm Patchfeld-Halterung für flache Server- und IT-Geräte, Netzwerk-Switches
– 20 kg Tragkraft, Schwarz (WALLMOUNT6)StarTech.com 6U Wandhalterung,
Netzwerk-Rack, 35,6 cm tief (flaches Profil), 48,3 cm Patchfeld-Halterung für
flache Server- und IT-Geräte, Netzwerk-Switches – 20 kg Tragkraft, Schwarz

2441 kundenrezensionen

3759 kundenrezensionen

208 kundenrezensionen

439 kundenrezensionen

3738 kundenrezensionen
Preis57,82 $40,55 $309,95 $42,95 $63,99 $
Versandkosten17,92 $48,16 $10,35 $11,80 $57,29 $
Einfuhrzölle0,00 $0,00 $66,18 $0,00 $0,00 $
Gesamtkosten75,74 $88,71 $386,48 $54,75 $121,28 $
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CyberPower CSP600WSURC5 Professioneller Überspannungsschutz, 900J/125V, 6
schwenkbare Ausgänge, 1 USB-C-Ladeanschluss, Wandarmatur-Design, WeißCyberPower
CSP600WSURC5 Professioneller Überspannungsschutz, 900J/1…
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Kundenbewertung: CyberPower Smart App LCD
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CyberPower Systems Direct

CyberPower Systems Direct

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CyberPower Systems Direct

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4,5 4,5 von 5 Sternen 1.282 Sternebewertungen
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Amazons Tipp empfiehlt hoch bewertete Produkte mit einem guten
Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, die sofort versendet werden können.
Amazons Tipp in Computer Uninterruptible Power Supply Units by CyberPower


Größe: 500VA

 * 500VA
   21 Optionen ab 199,95 $

 * 700VA
   16 Optionen ab 299,95 $

 * 1000VA
   20 Optionen ab 459,95 $

 * 1500VA
   23 Optionen ab 556,95 $

Stil: USV

Marke CyberPower Akkuaufbau Versiegelte Bleisäure Produktabmessungen 23,5T x
43,3B x 4,4H cm Spannung 120 Volt Farbe Schwarz



 * 500 VA/300 W Smart App LCD Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung (USV) System
   verwendet simulierten Sinuswellenausgang zum Schutz von Abteilungs- und
   Arbeitsgruppenservern, Netzwerkgeräten und Telekommunikationsinstallationen
   ohne aktive PFC-Netzteile
 * Sechs NEMA 5-15R-Steckdosen: vier Batterie-Backup- und
   Überspannungsschutz-Steckdosen; zwei überspannungsgeschützte Steckdosen;
   Eingang: 15 A, NEMA 5-15P gerader Stecker mit 3 m langem Netzkabel
 * Multifunktionales LCD-Panel: Bietet Laufzeit in Minuten, Batteriestatus,
   Stromzustand, warnt Benutzer vor potenziellen Problemen, bevor sie kritische
   Geräte beeinträchtigen und Ausfallzeiten verursachen können; Fernverwaltung:
   erfordert optionale RMCARD205-Managementkarte
 * Automatische Spannungsregelung (AVR): korrigiert kleinere
   Leistungsschwankungen ohne Umstellung auf Batterieleistung und verlängert so
   die Lebensdauer der Batterie
 * 3 Jahre Garantie – inklusive Batterien; 300.000 $ Garantie für verbundene
   Geräte und kostenlose PowerPanel Business Edition Management-Software

  Ein Problem mit diesem Produkt oder Verkäufer melden

Hinweis: Produkte mit Elektrosteckern sind für den Einsatz in den USA
konzipiert. Steckdosen und Voltzahlen sind je nach Land unterschiedlich. So ist
für dieses Produkt möglicherweise ein Adapter oder Konverter erforderlich, damit
es an Ihrem Zielort genutzt werden kann. Bitte prüfen Sie vor dem Kauf die





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Vorherige Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte
 1.  Feedback
     Crystal Image Technologies - Rackmount Konsole – 1U 19 Zoll Rackmount…
     979,00 $
 2.  Feedback
     RIVECO 12U Server Rack Offener Rahmen mit Rollen + PDU (8 Steckdosen)…
     199,88 $
     Spare 20,00 $ mit Rabattgutschein
 3.  Feedback
     Tecmojo 1U Rackmount-Netzwerk-PDU-Überspannungsschutz-Steckdosenleiste, 12…
     59,00 $
 4.  Feedback
     QiaoYoubang 2 Pcs of 1U Universal Rack Shelf, 12" Deep Vented Cantilever
     Rack Tray ...
     44,99 $
 5.  Feedback
     Lysymixs Cat6a Slim Ethernet Patchkabel, 0,3 m (24 Stück), Cat6a Patchkabel
     für Rec...
     17,99 $
 6.  Feedback
     GEOLYNX Wandhalterung, belüftete Computer-USV, NAS-Server, Workstation,…
     49,99 $
 7.  Feedback
     Smart PDU - IP Remote Reboot Power, 4 Switched NEMA 5-15R Outlets
     445,00 $
 8.  Feedback
     6U Wall Mount Server Cabinet IT Network Rack Enclosure Locking Door Black
     104,99 $
 9.  Feedback
     CXCESNS 6U Wall Mount Server Cabinet Rack, IT Network Rack Cabinet,…
     89,99 $
     Spare 6 % mit Rabattgutschein
 10. Feedback
     Pyle PDU PCO850 Steckdosenleiste Überspannungsschutz, 150 Joule, 15 A, 9…
     48,20 $

Nächste Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte



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 1. Pyle 2-teiliges 1U Server-Rack-Regal, belüftete Regale für gute
    Luftzirkulation, freitragende Halterung, Wandhalterung, Universal-Gerät,
    Schrankregal, Computergehäuse-Montageschale, Schwarz-Pyle
    4,4 von 5 Sternen 574
    Bestseller Nr. 1
      in Computer- & Server-Racks
    20,14 $ Versand
 2. RackPath 9U Performance Wandhalterung Server Cabinet Netzwerk Rack Gehäuse,
    leiser Kühlventilator, abschließbare Glastür, Schwarz
    4,4 von 5 Sternen 168
    Erhalte es bis Montag, 15. April
    81,34 $ Versand
 3. NavePoint Freischwingendes Serverregal, belüftet, 19 Zoll, 1U, 250 mm tief,
    4,7 von 5 Sternen 673
    Erhalte es bis Donnerstag, 11. April
    16,18 $ Versand
 4. CyberPower RMCARD205 UPS & ATS PDU Remote Management Card
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 208
    15,27 $ Versand
 5. TRENDnet TC-P24C5E 24-Port Cat5-5e RJ-45 UTP ungeschirmtes Patchpanel,
    Wandmontage oder Rackmount, 100 MHz, farbcodierte Beschriftung, Cat5, Cat5e,
    Cat4, Cat3 kompatibel, 1U Rackmount, Schwarz, TC-P24C5E
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 446
    11,61 $ Versand
 6. AC Infinity Universelles Regal, belüftet, freitragend, 1U, 25,4 cm tief, für
    48,3 cm große Geräteregale, robuster 2,4 mm kaltgewalzter Stahl, 27,2 kg
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 2.715
    Erhalte es bis Donnerstag, 11. April
    17,96 $ Versand

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Even brief power outages can result in data loss or potential hardware damage. A
UPS system provides battery backup power to keep your devices running during
short outages and provides enough runtime to properly shut down electronics
during extended outages.



Ensure seamless power to workstations and make certain you have time to safely
shut down systems during a longer outage.


Keep your communication lines open and running during power outages.


Keep smart devices connected and running during power outages and brownouts.


Protect mission-critical IT equipment and data centers from potential data loss
and costly business interruptions.

How long will the UPS power my systems after the power goes out?

Run times vary based on the power required by connected devices. This system is
estimated run for 12 minutes at half load, 3 minutes for a full load. The LCD
screen provides an estimated run time based on the required power usage during

Can this UPS model be monitored?

The OR500LCDRM1U can be monitored over a network with the addition of the
RMCARD205. It also comes with a free download of PowerPanel Business that
provides a user-friendly dashboard interface for controlling and monitoring the

Can the batteries on this UPS be replaced?

Yes, this unit can have the batteries replaced. The replacement battery
cartridge is the CyberPower RB0670X2.

Does this come with rackmount hardware?

Yes, all CyberPower rackmount units come with the necessary hardware to mount
the UPS. However, the unit does not have to be mounted to work. It can operate
in most well-ventilated environments within 32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C).

How do I mute the alarms?

Press and hold the menu button for three seconds to mute the alarm. Repeat this
step to enable the alarms.


Die CyberPower Smart-App LCD OR500LCDRM1U ist eine Rackmount-USV mit
interaktiver Linientopologie und bietet Batterie-Backup (mit simuliertem
Sinuswellenausgang) und Überspannungsschutz für Abteilungsserver,
Arbeitsgruppenserver, Workstations, Netzwerkgeräte und
Telekommunikationsinstallationen ohne aktive PFC-Netzteile. Der OR500LCDRM1U
verwendet die automatische Spannungsregulierung (AVR), um kleinere
Leistungsschwankungen zu korrigieren, ohne auf Batterieleistung umzuschalten,
was die Batterielebensdauer verlängert. AVR ist unverzichtbar in Bereichen, in
denen Leistungsschwankungen häufig auftreten. Der OR500LCDRM1U wird mit einer
dreijährigen Garantie und einer 300.000 $ Garantie für verbundene Geräte



Produktabmessungen 23,5 x 43,82 x 4,45 cm Artikelgewicht 8,16 Kilograms
Hersteller CyberPower Systems Sprache Englisch ASIN B000XJJN60 Modellnummer
OR500LCDRM1U Batterien 2 Produktspezifisch Batterien erforderlich (enthalten).
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung
4,5 4,5 von 5 Sternen 1.282 Sternebewertungen

4,5 von 5 Sternen Amazon Bestseller-Rang Nr. 21 in Unterbrechungsfreie
Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) Nein Im Angebot von
Amazon.de seit Oktober 19, 2007


Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click
here. [PDF ]


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CyberPower OR500LCDRM1U Smart App LCD UPS, 500VA/300W, 6 Ausgänge, AVR, 1U



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 1.  Keep your home protected from power failure and surges. CyberPower's ST425
     UPS provides battery backup and surge protection for gaming consoles, home
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 2.  Avoid downtime with sine wave battery backup for department servers,
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 3.  Keep your electronics connected and protected with battery backup power for
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 7.  Add extra outlets and USB charge ports to your kitchen, office, or
     bedroom.CyberPower's CSP600WSURC2 surge protector has six outlets that
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 8.  PowerPanel® Cloud App and Cloud cards make it easy to monitor CyberPower
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 9.  Rely on your backup plan. CyberPower's new CP1350AVLRCD3 and CP1500AVRLCD3
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     systems. They feature AVR, a user-friendly, color LCD panel, and two USB
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 10. The CSP600WSURC5 surge protector has six outlets that swivel 90 degrees to
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     CSP600WSURC5 surge protector has six outlets that swivel…
 11. Are you looking for more outlets in the kitchen, office, or bedroom? Look
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     swivel 90 degrees to make it easy to manage and organize cords in tight
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 12. Stay powered and protected with reliable battery backup power for your home
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I have had power issues
I work from home and I had the power drop off-line 12 times in an hour. I order
this from my phone. Once I got it and hooked it up, it was easy and worked
great! I then released I had a week link at another part of my house and
purchased another type to cover the power problem there as well.


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Mark Lange
5,0 von 5 Sternen I have had power issues
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 25. März 2024
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
I work from home and I had the power drop off-line 12 times in an hour. I order
this from my phone. Once I got it and hooked it up, it was easy and worked
great! I then released I had a week link at another part of my house and
purchased another type to cover the power problem there as well.

Mark Lange
5,0 von 5 Sternen I have had power issues
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 25. März 2024
I work from home and I had the power drop off-line 12 times in an hour. I order
this from my phone. Once I got it and hooked it up, it was easy and worked
great! I then released I had a week link at another part of my house and
purchased another type to cover the power problem there as well.
Bilder in dieser Rezension

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R. Moore
5,0 von 5 Sternen Impressive
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 19. Februar 2024
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
I have the following attached to it and it kept it all up for about 22 minutes.

Cable modem
2x POE switches
1 9 port switch
1 16 port TP Link Switch
1 TP Link Deco
2 Dell Optiplex micros

2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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5,0 von 5 Sternen Perfect for my home server
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 25. Juni 2020
Größe: 700VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
I have a home media server running Ubuntu and found this UPS to be simple to
setup on Linux, and it works great. No more dropping the server due to short
power outages! It has enough power for the server, monitor, and NAS drive for
10+ minutes at least.

Update 11/5/2020: The UPS failed on me: self-test showed failure and a power
failure resulted in the connected equipment going immediately offline. I
contacted CyberPower since I was within the warranty period, and they sent me
new batteries to fix the problem, but it did not. On the second try they sent me
an entirely new unit, overnight since I was going out of town that weekend. The
new unit has been working great since installation. Nobody likes the hassle of
failed equipment, but the most important thing is that CyberPower were
responsive and took care of the issue quickly and without a lot of hassle for
me. I still recommend this unit.

26 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Mr. Nelson
4,0 von 5 Sternen Sweet - And Heavy!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 14. April 2014
Größe: 700VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
Yes, I know it's a battery so of course it's heavy. It does make it a little
tricky getting it mounted to the rack, so you might need an extra pair of
helping hands.

I like that you can cycle through the display to show you the incoming voltage,
how much you are drawing, estimated time left if on battery, and percent of
battery charge. I wish that there was a way to have the display on permanently
though instead of it shutting off after a few seconds. If there's a way to do
that please tell me, but that's the only reason I'm deducting a star, but it's
more like a half star, and does not affect performance at all.

I have an 8 and 2 bay NAS and network switch attached to the battery which draws
18% and it gives me an estimated 50 min of battery time, way more than I'd ever
need. My Synology NAS also recognizes that it's attached to a UPS too and you
can tell it what to do or how long to stay on in the event of a power outage. It
was also pretty neat when I tested it too that the NAS will send me an email
telling me that it had to switch to battery mode and then another email when it
returned to normal power. That's really a feature within the NAS but I still
found it cool that it all works together so well.

All in all great product so far. I just wish batteries on these UPS devices
lasted more than a few years before you need to replace them.

I also like the fact that there is a clear plastic cover over the power switch
so you can't accidentally turn it off. Useful, and looks neat too.

5 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Bryan Levy
5,0 von 5 Sternen Rock solid small form UPS
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 22. Februar 2024
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
Love the count down time and short rack depth

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Steve Farmer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Works and it’s 1U
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 15. Februar 2024
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
This UPC saved me some space being my network enclosure was a small unit. Like
how easy it was to us and it included all hardware needed to mount it in my

Steve Farmer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Works and it’s 1U
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 15. Februar 2024
This UPC saved me some space being my network enclosure was a small unit. Like
how easy it was to us and it included all hardware needed to mount it in my
Bilder in dieser Rezension

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Joe D.
1,0 von 5 Sternen UPS that provides no battery backup under a power failure.
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 9. März 2023
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
I purchased 2 of these and so far 1 has failed. I only knew of the failure by

I accidently pulled out the power inlet cord to the UPS and the entire UPS went
dead. No battery back, just dead. Suffice to say all devices connected to the
battery protected output outlets of the UPS went dead also.

The internal LCD display showed the battery at 100% and no indication of defect.

I then ran the Cyberpower UPS software which interfaces through a USB
connection. When I attempted the battery test through the software the unit
instantly shut off and the test could not be completed.

I thought it was a bad battery so on my own dime I purchased and installed a new
battery pack. Unfortunately there was no change.

I then contacted cyberpower through a CHAT box on their website. I explained
what happend to the rep and they told me they would RMA the UPS.

Instead of sending me a replacement UPS they decide to send me a battery which I
installed and no change. Mind you this is after I explained I already changed
the battery.

I started a new CHAT with cyberpower and after they asked me to do a few
ridiculous trouble shooting steps they now agree I was correct and the UPS is

Lucky for me it is still in warranty. Bad news is there is no way to do a swap,
you receive the replacement and put the defective one in the box. This is even
with me offering to provide my cc info in case I do not return the UPS.

So now I have to send them my defective UPS and then at some point in future
they will send me a replacement.

If you have one of these units, do yourself a favor and pull out the inlet power
to verify the unit is working. Of course make sure the connected devices are
plugged into the battery backup port and do not try it with data sensitive
equipment (computer, NAS, etc)

13 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Would you? Oh Wait!
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great Protection in Slim Form-Factor
Rezension aus Kanada am 12. November 2023
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
The CyberPower OR500LCDRM1U Smart App LCD UPS has proven to be an absolute
lifesaver for my electronic devices. The sleek 1U design fits seamlessly into my
rack setup, providing both convenience and robust protection.

The LCD display is a standout feature, offering real-time insights into power
conditions, battery status, and load levels. This smart functionality enhances
my ability to monitor and manage power usage effectively. The unit's automatic
voltage regulation (AVR) ensures a stable power supply, safeguarding my
sensitive electronics from unexpected fluctuations.

Installation was a breeze, and the unit's compatibility with the PowerPanel
Business Edition software makes it easy to customize settings and receive timely
notifications. The compact form factor doesn't compromise on performance, and
the ample runtime provides me with peace of mind during power outages.

The CyberPower OR500LCDRM1U strikes the perfect balance between reliability and
intelligence. It's a must-have for anyone seeking a compact and feature-rich UPS
for their rack-mounted devices. Five stars well-deserved!

Would you? Oh Wait!
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great Protection in Slim Form-Factor
Rezension aus Kanada am 12. November 2023
The CyberPower OR500LCDRM1U Smart App LCD UPS has proven to be an absolute
lifesaver for my electronic devices. The sleek 1U design fits seamlessly into my
rack setup, providing both convenience and robust protection.

The LCD display is a standout feature, offering real-time insights into power
conditions, battery status, and load levels. This smart functionality enhances
my ability to monitor and manage power usage effectively. The unit's automatic
voltage regulation (AVR) ensures a stable power supply, safeguarding my
sensitive electronics from unexpected fluctuations.

Installation was a breeze, and the unit's compatibility with the PowerPanel
Business Edition software makes it easy to customize settings and receive timely
notifications. The compact form factor doesn't compromise on performance, and
the ample runtime provides me with peace of mind during power outages.

The CyberPower OR500LCDRM1U strikes the perfect balance between reliability and
intelligence. It's a must-have for anyone seeking a compact and feature-rich UPS
for their rack-mounted devices. Five stars well-deserved!
Bilder in dieser Rezension

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Jorge hernández
5,0 von 5 Sternen Muy buena respuesta a fallos de energía y bajones
Rezension aus Mexiko vom 11. Juli 2018
Größe: 1500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
Excelente producto, lo uso para mí computadora personal, con otros no break no
soportaba los bajones de luz a pesar de que la carga del mismo no llegaba a más
del 80% y este funciona perfectamente.

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Juan Alberto Hernandez Castillo
5,0 von 5 Sternen Totalmente recomendado.
Rezension aus Mexiko vom 25. April 2017
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
Excelente equipo, muy buena calidad de los materiales y su funcionamiento de
primera, ya probado en un apagón. Un iMac 5k de 27" sólo usa el 20% de su
capacidad. Es muy configurarle conectado por usb mediante la aplicación que el
fabricante proporciona. La pantalla se apaga convenientemente al poco tiempo de
no presionar el boton de información para no molestar visualmente. El único pero
es el botón de encendido que tiene un led bastante luminoso que no se puede
apagar ni atenuar. Totalmente recomendado.

Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich
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5,0 von 5 Sternen Excelente
Rezension aus Mexiko vom 5. Juli 2020
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf

Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
5,0 von 5 Sternen Solid, dependable
Rezension aus Kanada am 11. Juni 2020
Größe: 500VAStil: USVVerifizierter Kauf
Used in enterprise class network. So far, has been working flawlessly. Haven't
installed the management app so cannot speak to that.

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