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The infosite will experience a temporary service interruption sometime between
12th April and 13th April due to server upgrades. This does NOT affect the
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July 23, 2015 By Alice Meadows


In our original post below, from 2015, we shared six things we suggest new ORCID
users do along with several resources. We invite you to explore the recent
resources we’ve created such as video tutorials to help you use your ORCID iD
successfully. A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record is a great place to start. You
may also wish to see ORCID’s many benefits to researchers and the help topics
available from that page.



Congratulations – you got yourself an ORCID iD! Perhaps you did so by the
request of your supervisor or institution. Or because it was a recommended – or
even required – field on a manuscript or grant submission system. Or maybe
you’ve got a common or complicated name and a colleague recommended you sign up
to help you distinguish yourself from others with the same name. Whatever the
reason, we’re happy to welcome you – and you’re in good company! Leading
researchers – from Nobel Laureate, Peter Doherty to Václav Hampl, member of the
Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic – have also registered for an

So what now? How can you make the most of your ORCID iD? When and where can you
use it? And why should you do so? Here are six top tips for making the most
of your iD – please let us know if you have others.

1. The single most important thing to do is to to use your ORCID iD and make it
work for you, for example, to enable auto-updates from other systems such as
ResearcherID, SCOPUS and, shortly, CrossRef which to date has issued over 75
million digital object identifiers (DOIs) for articles, book chapters, images,
and more (more on that in a future post). So keep your information updated,
include your iD when prompted to do so in manuscript submission systems, grant
applications, and other research workflows, make sure it’s linked to other
identifiers and profiles you use, such as ResearcherID and Scopus, and include
it in your CV, your web page, your signature line, and more.

2. Next, take an extra 30 seconds to add your affiliation as well as all the
variations of your name in your record. This could include any abbreviations you
use professionally (initials and/or a nickname, for example) as well as other
names you are or have been known by. ORCID is set up to allow as many different
names, variations, and combinations of names as you need! Without this extra
data, anyone searching for you by name alone will still be unable to distinguish
you from someone else with the same name as you.

3. It’s also helpful to enhance discoverability of your existing works by using
our search and link wizard to connect information about your research outputs to
your ORCID record.  This ensures you get the credit for it – and you’ll also be
able to quickly and easily provide that information when applying for jobs,
promotion, tenure, grants, and more. You can also use the Uber wizard to add
details of your funding.


4. Another smart thing to do once you’ve got an ORCID iD is to add it to your
social accounts – whether you’re a tweeter, a Wikipedian, a Facebooker, or
active on LinkedIn,, Mendeley, ResearchGate, or many more.  Some
social tools, like Wikipedia, provide instructions on how to add your ORCID iD,
and pretty much all of them include an option to add a website – so why not add
your ORCID url?

5. Your ORCID iD comes with its very own QR code, so don’t forget to download
and use that too!

6.  Last but not least, please tell your friends and colleagues you’ve got an
ORCID iD and encourage them to get one too. The more people who register – and
use – our iDs, the more we will be able to fulfill our goal of solving the name
ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications.

There’s some great information about how to update your ORCID record in this
post by 0000-0002-2753-3881, and more on why it’s important to do so on the
Impactstory blog.  And if you want to see a stellar example of a complete ORCID
record,  check out 0000-0001-5109-3700!



 * Alice Meadows
   Former Communications Director at ORCID, Alice is currently Director of
   Community Engagement at NISO, Co-Founder of MoreBrains Consulting, and
   President of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) (2021-22)
   View all posts


Spreading the ORCID Word: Helping You Help UsJuly 7, 2018In "Blog"

ORCID Austria Workshop: Report and Next StepsOctober 25, 2018In "Blog"

Eating Our Own Dog Food: Part 1May 9, 2017In "Blog"

Filed Under: Blog



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 * I’m a Member Now What?!—Custom Integrations
 * Revised Certification Criteria for ORCID’s Upgraded Certified Service
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