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Show design requirements without unnecessary complexity

Claritee is your single app for assembling and sharing design requirements for
websites, apps, social posts, and anything else in digital design.
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Increase billable hours & stay ahead of competition.
Project & account managers
Give accurate quotes & boost team collaboration.
Marketing managers
Easily manage multiple clients & prevent scope creep.
Content creators
Create more content in less time.
Eliminate infinite iterations & maximize creative impact.
Minimize the number of development cycles & change requests.
What can you do with Claritee?
Visually plan your digital asset or design project
AI powered sitemapping + sections
Plan the page hierarchy. Organize and structure it. Use AI to add your pages +
sections, copy the structure of an existing site in 1-click or build hierarchies
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Drag & drop layouts
Create a simple outline on each page, or go in-depth. It’s up to you.
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Build your content plan on each page
Add sections, blocks, images, icons, forms, buttons, links, graphs, and more to
each page.
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Real time collaboration & conversations
Invite designers, copywriters, developers, clients, and more. Whoever needs to
be part of the process can join and collaborate, with comments or sharelink and
in real-time.
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What our customers say
claritee is truly mind-blowing. Balancing part-time website design with
full-time copywriting/email marketing as a freelancer, I unequivocally consider
this a game-changer for keeping clients up-to-date in real time.
Victor O.
Email Marketer and Copywriter
Claritee is such an epic tool to quickly map the site and get the right idea on
paper. Much much quicker than other design tools and it has a clear line where
to stop with the nitty gritty and where to start high fidelity UI design.
Alexander V.
Venture Builder
Claritee is the difference between so much back and forth with clients and just
getting it done, visually! It makes the process so much more efficient, thanks!
Ray M.
Founder & Host at AI ART Collection
The tool we didn’t know we needed. We’ve learned the hard way and have come to
realize how important it is to lay a solid framework in the design and
development step. Whether it’s the web designers, graphic designers,
copywriters, or developers, we needed a starting point to express our concepts,
gather feedback, give instructions, and refine project requirements. Claritee
addresses these needs for us exceptionally well. We find it to be a tremendous
asset in streamlining our workflows, whether working individually or as a team,
Claritee offers some invaluable features, including AI-powered page & sitemap
creation, interactive elements, and scalability for agencies. It’s truly a
fantastic tool, and I highly recommend it!!! I think if people took just 30
minutes of time to explore it they would be blown away.
Verified user
I absolutely love Claritee!As a business owner with fundamental design and
copywriting skills, there are moments when inspiration seems out of reach.
Claritee is the catalyst that ignites my creativity. The platform’s intuitive
drag-and-drop interface allows me to start with a blank slate and gradually
build something significant. Each time I use it, I’m amazed at how it elevates
my basic knowledge to new heights.It empowers me to work swiftly and
efficiently, consistently producing substantial results. This, for me, is truly
For simple, fast & effective wireframing. Claritee provides me with a faster way
to communicate my ideas and desired outcomes to others and collaborate with
Christopher N.
Thanks to Claritee’s AI-powered magic, I can whip up professional-looking
mockups in no time. What I love most is the simplicity. No more endless tweaking
or frustration – just choose a section to add, make a few tweaks, and boom,
you’re done!Plus, the interface is sleek and intuitive, so even if you’re a
newbie like me, you’ll feel right at home.
Great product! Every marketer should have Claritee.
Ranvir M.
Co-Founder at AR Consultancy
Claritee provides literal clarity on communication, and collaboration. Our
clients are super happy to see it in action where they can immediately visualize
their requirements and clarify before it’s too late. Communication with our web
project clients was not that easy before we started using Claritee which
literally solves the communication gap with the clients. Claritee is simple and
easy to use, and the support team is also amazing.
Mohan N.
The key to web development profitability! It helps me to lay out wireframes for
our websites and web apps in record time. It is simple to use and it has
motivated my entire team to spend a little more time planning site layouts up
front which has saved us a ton of time on all our projects since we started
using it.
Michael M.
The exact kind of tool my web agency needed. This product is just phenomenal and
keeps getting better. Our web development has improved tenfold with sitemapping
and wireframing in the discovery phase of our projects.

I have tried other solutions like Figma, Relume, and Poda, but they were never
conducive to our workflow.
Business Owner
Claritee features that will elevate your digital projects to the next level
Explore all features
Embed videos, maps & url’s
Using prompts and AI assistance
Sitemap quick view
View canvas layouts from the sitemap
Sitemap to layouts
Making the most of sections
Embed videos, maps & url’s
Using prompts and AI assistance

Using prompts and AI assistance
Sitemap quick view
View canvas layouts from the sitemap
Sitemap to layouts
Making the most of sections
Embed videos, maps & url’s


What is Claritee?
Claritee is a web-based app that helps entrepreneurs, managers, developers,
designers, and other professionals to visually ideate, plan and handoff digital
assets and design projects more easily.
With Claritee, you can now access exactly what you need to visually plan your
projects in a way that is easy to understand by all stakeholders involved in the
Why Claritee instead of other design tools?
Claritee is used to visually ideate, plan and handoff digital assets and design
projects. For this reason, it does not replace design tools but rather
complements them. It moves the process of planning outside of the design tools
and in this manner, makes them more accessible to non-designers and all
stakeholders involved in the process. It is more focused on the aspects of
planning, sitemaps, content, and functionality than on the actual design -
enabling each expert to focus on what they do best while also facilitating
end-to-end transparency and collaboration. By visually ideating and planning
inside Claritee, instead of a design tool, you and your team can more clearly
visualize the needs of your users and plan the essential elements of your
digital and design assets accordingly.
Who uses Claritee?
Claritee is ideal for entrepreneurs, managers, developers, designers and other
professionals working as freelancers or consultants, or within startups, larger
companies and agencies. It is built for the needs of both non-designers and
designers. It is simple and intuitive to use. So, in short: anyone can use it.
How long has Claritee been in business?
We've been in business for 3 years and we are here to stay :)
Which technology does Claritee use?
We use the latest cutting edge technology by Microsoft and Google.
What level of support do you provide?
We provide full-support to our customers, either with questions related to the
product, billing, bugs, or others. Our main channels of support are Email and
WebChat. We also have a presence in alternative channels such as Social Media
but to ensure the quickest response time make sure to contact us by Email or
What languages do you support?
Claritee is in English but the canvas supports most languages, this means that
you can create layouts in your language of choice but the actual interface is in
What is the difference between Managers and Collaborators?
Collaborators have full editing and commenting access to specific projects they
are added to and can also invite viewers to thse specific projects. Managers
have all Collaborators benefits and permissions, plus, the ability to create
projects and assign permissions to projects.
Can Claritee be used by agencies and teams?
Claritee is ideal for professionals working as or with freelancers/consultants,
or within startups, larger companies and agencies. It is built for the needs of
both non-designers and designers. It is simple and intuitive to use. So, in
short: anyone can use it.
What do I do once I have visually ideated and planned my project in Claritee?
Claritee is the place for coordinating all the key decisions for your digital or
design project. Once you are satisfied with your visual ideation and plan, you
and your team can get to work implementing all the decisions made in Claritee.
Your Claritee plan will be your central source of truth throughout your design
and implementation process. If you need to revisit the decisions made in
Claritee, you can update it at any time, and you can even rapidly test several
decisions by creating multiple versions. Then, you can send functional,
clickable versions to your stakeholders or users for feedback and testing.
What are the main benefit of using Claritee?
Claritee brings multiple benefits. Here are some of them:
 * The quickest place to bring all your teams together to make the key decisions
   regarding your digital and design assets and projects.
 * Fits the creative process of everyone on your team, not just designers.
 * Helps you stay focused on the essential aspects of sitemaps, text, content,
   and functionality. There are no design distractions (no colors, fonts, or
   design elements).
 * Speeds up the process of visual ideation, planning and handoff to save you
   and your team lots of time and resources.
 * Enables you to do rapid testing faster by deploying multiple versions of a
   design with clickable and functional elements.
 * Gives you a single source of truth for all stakeholders to enable
   transparency and better collaboration.

Useful links
Video Resources
Road map
Youtube channel
FB page

Get what you need to visually plan your projects in a way that's easy to
understand by everyone involved in the process
No design skills needed!
Try it for free
Created by designers & developers for easy team collaboration.

 * Getting started
 * Pricing
 * Blog
 * Help center
 * Affiliate Program
 * Contact Us

 * What makes Claritee so powerful?
 * The canvas!

 * Designers of the future: coordinating AI-generated content with
   rapid-iteration tool
 * The design process is broken – here’s how to fix it
 * Adobe buys Figma for $20B: How did Figma dominate the UX/UI Market?

 * Privacy Policy
 * Terms of Use
 * Accessibility
 * © Claritee 2024
