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Text Content

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 * Commercial and Personal Lines
   * Sure Suite
     * Sure Policy
     * Sure Billing
     * Sure Claims
     * Sure Claims Payments
     * Sure AI Assistant
     * Sure Underwriting
     * Sure Premium Audit
     * Sure Loss Control
     * Insurity Business Intelligence
     * Insurity Connect
     * Insurity Analytics
     * Circ by Insurity
   * Insurity Decisions
     * Policy Decisions
     * Billing Decisions
     * ClaimsXPress
     * Sure Claims Payments
     * Sure Underwriting
     * Sure Premium Audit
     * Sure Loss Control
     * Insurity Business Intelligence
     * Insurity Connect
     * Insurity Analytics
     * Circ by Insurity
 * MGAs and Brokers
   * Sure MGA Suite
     * Sure MGA Policy
     * Sure MGA Billing and Accounting
     * Sure Billing-as-a-Service 
     * Sure MGA Claims
     * Sure Claims Payments
     * Sure Submission Gateway
     * Sure Bureau Rating
     * Sure Underwriting
     * Sure Premium Audit
     * Sure Loss Control
     * Insurity Business Intelligence
     * Insurity Connect
     * Insurity Analytics
     * Circ by Insurity
 * Workers’ Compensation
   * Insurity Workers' Comp Suite
     * Workers' Comp Policy
     * Workers' Comp Billing
     * Workers' Comp Claims
     * Sure Claims Payments
     * Sure Premium Audit
     * Sure Loss Control
     * Insurity Business Intelligence
     * Insurity Connect
     * Insurity Analytics
     * Circ by Insurity
 * Specialty Insurance
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Press release


November 02, 2023

HARTFORD, Conn.--Insurity, the leading provider of cloud software for insurance
carriers, brokers, and MGAs, today announced that Amerisure Mutual Insurance
Company has embraced innovative technology solutions to streamline premium audit
operations and enhance the service experience for its policyholders. In its
commitment to being at the forefront of the P&C insurance industry, Amerisure, a
customer of Insurity’s Sure Premium Audit solution for over 15 years, has
recently added the Payroll Validator tool to its capabilities, leading to a
significant increase in operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

Sure Premium Audit enables Amerisure to automate its premium audit processes
with payroll validation and online data collection portals for policyholders and
agents. Using Payroll Validator, Amerisure is optimizing the auditor’s time,
promoting policyholder engagement and empowerment through automated
communications and self-serve tools for a vastly improved user experience.

“We’ve seen a transformative shift in how we manage our audit processes with
integrating the Payroll Validator tool,” said John Coffaro, Premium Audit
Manager at Amerisure. “The Payroll Validator tool can instantly pull relevant
audit data from extensive PDF reports directly into our Field Audit Tool, saving
at least 50% of our auditors’ time. Not only is our investment in this type of
technology a testament to our commitment to innovation and increasing
efficiency, it also significantly enhances the policyholder experience.”

Amerisure states that so far, 1 in 4 policyholders offered the tool have
leveraged the Payroll Validator to their benefit. As they continue ramping up
awareness of the tool among their policyholders, they expect that number to

“Given the current landscape of the P&C insurance industry, insurers must
continue investments to power innovative tools and technology that will help
them differentiate themselves from the competition,” said Sylvester Mathis,
Chief Insurance Officer at Insurity. “We’ve always been impressed by Amerisure’s
ability and willingness to harness advanced technology most beneficial to their
policyholders and agency partners. Seeing the tangible results from Sure Premium
Audit and Payroll Validator reinforces the value of our long-standing

The investment in such technology reflects Amerisure’s forward-thinking approach
and commitment to excellence. Their proactive attitude and constant pursuit of
innovation set them apart in the industry, ensuring they remain at the cutting
edge of delivering value and efficiency to their policyholders for the long

For more information about how Sure Premium Audit and Payroll Validator can
benefit your organization, please reach out to

About Insurity

Insurity is a leading provider of cloud-based software for insurance carriers,
brokers, and MGAs. Insurity is trusted by 22 of the top 25 P&C carriers and 7 of
the top 10 MGAs in the US and has over 400 cloud-based deployments. Through its
best-in-class digital platform, unrivaled industry experience, and the
industry’s most robust analytics offerings, Insurity is uniquely positioned to
deliver exceptional value, empowering customers to focus on their core
businesses, optimize their operations, and provide superior policyholder
experiences. Insurity is a portfolio company of GI Partners and TA Associates.
For more information, visit

About Amerisure

Amerisure is a leading provider of commercial property and casualty insurance
solutions for U.S.-based construction, manufacturing and healthcare businesses.
Licensed in all fifty states and available through an exclusive network of elite
independent agents, the company upholds an “A” (Excellent) financial strength
rating, industry-leading service scores, and multiple awards for innovation.
Amerisure has been in business for more than 100 years and is consistently named
among the best places to work in the industry and throughout the nation. To
learn more, visit


 * The AI Takeover: Top Four Trends Shaping The Future Of P&C Insurance
 * Insurity Named a Major Player in the IDC MarketScape for P&C Intelligent
   Underwriting Workbench Applications
 * How to navigate the data revolution in underwriting
 * Insurity’s AI Resolves 75% of Policyholder Needs Without a Live Agent,
   Setting New Standard in P&C Insurance Customer Support
 * Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Named "Digital Experience Champion" Award
   Recipient at Excellence in Insurance, Sponsored by Insurity


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   * Sure MGA Suite
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   * Insurity Workers' Comp Suite
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© 2024 Insurity LLC. All rights reserved.

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