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            <div class="bannerText"> Training schools and communities builds confidence in CPR skills </div>
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            <div class="bannerText"> Heartwize training includes&nbsp;the use of&nbsp;an Automated External Defibrillator </div>
          <div class="bannerWrap"> <img id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_rptBannerImages_ctl02_imgBanner" src="/BannerSlide/Images/636c18b2-db7b-40f0-a4e8-10a9fc6187f2.jpg?rnd=579518">
            <div class="bannerText"> Heartwize also teaches the recovery position </div>
          <div class="bannerWrap"> <img id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_rptBannerImages_ctl03_imgBanner" src="/BannerSlide/Images/1bd407d8-0ea8-41bd-976d-a34e5e3c8f8f.jpg?rnd=289562">
            <div class="bannerText"> Our volunteers are helping to train a new generation of lifesavers<br> </div>
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              <p>Heartwize volunteers have trained over 40,000 lifesavers to date</p>
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            <div class="bannerText"> British Medical Journal award winners for Education Team of 2017 for our innovative schools programme.&nbsp; </div>
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            <div class="bannerText"> Heartwize team including volunteers collect the Heartsafe 2016 award for 'Not for Profit Organisation of the Year' </div>
        <div id="homeText"> The Heartwize Programme aims to increase public awareness of the problem of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, to ensure that basic resuscitation skills are taught in schools and to improve awareness and provision of
          Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in the community. By providing support and training in basic resuscitation skills, we hope to ensure that everyone knows how to recognize and respond to a cardiac arrest. This will increase the chance
          of survival for those affected and could save thousands of lives every year. </div>
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          <div class="panel"> <img alt="panel 1 picture" class="b-lazy b-loaded" src="/images/template/BW_Box_01.jpg">
            <div class="panelText">There are about 60,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests each year in the UK</div>
          <div class="panel"> <img alt="panel 2 picture" class="b-lazy b-loaded" src="/images/template/BW_Box_02.jpg">
            <div class="panelText">Most of them happen at home</div>
          <div class="panel"> <img alt="panel 3 picture" class="b-lazy b-loaded" src="/images/template/BW_Box_03.jpg">
            <div class="panelText">Currently, only 30‑40% of victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive bystander CPR</div>
          <div class="panel"> <img alt="panel 4 picture" class="b-lazy b-loaded" src="/images/template/BW_Box_04.jpg">
            <div class="panelText">UK survival rate is less than 10%</div>
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            <div class="panelText"><a href="/out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest.aspx">Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest</a></div>
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                  style="display:none" itemprop="url"></span> <span itemprop="priceRange" style="display: none;">Creating a Generation of Lifesavers</span> <span itemprop="name" style="color: #ED2127; font-weight: 700; font-size: 1.07em;">Heartwize
                Resuscitation Training Programme</span><br> <span itemprop="address" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress"> <span itemprop="streetAddress">Suite 23, Weston House, 18-22 Church Street, Lutterworth</span>,<br> <span
                  itemprop="addressLocality">Leicestershire.</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">LE17&nbsp;4AW</span><br> </span> <b>Tel:</b> <a href="tel:01455687993"><span itemprop="telephone">01455&nbsp;687993</span></a><br> <b>Mob:</b>
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Text Content

"Creating a Generation of Lifesavers"
 * About Us
   * What we do
   * Meet the Team
   * FAQ's
 * Get Involved
 * Schools
 * Trainers
   * Whats Involved?
 * News & Events
 * Resources
 * Heartwize Essex
 * Contact Us

Training schools and communities builds confidence in CPR skills
Heartwize training includes the use of an Automated External Defibrillator
Heartwize also teaches the recovery position
Our volunteers are helping to train a new generation of lifesavers

Heartwize volunteers have trained over 40,000 lifesavers to date

British Medical Journal award winners for Education Team of 2017 for our
innovative schools programme. 
Heartwize team including volunteers collect the Heartsafe 2016 award for 'Not
for Profit Organisation of the Year'
The Heartwize Programme aims to increase public awareness of the problem of
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, to ensure that basic resuscitation skills are
taught in schools and to improve awareness and provision of Automated External
Defibrillators (AED) in the community. By providing support and training in
basic resuscitation skills, we hope to ensure that everyone knows how to
recognize and respond to a cardiac arrest. This will increase the chance of
survival for those affected and could save thousands of lives every year.
There are about 60,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests each year in the UK
Most of them happen at home
Currently, only 30‑40% of victims of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive
bystander CPR
UK survival rate is less than 10%
Heartwize Schools' Programme
Heartwize Runners
Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Creating a Generation of Lifesavers Heartwize Resuscitation Training Programme
Suite 23, Weston House, 18-22 Church Street, Lutterworth,
Leicestershire. LE17 4AW
Tel: 01455 687993
Mob: 07976 275038
E-Mail: heartwize@heartwize.org

"Creating a Generation of Lifesavers"

"Creating a Generation of Lifesavers"








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