Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On November 12 via manual from JP — Scanned from JP

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

NOM.ZA NameSpace


Manage Domains
Conditions of Registration
Terms of Use and Privacy

Welcome to the NOM.ZA NameSpace portal. Here you will be able to check the
availability of your domain name, as well as register via the online interface,
found at the Manage Domains link on the left.

NOM.ZA is IPv4 and IPv6 compliant. You are currently using IPv4.

By registering an account and / or domain at NOM.ZA, you agree to be bound by
the Conditions of Registration and Terms of Use

To use the WHOIS system, you are required to register an account. NOM.ZA
reserves the right to log (and use) any and all information (including actions)
of registered and guest visitors.

Proud ISPA member
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Terms of Use and Privacy - Contacts