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Rated 4.94 out of 5 based on 48 customer ratings

 * Effectiveness in killing H. Pylori bacteria confirmed at the Medical
   University of Lublin.
 * 100% natural organic product
 * Consumer Choice 2021/2022
 * High demand product
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 * In stock – 24h shipping

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Handled with care


All our products are certified with the Quality Certificate and Microbiological
Analysis Certificate



Meet the H Pylori Treatment Tea, an herbal blend acknowledged by the Medical
University of Lublin for its effectiveness against H. pylori and stomach ulcers.
The tea is not just targeted at combating H. pylori, but also focuses on overall
stomach health. It’s a sensible option for both treating and preventing H.
pylori infections, with some additional health advantages. Incorporating this
tea into your daily routine could be a worthwhile step in maintaining stomach
health. H Pylori Treatment Tea is not just a product; it’s a conscientious
choice for those seeking to support their well-being.


 1. Around 50% of the world’s population unknowingly carries H. pylori bacteria,
    which if untreated, can cause serious health issues like ulcers and stomach

 2. Stomach Ulcers and H. pylori Did you know that Barry J. Marshall received a
    Nobel Prize for his research revealing that a whopping 90% of stomach ulcers
    are caused by H. pylori? It’s a significant factor contributing to the
    development of stomach ulcers.

 3. H. pylori infection significantly contributes to stomach cancer, which has a
    high mortality rate; eradicating the bacterium is crucial to reduce risk.


 * Abdominal Pain: Often described as a dull, gnawing pain in the stomach area.

 * Bloating and Fullness: Many people with H. pylori feel bloated or full, even
   after eating only a small amount.

 * Frequent Burping

 * Nausea

 * Loss of Appetite or Unintentional Weight Loss: If you’ve been losing weight
   without trying, it could be due to H. pylori.

 * Heartburn or Chest Pain: This is a burning sensation in the chest caused by
   acid reflux, often associated with H. pylori.

Load more of the most common symptoms
 * Difficulty Swallowing

 * Anemia

 * Bad Breath

 * Diarrhea

 * Black Stools: This could be a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract caused
   by H. pylori infection.

 * Constipation: H. pylori infection can lead to issues with regular bowel
   movements, including constipation.

 * Dyspepsia Symptoms: Dyspepsia, also known as indigestion, is a group of
   symptoms related to disturbances in the upper digestive tract. It may include
   feelings of early satiety, pain, and discomfort in the upper abdomen.

 * Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): While some studies suggest that H.
   pylori infection may protect against GERD, others indicate that there may be
   a link between this infection and GERD symptoms. GERD is a condition where
   stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing pain and irritation.

 * Gastritis: H. pylori is the main cause of gastritis, a condition
   characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining.

 * Barrett’s Syndrome: While Barrett’s Syndrome is not a direct symptom of H.
   pylori infection, some studies suggest that H. pylori infection, particularly
   the cagA+ strain, is inversely correlated with Barrett’s Syndrome. Barrett’s
   Syndrome is a condition where the cells lining the esophagus change and start
   to resemble the cells lining the stomach.


Our H Pylori Treatment Tea is crafted from a blend of high-quality herbs, each
carefully selected for their benefits in combating H. pylori and promoting
stomach health.

Here’s what’s inside:

 * Purple Coneflower: Known for its immune-boosting properties, the purple
   coneflower helps in fortifying your body’s natural defenses against H.

 * Chamomile: This calming herb is popular for its soothing effects. In the
   context of H. pylori, chamomile assists in reducing inflammation and
   alleviating stomach discomfort.

 * Fajslawice Finest Thyme: Thyme is not just a culinary hero, but also a potent
   antibacterial agent. Our blend includes Thyme from Fajslawice, renowned for
   its quality, which plays a vital role in targeting the H. pylori bacteria

 * Peppermint: A classic herb for digestive wellness, peppermint helps in
   relaxing the stomach muscles, easing bloating, and improving the overall
   digestive process.

Together, these four herbs work in synergy to create an herbal shield against H.
pylori, while also nurturing the well-being of your stomach lining and digestive


Combatting H. pylori effectively requires a research-backed solution. Our H
Pylori Treatment Tea is supported by research from the Medical University of
Lublin. Through meticulous testing, this esteemed institution has confirmed the
tea’s potency in targeting and diminishing H. pylori.

What makes this tea a game-changer is its multifaceted approach towards not only
eradicating H. pylori but also in restoring the vitality of your stomach lining
and overall gut health. The unique herbal blend works in synergy to create a
hostile environment for H. pylori, ensuring the bacteria struggle to survive and
thrive. Consequently, this leads to a reduction in inflammation and provides
relief from the distressing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and

The tea is not only tough on H. pylori but also kind to your stomach, helping to
heal its lining and reduce stomach ulcer risks. Imagine eating joyfully without
discomfort, and living free from constant stomach pain. Don’t just manage H.
pylori – defeat it with H Pylori Treatment Tea, harnessing both science and
nature for a healthier, more enjoyable life.

Research: link1, link2, link3


If you’ve faced the distress of H. pylori or stomach ulcers before, or notice
early signs like bloating or abdominal pain, it’s time to act. Don’t let these
issues darken your days. H Pylori Treatment Tea is here to bolster your defenses
before things worsen.

As you know H Pylori Treatment Tea, a remarkable blend confirmed by sience, not
only battles the H. pylori bacteria but also serves as a formidable shield. The
herbs in this tea have been shown to possess antibacterial properties that are
adept at keeping the H. pylori bacteria at bay, making it an ideal choice for

Why react to health issues when you can prevent them? Adding H Pylori Treatment
Tea to your routine helps guard against H. pylori and stomach ulcers. It
supports good stomach health and digestion, and benefits your overall
well-being. Don’t wait for problems to arise; stay steady with H Pylori
Treatment Tea and embrace a healthier life.

Don’t let H. pylori dictate your well-being. Choose H Pylori Treatment Tea for a
scientifically supported, natural path to a healthier stomach. Click here to

Other benefits of H Pylori Tea

H Pylori Tea not only eliminates H. pylori, but it also has a range of other
benefits for your digestive system. It prevents flatulence and constipation, has
a calming and anaesthetic effect, and improves appetite. It also has
anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, making it a powerful tool for
improving your overall digestive health. In addition to its digestive benefits,
H Pylori Tea is also an antioxidant and can regenerate the skin. It relieves
acute cough and enhances overall immunity.

Ingredients and usage instructions

Our H Pylori Tea blend is made from only the finest parts of purple coneflower,
chamomile, Fajslawice Finest Thyme and peppermint. To use, simply pour a
measured amount of the dried mixture into a glass, pour boiling water over it,
and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. We recommend using it 2-3 times per day, but
be sure to take a break of about 14 days after using it for 3-4 weeks to allow
your body to continue responding to the preventive properties of the purple

Maximizing the effectiveness of H Pylori Tea

To get the most out of H Pylori Tea, we recommend a few additional steps you can
take to improve the results. First, consider increasing the moisture content of
your gastrointestinal mucosa by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
This can help to flush out the bacteria and support the healing process.

Additionally, protecting your stomach with linseed can also help to improve the
effectiveness of H Pylori Tea. Linseed is a natural digestive aid that helps to
soothe and coat the lining of the stomach. You can consume linseed throughout
the day between meals to provide additional relief during treatment.

By following these recommendations in conjunction with using H Pylori Tea, you
can optimize your chances of eliminating H. pylori and improving your digestive



How does H Pylori Tea work to eliminate H. pylori?

H Pylori Tea is a blend of herbs that have been scientifically confirmed to kill
H. pylori bacteria. The purple coneflower, chamomile, and peppermint and
Fajslawice Finest Thyme in our blend have antibacterial properties that target
and eliminate the bacteria.

Is H Pylori Tea safe to use?

Yes, H Pylori Tea is a 100% natural and organic product and is generally
considered safe to use. However, we recommend taking a break from using it after
3-4 weeks to allow your body to continue responding to the preventive properties
of the purple coneflower.

Can I use H Pylori Tea if I'm pregnant or nursing?

We recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before using H Pylori Tea
if you are pregnant or nursing

How long does it take for H Pylori Tea to work?

The length of time it takes for H Pylori Tea to work will depend on various
factors such as the severity of your H. pylori infection and your individual
body. It’s important to give any treatment sufficient time to take effect and to
follow the recommended usage instructions. We recommend using H Pylori Tea as
directed and consulting with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns
or if you don’t see improvement after a reasonable amount of time.

External resources
 1. Immunomodulators Inspired by Nature: A Review on Curcumin and Echinacea
 2. Overview of the phytomedicine approaches against Helicobacter pylori
 3. In – Vitro activity of Desmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapf successive extracts
    against Helicobacter pylori clinical isolates
 4. Exploring alternative treatments for Helicobacter pylori infection
 5. Phytochemicals in Helicobacter pylori Infections: What Are We Doing Now?


Weight 99 g



 1.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Jenn – 2 June 2023
     Give it a try, and be patient; it works!
     I think I wrote the review in the wrong area on this survey! Lol, so here
     it goes again. I had a sharp pain in my stomach for a week. I went to the
     doctor and before my results came in he had prescribed me acid reflex
     pills. I had a scan on my stomach nothing showed up, but the breathe test
     showed H. Pylori. When the results came in he then prescribed me 3
     antibiotics to take daily for two weeks. These pills cost 900, my insurance
     didn’t cover them. But that wasn’t the only reason to not get them. I have
     been very mindful on the food I eat and what to put in my body. I didn’t
     feel comfortable; especially knowing antibiotics for that time of length
     would surely kill the good bacteria in my body. I found this company online
     and IT WORKS! I used the tea twice a day in the AM an the PM. On one
     occasion I used it 3 times in the day. The pain in my stomach ceased 100%
     by the 2nd week. Have patience, it will work. I also used probiotics and
     licorice supplements before starting the tea, because it was taking a while
     since I am in Michigan, USA. I did lower my sugar intake as well, and cut
     back on spicy foods to assist the process. This tea is truly a blessing. I
     was in pain especially when I got extremely hungry my stomach felt like
     pins and needles were in there. I plan on finishing up the tea after a two
     week break. On for two weeks and off for two weeks to not build up
     resistance from the tea. However, my stomach feels great to were I don’t
     have to, but I am cautioning on the safe side. Give it a try. Lord willing
     it may help, it has truly helped me

 2.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Cynthia – 30 May 2023
     I’ve already ordered my second lot of it it does help a lot thank you

 3.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Rahila mian – 26 May 2023
     Hi I am happy with that tea. I am buying moor. I am suffering with H pylori
     since few years. I will give gap after taking one month and start again. I
     sent my comment but I can’t see it so sending again . I will give 5 stars.

 4.  Rated 5 out of 5
     KARLA – 24 May 2023
     It’s been a godsend for me, banishing those annoying stomachaches

 5.  Rated 5 out of 5
     lynn – 18 May 2023
     the tea has a soothing effect and has improved my overall well-being

 6.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Kenroy – 2 May 2023
     I want to commend the creators of the H Pylori Treatment Tea for developing
     such an effective product. Since I started using it, my stomachache and
     bloating have significantly reduced. Additionally, it has helped restore my
     appetite and alleviate the nausea.

 7.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Vilma z – 21 April 2023
     It has effectively addressed my symptoms of stomachache, bloating, and
     inflammation caused by Helicobacter pylori.

 8.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Caltron D – 5 April 2023
     I am extremely satisfied with the H Pylori Treatment Tea! It has been a
     lifesaver in combating the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Not only has it
     helped alleviate my stomachache and bloating, but it has also reduced
     inflammation and improved my appetite.

 9.  Rated 5 out of 5
     Asia K – 15 March 2023
     H Pylori Herbal Tea has been a lifesaver for me! It has reduced my
     symptoms, feel more comfortable.

 10. Rated 5 out of 5
     Ancuta – 13 March 2023
     I am genuinely impressed with the efficacy of this tea !

 11. Rated 5 out of 5
     Klevis – 2 March 2023
     It has truly exceeded my expectations

 12. Rated 5 out of 5
     Corey – 7 February 2023
     Thank you so much for creating this H Pylori Herbal Tea! My daily life was
     really tough due to H Pylori-related issues, but after using this tea for
     just two weeks, I’m already starting to feel like my old self again.

 13. Rated 5 out of 5
     Graham – 1 February 2023
     My grandma has been suffering from digestive issues for years and I was
     looking for a natural solution to help her. Her symptoms have significantly
     improved and she is finally able to enjoy her meals without any discomfort.

 14. Rated 5 out of 5
     Mark – 27 January 2023
     I found out about this H Pylori Treatment Tea on a herbal group on
     I have been using it for a week now and I already see improvement in my

 15. Rated 5 out of 5
     Gregory – 16 January 2023
     I decided to buy the H Pylori Tea after reading your article and I’m so
     glad I did. I’m currently on a break as recommended, and I already feel an
     improvement in my symptoms. I’m just wondering if I should have purchased a
     larger package.

 16. Rated 5 out of 5
     Nuam P – 12 January 2023
     This product is definitely worth the price.

 17. Rated 5 out of 5
     Carol – 10 January 2023
     My wife and I have been struggling with H. pylori and this tea has been a
     game changer for us. We noticed improvement in our symptoms within just a
     few days of starting to drink it.

 18. Rated 5 out of 5
     Carmen Al – 9 January 2023
     I was skeptical about trying this tea for my H. pylori, as I had already
     gone through antibiotic therapy with no improvement. But to my surprise, it
     has had a much better effect on my symptoms than the antibiotics.

 19. Rated 5 out of 5
     Charlie – 6 January 2023
     I was having stomach pain and bloating all the time, but since I started
     drinking this tea regularly my symptoms disappeared. I highly recommend it
     to anyone who has H. pylori.

 20. Rated 5 out of 5
     Doug – 1 January 2023
     I was hesitant to try this tea at first, but I’m glad I did! It has helped
     me to manage my H. pylori infection without any harsh medications.

 21. Rated 5 out of 5
     Sally G. – 31 December 2022
     I am truly amazed at the effectiveness of this tea for my H. pylori. It’s a
     shame that not more people know about the power of herbs, if I hadn’t found
     it online, I would probably still be suffering.

 22. Rated 5 out of 5
     Salma – 21 December 2022
     I bought this tea for health reasons. I hope it will help me.
     It arrived as promised very well packaged. Thank you very much.

 23. Rated 5 out of 5
     Jozeph – 20 December 2022
     A friend recommended this tea and I’m glad I followed up and bought it.It
     was hard to believe that tea would bring relief, but he was right.

 24. Rated 5 out of 5
     Seven – 6 December 2022
     I ordered this tea with the thought that it might help me. After all, I
     have no stomach problems. These pains were a nightmare. I’m glad I found

 25. Rated 5 out of 5
     John – 30 November 2022
     I am no longer experiencing any discomfort.

 26. Rated 5 out of 5
     Alexandra – 18 November 2022
     It works wonders!!

 27. Rated 5 out of 5
     Devina – 25 October 2022
     I drink it twice a day and I have noticed a significant improvement in my
     symptoms. Thanks!

 28. Rated 5 out of 5
     Alex – 9 August 2022
     I have asthma and read online about thyme tea being good for mucus. It
     helps me.

 29. Rated 5 out of 5
     Emmanuel Curiel (verified owner) – 28 May 2022
     I’ve had h pylory for months and antibiotics weren’t working, this tea is
     literally amazing, after 1 week of taking it I noticed a huge difference, I
     would def recommend

 30. Rated 5 out of 5
     Emma Miller – 9 May 2022
     Great taste and it works!

 31. Rated 5 out of 5
     Debbie Metz – 8 April 2022
     Is this tea ok to drink if you have IBS-D. I may have an ulcer too, but not
     * Matthew – 11 April 2022
       Dear Debbie,
       Yes, it can help IBS-D, except that it helps stomach ulcers and fighting
       H. pylori bacteria it contains herbs that might as well helps a lot of
       stomachs and bowel-related problems.

 32. Matthew – 24 February 2022
     Dear Millie,
     Yes! This is our mixture of herbs but in Polish, where these herbs come
     It should be labeled on the back in English!

 33. Rated 5 out of 5
     lisa – 7 January 2022
     I’m glad I found this website, my 15 years son was diagnosed with pylori
     when he was 9.
     We have been driving from doctor to doctor and nothing. These herbs helped
     him with all stomach problems.
     I was waiting for the tea for over one week but it was worth it.

 34. Rated 5 out of 5
     Samantha – 28 December 2021
     I’m not a big fan of drinking herbs, but antibiotics, diet, nothing that my
     doctor recommended couldn’t help.
     I bought this tea and I saw effects after a few days, It was literally a
     cure for my problems.
     After one month of drinking it, I took a test for pylori again, and it was
     I really recommend it for everyone with this issue I was dealing with
     stomach problems, weight loss, etc. for 3 years.
     It’s relief

 35. Rated 3 out of 5
     Isa – 22 October 2021
     At the section ” properties” you are listing it all except ” killing of the
     bacteria hpilory. So does this kill the bacteria or not?
     * Matthew – 25 October 2021
       Dear Isa,
       Of course, H. Pylori Treatment Tea was created primarily to counteract
       the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
       And our’s customers gave us positive feedback about it.
       If you’d like to read specific studies about this tea please click here
 36. Rated 5 out of 5
     Mia (verified owner) – 14 July 2021
     My partner bought it for me, and I must say after the second day of using
     it I’ve felt so much better. Would definitely recommend it to all people
     who struggle with H. Pylori bacteria.
     Works well for me!
     Thank you so much.
     Iwan Thomas and Mia.

 37. Rated 5 out of 5
     Lewis Baker – 13 November 2020
     Really refreshing taste, helps a lot with my stomach problems.
     Membersr of my family drink it instead of regular tea. Great job

 38. Rated 5 out of 5
     Kyle – 12 July 2020
     Definitely worth buying! I’m ordering another one

 39. Rated 5 out of 5
     sy (verified owner) – 27 June 2020
     Fast delivery. It taste and smells great. I have brought it to treat H.P
     but only day 2 of using it so hopefully i will see the results soon

 40. Rated 4 out of 5
     Ishtiaq – 24 April 2020
     Rebecca.m question did you have pylori infection as I have and looking for
     a cure?

 41. Rated 5 out of 5
     Rebecca M. – 15 April 2020
     Thank you. I have been taking these herbs since December, the level of
     bacteria in my body has decreased five times. Is there a possibility to
     subscribe for a product?

 42. Rated 5 out of 5
     Grahame (verified owner) – 20 February 2020
     Great tea and great service ….don’t be shy – buy some , you won’t regret it

 43. Rated 5 out of 5
     Ahmir – 29 January 2020
     Working good for me and I will buy it again. Thx

 44. Rated 5 out of 5
     Scarlett – 15 December 2019
     This herbal tea finally brought me relief. I have been struggling with
     stomach problems for 3 years. Thank you.

 45. Rated 5 out of 5
     Gusty Dow – 7 December 2019
     My problems seems to be solved 🙂 THANKS

 46. Rated 5 out of 5
     Tyson – 1 December 2019
     Absolutely love them. Excellent price and quality!

 47. Rated 5 out of 5
     Kazimierz – 29 November 2019
     Very happy with this tea, good quality and tastes great too!

 48. Rated 5 out of 5
     Dr Lucy – 21 November 2019
     Lovely tea, i will recomend to my friends.

 49. Rated 5 out of 5
     Katy M. – 7 November 2019
     Nice flavour. Looks fresh !



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Organic Tea for Healthy Artery 1.76oz

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 * Immune System 60 Capsules - Dietary Organic Herbal Supplements £ 26.99
 * Tea on a Stick - Collection Organic 8x3.4g 0.95oz (27g) £ 18.59
 * Flaxseed, Linseed - Organic Seeds 7.05oz (200g) £ 8.99
 * Premium Organic Herbal Tea Collection - 90 sachets 5.82oz (165g) £ 19.99
 * Milk Thistle Tea for detox (200g) £ 9.99
 * Immunity Boost Herbal Tea 3.2oz (90g) £ 14.99


 * H Pylori Treatment Tea
   Rated 4.94 out of 5
 * Cistus tea
   Rated 5.00 out of 5
 * Cistus Tea 3.53 oz £ 9.99


Natural herbs to save your health

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