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2,210,851 Downloads Last Updated: Jul 21, 2022 Game Version: 1.19.2   +3
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THE LATEST 1.19.0 JAR ALSO WORKS ON 1.19.1 AND 1.19.2!


Dimensional Dungeons adds limitless procedurally generated dungeons to
Minecraft! These dungeons are all placed in a single, separate dimension which
can be accessed from a portal anywhere on the Overworld. (Such as in your base!)
This makes the dungeons themselves renewable and it provides challenging,
replayable content.

The dungeon dimension limits building and block breaking. This allows for a
proper adventure mode-like experience on a survival server. For example, I can
use pistons in my traps without giving the player free pistons. Obstacle courses
can't be bridged over. Combat can't be trivialized by building fences around
mobs. And light and darkness matter when you can't place torches!

Besides challenges in room design the dungeons are also randomly populated with
enemies and worthwhile loot! Many rooms with valuable treasure chests require
solving a puzzle that will test your knowledge of Minecraft game mechanics.
Currently all of the builds are 'vanilla' and no modded blocks or command blocks
are used. The goal is to feel vanilla-lite and to be fair to the player.

For modpack designers and server admins there is also a powerful config file
which allows for customization of the block protection in the dungeon dimension
and many other features. As of version 1.09 the rooms themselves are
configurable in the common config, meaning that you can remove existing rooms or
add custom rooms. 



To get started you'll need to build a portal, craft some blank keys, and
"activate" your blank keys. This video describes everything.


Additional information can be found on the new Dimensional Dungeons Wiki! There
is also a Patchouli guidebook if you (optionally) have that installed.



One million official downloads! Wow I am astonished! I'm glad so many players
have decided to make Dimensional Dungeons a part of their worlds.
Thank you everyone.

This is my first Minecraft mod and I'm very proud of it, but not too proud to
listen. Please report bugs, issues and suggestions anywhere you'd like - either
here on Curse, on Github, or in the Dimensional Dungeons Discord. I read every
ticket and comment. The Discord also has a lot of information about modding this
mod and making it do interesting things in modpacks. If you would like spoilers
for the puzzle rooms I'll share those too.

Permission is automatically granted to use this mod in any modpack. I would
appreciate a link back to this page, please. If there is a feature or config
setting I can add to make your modpack more interesting just request it in the
comments and I'll consider it. I care a lot about mod compatibility.



(Last updated: June 13th, 2022)


I just completed both a major feature update and a rapid 1.19 port! Yay!


The "personal dimension build space" was a feature that happened directly
because of your feedback. I heard a few stories from players who said that they
turned off the block protection inside the dungeons and built bases there. So I
decided to help facilitate that. And the way that keys to your personal build
dimension are created addresses a fear that I hear often too - that players who
lose keys, lose access to spaces. For the personal build dimension you don't
have to worry because you can always recreate that key.


The 1.19 port was fortunately as quick and easy as I had hoped. I estimate it
was about 3 hours total.Thank goodness! I was due for an easy update after
1.18.2 turned out to be such a game changer. I want to give a big thanks to the
Forge Team for releasing a 1.19 dev kit within hours of it's official release.
If I hadn't been distracted with the new teleporter hubs then I might have been
able to release for 1.19 the very same day!


I'm aware of the controversy with the 1.19 update, with players calling it the
"Mild Update" because of a perceived lack of content and general disappointment
over cut features. And while I don't agree, I don't think that 1.19 is a
compelling enough upgrade over 1.18.2 either. The sculk sensor would let me
design some crazy rooms but that's a fairly narrow use case centered around my
own mod. I'd like to see 1.18.2 stabilize as the new "1.16.5" for modpacks so I
promise I'll keep releasing updates for 1.18.2 first and foremost. I will also
keep supporting 1.19 mainly because it's easy. My code is basically the same
between both.



Q: Can you add a config option to add loot from other mods if they are

Spoiler (click to show)




Q: Help I can't open doors or press buttons or touch any blocks at all! Or, READ
ME if your server has a world border.

Spoiler (click to show)

A: Do you also notice a red tint around the edge of your screen? That means
you're outside of the world border and that is the cause of the problem.
Unfortunately due to a long running oversight I wasn't aware of the problem
until version 1.13 (of this mod) and that is the oldest version of this mod with
the problem fixed. If you're stuck on an older version of Minecraft and you
can't upgrade then you might have access to tools that can customize the world
border for each dimension separately?


Q: When I try to activate a key, I see particle effects and hear a sound, but
the key remains unchanged.

Spoiler (click to show)

A: I'm not sure why this happens in some modpacks but this can be fixed in the
server config, dimdungeons-server.toml.

Look for the setting worldborderToRespect = "dimdungeons:dungeon_dimension" and
change it to "minecraft:overworld". Or if it was set to the overworld then try
changing it to another dimension.
Spoiler (click to show)
Alternate answer: In 1.19 I've seen this problem occur in worlds that were
upgraded from 1.18.2 and worlds that were previously running an older version of
Forge. In both cases the solution was to reload the datapacks, close the world,
and reopen it.


Q: There are structures from other mods overlapping the dungeon. (Or, mobs from
other mods are spawning and I don't want them to.)

Spoiler (click to show)

A: Those mods shouldn't be blindly inserting themselves into every biome and
dimension that is installed. But if they are then hopefully they have a
blacklist and you can add either dimdungeons:dungeon_dimension (the dimension
id) or dimdungeons:biome_dungeon (the unique biome) to their blacklists. The
biome "category" of my dungeon biome is "none" which should be a clear sign to
these mods to skip adding structures. Consider reporting the issue on their bug
trackers if it is causing a problem for you. If you need to whitelist or
blacklist the new building dimension that dimension id is



Spoiler (click to show)

Dimensional Dungeons is designed to offer "renewable adventure" and should be a
wonderful addition to your server. Your Overworld won't be covered in these
structures, and players won't have to generate or explore hundreds of chunks to
find them. If you have a small world border then maybe this mod can help you
solve the problem of your players looting everything within the border and
leaving nothing for future players?

All dungeons are placed in a single dimension with 8 chunks of void space
between. This helps to keep players from loading multiple dungeons and it
provides other benefits. The teleport coordinates of each dungeon are determined
when the corresponding key is activated, but the dungeon isn't built until the
key is placed in a keyhole. The final 1.16.5 version of this mod is very tps
heavy when building the dungeon, but the latest 1.18.2 version can do this with
minimal lag.

It is safe but unnecessary to reset the Dungeon Dimension. Your old looted and
forgotten dungeons will sit in unloaded chunks forever. And players will be able
to create new dungeons forever. There is no need to "free up space". However if
you do choose to reset the dimension then players will be unable to exploit old
keys because each key can only build a single dungeon. Additionally, there is
also a safety feature in place to detect when a dungeon has been deleted and
then politely inform the player, rather than continue and teleport them into the
void. So in short, by resetting the dimension, you're really just invalidating
all of the used keys on your server. (But this may be what you want.)



- Added Personal Dimension Keys!
- Personal Dimension keys lead to an 8x8 chunk flat space in a void that you can
build in!
- All personal dimension keys that are activated by the same player will lead to
the same place.
- Currently these keys are craftable with a Homeward Pearl, another key, and a
Grass Block.
- Added Teleporter Hub Keys!
- A teleporter hub is a one-room "peaceful dungeon" with no mobs or treasure.
However inside it has 7 more entrances and 7 more keys to those entrances.
- Any portals that you build with those keys will link up naturally. So now you
can connect up to 8 places and dimensions with a handy shortcut!
- Teleporter hub keys can be found exclusively in advanced dungeons.



- Changed the cheat structure to be "/dimdungeons <cheats>" with all of my
cheats under one global cheat.

- Added a new cheat: /dimdungeons givepersonal [recipient] [whose_personal_key].
Usually you will call that with both parameters the same.

- Bugfix for dungeons not completely generating if the server is closed during

- Bugfix for players occasionally obtaining other player's personal dimension

- Bugfix for a rare crash or portal failure that could occur when ticking the
keyhole after a dungeon is finished being built.



Artifacts - Allows their mimic to spawn in the dungeon dimension.
End:Remastered - Their end portal frame can also activate my keys.
Gravestones - I added gravestones:gravestones to the block protection whitelist.
Lootr - My dungeon chests are compatible with Lootr's chest replacement system.
Patchouli - Adds a guidebook which can help you build the portal
JEI - custom recipe type for activating keys



Catastrophe573 - Creator

MagpieMaydin - Builder of several rooms, notably the skullcorner and yinyang
rsleeezy - Initial draft of the Patchouli guidebook with many multiblocks filled
EHX - Contributed several advancements.
Rimeval - Contributed a pull request to link the portal's coordinates.
noobanidus - Contributed a pull request to streamline loot tables, for Lootr.
Mahj - Contributed pull requests to backport some features to 1.15.2.
MrDenn - Contributed improved item textures.
DoloC8 - Contributed a full Chinese translation.



Continue the discussion over here too! Also get early access to news, ideas, and



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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted 5 days ago #461
   The latest 1.19.0 jar works on 1.19.1 and 1.19.2.
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 * redsageofstone
    * Join Date: 4/29/2021
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   Posted Sep 3, 2022 #459
   There seems to be a bug causing crashing when leaving a dungeon through a
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Sep 7, 2022 #460
   In reply to redsageofstone:
    Which version? (Of Minecraft and this mod.) That sounds like an unusual
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 * uncountableall
    * Join Date: 8/9/2022
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   Posted Aug 9, 2022 #451
   Bro will both portals will give different keys if they will give then how
   many will each portal give
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Aug 9, 2022 #454
   In reply to uncountableall:
    There are an unlimited number of dungeons because they are procedurally
   generated. I forget how many rooms I have built but it's over 100 rooms and
   the tier 1 dungeons are made from about 20 of them at random. Each key will
   lead to a different dungeon.
   There's no limit to the number of times that an end portal frame can activate
   a key. You'll get a new result every time. After enough keys and dungeons
   you'll notice the rooms repeating and the only limit is when you get bored of
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 * uncountableall
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   Posted Aug 10, 2022 #456
   In reply to Catastrophe573:
    so will both end frame will give different keys?
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Aug 10, 2022 #457
   In reply to uncountableall:
    You will always get a different key and a new dungeon no matter how a key is
   (This was not always the case in 1.16.5 and below. In those versions there
   was a small chance of a new key leading back to an old dungeon. But I've
   fixed that problem since then.)
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 * uncountableall
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   Posted Aug 9, 2022 #450
   Bro, how many dungeons are there?
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 * FullMetalMaster
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   Posted Aug 3, 2022 #448
   I love this mod but can you add more to the dungeons that would be fantastic
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Aug 9, 2022 #453
   In reply to FullMetalMaster:
   Inspiration to build more rooms tends to strike me 2-3 times per year and
   I'll build a few dozen new rooms each time. I'm looking forward to my next
   batch as much as you are! It's so much fun to build rooms for this mod.
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 * FullMetalMaster
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   Posted Aug 10, 2022 #458
   In reply to Catastrophe573:
    sounds great!
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 * yeslaching
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   Posted Jul 31, 2022 #447
   Cool idea, reminds me a little bit of "The Vault"-Mod. I love roguelikes so
   that mod is what i'm searching for.
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Aug 9, 2022 #455
   In reply to yeslaching:
    Thank you! I'm glad it makes you happy!
   My original inspiration was actually Diablo 3's rifts and Starbound's end
   game vaults (which were probably inspired by D3's rifts too.) I think Vault
   Hunters was inspired by the same things since they have a self-destruct timer
   on every dungeon. Actually I originally intended to put a self-destruct timer
   on my dungeons too way back in 1.13 but I thought it would lead to bugs to
   multiplayer. And some players just want to take their time.
   I never watched the YT series for Vault Hunters but I did play the first
   public release of the modpack. I thought it was too grindy but I liked the
   very large rooms. It felt like the opposite of my build style, which is
   intentionally limited to one chunk. (Or 2x2 chunks for the special rooms in
   tier 2 dungeons.) It inspired me remove that limitation for tier 3 dungeons
   (someday) and build beeeeeg! When I finally do I'm going to hide a sign
   somewhere that says "Shoutouts to Vault Hunters!" like I've done for other
   similar mods. Maybe in a tiny room behind a colored door.
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 * doloc8
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   Posted Jul 22, 2022 #440
   I also translated the lang into Chinese !But I don't know how to upload it to
   you if you need it .
   Thank you very much for your interesting mod !
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Jul 23, 2022 #442
   In reply to doloc8:
    Thank you! I think the easiest way to upload the file would be to create an
   issue on my github. Then you can either attach file to the bug report or copy
   the contents of the file into the bug description. Here is the link to my bug
   You can also create a pull request to add your translation directly to my
   repository if you're comfortable doing that. Here's a link to the latest
   version of my lang files. I don't expect you to translate all of new the
   1.18.2 stuff that you haven't seen before. Partial translations are fine. As
   you can see the latest version of zn_ch.json is 3 years old and doesn't even
   have advanced dungeons in it. Any improvement would be appreciated.
   I'll credit you as a contributor as well. Is doloc8 the name that you want to
   be attributed under?
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 * doloc8
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   Posted Jul 24, 2022 #443
   In reply to Catastrophe573:
   HI ! It's ok as DoloC8 ,Thank you!
   I have created a pull request ,but because I only focus on the main branch at
   first , so I uploaded again to the 1.19 branch ,Sorry😔
   Then I  found that  there are a little different between master and 1.19
   branch ,So I try as I can to complete translation of all words and keep the
   text aligned with the en_us to facilitate your comparison.
   And I tried the 1.19 version , the particle effects and the new dimension all
   of them are very enjoyable !
   But it‘s Still can't get advancement of Home Space Home for now ?Because I
   can't activate the personal portal at my personal dimension😂 
   Last edited by doloc8: Jul 24, 2022
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Jul 25, 2022 #444
   In reply to doloc8:
    Thank you again for your translation! I've given you credit in the mod
   description and your changes will appear in the next version I build for
   1.18.2 and 1.19.
   Home Space Home should trigger when you enter the personal build dimension
   for the first time. I just tested this so I think you might already have the
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 * doloc8
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   Posted Jul 26, 2022 #445
   In reply to Catastrophe573:
   I'm glad it came in handy!
   And it's my bad  ,What I'm saying is getting  [Recursive Portals?] .Also I'm
   curious if there is a correlation between the key's name and the type of
   dungeons room ?
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 * Catastrophe573
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   Posted Jul 27, 2022 #446
   In reply to doloc8:
    The recursive portals advancement was removed before it was ever added
   because I realized that allowing recursive portals could lead to serious
   bugs. I renamed the json file to "build_recursive_portal.removed" so that
   it's not even loaded by the game.
   The names given to keys are random and meaningless. Words are taken from the
   word bank at random. However a themed dungeon key will also always tell you
   which theme.
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 * doloc8
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   Posted Jul 22, 2022 #436
   I really want to know what game the trophy7 is from!
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Project ID 352222
Created Nov 22, 2019
Updated Jul 21, 2022
Total Downloads 2,210,851
License GNU General Pub...







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   dimdungeons-166-forge-1.19.0.jar Jul 21, 2022


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   dimdungeons-166-forge-1.18.2.jar Jul 21, 2022


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   dimdungeons-1.13.1-forge-1.17.1.jar Sep 12, 2021

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