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(844) 742-9489

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 * Ford
   * F150 LED Grill Lights
   * F250 LED Grill Lights
   * F350 LED Grill Lights
   * Bronco LED Grill Lights
   * Raptor LED Grill Lights
 * GMC
   * GMC Denali LED Grille Lights
   * GMC Sierra LED Grille Lights
   * GMC Yukon LED Grille Lights
   * GMC SLT LED Grille Lights
 * RAM
   * Dodge Charger GT LED Grill Lights
   * Dodge Charger 7th Generation LED Grill Lights
   * RAM Laramie LED Grill Lights
   * RAM Limited LED Grill Lights
 * Chevrolet
   * Corvette Stingray LED Lights
   * Chevrolet Silverado LTZ Grill Lights
   * Chevrolet Silverado LT Grill Lights
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   * Whip Lights
   * Sick Diesel Rock Lights
   * Plug & Play Harness
   * LED Dimmer Controller
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 * Ford
   * F150 LED Grill Lights
   * F250 LED Grill Lights
   * F350 LED Grill Lights
   * Bronco LED Grill Lights
   * Raptor LED Grill Lights
 * GMC
   * GMC Denali LED Grille Lights
   * GMC Sierra LED Grille Lights
   * GMC Yukon LED Grille Lights
   * GMC SLT LED Grille Lights
 * RAM
   * Dodge Charger GT LED Grill Lights
   * Dodge Charger 7th Generation LED Grill Lights
   * RAM Laramie LED Grill Lights
   * RAM Limited LED Grill Lights
 * Chevrolet
   * Corvette Stingray LED Lights
   * Chevrolet Silverado LTZ Grill Lights
   * Chevrolet Silverado LT Grill Lights
 * Extras
   * Whip Lights
   * Sick Diesel Rock Lights
   * Plug & Play Harness
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GMC LED Grill Lights


Denali | Sierra | Yukon
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Ford LED Grill Lights


F150 | F250 | F350 | F450 | Bronco | Raptor
Ford Collection
RAM LED Grill Lights


Laramie | Limited | TRX | Dodge Charger
RAM Collection
Chevrolet LED Grill Lights


LT | LTZ | High Country | Corvette
Chevrolet Collection


Grill light accessories and Sick Diesel Gear

Stand Out on the Road

Be the envy of truckers every time you drive by with our showstopping custom

Improve Visibility

Our ultra-powerful LED lights can drastically improve your safety and visibility
on the road.

Shine Bright for Years

With all of our lights packing 50,000 burn hours, your truck will be glowing for
years to come.


from 86 reviews


Loved the product with great delivery

2020-2023 GMC 2500 / 3500 Denali Grill Light Power Bar



Best customer service..Steven C @ SickDiesel is an awesome person ..Resolve
issue quickly and professional..Real kind and courteous

2022-2024 GMC Sierra 1500 LED Grill Lights



Great quality and fast shipping

2015-2023 Dodge Charger 7th Generation LED Grill Lights



Awesome product

2017-2019 F250, F350, F450 & F550 Platinum Ghost Grill Lights

Carl J

Great looking lights!

I really like the way these look on my truck! I get a lot of looks.

2015 - 2017 F150 LED Ghost Grill Lights | Platinum

Jeremy Cook

Thank you! Lights look amazing 🤩

Awesome customer service and easy install. Top quality product.

2022-2024 GMC Sierra 1500 LED Grill Lights

Mark Struttmann

2020 Chevy Silverado 2500 high country

2020 Chevy Silverado 2500 high country installed Sick Diesel light looks great
customer service is outstanding with highly recommend

2020-2023 Chevrolet Silverado Grill Light Power Bar 2500/3500 | LTZ & High



Awesome light. Sets it apart from other trucks like mine!

2022-2024 GMC Sierra 1500 LED Grill Lights



Love the lights. Like the way it looks!

2020 F250, F350, F450 & F550 LED Grill Lights | KR, XLT, STX, Platinum

Carl Facchini

Chevy Silverado 2500 Light Bar

Had the light bar installed today. It looks awesome. The service tech said it
was quality product made in the USA a highly recommend Sick diesel

2020-2023 Chevrolet Silverado Grill Light Power Bar 2500/3500 | LTZ & High


Love it!

Ordered my grille light last week of Christmas so it took a little long to
arrive which is fully understandable. Once I got it, I got it installed and
everyone that sees it likes it as much as I do. I will say the 100% bright
setting is extremely bright but I run it at 25% and it matches the side lights
and looks great.

2022-2024 GMC Sierra 1500 LED Grill Lights

Dan Christopher

2022 Ford f-350 LED grill lights

The fit and finish is perfect, plug and play harness made life easy with no
splicing into factory wires, customer service was top notch, thank you!!!

2020-2022 F250, F350, F450 & F550 LED Grill Lights | Lariat, XL, STX, Tremor

Richard May

Perfect Fit

These lights look awesome with the factory stock LED lamps on the outside of my
head lights. They complete the lineup of the lights. They don’t really add
additional lighting in front, like a light bar does, but they look great driving
down the road. For passerby viewing pleasure. If you want to complete the lines
of your grill, then get these lights! Extremely easy to install into your AUX
switches and grill. Took me about 30 minutes to remove the grill, drivers side
headlight and hook them up to my AUX. be sure and watch their installation
video! Because you could easily damage these if you tighten them too much.
I’m very happy with the rigidity, craftsmanship, and the additional support from
Steve (the owner) and that they’re an American company. MERICA! 🇺🇸 If you have
ANY questions, reach out to him and he’ll help you out with whatever ideas,
problems or questions you may have.
Thanks again Steve for a great product! III% 🇺🇸

2017-2019 F250, F350, F450 & F550 Platinum Ghost Grill Lights



Easy to install and looks great!!

2017-2019 F250, F350, F450 & F550 Single Top LED Grill Light

Stan kalinovskiy

Great product 1 yr review

Easy easy install. Works awesome live up north. Lots of snow, and no issues.
Looks amazing. A lil too Pricey but no regrets.

2020-2023 GMC Sierra 2500/3500 AT4 Grill Light Power Bar


As truck owners, we know that lighting is instrumental in ensuring the optimal
performance, safety, and aesthetic of your vehicle. That's why we’re passionate
about providing truck lovers with world-class custom LED technology, designed
and manufactured in the USA.


1. Select Your Truck:

Explore the range of LED lights we offer for your vehicle.

2. Place Your Order:

Once you’ve found the perfect product, simply place your order, and we’ll ship
it right to your door.

3. Install With Ease:

All of our products come ready to install, with no modifications needed. Check
out our installation tutorials for extra help.

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Jayson in ROCKLIN, United States purchased
2017-2019 F250, F350, F450 & F550 Ghost LED Grill Lights | XL, XLT, KR, Lariat
3 hours ago
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