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Submission Tags: phishingrod
Submission: On May 10 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

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                d="M 3.469 0.034 C 2.879 0.110, 2.269 0.345, 1.740 0.699 C 1.451 0.892, 0.892 1.451, 0.699 1.740 C 0.397 2.191, 0.186 2.694, 0.069 3.240 C 0.018 3.483, 0.015 3.896, 0.015 12 C 0.015 20.104, 0.018 20.517, 0.069 20.760 C 0.248 21.594, 0.587 22.222, 1.182 22.819 C 1.767 23.405, 2.411 23.753, 3.240 23.931 C 3.483 23.982, 3.896 23.985, 12 23.985 C 20.221 23.985, 20.514 23.983, 20.775 23.928 C 21.295 23.819, 21.811 23.602, 22.260 23.301 C 22.549 23.108, 23.108 22.549, 23.301 22.260 C 23.672 21.706, 23.970 20.890, 23.970 20.431 C 23.970 20.365, 23.983 20.310, 24 20.310 C 24.020 20.310, 24.030 17.508, 24.030 11.963 C 24.029 6.562, 24.019 3.631, 24 3.660 C 23.979 3.693, 23.971 3.670, 23.970 3.576 C 23.969 3.262, 23.788 2.634, 23.577 2.214 C 23.375 1.812, 23.172 1.536, 22.818 1.182 C 22.242 0.607, 21.643 0.274, 20.835 0.081 L 20.565 0.017 12.120 0.012 C 7.333 0.009, 3.586 0.019, 3.469 0.034 M 0.015 12 C 0.015 16.595, 0.018 18.475, 0.022 16.178 C 0.027 13.880, 0.027 10.120, 0.022 7.823 C 0.018 5.525, 0.015 7.405, 0.015 12 M 5.646 4.847 C 5.308 4.938, 5.012 5.197, 4.884 5.514 L 4.815 5.685 4.815 12 L 4.815 18.315 4.884 18.484 C 4.966 18.687, 5.137 18.889, 5.333 19.016 C 5.641 19.213, 5.196 19.202, 12.077 19.193 L 18.315 19.185 18.486 19.116 C 18.688 19.034, 18.924 18.832, 19.033 18.646 C 19.211 18.342, 19.201 18.735, 19.193 11.923 L 19.185 5.685 19.113 5.505 C 19.014 5.259, 18.741 4.986, 18.495 4.887 L 18.315 4.815 12.060 4.809 C 6.704 4.804, 5.782 4.810, 5.646 4.847 M 9.409 9.044 C 9.261 9.097, 9.128 9.222, 9.057 9.375 C 9.004 9.489, 9.001 9.625, 9.001 11.970 C 9 13.692, 9.010 14.481, 9.034 14.565 C 9.077 14.721, 9.279 14.923, 9.435 14.966 C 9.603 15.013, 14.397 15.013, 14.565 14.966 C 14.635 14.947, 14.736 14.882, 14.809 14.809 C 14.882 14.736, 14.947 14.635, 14.966 14.565 C 15.013 14.397, 15.013 9.603, 14.966 9.435 C 14.923 9.279, 14.721 9.077, 14.565 9.034 C 14.481 9.010, 13.698 9.001, 11.985 9.001 C 9.974 9.002, 9.504 9.010, 9.409 9.044"
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POST /app/cms/api/v1/schemas/3281be90-3399-11ed-8274-9390dc65bb13/entries

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POST /app/cms/api/v1/schemas/2fd69bd4-3399-11ed-99ba-67b8f95837fe/entries

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