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 * May 26, Friday

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S. Menkhtsetseg, ikon.mn
7 hours 45 minutes ago

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin's visit to Beijing has ended this week.

During this time, the sources reported that he was unable to hear a positive
response to the natural gas pipeline project through Mongolia.

Ten years ago, Moscow's authorities started working to dramatically increase
energy exports to the Chinese market as part of their "Look East" policy.

One of the main parts of it was the "Power of Siberia 2" pipeline project, which
will run from natural gas fields on the Yamal Peninsula of Siberia through the
territory of Mongolia to the Chinese market.

The previous "Power of Siberia 1" project, which was put into operation in 2019,
will reach its maximum capacity in 2024, and the annual transmission will reach
38 billion cubic meters.

However, the pipeline carries gas from fields in eastern Siberia to China and is
not dependent on the European market. However, the Power of Siberia 2 project
will connect the Yamal Peninsula in northwestern Siberia, which supplies gas to
the European market, so it is important for the Russian authorities to reduce
the influence of Western sanctions.


Just before the start of the war in Ukraine, during the Beijing Winter Olympics,
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a
25-year energy cooperation agreement.

Үүнд “Сибирийн хүч 2” хоолойн төсөл багтаж байжээ.

Гэвч тэр үеэс хойш Оросын тал энэ төслийг эхлүүлэхэд бэлэн байгаагаа олон удаа
илэрхийлсэн ч Бээжингийн эрх баригчид хариу өгөхгүй байгаа юм.

Энэ оны гуравдугаар сард Хятадын тэргүүн Москвад айлчлах үеэр Оросын тал
“Сибирийн хүч 2” хоолойн төслийг эхлүүлэхэд бэлэн болсныг зарласан ч Бээжин энэ
талаар огт ам нээгээгүй өнгөрсөн.

Үүнтэй зэрэгцэн Хятадын эрх баригчид байгалийн хий импортлох бусад төсөл дээр
идэвхтэй ажиллаж байна.

Тухайлбал өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт Шиань хотод болсон Хятад-Төв Азийн дээд чуулганы
үеэр Туркменистанаас хий импортлох “D шугам” гэгддэг төслийн гэрээнд Ши Жиньпин
гарын үсэг зуржээ.

Энэ нь Туркменистанаас Хятад руу хий дамжуулах дөрөв дэх хоолой юм. Өмнөх гурван
хоолойгоор өнгөрсөн онд Туркменистанаас Хятад руу нийтдээ 35 тэрбум шоо метр хий
нийлүүлсэн байна.

For comparison, the amount of gas transferred through the "Power of Siberia 1"
pipeline was 16 billion cubic meters.

Researchers believe that even if the "Power of Siberia 2" pipeline project is
implemented, the Russian side will not be able to compensate for the loss of the
European market.

Because Russia, weakened by the war in Ukraine, concluded that it could not
bargain with China, which has a larger economy than itself, at the same high
prices as it used to supply to the European market.


Source: Financial Times



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