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 * AP Automation
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   * Why Circulus
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   * Why Circulus BPO?
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Automated AP - Your Performance Powerhouse
Through Workflow, Automation, Back Office and Tech-Enablement, the Circulus
Platform provides the Tools necessary to transform AP into a strategic function.
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Much of today’s workload is centered on inefficient manual processes. By
offloading and automating these functions, your resources can be refocused onto
higher-value tasks.
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Bill Processing, Simplified For Growing Businesses
Circulus Solution provides Growing Businesses with the Tools they need to
Automate their Accounts Payable Process, allowing them to focus on growing their
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A cost-effective partnership to extend the Infrastructural, Talent and Technical
capabilities of your business while maintaining your focus on key business needs
and innovation.
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Automated AP - Your Performance Powerhouse


Circulus provides comprehensive Invoice Automation and Bill Processing Solutions
for companies of all sizes and complexities. By moving your Payables to the
Cloud via Circulus, your organization can harness the power of a Digitized AP
Workflow, Increase Controls, Eliminate Approval Delays, Secure Invoice Data, and
Transform your Legacy Processes into a Strategic Function.

 * Powerful Business Rules and Workflow
 * Intelligent Data Extraction
 * Integration with any ERP
 * 2-Way, 3-Way, 4-Way PO Matching
 * Multi-Entity Support
 * Mobile AP Applications

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Much of today’s workload includes inefficient manual processes, diminishing your
business performance. By offloading and automating these functions, resources
can focus on higher-value tasks. Leverage our specialized teams and technical
capabilities backed by standardized processes for 99% Guaranteed Data Extraction
Accuracy, consolidated document collection and management.

 * Intelligent Data Extraction
 * Data Validation, QA and QC Services
 * EDI, Email, FTP Data Collection, and PO Box Services
 * Document Management
 * Exception Handling
 * GL Coding
 * Statement Reconciliation
 * Vendor Maintenance
 * Tech-enablement

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With business leaders looking for ways to enhance team skillsets, foster
innovation, or focus on their core business, outsourcing programs are gaining
significant traffic. To help companies realize their AP Automation goals,
Circulus provides flexible solutions for offshore initiatives.

 * 70% Account Payable Cost Reduction compared to Traditional US Cost
 * 100% Transparency in Operations and Pricing Model
 * No Financial Investment for Facilities, Infrastructure, Transfer Pricing, or
   Local Taxes
 * Ability to transfer the team to your Facilities after the Initial Term
 * Access to Secured World-Class Facilities in the Tier 1 cities of Hyderabad
   (25k sq.  ft.) and Visakhapatnam (185k sq. ft.), including Onsite Cafeterias
   and Recreation Facilities

Learn More


Diane, Our Vice President (Sales) takes you through the tools and technologies
that will boost your business performance: Cloud Platform, Intelligent
Automation, Smart Offshoring and more.

 * With Circulus [XTGlobal], we were able to receive a solution that provided us
   with 99.5% accuracy for our data extraction despite having close to 10,000
   vendors invoices templates. Their fully customizable end-to-end solution
   provides not only the standard data extraction and approval workflow, but
   incorporates our custom online forms, business rules, and data feed as well.
   VP of Financial Systems for a Fortune 1000 company

 * With our idiosyncrasies it was a must to have a solution that was
   customizable but not ladled with professional service fees. Circulus
   [XTGlobal] offered us a customizable solution that met our exact needs, did
   not require us to fit into their mold, and far exceeded our expectations.
   Implementation Team of a Fortune 50 Telco Company

 * Having been in management here for 15 years, I can honestly say Circulus
   [XTGlobal] has been the best vendor I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
   They take the word “partnership” seriously and go above and beyond the “call
   of duty” in every aspect of their business.”
   General Manager of a Fortune 500 Transportation Company

 * Circulus [XTBills] is a great product. easy to set up and use. They also have
   outstanding support. It's one thing to get the app, but they stand behind it
   and help you through any questions. That's a huge benefit. Can't recommend
   them enough.
   cdaly (

 * The customer service team goes above and beyond with any issues you have and
   are extremely responsive to any/all questions. Kaity in particular is always
   on top of things and provides very thorough solutions to problems. I highly
   recommend this app!
   AndreaC (

 * This application was easy to setup, easy to integrate and easy to use.
   Customer service is fantastic and responsive. I use it only for paying bills
   so far. The ACH and vendor setup works great. I use it for several of my
   clients. I recommend this app.
   Yamil (

 * The system is very user friendly. The support team is great their response
   time is amazing. This is a very good program and our customers love it.
   Kathy12 (

 * Circulus has great customer service! They actually have real live people that
   pick up the phone and help your questions. Such a rarity today. Excellent
   knowledge base and super helpful. Yes, I recommend this product.
   - Larsenbooks Excellent customer service

 * Once setup, this program has reduced my time requirements in handling my
   clients' bill pay function, seamlessly updates QuickBooks removing duplicate
   entry requirements and makes it easy to maintain our clients' records for
   them. Support when needed has been quick with their responses, courteous and
   to the point. I highly recommend this software.
   - Steve Macy Streamlines processes

 * Excellent app. Has made our complicated accounting process easy and
   affordable. Customer support has been outstanding. We highly recommend above
   all other accounting apps. Keep up the good work!
   - Moveo The solution we have been looking for!

 * Switched to Circulus about 6 months ago and haven't looked back. The
   integration with QuickBooks is seamless, and the interface is very
   user-friendly. Would highly recommend!
   - Matt Ryder Circulus has made my life easier!

 * This app has transformed the way we do accounting. Before Circulus it was
   quite a headache, and now we have an easy and seamless process. I consider
   this an essential app. The biggest surprise has been the quality of
   Circulus's customer support and the pace at which the company is improving
   their product. Totally above and beyond what I expected from a third-party
   app developer.
   - Joshua Circulus rocks!





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Case Studies


Your One-Stop AP Powerhouse is waiting for you!


A BPO Client moved from manual invoice data entry and PO-matching to automated
data extraction using AWS Textract.


A worldwide marketing company that provides distribution of direct marketing
services transitioned to Modern, Paperless AP Processing.

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The Modern CFO – A Digital Transformation Leader

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The Modern CFO – A Digital Transformation Leader

Why Optical Character Recognition Alone Isn’t Enough

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Why Optical Character Recognition Alone Isn’t Enough

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