Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL:
Effective URL:
Submission: On July 18 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /?post=.empty

<form method="post" action="/?post=.empty" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="UTF-8">
  <div class="f-contain" style="margin-bottom:1em">
    <p class="text"><strong>ACM-sponsored</strong> conferences, journals, and workshops may use <strong class="hotcrpcom_strong">at no direct cost</strong>. Select site class “acm”, or select site class “sigplan” to enforce SIGPLAN’s
      standard submission and reviewing terms.</p>
    <p class="text"><strong>USENIX-sponsored</strong> conferences, journals, and workshops use <strong class="hotcrpcom_strong">at no direct cost</strong>. Your site will be created for you by USENIX.</p>
    <p class="text">Academics may use for free for classroom use. There is no support. Select site class “classroom”.</p>
    <p class="text"><strong>Other</strong> conferences, journals, and workshops should select site class “oneoff”. Each site is charged <strong>$7.50 per submission</strong> for <strong>bugfix-only support</strong>, payable after the submission
      deadline by check or PayPal. Email support requires an additional fee or a separate support contract.</p>
    <p class="text"><a href="">Email Eddie
Kohler</a> with questions.</p>
      customers = {
        "acm": {
          "custuid": "acm",
          "contactemail_chair": true,
          "conf_confirm_html": "I confirm that this conference is sponsored by ACM. (Conferences organized <em>in cooperation with<\/em> ACM, rather than <em>sponsored by<\/em> ACM, must arrange for separate payment, and should use site class \u201coneoff\u201d.)"
        "classroom": {
          "custuid": "classroom",
          "contactemail_chair": true,
          "conf_confirm_html": "I confirm that this site will be used in an academic classroom setting, such as to discuss papers for a research seminar.",
          "confid_description": "Example: &ldquo;epfl-pocs17&rdquo;&mdash;<strong>include your school<\/strong> and a two- or four-digit year"
        "oneoff": {
          "custuid": "oneoff",
          "contactemail_chair": true,
          "conf_confirm_html": "I confirm that my conference\u2019s use of is subject to a $7.50 per submission fee, billed to the site contact and payable after the conference submission deadline."
        "sigplan": {
          "custuid": "sigplan",
          "contactemail_chair": true,
          "conf_confirm_html": "I confirm that this conference is sponsored by ACM and should use SIGPLAN\u2019s standard submission and reviewing terms. (Conferences organized <em>in cooperation with<\/em> ACM, rather than <em>sponsored by<\/em> ACM, must arrange for separate payment, and should use site class \u201coneoff\u201d.)"
        "usenix": {
          "custuid": "usenix",
          "default_contactemail": ["^\\d*[-_A-Za-z]*\\d+$", "${confid}", ".*", "${confid}"],
          "contactemail_chair": false
        "usenixtalk": {
          "custuid": "usenixtalk",
          "default_contactemail": ["^\\d*[-_A-Za-z]*\\d+$", "${confid}", ".*", "${confid}"],
          "contactemail_chair": false
    <div class="f-i">
      <div class="f-c"><label for="siteclass">Site class</label></div>
      <div class="f-e"><span class="select"><select name="siteclass" id="siteclass" data-default-value="">
            <option value="" selected=""></option>
            <option value="acm">acm</option>
            <option value="classroom">classroom</option>
            <option value="oneoff">oneoff</option>
            <option value="sigplan">sigplan</option>
            <option value="usenix">usenix</option>
            <option value="usenixtalk">usenixtalk</option>
    <div class="f-i">
      <div class="f-c"><label for="confid">Site URL</label></div>
      <div class="f-e"><input type="text" name="confid" value="" id="confid">&nbsp;<span id="siteurl-suffix"></span></div>
      <div class="f-h">Examples: “hotos18”, “nsdi17posters”—only letters, numbers, and dashes; must include a two- or four-digit year</div>
    <div class="f-i">
      <div class="f-c"><label for="shortname">Conference abbreviation</label></div>
      <div class="f-e"><input type="text" name="shortname" value="" id="shortname" size="40"></div>
      <div class="f-h">Examples: “HotOS XIV”, “NSDI '17 Posters”; please include a full year (“2017”), year abbreviation (“'17”), or conference number (“1”, “III”)</div>
    <div class="f-i">
      <div class="f-c"><label for="longname">Conference name</label></div>
      <div class="f-e"><input type="text" name="longname" value="" id="longname" size="80"></div>
      <div class="f-h">Example: “14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems”</div>
    <div class="f-i">
      <div class="f-c"><label for="contactemail">Email of site contact</label></div>
      <div class="f-e"><input type="text" name="contactemail" value="" id="contactemail" size="60" autocomplete="email"></div>
      <div class="f-h" id="siteclass_contactchair" style="display:none">This email will be made the initial conference chair.</div>
      <p id="conf_confirm" class="text" style="margin:2em 0;display:none"></p>
    </div><button type="submit" id="create_submit" style="margin-right:2em" name="submit" value="1">Request
      conference</button><a class="fn" href="" onclick=", event)" style="font-size:smaller" data-fold-target="foldadminsignin#0">Administrator login</a>
    <div id="foldadminsignin" class="foldc" style="margin-top:2em">
      <h2 class="header_page fx">Administrator signin</h2>
      <div class="f-i fx">
        <div class="f-c"><label for="password"> administration password</label></div>
        <div class="f-e"><input type="password" name="hotcrpcom_password" value="" id="password" autocomplete="current-password" class="want-focus"></div>
        <div class="f-h">If you don’t know the password, leave it blank and your conference creation request will be sent to the administrator for approval.</div>
        <p><button type="submit" name="adminsignin" value="1">Sign in</button></p>
      jQuery("#confid").on("change", set_contactemail).on("input", set_contactemail);
      jQuery("[name=siteclass]").on("change", set_siteclass);

Text Content



HotCRP is software for managing the conference review process. It combines ease
of use with power and flexibility. Thousands of sites have deployed HotCRP, but offers features not available anywhere else.

Create a siteTry itPrivacy policy




 * Easy-to-use, customizable submission form
 * Optional registration phase
 * PC conflict collection
 * Configurable PDF format checking


 * Collect per-paper PC preferences
 * Assign papers by hand, in bulk, or automatically
 * Globally-optimal automatic review assignments
 * Flexible conflict management


 * Extraordinarily powerful search and tag facility
 * Search and sort papers by any criteria
 * Download papers and paper metadata in bulk
 * Display scores and arbitrary formulas
 * Highlight papers with colors, styles, and emoji 💯
 * Arbitrary graphs of paper and review information


 * Fine-grained permission management
 * Per-track and per-paper administrators
 * Examples: Heavy and light PC, PC-paper review committees, external review
   committees, and more


 * Customizable review forms
 * Advanced formatting, including LaTeX math
 * Multiple rounds of reviewing
 * Offline reviewing
 * Review delegation and external reviewer invitation
 * Collect feedback on review quality


 * Comments and review responses (rebuttals)
 * Order papers by votes or ranks
 * Live meeting tracker keeps PC in sync
 * Custom decision types
 * Mail users


USENIX uses HotCRP to manage all its conferences and workshops.

ACM INTEGRATION integrates with ACM’s publication services. HotCRP helps with
copyright assignment, final-version submission, PDF checking, and proceedings
construction. Conference administrators can easily run the publication process
themselves, reducing cost and error and shortening production times. And thanks
to a site-wide service agreement, ACM-sponsored conferences and workshops use at no direct cost.

 * Collect eRights forms (copyright assignment)
 * Collect final versions
 * Check PDFs for ACM compliance
 * Embed missing fonts
 * Collect ACM keywords, references, and classifications
 * Order papers into sessions
 * Cover wizard: create beautiful ACM-formatted covers
 * Contents wizard: create contents automatically
 * Export a single bundle with all files required for the ACM Digital Library


ACM-sponsored conferences, journals, and workshops may use at no
direct cost. Select site class “acm”, or select site class “sigplan” to enforce
SIGPLAN’s standard submission and reviewing terms.

USENIX-sponsored conferences, journals, and workshops use at no
direct cost. Your site will be created for you by USENIX.

Academics may use for free for classroom use. There is no support.
Select site class “classroom”.

Other conferences, journals, and workshops should select site class “oneoff”.
Each site is charged $7.50 per submission for bugfix-only support, payable after
the submission deadline by check or PayPal. Email support requires an additional
fee or a separate support contract.

Email Eddie Kohler with questions.

Site class
Site URL
Examples: “hotos18”, “nsdi17posters”—only letters, numbers, and dashes; must
include a two- or four-digit year
Conference abbreviation

Examples: “HotOS XIV”, “NSDI '17 Posters”; please include a full year (“2017”),
year abbreviation (“'17”), or conference number (“1”, “III”)
Conference name

Example: “14th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems”
Email of site contact

This email will be made the initial conference chair.

Request conferenceAdministrator login

ADMINISTRATOR SIGNIN administration password

If you don’t know the password, leave it blank and your conference creation
request will be sent to the administrator for approval.

Sign in