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Pathway to Arabic

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Pathway to Arabic
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 * Home Home
   Table of contents
    * Background
    * About this site

 * Getting Started
 * Beginner
    * Course 1
    * Course 2
    * Course 3
    * Course 4

 * Intermediate
    * Course 1
    * Course 2
    * Course 3
    * Course 4
    * Course 5
    * Course 6

 * Advance Intermediate
   Advance Intermediate
    * Course 1
    * Course 2
    * Course 3
    * Course 4
    * Course 5
    * Course 6
    * Course 7
    * Course 8
    * Course 9
    * Course 10

 * Advance
    * Course 1
    * Course 2
    * Course 3
    * Course 4
    * Course 5
    * Course 6
    * Course 7

 * Classical Texts
 * Reading
    * Guided Reading
    * Independent Reading
    * Iraab alQuran Guided Reading

 * Poetry

Table of contents
 * Background
 * About this site



There are many people out there who want to learn Arabic but cannot do so
because they do not have the time to enroll in full time study or they do not
have access to a teacher or institute. I was one of them.

As a homeschooling mother my time was really limited so I could not enroll in an
institute. I tried looking for private Arabic tutors but again that option
didn’t work out. I bought lots of books and tried learning on my own but I would
hit an obstacle, feel hopeless and give up learning.

Then I stumbled upon Madinah Arabic books and for the first time I felt that I
can learn Arabic on my own. Fast forward 4 years and I am learning advance
Arabic grammar and teaching beginner level Arabic grammar to ladies in my
locality. Alhamdulillah.

There are lots of programs, curricula and books available to learn Arabic
however I found that sticking to one program which builds upon your
understanding is better than learning through lots of different curricula. Once
you reach a certain level of comfort, you can supplement your studies with other
books but when starting out I would recommend sticking to a single program or

I myself followed the mastering Arabic program for non-natives designed by Dr.
Abdur Raheem, the author of world famous Madina Arabic books. I did use some
supplemental resources here and there but otherwise I studied one book after the
other in the exact order advised by the Sheikh himself.

There are many reasons I prefer this program over others but the biggest reason
is that these books are syuitable for self-study since there is a wealth of
resources available to help you study the books on your own. There is also a
very active community of learners of these books which helps in staying
motivated and asking for help. Many books from this program are available for
free on the web, a kind courtesy of the author, Dr. Abdur Raheem, who has kept
them royalty free. May Allah preserve him and accept his long services to His
language. Ameen.


This is a work in progress and I will keep adding new resources as I come across
them so please check back often.

I have created this website as a place where I have organized all the resources
I have personally used and/or found, while learning Arabic, for the benefit of
others who want to learn Arabic on their own. This pathway is an expanded form
of the pathway designed by Dr. Abdur Raheem.. I have not only added resources to
aid in learning Dr Abdur Raheem's pathway, but I have also added a few more
resources which I personally found beneficial. At the end of the courses I have
also added sections for guided reading and independent reading. Happy learning!

Next Getting Started

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