www.afaa.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700::6813:f336  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.afaa.com//
Effective URL: https://www.afaa.com//
Submission: On June 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM


<form id="bx-form-941551-step-1-clone" bx-novalidate="true" method="post" action="" onsubmit="" onreset="bouncex.close_ad(941551); return false" tabindex="0"><input type="hidden" name="campaign_id" value="941551">
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    <div class="bx-row bx-row-text bx-row-text-default  bx-row-0ua33ME bx-element-941551-0ua33ME" id="bx-element-941551-0ua33ME-clone">
      <div>at checkout to</div>
    <div class="bx-row bx-row-text bx-row-text-headline  bx-row-ArhnxID bx-element-941551-ArhnxID" id="bx-element-941551-ArhnxID-clone">
      <div>save an additional $25!</div>
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            class="bx-ally-label">minutes</span></span>:<span class="bx-timer-units bx-timer-seconds">56<span class="bx-ally-label">seconds</span></span></div>


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     * jQuery Mobile Events
     * by Ben Major
     * Copyright 2011-2019, Ben Major
     * Licensed under the MIT License:
     * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
     * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
     * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    "use strict";
    ! function(e) {
      e.attrFn = e.attrFn || {};
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          tapevent: t ? "tap" : "click",
          scrollevent: t ? "touchmove" : "scroll",
          hold_timer: null,
          tap_timer: null
      e.touch = {}, e.isTouchCapable = function() {
        return a.touch_capable
      }, e.getStartEvent = function() {
        return a.startevent
      }, e.getEndEvent = function() {
        return a.endevent
      }, e.getMoveEvent = function() {
        return a.moveevent
      }, e.getTapEvent = function() {
        return a.tapevent
      }, e.getScrollEvent = function() {
        return a.scrollevent
      }, e.touch.setSwipeThresholdX = function(e) {
        if ("number" != typeof e) throw new Error("Threshold parameter must be a type of number");
        a.swipe_h_threshold = e
      }, e.touch.setSwipeThresholdY = function(e) {
        if ("number" != typeof e) throw new Error("Threshold parameter must be a type of number");
        a.swipe_v_threshold = e
      }, e.touch.setDoubleTapInt = function(e) {
        if ("number" != typeof e) throw new Error("Interval parameter must be a type of number");
        a.doubletap_int = e
      }, e.touch.setTapHoldThreshold = function(e) {
        if ("number" != typeof e) throw new Error("Threshold parameter must be a type of number");
        a.taphold_threshold = e
      }, e.touch.setTapRange = function(e) {
        if ("number" != typeof e) throw new Error("Ranger parameter must be a type of number");
        a.tap_pixel_range = threshold
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        a) {
        e.fn[a] = function(e) {
          return e ? this.on(a, e) : this.trigger(a)
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      }), e.event.special.tapstart = {
        setup: function() {
          var t = this,
            o = e(t);
          o.on(a.startevent, function e(n) {
            if (o.data("callee", e), n.which && 1 !== n.which) return !1;
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                time: Date.now(),
                target: n.target
            return w(t, "tapstart", n, r), !0
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.startevent, e(this).data.callee)
      }, e.event.special.tapmove = {
        setup: function() {
          var t = this,
            o = e(t);
          o.on(a.moveevent, function e(n) {
            o.data("callee", e);
            var i = n.originalEvent,
              r = {
                position: {
                  x: a.touch_capable ? i.touches[0].pageX : n.pageX,
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                  x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(i.changedTouches[0].pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(n.pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)),
                  y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(i.changedTouches[0].pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(n.pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0))
                time: Date.now(),
                target: n.target
            return w(t, "tapmove", n, r), !0
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.moveevent, e(this).data.callee)
      }, e.event.special.tapend = {
        setup: function() {
          var t = this,
            o = e(t);
          o.on(a.endevent, function e(n) {
            o.data("callee", e);
            var i = n.originalEvent,
              r = {
                position: {
                  x: a.touch_capable ? i.changedTouches[0].pageX : n.pageX,
                  y: a.touch_capable ? i.changedTouches[0].pageY : n.pageY
                offset: {
                  x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(i.changedTouches[0].pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(n.pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)),
                  y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(i.changedTouches[0].pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(n.pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0))
                time: Date.now(),
                target: n.target
            return w(t, "tapend", n, r), !0
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.endevent, e(this).data.callee)
      }, e.event.special.taphold = {
        setup: function() {
          var t, o = this,
            n = e(o),
            i = {
              x: 0,
              y: 0
            r = 0,
            s = 0;
          n.on(a.startevent, function e(p) {
            if (p.which && 1 !== p.which) return !1;
            n.data("tapheld", !1), t = p.target;
            var h = p.originalEvent,
              c = Date.now();
            a.touch_capable ? h.touches[0].pageX : p.pageX, a.touch_capable ? h.touches[0].pageY : p.pageY, a.touch_capable ? (h.touches[0].pageX, h.touches[0].target.offsetLeft) : p.offsetX, a.touch_capable ? (h.touches[0].pageY, h.touches[
              0].target.offsetTop) : p.offsetY;
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            var u = n.parent().data("threshold") ? n.parent().data("threshold") : n.data("threshold"),
              l = void 0 !== u && !1 !== u && parseInt(u) ? parseInt(u) : a.taphold_threshold;
            return n.data("hold_timer", window.setTimeout(function() {
              var u = i.x - r,
                l = i.y - s;
              if (p.target == t && (i.x == r && i.y == s || u >= -a.tap_pixel_range && u <= a.tap_pixel_range && l >= -a.tap_pixel_range && l <= a.tap_pixel_range)) {
                n.data("tapheld", !0);
                for (var f = Date.now() - c, g = p.originalEvent.targetTouches ? p.originalEvent.targetTouches : [p], d = [], v = 0; v < g.length; v++) {
                  var _ = {
                    position: {
                      x: a.touch_capable ? h.changedTouches[v].pageX : p.pageX,
                      y: a.touch_capable ? h.changedTouches[v].pageY : p.pageY
                    offset: {
                      x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(h.changedTouches[v].pageX - (n.offset() ? n.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(p.pageX - (n.offset() ? n.offset().left : 0)),
                      y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(h.changedTouches[v].pageY - (n.offset() ? n.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(p.pageY - (n.offset() ? n.offset().top : 0))
                    time: Date.now(),
                    target: p.target,
                    duration: f
                var T = 2 == g.length ? "taphold2" : "taphold";
                n.data("callee1", e), w(o, T, p, d)
            }, l)), !0
          }).on(a.endevent, function e() {
            n.data("callee2", e), n.data("tapheld", !1), window.clearTimeout(n.data("hold_timer"))
          }).on(a.moveevent, function e(t) {
            n.data("callee3", e), r = t.originalEvent.targetTouches ? t.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : t.pageX, s = t.originalEvent.targetTouches ? t.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : t.pageY
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.startevent, e(this).data.callee1).off(a.endevent, e(this).data.callee2).off(a.moveevent, e(this).data.callee3)
      }, e.event.special.doubletap = {
        setup: function() {
          var t, o, n = this,
            i = e(n),
            r = null,
            s = !1;
          i.on(a.startevent, function t(n) {
            return (!n.which || 1 === n.which) && (i.data("doubletapped", !1), n.target, i.data("callee1", t), o = n.originalEvent, r || (r = {
              position: {
                x: a.touch_capable ? o.touches[0].pageX : n.pageX,
                y: a.touch_capable ? o.touches[0].pageY : n.pageY
              offset: {
                x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(o.changedTouches[0].pageX - (i.offset() ? i.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(n.pageX - (i.offset() ? i.offset().left : 0)),
                y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(o.changedTouches[0].pageY - (i.offset() ? i.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(n.pageY - (i.offset() ? i.offset().top : 0))
              time: Date.now(),
              target: n.target,
              element: n.originalEvent.srcElement,
              index: e(n.target).index()
            }), !0)
          }).on(a.endevent, function p(h) {
            var c = Date.now(),
              u = c - (i.data("lastTouch") || c + 1);
            if (window.clearTimeout(t), i.data("callee2", p), u < a.doubletap_int && e(h.target).index() == r.index && u > 100) {
              i.data("doubletapped", !0), window.clearTimeout(a.tap_timer);
              var l = {
                  position: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? h.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : h.pageX,
                    y: a.touch_capable ? h.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : h.pageY
                  offset: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(o.changedTouches[0].pageX - (i.offset() ? i.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(h.pageX - (i.offset() ? i.offset().left : 0)),
                    y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(o.changedTouches[0].pageY - (i.offset() ? i.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(h.pageY - (i.offset() ? i.offset().top : 0))
                  time: Date.now(),
                  target: h.target,
                  element: h.originalEvent.srcElement,
                  index: e(h.target).index()
                f = {
                  firstTap: r,
                  secondTap: l,
                  interval: l.time - r.time
              s || (w(n, "doubletap", h, f), r = null), s = !0, window.setTimeout(function() {
                s = !1
              }, a.doubletap_int)
            } else i.data("lastTouch", c), t = window.setTimeout(function() {
              r = null, window.clearTimeout(t)
            }, a.doubletap_int, [h]);
            i.data("lastTouch", c)
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.startevent, e(this).data.callee1).off(a.endevent, e(this).data.callee2)
      }, e.event.special.singletap = {
        setup: function() {
          var t = this,
            o = e(t),
            n = null,
            i = null,
            r = {
              x: 0,
              y: 0
          o.on(a.startevent, function e(t) {
            return (!t.which || 1 === t.which) && (i = Date.now(), n = t.target, o.data("callee1", e), r.x = t.originalEvent.targetTouches ? t.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : t.pageX, r.y = t.originalEvent.targetTouches ? t
              .originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : t.pageY, !0)
          }).on(a.endevent, function e(s) {
            if (o.data("callee2", e), s.target == n) {
              var p = s.originalEvent.changedTouches ? s.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : s.pageX,
                h = s.originalEvent.changedTouches ? s.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : s.pageY;
              a.tap_timer = window.setTimeout(function() {
                var e = r.x - p,
                  n = r.y - h;
                if (!o.data("doubletapped") && !o.data("tapheld") && (r.x == p && r.y == h || e >= -a.tap_pixel_range && e <= a.tap_pixel_range && n >= -a.tap_pixel_range && n <= a.tap_pixel_range)) {
                  var c = s.originalEvent,
                    u = {
                      position: {
                        x: a.touch_capable ? c.changedTouches[0].pageX : s.pageX,
                        y: a.touch_capable ? c.changedTouches[0].pageY : s.pageY
                      offset: {
                        x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(c.changedTouches[0].pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(s.pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)),
                        y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(c.changedTouches[0].pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(s.pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0))
                      time: Date.now(),
                      target: s.target
                  u.time - i < a.taphold_threshold && w(t, "singletap", s, u)
              }, a.doubletap_int)
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.startevent, e(this).data.callee1).off(a.endevent, e(this).data.callee2)
      }, e.event.special.tap = {
        setup: function() {
          var t, o, n = this,
            i = e(n),
            r = !1,
            s = null,
            p = {
              x: 0,
              y: 0
          i.on(a.startevent, function e(a) {
            return i.data("callee1", e), (!a.which || 1 === a.which) && (r = !0, p.x = a.originalEvent.targetTouches ? a.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : a.pageX, p.y = a.originalEvent.targetTouches ? a.originalEvent.targetTouches[0]
              .pageY : a.pageY, t = Date.now(), s = a.target, o = a.originalEvent.targetTouches ? a.originalEvent.targetTouches : [a], !0)
          }).on(a.endevent, function e(h) {
            i.data("callee2", e);
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              u = h.originalEvent.targetTouches ? h.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : h.pageY,
              l = p.x - c,
              f = p.y - u;
            if (s == h.target && r && Date.now() - t < a.taphold_threshold && (p.x == c && p.y == u || l >= -a.tap_pixel_range && l <= a.tap_pixel_range && f >= -a.tap_pixel_range && f <= a.tap_pixel_range)) {
              for (var g = h.originalEvent, d = [], v = 0; v < o.length; v++) {
                var _ = {
                  position: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? g.changedTouches[v].pageX : h.pageX,
                    y: a.touch_capable ? g.changedTouches[v].pageY : h.pageY
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                    x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(g.changedTouches[v].pageX - (i.offset() ? i.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(h.pageX - (i.offset() ? i.offset().left : 0)),
                    y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(g.changedTouches[v].pageY - (i.offset() ? i.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(h.pageY - (i.offset() ? i.offset().top : 0))
                  time: Date.now(),
                  target: h.target
              var T = 2 == o.length ? "tap2" : "tap";
              w(n, T, h, d)
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.startevent, e(this).data.callee1).off(a.endevent, e(this).data.callee2)
      }, e.event.special.swipe = {
        setup: function() {
          var t, o = e(this),
            n = !1,
            i = !1,
            r = {
              x: 0,
              y: 0
            s = {
              x: 0,
              y: 0
          o.on(a.startevent, function i(p) {
            (o = e(p.currentTarget)).data("callee1", i), r.x = p.originalEvent.targetTouches ? p.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : p.pageX, r.y = p.originalEvent.targetTouches ? p.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : p.pageY, s.x = r
              .x, s.y = r.y, n = !0;
            var h = p.originalEvent;
            t = {
              position: {
                x: a.touch_capable ? h.touches[0].pageX : p.pageX,
                y: a.touch_capable ? h.touches[0].pageY : p.pageY
              offset: {
                x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(h.changedTouches[0].pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(p.pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)),
                y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(h.changedTouches[0].pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(p.pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0))
              time: Date.now(),
              target: p.target
          }), o.on(a.moveevent, function p(h) {
            var c;
            (o = e(h.currentTarget)).data("callee2", p), s.x = h.originalEvent.targetTouches ? h.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX : h.pageX, s.y = h.originalEvent.targetTouches ? h.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : h.pageY;
            var u = o.parent().data("xthreshold") ? o.parent().data("xthreshold") : o.data("xthreshold"),
              l = o.parent().data("ythreshold") ? o.parent().data("ythreshold") : o.data("ythreshold"),
              f = void 0 !== u && !1 !== u && parseInt(u) ? parseInt(u) : a.swipe_h_threshold,
              g = void 0 !== l && !1 !== l && parseInt(l) ? parseInt(l) : a.swipe_v_threshold;
            if (r.y > s.y && r.y - s.y > g && (c = "swipeup"), r.x < s.x && s.x - r.x > f && (c = "swiperight"), r.y < s.y && s.y - r.y > g && (c = "swipedown"), r.x > s.x && r.x - s.x > f && (c = "swipeleft"), null != c && n) {
              r.x = 0, r.y = 0, s.x = 0, s.y = 0, n = !1;
              var d = h.originalEvent,
                v = {
                  position: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? d.touches[0].pageX : h.pageX,
                    y: a.touch_capable ? d.touches[0].pageY : h.pageY
                  offset: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(d.changedTouches[0].pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(h.pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)),
                    y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(d.changedTouches[0].pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(h.pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0))
                  time: Date.now(),
                  target: h.target
                w = Math.abs(t.position.x - v.position.x),
                _ = Math.abs(t.position.y - v.position.y),
                T = {
                  startEvnt: t,
                  endEvnt: v,
                  direction: c.replace("swipe", ""),
                  xAmount: w,
                  yAmount: _,
                  duration: v.time - t.time
              i = !0, o.trigger("swipe", T).trigger(c, T)
          }), o.on(a.endevent, function r(s) {
            var p = "";
            if ((o = e(s.currentTarget)).data("callee3", r), i) {
              var h = o.data("xthreshold"),
                c = o.data("ythreshold"),
                u = void 0 !== h && !1 !== h && parseInt(h) ? parseInt(h) : a.swipe_h_threshold,
                l = void 0 !== c && !1 !== c && parseInt(c) ? parseInt(c) : a.swipe_v_threshold,
                f = s.originalEvent,
                g = {
                  position: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? f.changedTouches[0].pageX : s.pageX,
                    y: a.touch_capable ? f.changedTouches[0].pageY : s.pageY
                  offset: {
                    x: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(f.changedTouches[0].pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)) : Math.round(s.pageX - (o.offset() ? o.offset().left : 0)),
                    y: a.touch_capable ? Math.round(f.changedTouches[0].pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0)) : Math.round(s.pageY - (o.offset() ? o.offset().top : 0))
                  time: Date.now(),
                  target: s.target
              t.position.y > g.position.y && t.position.y - g.position.y > l && (p = "swipeup"), t.position.x < g.position.x && g.position.x - t.position.x > u && (p = "swiperight"), t.position.y < g.position.y && g.position.y - t.position
                .y > l && (p = "swipedown"), t.position.x > g.position.x && t.position.x - g.position.x > u && (p = "swipeleft");
              var d = Math.abs(t.position.x - g.position.x),
                v = Math.abs(t.position.y - g.position.y),
                w = {
                  startEvnt: t,
                  endEvnt: g,
                  direction: p.replace("swipe", ""),
                  xAmount: d,
                  yAmount: v,
                  duration: g.time - t.time
              o.trigger("swipeend", w)
            n = !1, i = !1
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.startevent, e(this).data.callee1).off(a.moveevent, e(this).data.callee2).off(a.endevent, e(this).data.callee3)
      }, e.event.special.scrollstart = {
        setup: function() {
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            i = e(n);

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          i.on(a.scrollevent, function e(a) {
            i.data("callee", e), t || r(a, !0), clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(function() {
              r(a, !1)
            }, 50)
        remove: function() {
          e(this).off(a.scrollevent, e(this).data.callee)
      var o, n, i, r, s = e(window),
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          0: !0,
          180: !0
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          c = window.innerHeight || s.height();
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          90: !0

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        setup: function() {
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        teardown: function() {
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        add: function(e) {
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        teardown: function() {
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          setup: function() {
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                    <span>AFAA:</span> The Leader in Group Fitness
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                      <h3><a href="/courses/group-ex" style="">350,000+</a></h3>
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                      <h3><a href="/international-consumer" style="">73+</a></h3>
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With AFAA Instructors &amp; Trainers</a></p>
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<span>Payment Plans With No Credit Check</span></a></p>
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            <span>Hear From Our Fitness Instructors </span>
          <div class="review">
            <img alt="Group fitness instructor" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/group-44.png?sfvrsn=9960a314_2" class="gfi-img">
            <img class="five-star" alt="5 stars" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/bitmap3.png?sfvrsn=7960a314_2">
            <p>I was completely intrigued and truly enjoyed AFAA’s Group Fitness Instructor course and learning the material. The knowledge I gained has improved my Group Fitness classes exponentially. It has also helped solidify my goal of wanting
              to become a national trainer</p>
            <p class="gfi-name"><strong>Shelby Shrader</strong></p>
            <p class="gfi-title">AFAA Group Fitness Instructor </p>
          <p class="show-more">Show More</p>
          <div class="hidden-reviews">
            <div class="review">
              <img alt="Group fitness instructor" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/group-304.png?sfvrsn=7d60a314_2" class="gfi-img">
              <img class="five-star" alt="5 stars" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/bitmap3.png?sfvrsn=7960a314_2">
              <p>I am blessed to have the ability to inspire and educate someone to help and change their life in some capacity. </p>
              <p class="gfi-name"><strong>Alex Isaly</strong></p>
              <p class="gfi-title">AFAA Group Fitness Instructor </p>
            <div class="review">
              <img alt="Group fitness instructor" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/group-305.png?sfvrsn=6160a314_2" class="gfi-img">
              <img class="five-star" alt="5 stars" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/bitmap3.png?sfvrsn=7960a314_2">
              <p>I love watching someone transform in front of my eyes as his or her confidence improves. I believe this boost in self-confidence makes people more likely to come back and ultimately adhere to an active lifestyle. </p>
              <p class="gfi-name"><strong>Dalia Debs</strong></p>
              <p class="gfi-title">AFAA Group Fitness Instructor </p>
            <div class="review">
              <img alt="Group fitness instructor" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/group-306.png?sfvrsn=6560a314_2" class="gfi-img">
              <img class="five-star" alt="5 stars" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/bitmap3.png?sfvrsn=7960a314_2">
              <p>The gratification of knowing I’ve helped someone mentally, physically or emotionally is immeasurable.</p>
              <p class="gfi-name"><strong>Samantha R. De Maria</strong></p>
              <p class="gfi-title">AFAA Group Fitness Instructor </p>
            <div class="review">
              <img alt="Group fitness instructor" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/group-307.png?sfvrsn=6960a314_2" class="gfi-img">
              <img class="five-star" alt="5 stars" src="/images/default-source/2020/pages/home/bitmap3.png?sfvrsn=7960a314_2">
              <p>It gives me so much satisfaction to transforms lives. It has always been my life’s purpose. The feeling is second to none</p>
              <p class="gfi-name"><strong>Stacey Weinstein</strong></p>
              <p class="gfi-title">AFAA Group Fitness Instructor </p>
            <p class="show-less"><a href="#review-top" style="">Show Less</a></p>
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            <h2><a href="/instructors-who-rock/" style="">Instructors Who Rock!</a> </h2>
            <a href="/instructors-who-rock/" style="">
            <p class="iwr-bio"><a href="/instructors-who-rock/" style="">Karla Yepez
<span>AFAA Group Fitness Instructor and Kangoo Jump Instructor</span>
            <p>What I love most about my job is I get to help other people believe in themselves, to believe that we can achieve what we are set out to, and to realize that having a healthier life helps us physically and emotionally. </p>
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Mon-Fri: 6am-6pm, Sat-Sun: 8am-5pm PST
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 * 73+ Countries around the globe with AFAA instructors and trainers

 * 35+ Years of fitness training experience

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Value: $149



Featuring one new course each week with insights on wellness in the workplace!


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The most comprehensive indoor cycling program in the market.


Value: $449

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Become a fitness rockstar and lead your favorite group fitness classes.


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Enjoy limited time offers on the best Yoga courses.

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Value: $149



Featuring one new course each week with insights on wellness in the workplace!


Offer Ends June 30th

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The most comprehensive indoor cycling program in the market.


Value: $449

45% OFF


Become a fitness rockstar and lead your favorite group fitness classes.


Value: $449

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(800) 446-2322

$50 OFF


Enjoy limited time offers on the best Yoga courses.

ONLY $99

Value: $149



Featuring one new course each week with insights on wellness in the workplace!


Offer Ends June 30th

30% OFF


The most comprehensive indoor cycling program in the market.


Value: $449





Fitness Professionals Educated


Countries With AFAA Instructors & Trainers


Years Of Fitness Training Experience


Payment Plans With No Credit Check



I was completely intrigued and truly enjoyed AFAA’s Group Fitness Instructor
course and learning the material. The knowledge I gained has improved my Group
Fitness classes exponentially. It has also helped solidify my goal of wanting to
become a national trainer

Shelby Shrader


AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

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I am blessed to have the ability to inspire and educate someone to help and
change their life in some capacity.

Alex Isaly


AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

I love watching someone transform in front of my eyes as his or her confidence
improves. I believe this boost in self-confidence makes people more likely to
come back and ultimately adhere to an active lifestyle.

Dalia Debs


AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

The gratification of knowing I’ve helped someone mentally, physically or
emotionally is immeasurable.

Samantha R. De Maria


AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

It gives me so much satisfaction to transforms lives. It has always been my
life’s purpose. The feeling is second to none

Stacey Weinstein


AFAA Group Fitness Instructor

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Karla Yepez AFAA Group Fitness Instructor and Kangoo Jump Instructor

What I love most about my job is I get to help other people believe in
themselves, to believe that we can achieve what we are set out to, and to
realize that having a healthier life helps us physically and emotionally.


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 * Group Fitness Certification
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