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Since 1975, CIT Trucks, LLC has proudly served the transportation industry.

Our consolidated enterprises employ over 700 people and represent Kenworth,
Volvo, Mack, Isuzu, and Autocar product lines in 15 locations serving sales
territories in Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana. Our dealerships offer the best
in new and used truck sales, an extensive parts inventory, the finest in truck
service and maintenance, and state of the art body repair. Additionally, the
company owns subsidiaries Central Truck Leasing, a wholly-owned truck rental and
leasing company, and Central Truck Finance, a wholly-owned financial services
about us


Kenworth’s Heavy and Medium Duty Trucks are built with longstanding engineering
in mind, ready to tackle your toughest jobs.
Volvo Trucks manufactures a broad line of on-highway and vocational Class 8
vehicles that meet the rigorous demands of the job.
Every Mack truck delivers functional design, tough construction and reliable
performance across a range of applications.
Isuzu trucks have been designed to improve comfort and productivity, all while
lowering your cost of ownership.
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