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Text Content

 * Free Tools /
 * MBOX Viewer


(4.9/5) 485 Reviews

A smartly designed MBOX viewer software supports more than 20 email clients that
create MBOX file. The cutting-edge user interface will show the complete mailbox
from Apple Mail, Entourage, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc.

 * Opens MBOX emails with all the details
 * Embedded with an intuitive email filter alternative
 * Option to add single or multiple file(s) or a whole folder

 * Free Download 100% SECURE
 * Upgrade

★Download absolutely free software and open MBOX files


 * Better preview of email body content with links and images
 * Cleaner preview of MBOX files from the Apple Mail application
 * Faster scanning process for bigger MBOX files
 * Easier filtering option to divide selected EML contents

 * Features
 * Specifications
 * Video
 * Screenshots
 * FAQs
 * Free Download
 * Upgrade

Steps to View MBOX files

Kernel for MBOX Viewer is a powerful tool to open and read MBOX files in a
Windows environment without MBOX to Outlook PST conversion.

 * 01SelectChoose the email client whose email file you want to see.
 * 02AddAdd either single or multiple MBOX files for viewing.
 * 03ViewView the contents of MBOX file like they are saved in the email client.

Salient Features

The free MBOX Viewer tool has various important features for viewing entire MBOX
file data.

Preview MBOX Emails of 20+ MBOX Email-Clients The software is intelligently
designed to work with MBOX files obtained from versatile MBOX-based email
applications, such as Evolution, SeaMonkey, Sylpheed, Apple Mail, Entourage,
Eudora, Postbox, Opera, & PowerMail. Moreover, the software's GUI integrates all
the names of popular MBOX email clients in a single window, which enhances the
usability of the software.

Apply Email Filter & Retrieve Commanded MBOX Files The software is integrated
with dynamic email filter options, which helps in segregating the retrieved
emails by selected criteria like To, From, Subject, Date/Time, and Folder. One
can access these filter options from the preview windows itself, which is
visible on the top of the email list panel as the magnifying glass logo.

Incorporated with Add Files & Add Folder Options The tool allows users to upload
single as well as multiple MBOX files with the help of Add Files & Add Folder
options. If you have the complete MBOX folders, select "Add Folder option" to
add multiple MBOX email items.

Save Retrieved Email List in HTML Kernel MBOX Viewer software possesses the
facility to save email list information in the HTML file format, which can be
accessed with the most popular Web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google
Chrome, Firefox, etc.

No Restriction to the Size of the File The tool is designed to process a single
or a set of MBOX file(s) of any size without any limitation or restriction for
large-sized files. Also, you can add a whole MBOX file folder depending on your

Supports all Formats from MBOX Family The tool is designed to process all sorts
of MBOX files coming from the MBOX family, like MBX, MBS, MBOX, MSF, etc. Be it
any format, just add it to the tool, and you can view the content easily.

Utilize all Software Features at Free of Cost The product offers a hassle-free
viewing experience of entire MBOX email items at free of cost. One can easily
add single or multiple MBOX files, get the required results in the form of a
hierarchical structure, and have an unrestricted preview of all MBOX email

Supports Latest Software Versions The Kernel MBOX Viewer software is enhanced
with advanced compatible functionalities and supports Windows 365, 11, 10, 8.1,
8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, NT, and 95 Operating Systems. You can also run this
tool on various Windows Server editions like Windows Server 2019, 2016, 2012,
2008 R2, 2008, 2003 R2, & 2003.

20 Mail Clients that use MBOX file format

MBOX (mailbox) is a file format used to organize and store email messages. MBOX
family has six popular file formats:

 * MBX
 * MBS

Many open-source email clients use this format for storing emails. The default
location of the MBOX can vary from email client to email client.

Email Clients
 * Apple Mail
 * PowerMail
 * The Bat!
 * Spicebird
 * Gnu
 * PocoMail
 * Mulberry
 * Postbox
 * SeaMonkey
 * Entourage
 * Claws Mail
 * Gmail
 * Opera
 * Netscape
 * Thunderbird
 * GyazMail
 * Sparrow
 * Sylpheed
 * Eudora
 * Evolution



 * Version: 15.8
 * Release Date: 11 Sep 2015
 * License Type: Free


Windows 365, 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, NT, 95


 * Hard Disk
   50 MB of disk space

 * Memory
   64 MB Minimum

 * Processor
   Intel® Pentium Processor compatible (x86, x64) or equivalent


 * Installation Guide
 * How to use

FAQs - Kernel MBOX Viewer
How can I use Kernel MBOX Viewer to open MBOX file?
Here, we give you an easy step-by-step process to open MBOX files.
 1. Download the Kernel MBOX Viewer.
 2. Install and launch the software.
 3. Select the email client of your MBOX files.
 4. Now select individual files or the folder containing MBOX files.
 5. Click the Finish button to open the file in the left pane.
 6. Now you can select and view all the email content of MBOX files along with

Can I open an MBX file with it?

Yes, you can open MBX file with this tool. Not only MBX, but you can also open
MBS and MBOX. Basically, you can open all the formats from the MBOX family.

What if I want to process multiple files?

You can surely proceed with adding as many files as you want; the tool is
capable of adding as many files as you require. The tool is equipped with two
features, Add files and Add Folder, and you can go for either. If you want to
add all files from the same folder, then it is suggested to opt for Add Folder

Can I open a file created with Sparrow?

Yes, if you have a file created with Sparrow, Gru, The Bat!, PowerMail,
GyazMail, Sylpheed, etc., you can open it with Kernel MBOX Viewer.

The tool is free now; will it charge me later?

No, the tool is free now and will be free for a lifetime; there are no hidden or
extra charges associated with this tool.

I have a large-sized MBOX file. I am afraid if the tool will crash due to it.
What is the solution?

The tool is specially designed to process every sort of file, be it small or
large, single, or multiple. So, relax and use the tool; you won’t face any
crashing or lag issues.

Can I search for a specific item from a specific period?

Yes, the tool is integrated with a filter feature to search for a specific file
from a desired time period. The filter feature of the tool allows you to apply
filters on Subject, Date, Time, From, To, and folder.

Can I save the file on my system after viewing it?

No, you cannot save the file with this tool; you only can view the content
inside the file. If you want to save the file for further use, you can try
Kernel for MBOX TO PST tool.

Upgrade to Personal/Corporate License Kernel MBOX Viewer

Software Features
Home License
Corporate License
View emails and other items without MBOX email clients Enabled with filter
option to find specific emails Add multiple MBOX files in single cycle Runs on
all versions of Windows OS Convert MBOX file to PST, MSG, EML, DBX, PDF, TXT,
RTF, HTML, and MHTML   Migrates MBOX emails to web-based email clients like
Gmail   Saves MBOX files to email servers (like Exchange & Domino)     Migrates
MBOX email items to Office 365     Kernel for Outlook PST Repair Repairs
corrupted and password-protected PST files     Recovers PST mailbox data items
such as emails, drafts, calendars, contacts, journal, tasks, notes, etc.    
Split recovered large PST files into smaller     Open attachments in preview    
Recovers emails when PST file header gets damaged     Free Download 100% SECURE
Upgrade $39 Upgrade $199

What customers say about Kernel MBOX Viewer

(4.9 / 5) 485 Reviews

Excellent feature

I needed to open and read some MBOX files and this viewer did the job perfectly.
It was easy to use and had all the features I needed.

Jeffrey Morgan

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   Converts Lotus/HCL Notes, Domino Server & SmartCloud to PST & Exchange.
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