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Effective URL: https://www.boteboard.com/collections/gifts-for-dad?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Father%27s%20Day%202-...
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You didn’t come to BOTE to play it safe this Father’s Day. Standard gifts
requiring little forethought and even less inspiration aren’t really in our
wheelhouse. We’re guessing you’re here because you’re not shopping for a dad
who's like the other dads. No, the dad you’re shopping for is exceptional in
more ways than one. Whether shuttling a car full of kids to a weekend camping
trip with AC/DC’s “Back in Black'' blaring in the background or hanging in the
backyard slow cooking a mouth-watering brisket for the neighborhood cookout,
he’s all in no matter what the day brings. In a nutshell, he’s the GOAT, and we
think it’s time to reciprocate.

Chances are, he’s a die-hard adventurist and craves anything beyond the
ordinary. Lucky for you, we’ve lined up some outdoor gifts for dad that’ll make
you his favorite this Father’s Day.


Chances are, your dad fancies himself an avid angler who is always dreaming
about the next fish he's going to net. Lucky for you, we’ve lined up the perfect
kit for your dad so he can get out on the water to throw some more loops in

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HD 12′ Classic Cypress Paddle Board


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Rackham Aero 11′ Full Trax Jade Inflatable Paddle Board

38% OFF

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LONO Aero 12′6″ Classic Cypress Inflatable Kayak


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LONO Aero 12′6″ Native Aqua Inflatable Kayak


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HD 10′6″ Full Trax Seafoam Paddle Board


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HD 10′6″ Classic Cypress Paddle Board


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HD Aero 11′6″ Bug Slinger® Bonefish Inflatable Paddle Board


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HD Aero 11′6″ Classic Cypress Inflatable Paddle Board


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HD Aero 11′6″ Native Abalone Inflatable Paddle Board


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HD Aero 11′6″ Full Trax Seafoam Inflatable Paddle Board


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Breeze 11′6″ Classic Cypress Paddle Board


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Breeze 11′6″ Full Trax Citron Paddle Board


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LONO Aero 12′6″ Bug Slinger® Silver King Inflatable Kayak Package

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LONO Aero 12′6″ Native Aqua Inflatable Kayak Package

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Inflatable AeroRondak® Chair Classic

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Breeze 11′6″ Classic Cypress Paddle Board Essentials Package

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Breeze 11′6″ Full Trax Citron Paddle Board Essentials Package

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Rover Aero 12′6″ Bug Slinger™ Silver King Inflatable Micro Skiff

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LONO Aero 12′6″ Bug Slinger® Silver King Inflatable Kayak


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Rackham Aero 12′4″ Full Trax Jade Inflatable Paddle Board


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Inflatable Aero Chair XL


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KULA 5 MAGNEPOD™ Cooler Graphite


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