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Broadband PTT & LMR Interop WAVE PTX WAVE PTX for Public Safety Critical Connect
KODIAK Carrier-integrated MCPTT See All Products
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Unified Response Capabilities
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HIE, EMR, PHI, imaging
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Secure Mobile (TAK)
Rugged MILSPEC LTE device approved for Classified Ops by NSA’s CSfC program and
credentialed by NIAP
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Military NextGen 9-1-1
Advanced 911 call-taking for DoD PSAPs by augmenting voice calls with text,
multimedia, and alerts
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Lightning Fast Data with CBRS
The digital oilfield, covered from deck to shore
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Parking & Mobility
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Vigilant ClientPortal
Automate parking enforcement with Vigilant ClientPortal LPR software: improve
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L5F LPR Camera System
Missed plates can’t solve cases or generate revenue
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LPR for Parking Enforcement
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Connected Utilities
Rise to the moment with resilient, reliable, real-time communications in the
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Private LTE
Secure, resilient broadband for critical operations
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WAVE PTX for Public Safety
Critical Connect
KODIAK Carrier-integrated MCPTT
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Command Center Software
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Leverage your current technology with robust jail & inmate software.
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Learning From Home?
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Safe Schools
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future-ready device
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Wi-Fi enhanced business radio to help teams stay connected and on-task.
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Body Cam Evaluation
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Be heard with the new radio offering advanced audio capabilities in a rugged,
future-ready device
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Go All On
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Safe Manufacturing
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Taking mining beyond radio
Unified communications is crucial to operations & safety
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Take your mining team communications further
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Data & voice in a single device
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Make guesswork a thing of the past in your operations with video intelligence
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Trusted USFG Partner
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for over 90 years.
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Unified Response Capabilities
Solutions meet CSfC and HIPAA for temporary, mobile assets needing access to
HIE, EMR, PHI, imaging
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Secure Mobile (TAK)
Rugged MILSPEC LTE device approved for Classified Ops by NSA’s CSfC program and
credentialed by NIAP
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Military NextGen 9-1-1
Advanced 911 call-taking for DoD PSAPs by augmenting voice calls with text,
multimedia, and alerts
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Lightning Fast Data with CBRS
The digital oilfield, covered from deck to shore
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The results are in from over 400+ energy workers.
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Data & voice in a single device
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Safe, Secure Oil & Gas
Video intelligence solutions eliminate guesswork
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Vigilant ClientPortal
Automate parking enforcement with Vigilant ClientPortal LPR software: improve
enforcement safely
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L5F LPR Camera System
Missed plates can’t solve cases or generate revenue
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LPR for Parking Enforcement
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Nitro CBRS
Fully managed, enterprise-grade private LTE
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Connected Utilities
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 * Privacy Statement



This Privacy Statement applies to Motorola Solutions (“MSI”, “we”, “us”, or
“our”) websites, including our mobile versions, and Solutions that link to or
reference our Privacy Statement and describes how we handle personal information
and the choices available to you regarding collection, use, access, disclosure
and how to update and correct your personal information.  We may provide
additional information on the collection or use of personal information provided
prior to or at the time of data collection where this is required by applicable
data protection laws.  Certain Motorola Solutions websites and Solutions may
have their own privacy documentation describing how we handle personal
information for those websites or Solutions specifically.  To the extent a
specific statement for a website or Solution conflicts with this Privacy
Statement, such specific statement will control. This Statement is not a
contract and does not create any legal rights or obligations.

We will update this Statement from time to time. You can see when this Statement
was last updated by checking the date displayed at the bottom of this Statement.

We have adopted a set of Binding Corporate Rules - Controller ("BCR-C’s"), for
the European Economic Area (“EEA”), effective October 12, 2020 and the United
Kingdom (“UK”), effective May 2, 2013. The BCR-C’s are designed to ensure that
personal data of covered individuals in the EEA and UK are protected while being
processed by any of our affiliates around the world. 

The Danish Data Protection Agency, Datatilsynet approved our EEA BCR-C’s. For
the full text of our EEA BCR-C’s, click here. For a link to the BCR-C’s
appendices, click here.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) approved our UK BCR-C’s. For the
full text of our UK BCR-C’s, click here.  For a link to the BCR-C’s appendices,
click here.

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   Chat with us Representatives are currently unavailable
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Privacy Statement
California Residents
Social Computing
Mergers Acquisitions or Sale
Your Choices


 * Personal Information Collected
 * Social Computing Tools
 * Third Party Websites
 * Cookies
 * Use of Personal Information
 * Legal Basis
 * Sharing of Personal Information
 * Mergers or Acquisitions or Sale
 * Your Choices
 * California Residents
 * Nevada Residents
 * European Economic Area (EEA) and United Kingdom (UK) Data Protection Rights
 * Information Security
 * International Data Transfers
 * Retention
 * Children's Privacy
 * How To Contact Us


What personal information is collected?

Product and Services

When you place an order with us, we may collect personal information about you,
including name, title, company, address, email address, phone numbers and, in
rare instances, other categories of personal information, such as payment card
information, driver’s license numbers, social security numbers (or equivalent
national identification numbers) and date of birth.


We may ask you for and collect personal information at other times in connection
with our marketing activities, including when you enter a sweepstakes or
contest; participate in a promotion or marketing campaign sponsored by us or one
of our business partners; when you want to find out about services offered in
your area; when you complete surveys or other questionnaires; when you
participate in a user forum or blog hosted by us or one of our business
partners; when you send us an email.

We (and our Service Providers) may also collect information made publicly
available through third-party platforms such as social media websites, online
databases, or online directories.

If you do not wish to receive marketing communications you can opt out by
visiting the Communications Preference Center. After you opt out, we will not
send further promotional communications, but we may continue to contact you to
the extent necessary for the purposes of any services that you have requested.


We collect personal information when you express interest in employment with
Motorola Solutions, whether directly or via an agent or recruiter (speculatively
or in response to any ad on the basis of our legitimate interest to recruit new
employees or contractors), including names, contact information, CV or resume,
date of birth, performance management information, compensation information,
race and ethnic origin. 

Other Information Collection

We may also collect personal information when you engage in other activities on
our web sites. Our web server logs collect IP addresses and other unique
identifiers of visitors to our web sites, as well as certain metrics relating to
their visits. This information is aggregated to measure number of visits,
average time spent on our web site, pages viewed and web site usage information.
We use this information to measure the use of our sites and to improve the
content of our sites. Aggregated information is not used in such a form that
would enable direct connection of any personal information to our visitors.

We (“Processor”), as part of our business relationship with a retail business or
other business or government customer, are often asked to receive, gather,
store, analyze, or otherwise process information about the users, consumers or
potential consumers of that business or government organization. In such cases,
the business or government organization (“Controller”) will be responsible for
determining how the information will be used and for providing notice and taking
any other legal steps with regard to the collection and use of such information.
Please refer to the privacy notice of the business or government organization
with which you have a relationship for information on how they engage
Processors, like us, to process information on their behalf.

Information for Channel Partners

If you represent a Motorola Solutions’ channel partner, you may visit our web
sites intended specifically for channel partners. We may use information
provided on that site to administer and develop our business relationship with
you, the channel partner you represent, and channel partners generally. For
instance, this may involve using your information to send you details of channel
partner programs, including product offerings or special opportunities. It may
also include sharing certain information with other channel partners (subject to
any confidentiality obligations that may exist), or Motorola Solutions’
customers or prospects. In connection with a particular transaction or program,
we may also contact you as part of customer satisfaction surveys or for market
research purposes. We will process your data on the basis of performance of a
contract to which you (as a representative of a Motorola Solutions channel
partner) are party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering
into a contract.

Information for Suppliers

If you represent a Motorola Solutions’ supplier, you may visit our web sites
intended specifically for use by Motorola Solutions’ suppliers. We may use the
information provided on those sites in connection with entering into or
performing purchases, contracts, or other transactions with you or related
business partners (such as customers). For example, this may include sharing
information with other parts of Motorola Solutions, Motorola Solutions’ channel
partners, customers, shipping companies, financial institutions and postal or
government authorities involved in fulfillment. It may also be used to
administer and develop our relationship with you, the supplier you represent,
and other Motorola Solutions’ suppliers generally.


We also provide social computing tools on some of our web sites to enable online
sharing and collaboration among members who have registered to use them. These
include forums, wikis, blogs and other social media platforms. For more
information about these tools and our practices relating to them, please refer
to the Social Computing Tools tab of this Statement. 


Who is collecting the information?

When you are on our web sites and are asked for personal information, you are
sharing that information with Motorola Solutions, Inc., its subsidiaries and
related companies. Additionally, if you purchase a product or other device
requiring service, your personal information may be collected by a third party
company working with us. We may also contract with third party companies to
perform services for us on our web sites that require these companies to collect
personal information (e.g. hosting a web site sweepstakes, promotion or survey,
conducting advertising activities, selling software, or facilitating online job

In addition, our web sites may be operated by third parties, or may allow
third-party vendors to provide products and services directly to our customers.
Such relationships are designated with a “Provided By” or “Powered By” company
legend or logo, or other similarly worded designation. If you desire to purchase
a product or service from such third party, your personal information will be
collected by the third-party company, and shared with us. You may review the
privacy practices of the third party either by clicking the link on the bottom
of the page, or by clicking on the “Provided by Company” logo, which will take
you to their web site. Additionally, when you purchase or download software
applications from us or a third party, your personal information is shared with
the software developer/licensor in order to register you as a licensed software
user, and to permit them to provide you any required support. If you are
concerned about the privacy statement of a certain developer or software
company, you may contact them directly or visit their individual web sites. 

Our web sites may also contain various links to third-party web sites. These
sites may provide additional information, goods, services and/or promotions.
These sites are owned and operated independently of us, and have their own
separate privacy and data collection practices. Any information you provide to
these web sites will be governed under the terms of their privacy statement, if
any. We have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the independent
actions or policies of these independent sites, and we are not responsible for
the content or privacy practices of such sites.


When you interact with us online, including through our web sites, we and our
third-party providers use cookies, pixels and related technologies to collect
information automatically about the electronic path you take to our web sites,
through our web sites and when exiting our web sites, as well as your usage and
activity on our web sites and other online services, such as the links and
objects you view, click or otherwise interact with (also known as “Clickstream
Data”). For more information about these practices, and any choices you may have
in relation to its collection, please refer to the Cookies tab of this


How is my personal information used?

Motorola Solutions’ primary goal in collecting personal information is to
facilitate order processing, to communicate regarding business matters, to
enable us to contact you if a problem arises with your order, or if there is
some other need to reach you. Additionally, if you purchase a product or other
device requiring service, your personal information may be used to obtain a
credit report if necessary. Such information is required to complete a purchase
transaction. Certain information may also be used to provide you with a
customized experience on our web sites, which includes interactive
communications and other services. Our web sites may also contain optional
registration, surveys and questionnaires asking for information, as well as
several opportunities for visitors to ask questions. We use the information you
provide to help us design and build better products, to customize your shopping
experience, to work better with you as a channel partner, and to provide advice
and purchase recommendations. If you do not provide information that we request,
we may not be able to provide (or continue providing) relevant products or

We also use the information we collect to help with marketing and advertising
offers customized for you. This kind of advertising may be done with banner ads
as well as promotional emails sent by us, or by third parties under contract
with us. We may also match user information with third-party data to help us
better understand our customers.

We also conduct research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behavior
based on the information provided to us when making a purchase, during a
promotion, from surveys and from our server log files. We do this to better
understand and serve our users. This research is compiled and analyzed on an
aggregated basis so as to prevent identification of personal information
relating to any one individual. We may share the aggregated data with our
business partners.


On what legal basis do we process personal information?

We process personal information:

 * When it is necessary for the performance of any contractual relationship we
   may have with you, such as payment information where it is necessary to
   conclude a transaction with you;
 * Where it is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations, such as
   tax reporting or for anti-money laundering purposes; or
 * Where it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by
   us, which are identified in the “Use of Personal Information” section, where
   those interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and
   freedoms of the data subject.

We may also process your personal information based on your explicit consent
(i.e., your freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous consent). Where
this is the case, we will clearly request your consent prior to collecting or
processing your personal information. You should be aware that you have the
right to withdraw your consent at any time.


With whom does Motorola Solutions share my personal information?

We share personal information with our subsidiaries and related companies. If
you or your company purchase a product or other device requiring service, your
personal information is shared with the relevant service provider. Additionally,
if you express an interest in a product requiring a particular type of service,
we may share your personal information with your local service provider in order
to determine whether such service is available in your area.

We may share your personal information with third-party service providers so
that they may provide services to us that are consistent with the terms of this
Privacy Statement(e.g., database management, sending personalized emails,
software sales, and conducting sweepstakes and other promotions on our behalf).
We may also, on occasion, provide personal information to third-party businesses
as part of a specific product, service, or promotion.

We share web site usage information about visitors to our web sites, who have
received a personalized promotional campaign, with third-party advertising
companies for the purpose of personalizing future campaigns and upgrading
visitor information used in reporting statistics. For this purpose, we and our
third-party advertising companies note some of the pages you visit on our web
sites through the use of cookies, pixel tags (also called clear gifs) and
related technologies. For more information about these practices, and any
choices you may have in relation to the information being collected, please
refer to the Cookies tab of this Statement.

We may share your information with third parties, such as legal advisors and law
enforcement, in connection with the establishment, exercise or defense of legal
claims; to comply with laws and regulations or to respond to lawful requests and
legal process; to protect our rights and property and the rights and property of
our agents, customers, and others, including to enforce our agreement, policies,
and Terms of Use; to detect, suppress, or prevent fraud; to reduce credit risk
and collect debts owed to us; to protect the health and safety of us, our
customers, or any person; as otherwise required by applicable law, court order,
subpoena or other legal process; or as requested by a governmental or law
enforcement authority. We may also disclose information about you to third
parties with your consent.


We may also disclose or use personal information in connection with certain
corporate business transactions. For more information about these potential
practices, please refer to the Mergers Acquisitions or Sale tab of this


You may have certain choices in relation to your personal information. For more
information about these choices, please refer to the Your Choices tab of this


If you are a California resident, please refer to the California Residents tab
of this Statement for additional California-specific privacy disclosures. 


Chapter 603A of the Nevada Revised Statutes permits a Nevada resident to opt out
of future sales of certain covered information that a website operator has
collected or will collect about the resident. To submit such a request, please
complete the form found here.


What about my rights under EEA & UK law?

Individuals whose personal information is collected and/or used in Europe have
the rights described in our BCR-C’s. The capitalized terms used in this section
and not otherwise defined in this Statement have the same meaning as defined in
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What are your rights in relation to Personal Data

Subject to applicable law, you may have a number of rights regarding the
Processing of your Personal Data, including:

 * The right to request access to, or copies of your Personal Data that we
   Process or control, together with information regarding the nature,
   processing and disclosure of those Personal Data;
 * The right to request rectification of any inaccuracies in your Personal Data
   that we Process or control;
 * The right to request, on legitimate grounds
   * Erasure of your Personal Data that we Process or control; or
   * Restriction of Processing of your Personal Data that we Process or control;
 * The right to have your Personal Data that we Process or control transferred
   to another Controller, to the extent applicable;
 * Where we Process your Personal Data on the basis of your consent, the right
   to withdraw that consent; and
 * The right to lodge complaints with a Data Protection Authority regarding the
   Processing of your Personal Data by us or on our behalf.

This does not affect your statutory rights.

Subject to applicable law, you may also have the following additional rights
regarding the Processing of your Personal Data:

 * The right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the
   Processing of your Personal Data by us or on our behalf; and
 * The right to object to the Processing of your Personal Data, by us or on our
   behalf for direct marketing purposes.

To exercise one of more of these rights, or to ask a question about these rights
or any other provision of this Statement, or about our Processing of your
Personal Data, please use the contact details provided in the How To Contact Us
section below.


What about information security?

When you place an order or provide personal information, we employ certain
technical and organization security measures, such as encryption where
appropriate. Encryption scrambles the information in your purchase, including
your credit card number, so this information can only be viewed by Motorola
Solutions. Motorola Solutions currently uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
encryption technology, where appropriate, for Internet-based transactions.

However, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100%
secure. As a result, while we have taken appropriate steps to protect your
personal information, Motorola Solutions cannot ensure or otherwise warrant the
security of any information you provide to us or from our Web site, and
therefore you use our site at your own risk.


Where will my personal information be transferred?

As a global company Motorola Solutions has international sites and users all
over the world. The personal information you provide may be transmitted, used,
stored and otherwise processed outside of the country where you submitted that
information, including jurisdictions that may not have data privacy laws that
provide equivalent protection to such laws in your home country, including
primarily the United States where our global headquarters is located.
Our BCR-C’s govern transfers between our group companies and require all group
companies to protect personal information they process from the European
Economic Area (“EEA”) and the United Kingdom (“UK”) in accordance with
applicable data protection law. For all other personal information, we take
steps designed to protect personal information in a similar manner.

We have implemented similar transfer safeguards, such as entering into the
European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses, with our third party service
providers and partners. Further details can be provided upon request.


For how long will Motorola Solutions keep my personal information?

We apply a general rule of keeping personal information only for as long as
required to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. However, if
necessary, we may retain personal information for longer periods of time, until
set retention periods and deadlines expire, for instance where we are required
to do so in accordance with legal, tax and accounting requirements, set by a
legislator, regulator or supervisory authorities.

In specific circumstances we may retain your personal information until the
statutory limitation periods have expired (usually three years, but up to thirty
years in some cases), when this is necessary for the establishment, exercise or
defense of legal claims.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal
information, we will either delete or anonymize it or, if this is not possible
(for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup
archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it
from any further processing until deletion or anonymization is possible.


What about my child’s privacy?

Web sites and other online services operated by or on behalf of Motorola
Solutions, Inc. and its world-wide affiliated companies and subsidiaries are not
intended for use by persons under the age of 13. We do not seek to or knowingly
collect or solicit information about children under the age of 13. No
information should be submitted to or posted on our web sites or other online
services by users under 13 years of age. If a child under the age of 13 provides
personal information to us, we encourage the child’s parent or guardian to
contact us to request that we remove the personal information from our systems.
If we learn that any personal information we collect has been provided by a
child under the age of 13, we will promptly delete the information.


If you have other questions, comments or concerns about our privacy practices
please contact our Privacy Office at privacy1@motorolasolutions.com or at the
address below. If you wish to issue a request to exercise your rights where
applicable by law please complete the form found here.

Data Protection Officer
Motorola Solutions, Inc
500 W. Monroe
Chicago, IL USA 60661-3618
United States
Email: privacy1@motorolasolutions.com

EEA & UK Privacy Points of Contact

Motorola Solutions, Inc. has designated specific representatives you can contact
in the EEA & UK in the following
countries: Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom or please
send an email to privacy1@motorolasolutions.com
indicating your country of residence and we will route you to the appropriate
Motorola Solutions data protection representative.

This Privacy Statement is subject to change. The last content update was made on
February 22, 2022.


 * What About Cookies?


What are Cookies and Related Technologies?

Cookies are small data files that are stored on your device that allow us and
our third-party providers to collect certain information about your interactions
with our web sites and other online services. We and our third-party providers
may also use other, related technologies to collect this information, such as
web beacons, pixels, embedded scripts, location-identifying technologies and
logging technologies (collectively, “cookies”).

What Do We Collect When Using Cookies?

When you interact with our web sites and other online services, we and our
third-party providers may use cookies to automatically collect certain types of
information about your usage of our web sites and other online services. For
example, we may collect log data about your device and its software, such as
your IP address, operating system, browser type, date/time of your visit, and
other similar information. We may collect analytics or “clickstream” data or use
third-party analytics tools such as Google Analytics to help us measure traffic,
usage and activity trends for our web sites and online services, and to better
understand our user base.

Third-party providers may also collect personal information about your online
activities over time and across different websites when you use our websites and
online services. 

How Do We Use That Information?

We use or may use the data collected through cookies to: (a) remember
information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the
next time you visit our websites and online services; (b) provide and monitor
the effectiveness and quality of our websites and online services; (c) monitor
online usage and activities of our websites and online services; (d) diagnose
errors and problems with our websites and online services; (e) otherwise plan
for and enhance our web sites and other online services; and (f) facilitate the
purposes identified in our Privacy Statement. We and our third-party advertising
providers also use the information we collect through cookies to understand your
browsing activities, including across unaffiliated third-party sites, so that we
can deliver personalized ads, content and information about products and
services that may be of interest to you.

Please note that we may link some of the personal information we collect through
cookies with the other personal information that we collect about you and for
the purposes described in our Privacy Statement.

Your Choices About Cookies

You may adjust your Cookie Preferences here.

In some jurisdictions, including the European Economic Area Member States and
the United Kingdom, most cookies will only be enabled if you have taken some
form of action on our web site(s) to accept cookies using the prominent banner
notice. However, in other jurisdictions, cookies will be enabled by default.

If you would prefer not to accept cookies, most browsers allow you to: (i)
change your browser settings to notify you when you receive a cookie, which lets
you choose whether or not to accept it; (ii) disable existing cookies; or (iii)
set your browser to automatically reject cookies. Please note that doing so may
negatively impact your experience using our online services, as some features
and services may not work properly. Depending on your device and operating
system, you may not be able to delete or block all cookies. In addition, if you
want to reject cookies across all your browsers and devices, you will need to do
so on each browser on each device you actively use. You may also set your email
options to prevent the automatic downloading of images that may contain
technologies that would allow us to know whether you have accessed our email and
performed certain functions with it.

Many of our websites use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by
Google, Inc. (“Google”). For more information on the use of Google Analytics,
please visit Google’s privacy policy here. You can also view Google’s currently
available opt-out options here.

Your Choices About Online Ads

We support the self-regulatory principles for online behavioral advertising
(“Principles”) published by the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”). This means
that we allow you to exercise choice regarding the collection of information
about your online activities over time and across third-party websites for
online interest-based advertising purposes. More information about these
Principles can be found at www.aboutads.info. If you want to opt out of
receiving online interest-based advertisements on your internet browser from
advertisers and third parties that participate in the DAA program and perform
advertising-related services for us and our partners, please follow the
instructions at www.aboutads.info/choices,
or http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ to place an opt-out cookie on your
device indicating that you do not want to receive interest-based advertisements.
Opt-out cookies only work on the internet browser and device they are downloaded
onto. If you want to opt out of interest-based advertisements across all your
browsers and devices, you will need to opt out on each browser on each device
you actively use. If you delete cookies on your device generally, you will need
to opt out again. 

If you want to opt out of receiving online interest-based advertisements on
mobile apps, please follow the instructions
at http://www.aboutads.info/appchoices.

Please note that when you opt out of receiving interest-based advertisements,
this does not mean you will no longer see advertisements from us or on our
online services. It means that the online ads that you do see from DAA program
participants should not be based on your interests. We are not responsible for
the effectiveness of, or compliance with, any third-parties’ opt-out options or
programs or the accuracy of their statements regarding their programs. In
addition, third parties may still use cookies to collect information about your
use of our web sites and online services, including for analytics and fraud
prevention as well as any other purpose permitted under the DAA’s Principles.


 * Privacy Disclosures For California Residents


This section applies to you if you are a resident of the state of California and
provides additional information about how we collect, use, disclose and
otherwise process personal information of individual residents of the state of
California within the scope of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

For purposes of this section, “personal information” means information that
identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated
with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular
consumer or household. It does not include information that is made publicly
available from government records, that is deidentified or aggregated such that
it is not capable of being associated with you, or that is otherwise excluded
from the CCPA’s scope, such as personal information covered by certain
sector-specific privacy laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”) or the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

This section also does not apply to information relating to our employees,
contractors, applicants and other personnel. In addition, we often act as a
“service provider,” as defined in the CCPA, processing personal information on
behalf of our customers, and this section does not apply to the personal
information processing we perform as a service provider.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

In the last 12 months, we have collected the following categories of personal

 * Identifiers, such as full name, alias, account name and password, customer
   number, driver’s license number, social security number or equivalent
   national identification number, IP address and other unique personal
 * California Customer Records (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)), such as address,
   telephone number, email address, date of birth and payment card information;
 * Protected Classification Characteristics, such as age;
 * Commercial Information, such as product or service interests and orders,
   credit information (if you purchased a product or other device requiring
   service) and investment information (if you are an investor in Motorola
 * Internet/Network Information, such as log file data (including IP address,
   browser type) and clickstream data (including your usage and activity on our
   web sites and online services);
 * Geolocation Data, such as your general geographic location based on your IP
   address or more precise location when accessing our services through a mobile
   device or using our services with geolocation capabilities;
 * Sensory Information, such as audio recordings, photographs and video footage
   you choose to provide, or we otherwise record as permitted by law;
 * Professional/Employment Information, such as job title, company and industry;
 * Other Personal Information, such as your entries to sweepstakes, contests and
   promotions, your comments on our forums, wikis, blogs, social computing tools
   or in response to surveys and any other inquiries, requests or comments you
   choose to send us;
 * Inferences, such as deriving purchase recommendations from other personal
   information we have collected about you.

We collect this information directly from you, from your browser or device when
you interact with our web sites and other online services, from third parties
including our service providers, business partners, channel partners, and from
public third-party platforms such as social media websites, online databases or
online directories. For more information about the personal information we
collect and how we collect it, please refer to the Personal Information
Collected section of our Privacy Statement.

We collect personal information from and about you for a variety of purposes.
For example, we use personal information to communicate with you; to facilitate,
process and fulfill orders your place with us or the services you request; to
conduct surveys, sweepstakes, contests and other promotions; to analyze and
improve the use of our web sites and other online services; to deliver marketing
communications and personalized and non-personalized advertising; and to
facilitate our customer and investor relations operations. For more information
about our use of personal information, please refer to the Use of Personal
Information section of our Privacy Statement.

Disclosure and Sale of Personal Information

We share personal information with third parties for business purposes or we may
sell your personal information to third parties, subject to your right to
opt-out of those sales (please refer to the Your California Privacy Rights
section below). The categories of third parties to whom we disclose your
personal information may include our subsidiaries and related companies, our
service providers, business partners and channel partners, marketing and
business strategy partners and providers, ad networks and advertising partners,
analytics providers, sweepstakes and contest providers, order fulfillment and
payment providers and certain third parties where you have provided consent or
where we are required by law.

As is common practice among companies that operate online, we allow certain
third-party providers to collect information about consumers directly through
our web sites and other online services for purposes of analyzing and optimizing
our services, delivering ads, providing content and ads that are more relevant,
measuring statistics and the success of ad campaigns, and detecting and
reporting fraud. To the extent this practice is interpreted to constitute a
“sale” under the CCPA, please refer to the Submitting Requests section below
regarding your right to opt-out.

For more information about how we share personal information, please refer to
the Sharing of Personal Information section of our Privacy Statement.

Your California Privacy Rights

As a California resident, you may be able to request to exercise the following
rights in relation to the personal information about you that we have collected
(subject to certain limitations at law):

 * Right to Know: You have the right to request any or all of the following
   information relating to your personal information we have collected and
   disclosed in the last 12 months, upon verification of your identity:
   * The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you;
   * The categories of personal information we have collected about you;
   * The categories of sources of the personal information;
   * The categories of personal information that we have disclosed to third
     parties for a business purpose, and the categories of recipients to whom
     this information was disclosed;
   * The categories of personal information we have sold about you (if any) and
     the categories of third parties to whom the information was sold; and
   * The business or commercial purposes for collecting or, if applicable,
     selling personal information about you.
 * The Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of
   personal information we have collected from you, subject to certain
 * The Right to Opt-Out of Personal Information Sales: You have the right to
   direct us not to sell personal information we have collected about you to
   third parties. If you are under the age of 16, you have the right not to have
   your information sold, unless you, or your parent or guardian, affirmatively
   authorize such sales (the “Right to Opt-In”).

You also have the right to be free from discrimination for exercising these
rights. However, please note that if the exercise of these rights limits our
ability to process personal information (such as in the case of a deletion
request), we may no longer be able to provide you our products and services or
engage with you in the same manner.

[In addition, if you have an established customer relationship with us for
personal, family or household purposes, you may also have the right under
California’s “Shine the Light” law to request:

 * A list of the categories of certain personal information that we have
   disclosed to third parties during the immediately preceding calendar year for
   the third parties’ direct marketing purposes; and
 * The names and addresses of all such third parties.

Submitting Requests

To Exercise Your Right to Know, Right to Deletion or “Shine the Light” Right. To
exercise your right to know, right to deletion or “Shine the Light” right,
please submit a request specifying the right you wish to exercise by:

 * Using this link to submit your request, or
 * Calling our toll-free U.S. phone number: 1-800-538-4427.

We may need to verify your identity before processing your request, which may
require us to request additional personal information from you or require you to
log into your account (if applicable). We will only use personal information
provided in connection with your request to review and process your request.

In certain circumstances, we may decline or limit your request, particularly
where we are unable to verify your identity or locate your information in our
systems, or as permitted by law.

To Exercise Your Right to Opt-Out of Personal Information Sales. To initiate
your request to opt out of personal information sales, please complete the form
found here or call our toll-free U.S. phone number at 1-800-538-4427. To the
extent our third-party advertising and analytics providers’ collection of
information from users of our web sites and other online services constitutes a
“sale” under the CCPA, please refer to the Cookies tab of our Privacy Statement
for more information about the choices and opt-out options you have in relation
to those practices.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information


 * Social Computing Tools


We also provide social computing tools on some of our web sites to enable online
sharing and collaboration among members who have registered to use them. These
include forums, wikis, blogs and other social media platforms.

When registering to use these social computing tools, you may be asked to
provide certain personal information. Registration information will be subject
to this Privacy Statement.

After completing your registration, any other content you voluntarily post, such
as pictures, information, opinions, or any other type of personal information
that you make available to other participants on these social platforms may be
made available to others inside and outside Motorola Solutions.

If you do not wish this information to be made broadly available you can cancel
your registration at any time. However, you may not be able to participate on
these social platforms once you cancel your registration and any information
already posted will continue to be made available through these platforms.


 * Mergers Or Acquisitions Or Sale


We may take part in or be involved with a corporate business transaction, such
as a merger, acquisition, joint venture, financing or sale of company assets. We
may disclose, transfer or assign personal Information to a third party during
negotiation of, in connection with or as an asset in such a corporate business

Also, in the unlikely event of our bankruptcy, receivership or insolvency, your
personal information may be disclosed, transferred or assigned to third parties
in connection with the proceedings or disposition of our assets. 


 * What Choices Do I Have Regarding Collection, Use And Distribution Of My
   Personal Information?


We or our business partners may, from time to time, send you email or direct
mail regarding our products and services. If you do not want to receive such
communications, simply tell us when you give us your personal information, or
follow the directions contained on the mailing to remove your name from our
mailing list(s). Your communications preferences can be managed at
the Communications Preference Center.

On certain types of Motorola Solutions promotions, we will ask for your email
address in order to contact you in the event you have won a prize. When you
participate in these types of promotions, you may receive promotion-related
email. Occasionally these promotion-related email messages may include
personalized advertisements. If you do not wish to receive such advertisements,
you can choose not to participate in such promotions or contests.

Please note that by refusing to provide personal information or by denying or
withdrawing consent to use personal information for purposes identified, you or
your company may be unable to participate in certain programs or activities
sponsored by us.

If you have established a "user profile" on a Motorola Solutions web site, you
may change the information you provided by visiting that portion of the web site
and resubmitting your information. Individuals are responsible for providing us
with accurate and complete personal information, and for contacting us if
correction of such information is required. We will strive to keep information
we hold about customers accurate.

Under the law of certain jurisdictions (such as the state of California, the
state of Nevada, the EEA and UK), you may also have certain rights in relation
to your personal information which can generally be exercised by contacting us.
For additional information about the rights available in certain jurisdictions,
please review our Privacy Statement.

Please direct any questions concerning Motorola Solutions' privacy practices
to privacy1@motorolasolutions.com.


 * How To Contact Us


If you have other questions, comments or concerns about our privacy practices
please contact our Privacy Office at privacy1@motorolasolutions.com or at the
address below. If you wish to issue a request to exercise your rights where
applicable by law please complete the form found here.

Data Protection Officer
Motorola Solutions, Inc.
500 W. Monroe
Chicago, IL USA 60661-3618
United States

Email: privacy1@motorolasolutions.com

EEA & UK Privacy Points of Contact

Motorola Solutions, Inc. has designated specific representatives you can contact
in the EEA or UK in the following
countries: Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom or please
send an email to privacy1@motorolasolutions.com indicating your country of
residence and we will route you to the appropriate Motorola Solutions data
protection representative.

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