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Posted on April 13, 2020 (July 27, 2021) by The Happy Chicken Coop

We all love our fluffy, feathered friends and want to do the best for them. If
you already have an established flock or haven’t started yet and are still in
the planning stages – this article is definitely for you. Today I have put
together my favorite 21 tips for keeping your chickens safe from predators and

Before I got my chickens, I spent the better part of a year researching the
breed of chicken I wanted, how to house them and how to keep them safe and


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Chicken Dust Bathing


I was called overly obsessive at times, but so far, my efforts have paid off
dividends as my girls are healthy and happy, and we haven’t had any issues with
predators in 5 years.


Protecting your flock from predators starts with the coop.
Whether you buy it pre-made or build the coop yourself, there are several simple
things you can do to make it safer for your chickens.


First of all, you need to be aware of likely predators in your area: foxes,
hawks, owls, coyotes, raccoons, and possums tend to be the most common.
If you know which predators are likely to attack, you can create effective
defenses to stop them.
Some of these predators are very smart, others opportunists. Each can be
deterred by simple backyard security.




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If you are constructing a run, it’s important to remember that many predators
will try to dig under the run to attack your girls.
One thing to remember: chicken wire will keep chickens in; hardware mesh will
keep predators out.
A determined, hungry animal can and will break through chicken wire.
When building your run, make sure you bury hardware mesh at least 2 feet deep
around the compound- 4 feet deep would be ideal.

Dig a trench about 6 inches deep and 3 inches wide and bury the hardware mesh to
create an underground security perimeter.

This will deter most predators from digging.
If you are using a chicken tractor instead of a run, the same principle applies.
Cover the tractor floor in hardware mesh to prevent predators from digging their
way to your chickens.
Note: Occasionally, when chickens stand on wire floors in chicken tractors for
long periods of time, their feet can get cut, so check their feet regularly for
cuts or sores.


If you live in an area with lots of hawks and owls, you will need to place a
cover over your run.
You can use chicken wire to cover your run- this still provides your chickens
with visibility but stops any air-bound predators swooping down and attacking
your flock.
If you want your birds to have some shade, as well as protection, you could use
a tarp sheet instead of chicken wire.


If you are fortunate enough to have a large garden, make sure you cut down any
tall grass, bush or overgrown areas within 50-75 feet of your coop.
The less cover a predator has, the more vulnerable they are at being seen before
This with thwart less confident predators, as they won’t risk exposing
themselves to attack.


Make sure you regularly check your coop for any access holes.
Predators can use even small trivial gaps/holes to gain access to the coop- a
weasel can squeeze through a ½ inch hole.
You do not want a weasel in your coop.
A weasel will kill seemingly for the fun of it and can kill a moderate size
flock in a night.
Remember to check your coop at least monthly for signs of attempted entry and
reinforce those areas.
It might also surprise you to learn that barn cats will slip into openings and,
if hungry enough, they will tag-team and take out your smaller chickens.
It is helpful to prevent predators with savvy climbing skills from entering
through the roof of your coop. Lining your coop or even fencing with metal
siding will prevent these agile critters from getting a grip on your fencing and
climbing to the top and over or thorough to your sleeping hens.
You’d be surprised at how easy it is for small predators, like snakes, to
slither into coops and eat your eggs and even your chickens in some cases.
Closing off all access holes while allowing for proper ventilation can be a
challenge for chicken owners.
The best way to solve this is to have openings for ventilation at the top of the
coop and prevent predators from climbing into the holes.


Most importantly, remember to lock up your ladies at night!
Use a mechanism that smart creatures can’t open. Raccoons are notoriously
intelligent, and they can open simple locks & bolts.
I like to use a Carabiner because it requires opposable thumbs to use.

Also, remember to use a padlock to keep out the ultimate predator – man.
Unfortunately, several of my friends have had their chickens stolen either for
dinner or because it’s a rare breed.
I use three locks on my coop – two on the entrance door and a separate lock for
the ‘pop’ door.


Make sure you clean up your pen in the evening after your chickens have gone to
roost- pay special attention to any scraps and food lying around.
We may not think of rats as predators, but they are attracted by leftover food.
Once they have moved into the neighborhood, they can and will eat eggs and
If you see rats during the daytime, you likely have a serious problem.
Note: Rats dislike daylight, so only those lower in the hierarchy will risk a
daylight raid.


Check your coop daily for snakes. Black, rat, and corn snakes will pilfer eggs
and, on occasion, small chicks. They can be relocated to another area if
necessary, although snakes help keep down the vermin.

If you find that certain snakes keep returning to your coop, you will need to
capture them and relocate them elsewhere.


A lot of predators will only break into your coop to get eggs.
If you make sure to collect your eggs frequently during the day, you will deter
many predators- especially rats and snakes!


Predators such as raccoons will only attack in the dark at night.
You can fit solar-powered motion-detection lights to your coop to stop predators
from attacking.
The light will turn on when it detects any motion near the coop. They can also
modify them to send you an alarm when the lights are activated.
Most predators will run away from the spotlight.


Whilst it’s relatively easy to secure a chicken coop and run, what do you do
when your chickens are free-range?
Keeping free-range chickens safe is hard but not impossible if you follow the
tips below.


If you have free-ranging hens, it can be more difficult to protect them against
birds of prey.
One effective way I’ve found is to hang unwanted CDs from trees, posts, etc.
The reflection of the sun from the CD will deter them. You can also use pie
pans, disco balls – anything that will reflect light.
Note: Do not use mirrors; you don’t want to start a fire accidentally!


If your chickens are free-ranging, you can erect an electric fence around the
perimeter to keep predators away.
They are fairly inexpensive and easy to install.
I don’t personally use electric fences, but people I know who have them swear by


Sometimes with birds of prey, they can get extremely desperate and will attack
no matter what.
Make a couple of safety shelters for your birds to run into. You can use a
55-gallon plastic drum cut lengthways or a wooden pallet perched on blocks.

If your chickens get caught out whilst roaming, they can run underneath these
safety shelters to keep them covered.


There are usually restrictions on having roosters within town and city limits –
they can be a noisy pest to your neighbors.

There aren’t too many folks who like to be woken up at the crack of dawn by a
rooster crowing his head off!
However, if you live in the country, it’s usually ok.
A good rooster will protect his ladies and will give his life to preserve
Note: Ensure to research the breed of rooster you want thoroughly before you
jump in and get one.


A guard dog does the same job as a rooster – only better.
Dogs can range further away from the flock, and the scent of a dog is very
disturbing to most predators, so they will likely leave your flock in peace.
Make sure your dog is good with your chickens before you leave them together
unattended. You don’t want your guard dog turning into a predator!


Chickens are inquisitive creatures. They love to investigate new things, and
this can get them into trouble! The following tips will help you be more aware
of potential hazards to your flock.
To keep your chickens safe, you need to do more than keep the predators at bay.
Sometimes the biggest threats are already in your garden.


Weedkillers and other commonly used garden chemicals (Insect Baits/Traps etc.)
can be accidentally ingested by chickens.
As with small children, keep your flock away from any area of your garden which
you may have sprayed or treated. Also, keep the chemical bottles well away from
your girls.
If your chickens do ingest any toxic chemical, call your vet immediately.


For those of you that haven’t heard of the term Botulism before, it’s a “rare
poisoning caused by toxins.”
If you use poison to keep the rodent population in check, be aware your chickens
can be poisoned by pecking at the carcass. It would help if you disposed of any
dead animals you find somewhere they can’t access them.
Botulism can also be caused by fouled drinking water (usually by ducks). If you
keep ducks, make sure the chickens don’t make a habit of drinking water that the
ducks have pooped in.


Following on from Botulism, you need to keep food and water dishes clean.
I use a 1:10 bleach solution weekly in all my feeders and drinkers.


Ensure your feed is fresh and not moldy.
Keep it stored in waterproof containers – plastic totes, garbage bins, or
something similar. The moldy feed can and does kill chickens, so make sure the
lid for your containers is airtight also.


A dirty coop not only attracts flies but can cause several health issues for
your birds.
For instance, high levels of ammonia can cause blindness and respiratory issues.
I normally clean my coop once a week and occasionally more during winter. A good
test is if you can smell ammonia in your coop – cleaning is overdue!


Last but by no means least is regular health checks.
Try to check your birds visually every day.
Included in your visual health check should be a vent check. They can get matted
and poopy back there- this creates a perfect environment for flystrike.

Checking Chicken’s Vent

If it’s dirty – clean it.
Go gently using soap and water. Sit the bird in the warm water and try to soak
off the matted area. You may have to trim some feathers.
These 21 tips will definitely help keep your chickens healthy and the predators
at bay!
Let us know your favorite health tip in the comments below.

Posted in Features, GuidesTagged 21, and, Chickens, From, Healthy, Keeping,
Predators, Safe, Tips, Your


 The Easiest Way to Catch a Chicken9 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get
Backyard Chickens 


   Feb 15, 2022
   Posted by: The Happy Chicken Coop

   Feb 11, 2022
   Posted by: HappyChicken

   Feb 7, 2022
   Posted by: The Happy Chicken Coop


 1.  Anna Ruth says:
     August 1, 2015 at 4:03 pm
     Excellent tips — thank you so much for sharing!
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        August 1, 2015 at 9:17 pm
        I’m glad you like them Anna! They will keep your chickens safe and
        healthy 🙂
        1. Betsy says:
           November 22, 2019 at 9:23 am
           Thanks. I have only two hensbut they are pets & I love them dearly.
           Two nights ago there was a racket outside – my dog sounded the alarm.
           When I opened the back door to see what was going on Polly literally
           flew into the house & my arms. She was a mess but not hurt
           THANKFULLY. I COULDN’T find my second girl. A Mousse ,the d of was
           determined to find the meanie but no luck. Yesterday around noon I
           was watering , out came Mop!!! She had been hiding!!! I was so glad
           to see her. They are getting extra crickets , mealy worms!!
           I am sure it was a juvenile racoon that attacked them & I will fix
           him!!! Have read that cayenne pepper is a deterrent.
           Bow could GOD MADE SOMETHING SO CUTE BYT SO BAD!!!???
           1. Deb says:
              September 7, 2020 at 10:32 pm
              Thank you for being kind to the young raccoon that tried to make a
              meal out of your two precious chickens. Having pepper deter him is
              much better than killing him! They cant help what they are…
        2. Elyssa says:
           June 26, 2020 at 2:59 pm
           How do you keep stray cats away? I just recently had a 7 week old
           chicken get caught by a stray cat. My dog is kind of a guard dog, but
           we can’t let her out all the time. Because a cat got to one of our
           chickens, we have to keep them in the coop when we are not there.
           They have a good sized cage around the coop, which we used to let
           them out in during the day. I would let our chickens out, but I am
           still afraid. Please give me some tips ??
           1. Connie says:
              August 6, 2020 at 5:26 am
              My ferals colony lives in the barn with my chickens. They have
              never tried or have harmed my chickens.
 2.  Cheryll says:
     January 7, 2016 at 3:28 am
     I’m really loving your website. So much info here. Thank you!
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        January 7, 2016 at 9:07 am
        Thank you Cheryll! So happy you’re enjoying it 🙂
 3.  Elsie says:
     April 3, 2016 at 7:39 pm
     Thank you so much for this! its helped us a lot! there have been a couple
     times when raccoons have ended up in our backyard (it was before we got our
     chickens, but it still worries me.) There is also the possibility that my
     dad could be getting us a guard dog for the chickens because there a lot
     stronger than rosters. (We have roosters but I would rather not loose
     either of them 🙂 )
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        April 4, 2016 at 7:15 pm
        A guard dog is definitely the best way to keep the raccoons away!
        Fingers crossed your dad gets you one 🙂
 4.  Brooke says:
     June 9, 2016 at 6:47 pm
     So helpful! Mainly because it has all the info I needed… 😀
 5.  Kathleen Koppenhaver says:
     July 25, 2016 at 10:05 pm
     very informative information. I am new to this venture and am having the
     time of my life. My girls follow me when I am outside. They come up on my
     porch and feed out of my hand. My one Bantam rooster is a sweetheart. I
     have hear that thyme is good in their water. What do you think?
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        July 26, 2016 at 3:43 pm
        Hi Kathleen,
        I’m so happy you’re enjoying your new chickens!
        I wouldn’t recommend it in water no- but you can use it in their nesting
        box as an insect repellant…
 6.  Kim Clark says:
     July 28, 2016 at 8:52 pm
     Love all your information, we are just getting our chicken run ready for
     our little flock. Taken on a few of your tips and plan to use them thanks.
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        August 1, 2016 at 2:30 pm
        Hi Kim,
        Good luck on your chicken raising adventure!
 7.  Judi Wigren-Slack says:
     November 13, 2016 at 3:44 pm
     Great tips. Thanks. We do everything you suggest but have a problem with
     day time bobcat attacks. He got another hen yesterday. We electrified the
     top wire of our 7′ fence ( where they freerange all day) but it doesn’t
     matter. he can’t carry the hen out, too heavy we assume, so leaves the
     poorl dead girl inside the fence. Do you think a seated scarecrow would
     work? We’ve lost 7 girls in three years, most to bobcats, two to a Mt.
     lion, all during daylight. We have 2 dogs but they are never outside when
     this happens. Can u give any advise please?
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        November 14, 2016 at 10:01 am
        Hi Judi,
        Sorry to hear about your loss. Have you considered placing a roof on
        your fence with chicken wire?
        1. aben says:
           December 7, 2016 at 2:36 pm
           thank for the tips
     2. James Jackson says:
        September 20, 2017 at 11:46 pm
        I’m sure this very informative, thoughtful article has saved many people
        from wasted time, troubles and money.
        Many thanks, James
 8.  R. Victoria says:
     December 31, 2016 at 12:14 am
     Thank you for this helpful article! I too and doing allot of research
     before obtaining my chickens as it is only fair to them. When you note to
     lock up the chickens every night, do you mean in the general kennel/run
     area or actually inside the coop? I’m going to use a dog run as the general
     area (with reinforcements of course) along with an actual coop house. Will
     they be safe in the general kennel/run area, because I am not home every
     single night to place them in the coop structure.
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        January 4, 2017 at 5:05 pm
        Hi Victoria,
        You need to lock them in the actual coop, the run/kennel area is not
        safe overnight.
 9.  Kay says:
     January 12, 2017 at 6:41 am
     Thank you so much for posting this! I’ve had chickens for a few months now,
     a pretty small flock kept for fun! We’ve had one incident with a hawk, but
     our dogs chased it off before any of our girls could be in trouble. We are
     in the city, and they are free ranged hens.. Do you have any other tips for
     keeping birds of prey of our flock?
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        January 12, 2017 at 3:36 pm
        Hi Kay,
        My favorite is to use string on top of the run and also place cds in the
        trees to reflect light.
        Hope this helps,
 10. G harrison says:
     January 24, 2017 at 5:41 pm
     While not being the most humane way of making your girls safe, my
     grandfather always had a large flock and a large chicken coop. He would
     always go out before dark and they will greet him in the coop and he would
     close the chicken door then. But he showed me what he did to stop diggers
     from getting into the coop. We had a lot of foxes and raccoons in south
     Louisiana. So he dug a trench around the whole chicken coop about 4 inches
     deep, and filled it with broke glass. When the critter tried to dig around
     the coop, they would cut their paws/feet, and go away. This worked for over
     20 years that I know of, but it does cause concerns to some. From what I
     gathered, years ago this was a cheap and easy way to get the job done. You
     can collect the glass for free, and a little labor and the job is done. If
     you ever go to New Orleans, which uses this practice still today on top of
     walls around their yards and gardens to keep pigeons off and people from
     sitting on their property as walls. This might not be for everyone, but I
     much rather see a fox running off with a cut foot, rather than finding a
     pile of feathers.
 11. Bradley Taylor says:
     January 24, 2017 at 10:22 pm
     wish i could seen this before all chickens were gone 🙁
 12. Chris says:
     February 21, 2017 at 2:39 pm
     Dear Claire,I take to heart everything you write.Iam presently concerned
     about Hawk deterants so We will hang cd’s in our yard .I do like the
     cracked glass idea for future problems if they occur.Thanks for the wise
     words.Chris in Atlanta
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        February 22, 2017 at 11:59 am
        Happy to help Chris 🙂
 13. Ben says:
     March 21, 2017 at 8:02 pm
     love your ideas and they all work thanks guys
 14. Jazzycatpaws says:
     April 4, 2017 at 4:38 am
     It was helpful we will think about geting roosters ty for making this =^•^=
     1. Angela says:
        September 7, 2017 at 9:44 pm
        I tried the rooster. I now have no hens and a rooster that ran for cover
        and never protected any of my 10 hens. He was a rescue rooster mixed
        breed, half barred rock. I would recomend finding a more agressive
 15. Kathy says:
     April 18, 2017 at 3:16 pm
     Thanks for your article. We free range and put them in the coop at sunset.
     But we are having a big fox problem right now! We have lost eleven chickens
     in the past week. Keeping the girls in the coop today and trying to live
     trap the fox.
 16. Rose says:
     April 22, 2017 at 3:48 am
     How many roosters do you dare get? Dont they fight with eachother? I am
     thinking of getting a small flock of chics, maybe 6 or 8
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        April 24, 2017 at 5:26 pm
        With a small flock like this Rose, I would get a single Rooster 🙂
 17. Amanda says:
     April 24, 2017 at 12:47 pm
     I’m curious about an automatic door. I definitely want one and will be
     securing it to the outside of the coop like all the videos & demonstrations
     show….but isn’t that leaving my coop open to predators? Couldn’t raccoons
     easily slide up that door on their own…putting a lock on it defeats the
     purpose of an automatic door.
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        April 24, 2017 at 5:19 pm
        Hi Amanda,
        It depends on the style of the automatic door you choose. With most of
        the modern automatic doors though it’s almost impossible to slide the
        door up without unlocking it first. And the lock is built into the door
        and only released at a set time.
 18. EmilyJo says:
     May 5, 2017 at 1:10 am
     I am very interested in starting a small flock. We have recently moved to a
     little country place. However in the winter we will get snow. I want to
     free range. What to do when there is a couple feet of snow ?
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        May 5, 2017 at 3:01 pm
        Hi EmilyJo,
        This is no problem, chickens are fine in snow 🙂 Make sure you pick a
        cold hardy breed though, we discuss them here:
 19. Va says:
     November 14, 2017 at 2:43 pm
     Thank you for this well written and accurate info. These are great things
     to know about caring for a flock. That said we have a large free range
     flock and are having repetitive trouble with a hawk. We have an electric
     fence, plenty of cover/shelter and 5 roosters yet it touched down twice in
     the front yard this morning. It’s a small hawk but it’s harassing the
     flocks peace on a daily basis. We are going to do the CD idea today.
 20. Lynda Salings says:
     December 20, 2017 at 9:27 pm
     All of these are great tips. The problem we’ve run into is that people
     around our home let their dogs roam free, and we don’t have a fence around
     our rather large property, nor can we afford one. Today, in broad daylight,
     we lost 11 of our 21 chooks. I am heartbroken. 🙁
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        December 21, 2017 at 3:35 pm
        I’m so sad for you Lynda 🙁
     2. Suzanne M Osborne says:
        February 15, 2018 at 3:49 am
        I don’t know about where you live but where I live it is illegal for a
        dog to kill livestock. We are allowed to shoot the dog. If I had this
        happen I would try to catch the dog the first time or take a picture go
        show the owner and say I’m just giving you fair warning that if the dog
        comes on my property again I’m going to shoot it. That being said when
        it did happen on my property it was my own daughter’s dog. I took it to
        our local shelter where she was adopted out to a good home and the folks
        were warned that she could not be around livestock. While I wouldn’t
        want to shoot anyone’s pet part of being a responsible owner is making
        sure your pet is not a danger to someone else’s animals.
     3. Gabrielle says:
        September 30, 2020 at 4:02 pm
        A little Rock Salt in a shot gun will get the point across to a dog with
        out killing or seriously injuring the dog. They will generally run from
        you when seen so if you shoot at the ground right behind them they get
        the hint.
 21. Michaella says:
     December 30, 2017 at 12:47 pm
     Hi I have a small flock but the girls are definitely pets I love them they
     free range during the day I lock them up at night . I have a dog who Kidd’s
     watches over them . However I lost one of my girls right before dusk to a
     great horned owl last night . Now I’m scared to let the girls out but
     thanks to your tip I’m going to hand CD s all over my woods ! I hope this
     will work . Thank you so much .
 22. Mark Isenhour says:
     April 26, 2018 at 9:01 pm
     Love your information, I’m completing a coop with an attached run. If both
     are Predator proof is a door required to lock the chickens up at night?
     If so why?
     1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
        April 27, 2018 at 5:20 am
        Hi Mark,
        If they are both 100% predator proof then no lock is needed. However I
        don’t think a coop can be 100% so I’d always use a lock just in case 🙂
        1. Mark Isenhour says:
           April 27, 2018 at 5:51 pm
           The coopwill be locked, and the run will be locked at all times. I
           guess what I meant to ask was do I need to make a little door to the
           coop and close it at night and open it in the morning ?
           All of the plans I have seen show a sliding door to close them in for
           the night. I have also seen automatic doors for this application. I
           go to work well before sunrise, so my thought process was if the coop
           and run are secure the coop opening can be open all the time to allow
           them to roost and come out when they please. Does that make sense?
           1. The Happy Chicken Coop says:
              April 30, 2018 at 9:19 am
              Hi Mark,
              Yes, your question makes sense 🙂 I would always have a little
              entrance door into the coop. Leaving an open hole is a bad idea,
              because the temperature will be very cold during winter for them.
              Like you said if you’re up too early for them, an automatic coop
              door will do the trick 🙂
 23. Chris says:
     June 2, 2018 at 2:36 pm
     Excellent article, very informative. Predators are an important part of
     nature, but they need to be looking for their natural prey.
     I know what you mean about weasels, but it isn’t for fun. It’s an instinct
     run amuck. Chickens in an enclosed space are so easy for them to kill–much
     easier than groups of natural prey (like grouse or quail), which would
     They have super-fast metabolisms, need to eat a lot every day to stay
     alive. Their instincts tell them not to let all this easy prey escape–they
     can’t comprehend that these are domesticated animals, that aren’t going
     anywhere. They figure they can come back later and eat more of the ones
     they killed. It makes sense in their world, not in ours.
     Same reason coyotes may kill a lot of sheep, instead of just one. Not
     vicious killers. Just trying to survive in a strange new world. Doing their
     And rats (which weasels also eat) can also be destructive to poultry.
     Again, thanks for showing how to deter predators without shooting,
     trapping, or poisoning them. Great work.
 24. Paul says:
     February 26, 2019 at 6:59 pm
     Roosters work very well
     Once I had a big black rooster and he killed a raccoon in his pen but died
     after the fight
 25. Alice says:
     March 8, 2019 at 8:58 pm
     Thank you helped keep my chickens protected from Red tail hawks ?
 26. Janet Davis says:
     May 3, 2019 at 3:29 pm
     Thank you for all your very helpful guidance. I’m new to chickens and
     currently have 3 12 old Sussex and 3 more 12 week old Easter Eggers, all
     hens, so far!
     My girls have been living in a large run with their own coop, separated
     from bigger girls by dividers.
     This past week end, we moved my 6 girls into their own large run, 10×20,
     along with the coop they used before. They seem to be enjoying it, but have
     started dropping feathers, lots of feathers. Big wing feathers, little
     fluffy feathers, you name it.
     What could be going on? There’s no fighting, the new run is about 100ft
     from the old one, they have the same food and their water is kept clean.
     Thanks for your help.
     1. Janet says:
        November 22, 2019 at 10:35 am
        I had the same thing happen. Same circumstances as well. I’d just moved
        my first group of babies outside when they started dropping feathers.
        About lost my mind. Then found out that chicks go through a “juvenile
        molt” at 12-16 weeks. It’s not as intense at the ones the adults
        experience. I currently have 5 doingvthat right now.
 27. Lauren says:
     June 4, 2019 at 5:46 pm
     We have a problem with hawks locally called chicken hawks. The thing is
     it’s mainly the young hawks starting out. The chickens are easy targets
     compared to wildlife but while they can kill the chicken they can’t carry
     it off. Nobody wins.
 28. Berd says:
     June 15, 2019 at 2:39 am
     I use 7 ft welded wire fence with 5 ft fence post. That way if something is
     climbing it, it starts bending when they get up to the top,animal gets
     scared and falls off.Also in winter I use a oil radiator from menards that
     cant start a fire keep it on low just to keep temp.around 35..I dont have
     shade so I installed a 5,000 btu air cond.set at 85. That way if they get
     too hot they go in the coop to cool off and they get ice in their water
 29. Melissa Hoffman says:
     June 15, 2019 at 5:40 am
     Great list! Thank you. Only one caveat I would offer (I keep 108 rescue
     ducks!)…never ever use rat poison. There’s no guarantee you will find a
     carcass, and any wild animal that eats a poisoned carcass…hawk, owl, etc
     will die, negating anyone’s efforts to safeguard wildlife and chicken
     simultaneously! Thanks!
 30. Me says:
     December 5, 2019 at 12:35 am
     A quick point: using a mirror will NOT start a fire. Not even if you try.
     Perhaps you’re thinking of a magnifying glass.
 31. Victoria says:
     December 16, 2019 at 11:17 am
     What about raising guiennas with your chickens? I’ve read that they will
     attack and raise a ruckus when what they consider theirs is threatened??
     I’m thinking of raising chickens about 4-6 in addition to 2 guiennas to
     protect my chickens. Neighbors have had issues with trying to raise
     chickens due to predators. Live in the country, lots of feral hogs, coons,
     squirrels, fixed, Hawks etc. Before I get started with any building I’m
     doing a lot of research.
 32. Tata Mpisane says:
     December 20, 2019 at 10:06 pm
     Thank you so much, your tips are brilliant. Please keep informing us.
     Tata Mpisane
 33. Karen says:
     January 4, 2020 at 6:50 pm
     I’m having a problem with hawks. My hens free range all over the yard. I
     have a small pen for them to run into when a hawk flies overhead. But the
     hawk followed them into the pen through the door and broke through the roof
     and flew out with a hen in it’s claws. I just lost another girl today. I
     fear that they now consider my house their new diner.
 34. Merrie Smith says:
     January 17, 2020 at 7:59 am
     What predators will take the heads off? Found three out of seven girls in
     the coop with their head off?
     1. Rachel says:
        January 23, 2020 at 10:36 pm
        I’ve seen oppossums do this.
 35. Cathy says:
     January 24, 2020 at 9:02 am
     Thank you for the good information. I went a couple years owning chickens
     before I lost one to a predator, now I seem to have a serial killer
     raccoon, I’ve lost 3 hens in 3 weeks. I thought our coop was predator proof
     (buried chicken wire, totally enclosed), but raccoons are crafty and
     persistent. I could see where he tried to get in all around the enclosure
     until he found a vulnerability. In that first year without an incident, we
     had a rooster. He was mean to us, but I guess he was mean to predators,
     too. Your comment about “chicken wire keeps chickens in, but hard wire mesh
     keeps predators out” hit home for me. We will be reinforcing with hard wire
     this weekend. Also maybe looking for a rooster.
 36. Christine Burns says:
     February 25, 2020 at 4:55 am
     Thank you so much for all this valuable information.
     As a beginner, it is so helpful !!
 37. Brandi Strickland says:
     April 8, 2020 at 10:50 pm
     This information has been very helpful. I do have a question about cleaning
     the coop though…what’s required to clean the coop weekly? I read on another
     blog to clean the coop once or twice per year. Is that a different level of
     cleaning? Do I need to clean out all the composting material every week?
 38. Emma says:
     April 15, 2020 at 10:06 am
     I have a problem with foxes, they are just next door to our house.We put
     concrete under our fence and they can’t dig under,It has really helped.
 39. Karina says:
     April 23, 2020 at 3:19 am
     We just got two chicks a few weeks ago that are almost ready to go into
     their coop outside. These chicks are deeply loved by us and our children.
     We live in a suburban neighborhood in AZ and there are two cats next door,
     and owls and hawks also flying around. They roam the yard every day, but
     I’m mostly worried about the cats. Any way to deter the cats while keeping
     on good terms with our awesome, animal-loving neighbor?
 40. afsaneh nezami says:
     June 23, 2020 at 6:26 am
     Knowledge is key to a healthy flock. Learn about the different body parts
     of your chickens, how feathers work, how eggs are laid, and much, much
 41. peter says:
     September 15, 2020 at 9:56 pm
     Thanks for the CD tip.
     We free ranged a small flock of 20 or so mixed breed girls for 8 years with
     no incident. They always had a great Pyrenees and a couple of roosters with
     them. Slept in an unlocked pen with in and out capabilities 24/7. Our 5
     acres was made up 1-2 acres of pasture surrounded entirely by woods.
     Recently we moved to a 4 acre property that is not as wooded with more open
     pasture area. We have now lost 8 2-3 month old pullets in just under 3
     months. We have witnessed 2 of the attacks and are sure its a hawk. Hope
     the CD trick works.
 42. Flor Tymeson says:
     May 30, 2021 at 10:15 am
     Finally, before using any homemade weed killer, make sure that the
     container is sealed tightly. Once you have found the perfect product for
     your needs, be sure to keep it stored safely.
 43. Beornet says:
     September 27, 2021 at 1:15 pm
     Whilst it s relatively easy to secure a chicken coop and run, what do you
     do when your chickens are free-range? Keeping free range chickens safe is
     hard but not impossible if you follow the tips below.


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