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Text Content


 * Home
 * Derm DX/TX Module
 * Bio
 * Conditions
   * Back
   * SKIN CONDITIONS: Acne, Aging, Psoriasis
   * ALLERGY: Eczema, Hives, Rashes
   * ANTI-AGINING: Wrinkles, Age Spots
   * AUTOIMMUNE: Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
   * METABOLICS: Diabetes, Celiac, Colitis
 * Skincare
   * Back
   * No More Acne, Naturally
   * Ultimate Skincare Diet
   * Surgery-Free Facelift
   * Integrative Skincare Philosophy
 * Testimonials
 * Book
 * Contact




 * Home
 * Derm DX/TX Module
 * Bio
 * Conditions
   * BACK
   * Conditions
   * SKIN CONDITIONS: Acne, Aging, Psoriasis
   * ALLERGY: Eczema, Hives, Rashes
   * ANTI-AGINING: Wrinkles, Age Spots
   * AUTOIMMUNE: Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
   * METABOLICS: Diabetes, Celiac, Colitis
 * Skincare
   * BACK
   * Skincare
   * No More Acne, Naturally
   * Ultimate Skincare Diet
   * Surgery-Free Facelift
   * Integrative Skincare Philosophy
 * Testimonials
 * Book
 * Contact

 * Blog
 * In the News

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 * We now educate practitioners and individuals on holistic systems, and no
   longer see patients, coach, or refer.
 * A pioneer in the field of Holistic Dermatology for over 30 years, Dr.
   Dattner literally wrote the book on the topic. [Fitzpatrick’s; Integrative
   Derm Chapter]
 * Got acne, pimples, blackheads, or “bacne”? Want to get rid of zits naturally?
   Download this free ebook to get started.
 * The Holistic Dermatologist’s Guide to Healing Your Skin Naturally.

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I am still offering educational information on how to treat your skin, or your
patients’ skin. You can look at the information and blogs on my website.

 * Download and read my comprehensive book on your tablet or computer, read the
   paperback version or listen to the audio version
 * Put your name on my mailing list and get updated information, opportunities
   for courses, and lists of holistic skin practitioners whom I find.

If you are a practitioner, researcher, academic department, or source of funding
interested in building an augmented Information system for Holistic/Integrative
skin health:

 * Let me know if you are a holistic, integrative, dermatology practitioner
   interested in learning from me, carrying on my work, or in partnering to
   create an integrative dermatology data base/augmented Information system. I
   am looking for initial partners to build this and share in informing my
   mailing list of over 10,000 people interested in Holistic care of the skin.

Let me know if you are seeking to partner with someone who has built a working
system through holistic treatment of skin disease

I closed my office a couple of years ago, and no longer see individual patients,
make referrals, or do coaching on line. I am focusing on education of patients
and practitioners.by identifying and interacting with a group of like -minded
practitioners to combine the information I have found helpful over my career
into a system that dermatologists can use to extend their knowledge in helping
patients with natural and the conventional means.

In the bigger picture, I am vitally concerned about the parallels between the
underlying conditions affecting the surface of our body’s surface (skin) and the
conditions affecting the surface of our planet. I want to work with others to
vision ways to improve the inflammation on the surface of the Earth we live on.

Please note that this website and all of the information here is for educational
purposes only. It may prepare you to understand what can be done holistically.
It is not meant to treat, diagnose, or prevent disease: you really need your own
practitioner to help identify the individual factors that are contributing to
your condition, and the best steps to treat it. My information was my best
attempt and bringing you what I understood to be true when it was written, but
it could be out of date or misinterpreted. My book will help you identify
someone who treats the underlying issues, and some of the information you need
to collect to make that visit most productive.

Wishing you all the best of health.


Alan M Dattner, MD



 * Strengthening Your Immune System in the Time of Covid-19 May 8, 2020 Living
   through a pandemic can be frightening, but you don't have to be in the dark
   about how to strengthen your immune system against both COVID-19 and the flu.
   You already may be aware of some risk factors such as obesity, lung or heart
   disease, aging, autoimmune conditions, and immune suppressing medication that
   make COVID-19… read more



I’m a recently graduated hairdresser. I broke out at work. Dr. Dattner
discovered I was allergic to one type of permanent wave chemical but not the
other, and I was able to go back to work in a cleaner shop which did not use the
offending chemical.
Read more
KM, New York
July 14, 2023.
Visiting Dr. Dattner was the best health decision I have ever made. Let me start
by saying that I have suffered with acne pimples and skin problems for most of
my life. He diagnosed what others could not do for so many years. His holistic
approach is top notch and I have no regrets. Now I am truly on my way to
recovery! Thank you Dr. Dattner!!
Read more
Anthony M, Bronx NY
July 14, 2023.
I just want to thank you for the all you did for me. I’m totally healed! No
bumps or lumps on my face. My skin feels and looks so much better. You are an
amazing doctor. I have been clear of rosacea, perioral dermatitis, seborrheic
dermatitis, and the stubborn itchiness that I was affected with at different
times of the month. I have absolutely no trace of any skin condition. Thank you
so much for spending your time and energy with me. I’m very grateful.
Read more
JP, New York
July 14, 2023.
I had a rare itching disorder, located below my shoulder blades, with no visible
rash, known as “notalgia paresthetica”. Dr. Dattner improved my itching with a
program of diet and supplements.
BT, New York
July 14, 2023.
After decades of struggling with fatigue, colds, and muscle ache, I can finally
say I have my life back. I was miserable, and other doctors couldn’t help me.
Under the care of Dr. Dattner within 3 weeks I was welt-free and itch-free. As
time went on he helped address other health issues I was experiencing for years,
including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastritis, and acid reflux. Treatment
has been so successful that I am now working once again.
Read more
BV, New York
July 14, 2023.
I had been on methotrexate for psoriasis. Dr. Dattner suggested I followed a
diet and treatment plan. I did and got as excellent a result in clearing my skin
with just diet and topical medications as she I had gotten with the potentially
life-threatening pharmaceutical methotrexate. Relieved to be off the drugs.
Read more
AP, New York
July 14, 2023.
You did such an amazing job with my daughter’s skincare – it’s amazing you did
it without pharmaceuticals – it is so wonderful to see her as healthy as she is
– and we owe it all to you. Now, her sister wants to see you, too!
Read more
Marisa S.
July 14, 2023.
Thank you for your herbal remedy to fight my severe acne condition. I had a lot
of breakouts particularly on my nose, on a weekly basis. After our visit, I have
seen a tremendous improvement in my skin–my face has cleared up tremendously,
and I feel much happier. In the past I have tried many different remedies, going
to other dermatologists who only prescribed antibiotics, which became a health
hazard over time. I feel so much safer taking herbal remedies. Thank you again.
Read more
JoC, New York
July 14, 2023.
My skin is 100% back to normal and my stomach has never felt better. He has also
helped me understand and treat my tension headaches, sciatica, and back pain. I
have honestly never had a better experience with a health care provider. Not
only is his holistic approach to health incredibly effective, he is a uniquely
thorough and attentive doctor.
Read more
S. K.
July 14, 2023.
I had thin, fine hair, and it was falling out, and also low energy, literally
dragging myself around for the past 20 years. Despite the “normal” thyroid
function tests obtained by my physician using the ELISA technique, which is the
current standard of care, Dr. Dattner was able to determine that I was
clinically hypothyroid. My condition responded to supplements plus a natural
form of thyroid medication with a reduction in my hair loss, hair growth, and a
great increase in energy.
Read more
YL, New York
July 14, 2023.
Dear Dr. Dattner, wanted to write you and say I’m feeling well these
days–stomach is better, no skin eruptions either, thanks to the diet and
supplements. Thanks for everything. All best,
GB, New York
July 14, 2023.
I have had an aggravated skin condition caused by decades of psoriasis on my
scalp, butt and various other areas. Dr. Dattner prescribed organic grape door
salve and cleared up some areas in days and got other areas under control. I
feel extremely gratified.

Read more
Bob L
July 14, 2023.
My doctors were worried I had leukemia because I had a high “eosinophil count”
in my blood test. Dr. Dattner did a lot of research and found I had amoebic
parasites in my intestine which caused the problem in my blood. He treated me
and I followed his program, and my case improved–my blood test changed, and my
other doctors no longer feared I had leukemia.
Read more
HL, New York
July 14, 2023.
I used to have heartburn. I awoke with pain or had pain in the abdomen 2-3 times
per day. Dr Dattner suggested that I take a particular herb, and I haven’t had
abdominal pain since I began taking it.

EL, New York
July 14, 2023.
Dr. Dattner is an extremely gifted physician who helped me recover from a
painful and disfiguring skin disorder. He identified my autoimmune damage, and
within days, dramatic improvement occurred. I could finally sleep, and uncover
my face, due to the reduction of pain and inflammation, after having seen many
doctors. With gratitude and appreciation, I have only the highest recommendation
for Dr. Dattner.
Read more
MK, New York
July 14, 2023.
My neurologist sent me for a severe and unusual form of facial rash. Dr. Dattner
treated me with specific forms of B vitamins and essential fatty acids that not
only improved my face, but also improved a rare neurologic condition which was
making it hard for me to balance when walking or standing, or use my hands and
fingers. Thank you.
Read more
JN, New York
July 14, 2023.



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Freedom from skin disorders
Natural alternatives to drugs
Improve mood, metabolism, & energy



Integrative Skin Treatments
Acne & Pimples
Premature Aging
Puffiness & Dark Circles Under Eyes
Sun Damage
Dry Skin & Dandruff
Auto Immune
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Digestion & Leaky Gut
Candida & Yeast




 * Reducing inflammation
 * Clearing acne naturally
 * Diagnosing "leaky gut"
 * Treating allergies & rashes
 * Natural anti-aging strategies


 * Strengthening Your Immune System in the Time of Covid-19
 * New findings in Food allergy related Eczema
 * New Studies in Eczema


 * Blog
 * In the News
 * Book
 * Bio
 * Testimonials
 * Contact

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