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    <h2 class="">Inspiring Innovation with IEEE Xplore at Ericsson </h2>
    <div class="">Register below for one of three worldwide webinars on October 26th to learn more about Ericsson's IEEE <i>Xplore</i> institutional subscription and how to access the subscription via single-sign on.<br>
      <br> This 45 minute briefing will cover best practices for using the IEEE <i>Xplore</i> digital library, including how to: <br> - stay up to date on the latest technology breakthroughs with saved search alerts<br> - leverage easy to use tools
      to find influential papers and most popular papers<br> - copy equations and figures from full text HTML articles<br> - uncover competitive information and technology influencers with the author and author affiliation fields<br> - take advantage
      of features to improve research productivity including My Research Projects and My Favorite Journals<br> - and more!
    <li id="fo603li1882" class="notranslate first section      ">
        <h3 id="title1882"> Register below to attend an IEEE <i>Xplore</i> webinar. </h3>
        <div id="instruct1882"><span style="color: #FF0000;">* All Fields Required</span></div>
    <li id="fo603li1883" class="notranslate      ">
      <label class="desc" id="title1883"> Name <span id="req_1883" class="req">*</span>
        <input id="Field1883" name="Field1883" type="text" class="field text fn" value="" size="8" tabindex="0" onkeyup="handleInput(this);" onchange="handleInput(this);" placeholder="" required="">
        <label for="Field1883">First</label>
        <input id="Field1884" name="Field1884" type="text" class="field text ln" value="" size="14" tabindex="0" onkeyup="handleInput(this);" onchange="handleInput(this);" placeholder="" required="">
        <label for="Field1884">Last</label>
    <li id="fo603li1886" class="notranslate      ">
      <label class="desc" id="title1886" for="Field1886"> Ericsson Email Address <span id="req_1886" class="req">*</span>
        <input id="Field1886" name="Field1886" type="email" spellcheck="false" class="field text medium" value="" maxlength="255" tabindex="0" onkeyup="handleInput(this);" onchange="handleInput(this);" placeholder="" required="">
    <li id="fo603li2519" class="     ">
        <!--[if !IE | (gte IE 8)]-->
        <legend id="title2519" class="desc notranslate"> Select a Webinar: <span id="req_2519" class="req">*</span>
        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
	<label id="title2519" class="desc">
		Select a Webinar:
				<span id="req_2519" class="req">*</span>
          <input id="radioDefault_2519" name="Field2519" type="hidden" value="">
            <input id="Field2519_0" name="Field2519" type="radio" class="field radio" value="Asia: October 26 @ 11:30 am India Standard Time" tabindex="0" onchange="handleInput(this);" onmouseup="handleInput(this);" required="">
            <label class="choice" for="Field2519_0">
              <span class="choice__text notranslate">Asia: October 26 @ 11:30 am India Standard Time</span>
              <span class="choice__qty">
            <input id="Field2519_1" name="Field2519" type="radio" class="field radio" value="Europe: October 26 @ 10:00 am Central European Time" tabindex="0" onchange="handleInput(this);" onmouseup="handleInput(this);" required="">
            <label class="choice" for="Field2519_1">
              <span class="choice__text notranslate">Europe: October 26 @ 10:00 am Central European Time</span>
              <span class="choice__qty">
            <input id="Field2519_2" name="Field2519" type="radio" class="field radio" value="Americas: October 26 @ 1:00 pm US Eastern Time" tabindex="0" onchange="handleInput(this);" onmouseup="handleInput(this);" required="">
            <label class="choice" for="Field2519_2">
              <span class="choice__text notranslate">Americas: October 26 @ 1:00 pm US Eastern Time</span>
              <span class="choice__qty">
    <li id="fo603li456" class="notranslate section      ">
        <h3 id="title456">
        <div id="instruct456"><b>Click the links below to see your local time for each session:</b><br>
          <img src=""
            alt="image"><a href=";iso=20211026T1130&amp;p1=771">View World Clock for Asia session</a><br>
          <img src=""
            alt="image"><a href=";iso=20211026T10&amp;p1=37">View World Clock for Europe session</a><br>
          <img src=""
            alt="image"><a href=";iso=20211026T13&amp;p1=179">View World Clock for Americas Session</a><br>
          <br> You will receive an automated email response to your registration with the WebEx online meeting details after you submit your registration from by clicking the Register button below.
    <li id="fo603li2009" class="     ">
        <!--[if !IE | (gte IE 8)]-->
        <legend id="title2009" class="desc notranslate">
          <span id="req_2009" class="req">*</span>
        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
	<label id="title2009" class="desc">
				<span id="req_2009" class="req">*</span>
          <span class="subfield">
            <input id="Field2009" name="Field2009" type="checkbox" class="field checkbox" value="<b> I have read and accept <a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_&quot;>IEEE Privacy Policy</a>. </b>"
              tabindex="0" onchange="handleInput(this);">
            <label class="choice" for="Field2009">
              <span class="choice__text notranslate"><b> I have read and accept <a href="" target="_">IEEE Privacy Policy</a>. </b></span>
              <span class="choice__qty">
      <p class="instruct" id="instruct2009">
        <small>By accepting the IEEE Privacy Policy, you are providing IEEE with the ability to communicate with you about IEEE <i>Xplore</i> and related information.</small>
    <li id="fo603li2211" class="     ">
        <!--[if !IE | (gte IE 8)]-->
        <legend id="title2211" class="desc notranslate">
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        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
	<label id="title2211" class="desc">
		<span style="color: #ffffff;">&nbsp;</span>
				<span id="req_2211" class="req">*</span>
          <span class="subfield">
            <input id="Field2211" name="Field2211" type="checkbox" class="field checkbox"
              value="<b> I have read and accept the <a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_&quot;>Webinar Terms and Conditions</a>. </b>" tabindex="0" onchange="handleInput(this);">
            <label class="choice" for="Field2211">
              <span class="choice__text notranslate"><b> I have read and accept the <a href="" target="_">Webinar Terms and Conditions</a>. </b></span>
              <span class="choice__qty">
    <li id="fo603li2312" class="     ">
        <!--[if !IE | (gte IE 8)]-->
        <legend id="title2312" class="desc notranslate">
          <span style="color: #ffffff;">&nbsp;</span>
        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
	<label id="title2312" class="desc">
		<span style="color: #ffffff;">&nbsp;</span>
          <span class="subfield">
            <input id="Field2312" name="Field2312" type="checkbox" class="field checkbox" value="<b> I would also like to receive information on additional IEEE products, services, and events. </b>" tabindex="0" onchange="handleInput(this);">
            <label class="choice" for="Field2312">
              <span class="choice__text notranslate"><b> I would also like to receive information on additional IEEE products, services, and events. </b></span>
              <span class="choice__qty">
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      <input type="hidden" id="idstamp" name="idstamp" value="bYYk0oAzTe20y1XjPzAeaA==">
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      <input type="hidden" id="clickOrEnter" name="clickOrEnter" value="">

Text Content



Register below for one of three worldwide webinars on October 26th to learn more
about Ericsson's IEEE Xplore institutional subscription and how to access the
subscription via single-sign on.

This 45 minute briefing will cover best practices for using the IEEE Xplore
digital library, including how to:
- stay up to date on the latest technology breakthroughs with saved search
- leverage easy to use tools to find influential papers and most popular papers
- copy equations and figures from full text HTML articles
- uncover competitive information and technology influencers with the author and
author affiliation fields
- take advantage of features to improve research productivity including My
Research Projects and My Favorite Journals
- and more!

   * All Fields Required
 * Name * First Last
 * Ericsson Email Address *
 * Select a Webinar: *
   Asia: October 26 @ 11:30 am India Standard Time Europe: October 26 @ 10:00 am
   Central European Time Americas: October 26 @ 1:00 pm US Eastern Time

 * Click the links below to see your local time for each session:
   View World Clock for Asia session
   View World Clock for Europe session
   View World Clock for Americas Session
   You will receive an automated email response to your registration with the
   WebEx online meeting details after you submit your registration from by
   clicking the Register button below.
 * *
   I have read and accept IEEE Privacy Policy.
   By accepting the IEEE Privacy Policy, you are providing IEEE with the ability
   to communicate with you about IEEE Xplore and related information.

 *   *
   I have read and accept the Webinar Terms and Conditions.
   I would also like to receive information on additional IEEE products,
   services, and events.
 * Do Not Fill This Out